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+# New Go SDK Design
+This document highlights the work to be done to create a new Go SDK to write Dracon components.
+**Table of contents:**
+* [Objectives](#objectives)
+* [Callouts](#callouts)
+* [Proposal](#proposal)
+ * [Structure and contributions guidelines](#proposal-structure)
+ * [Component API](#proposal-component-api)
+ * [First pass - simple components](#proposal-component-api-first-pass)
+ * [Creating a new component](#proposal-component-api-first-pass-create)
+ * [Running a component](#proposal-component-api-first-pass-running)
+ * [Defaults](#proposal-component-api-first-pass-defaults)
+ * [Example](#proposal-component-api-first-pass-example)
+ * [Second pass - environment aware components](#proposal-component-api-second-pass)
+ * [Why the first pass is not enough](#proposal-component-api-second-pass-why)
+ * [A new environment aware runner](#proposal-component-api-second-pass-env-aware-runner)
+ * [Creating a new component](#proposal-component-api-second-pass-create-new-component)
+ * [Example](#proposal-component-api-second-pass-example)
+ * [Wrapping it up](#proposal-component-api-second-pass-wrap)
+ * [Components catalog](#proposal-components-catalog)
+ * [Default readers/writers](#proposal-default-readers-writers)
+ * [Local](#proposal-default-readers-writers-local)
+ * [SAAS](#proposal-default-readers-writers-saas)
+## Objectives
+* Create an SDK to write components in a predictable way
+* The SDK should take care of how a component runs and should handle:
+ * logging, monitoring and tracing
+ * panics
+ * graceful shutdown and cancellations
+ * health checks
+* Provide a set of reusable building blocks to perform common operations, such as reading from a source
+* Provision a simple default storage (overridable) to allow transferring information between different components
+* Standardise environment aware components: initialisation, execution and shutdown
+* Represent information shared between components using [ocsf](https://github.com/ocsf/examples/tree/main) format
+ leveraging protobuf and generated code
+* Make SDK and components easy to test
+* Work towards being able to run components with zero dependencies locally (single binary)
+## Callouts
+* This document covers ONLY how to create new components via SDK
+* The advertised proposal will be worked on incrementally
+* Some more technical bits about retries, metrics and so on have been left out for the moment.
+ We'll discuss them as a follow-up in RFCs.
+* The implementation will likely differ a bit from the proposal as we'll tweak the final the SDK
+ while migrating components. We'll track the various changes to the SDK with RFCs.
+* The proposed environment variables will be heavily documented and validated
+* A default `context.Context` is being currently passed around in the examples for the SDK.
+ This will most likely change with an internal `component.Context` which still preserves `context.Context`
+ semantics like cancellation etc but also provides stronger typing for context values which will be
+ most likely used to get re-usable debugging/monitoring bits around the components. I.E. `component.GetLoggerFromContext(ctx)`.
+ This is similar to how lots of workflow engines execute on this, for example [Temporal](https://typescript.temporal.io/api/classes/activity.Context).
+## Proposal
+### Structure and contributions guidelines
+The code for the new SDK will live in this repository in the `sdk/component` directory.
+The SDK will have its own go module `github.com/ocurity/dracon/sdk/component` with its own set of dependencies.
+> Why?
+> * having a separate directory helps keeping responsibilities segregated
+> * having a separate module helps keeping dependencies separate, we want very few dependencies on the core SDK to boost adoption
+> * it's trivial to move the SDK in its own repository, if needed
+> * independent versioning from dracon-oss
+The structure of the files will follow these guidelines:
+├── ...
+├── sdk/
+│ └── component/
+│ ├── go.mod
+│ ├── component.go
+│ ├── reader.go
+│ ├── writer.go
+│ ├── transformer.go
+│ ├── ...
+│ └── examples/
+└── ...
+** The file names are an example
+All the files belonging to the SDK will leave on the root level of the package to simplify import paths.
+Unexported code MUST be unexported or live inside the `internal/` directory.
+### Component API
+#### First pass - simple components
+At its core, regardless of the type of the component, each one of them has to perform 3 actions:
+* `Read`: read raw information from some source - filesystem, database, api, ...
+* `Transform`: perform operations to enrich the raw data based on the context - adding annotations, call an api, ...
+* `Write`: write the enriched results - filesystem, database, api ...
+Different components implement these actions in one way or another. Some of them can be NOOP.
+The components share information between different actions. This information follows a predictable format of a vulnerability report.
+This means that we can provide a minimum set of API to guide the creation of new components. The Component API will be represented by a `Runner` interface which can be satisfied to implement a new component:
+// Runner advertises the actions that need to be implemented by a Smithy component.
+type Runner interface {
+ // Read should be implemented to read Smithy's raw input from an underlying data source.
+ Read(ctx context.Context) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error)
+ // Transform should be implemented to process and enrich the raw input into an enriched output.
+ Transform(ctx context.Context, in *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error)
+ // Write should be implemented to store the enriched results into an underlying data destination.
+ Write(ctx context.Context, out *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) error
+[`v1.VulnerabilityFinding`](https://schema.ocsf.io/1.3.0/classes/vulnerability_finding?extensions=) is used to represent raw and enriched vulnerability reports.
+This will help us optimising for compatibility with other tools.
+##### Creating a new component
+In order to create a new component, we can define the following configuration type and its constructor:
+// Config contains the component configuration.
+type (
+ Config struct {}
+ // ConfigOption can be used to override configuration defaults.
+ // For example overriding the default logger.
+ ConfigOption func(*Config) error
+// NewConfig returns a new component configuration with overridable defaults.
+func NewConfig(opts ConfigOption...) (*Config, error) {
+ ...
+ cfg := &Config{
+ // Logger: defaultLogger{},
+ }
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ if err := opt(cfg); err != nil { ... }
+ }
+ return cfg, nil
+`Config` will contain different dependencies that are used by the component for shared functionalities:
+* logging
+* panic handling
+* metrics
+* ...
+We'll cover it more in depth later.
+Now we can define a basic concrete private component type and its constructor:
+type component struct {
+ config *Config
+func New(config *Config) (*component, error) { ... }
+> Why is this private?
+> * We make sure to not allow manipulating an instance of a component outside the supplied methods
+> * We keep our public SDK API small
+> * The only way to get a new component is via constructor so we can ensure that some internals are
+> \> initialised with defaults
+##### Running a component
+After instantiating a component, this can be executed using the `Run` method.
+`Run` will prepare the execution context for a component by running the run actions and providing:
+* signal/cancellation termination handling + graceful shutdown
+* panic handling
+* [setting GOMAXPROCS to match Linux container CPU quota](https://github.com/uber-go/automaxprocs)
+* exposing/pushing metrics + registering default metrics
+* exposing health checks for long-lived components
+* emitting traces
+* profiling server
+* ...
+* supporting any other reliability capability
+func (c *component) Run(ctx context.Context, runner Runner) error {
+ // set GOMAXPROCS correctly for containers
+ // handle metrics/logs/traces/profiler
+ // handle panics
+ // handle health checks for long-lived components
+ ...
+ in, err := runner.Read(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Read step: %w", err)
+ }
+ out, err := runner.Transform(ctx, in)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Transform step: %w", err)
+ }
+ if err := runner.Write(ctx, out); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Write step: %w", err)
+ }
+ return nil
+The code above is just an example; the idea is that `Run` will execute the `Runner` actions
+and provide for free a lot of functionalities that are needed to build reliable, debuggable and efficient components.
+The actions executed by run will be configurable and have notions of retry policies and custom error handling.
+*Not all of these functionalities will be provided from day one. They'll be added one at a time.*
+##### Defaults
+The component SDK is designed to provide overridable smart defaults to provide reliability, monitoring and debugging
+capabilities for free to adopters.
+These functionalities will be shared across actions and configured in `Config`.
+We won't cover them all here. Just to give an example, considering logging and panic handling:
+type (
+ // PanicHandler defines a generic contract for handling panics following the recover semantics.
+ PanicHandler interface {
+ HandlePanic()
+ }
+ // Logger exposes an slog.Logger compatible logger contract.
+ Logger interface {
+ Debug(msg string, keyvals ...any)
+ Info(msg string, keyvals ...any)
+ Warn(msg string, keyvals ...any)
+ Error(msg string, keyvals ...any)
+ }
+ Config struct {
+ Logger Logger
+ PanicHandler PanicHandler
+ }
+ // ConfigOption can be used to override configuration defaults.
+ // For example overriding the default logger.
+ ConfigOption func(*Config) error
+ defaultPanicHandler struct {
+ logger Logger
+ }
+func (dph defaultPanicHandler) HandlePanic() {
+ if err := recover(); err != nil {
+ dph.logger.Error("recovered from panic: %v", err)
+ }
+// NewConfig returns a new configuration with overridable defaults.
+func NewConfig(opts ConfigOption...) (*Config, error) {
+ logger := Logger: log.New(slog.NewJSONHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{
+ Level: slog.LevelDebug,
+ }))
+ cfg := &Config{
+ Logger: logger,
+ PanicHandler: defaultPanicHandler{logger: logger},
+ }
+ for _, opt := range opts {
+ if err := opt(cfg); err != nil { ... }
+ }
+ return cfg, nil
+##### Example
+Essentially, one has to just implement a `Runner` to create a new component and that will be it.
+ Simple Example
+package main
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ocurity/dracon/sdk/component"
+ "github.com/ocurity/dracon/api/gen/com/github/ocsf/ocsf-schema/v1"
+// simpleComponent parses a Vulnerability Findings report from JSON
+// enriches it and stores the processed output to SQLite.
+type simpleComponent struct{}
+func (s simpleComponent) Read(ctx context.Context) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error) {
+ b, err := os.ReadFile("input.json")
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read input: %w", err)
+ }
+ // Parse to *v1.VulnerabilityFinding
+ return &v1.VulnerabilityFinding{}, nil
+func (s simpleComponent) Write(ctx context.Context, out *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) error {
+ // Write finding to SQLite
+ return nil
+func (s simpleComponent) Transform(ctx context.Context, in *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) (output *v1.VulnerabilityFinding, err error) {
+ // Enrich and transform Input in Output
+ return &v1.VulnerabilityFinding{}, nil
+func main() {
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
+ defer cancel()
+ cfg, err := component.NewConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not create configuration: %v", err)
+ }
+ c, err := component.New(cfg)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not create component: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := c.Run(ctx, &simpleComponent{}); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not run component: %v", err)
+ }
+### Second pass - environment aware components
+#### Why the first pass is not enough
+The first pass takes us closer to our objectives, but when we think about maintaining multiple components it can make
+our lives more complicated, why so?
+* Code configuration for a component is required. One has to create (or re-use) a `Runner` and initialise its various bits:
+ Reader, Writer and Transformer. Often this is done based on environment variables lookup. 💡 *Ideally this is done by the SDK.*
+* Updating a component to read from, for example, `S3` to `MongoDB` would require a code change. A new
+ reader should be initialised correctly and swapped in the implementation of `Runner.` 💡 *Ideally this can be done automatically by the SDK.*
+* Customisation for components could be simplified and made more dynamic. 💡 *Perhaps the SDK core doesn't change but we can dynamically use a reader, writer or transformer*
+> What if we re-think the runner to be more environment aware and support automatically bootstrapping and serving
+> different readers, writers and transformers while not requiring significant code changes? Perhaps just a dependency bump
+> will do.
+#### A new environment aware runner
+To introduce a notion of environment aware runner, we need to think about what environment we depend on.
+We need to be:
+* aware of which readers, writers and transformers to use
+* which extra parameters and steps are needed to bring the latter up
+It's clear that to build a platform that makes sense, we need to define at least three basic environment variables:
+| Environment Variable | Required | Type | Default | Possible Values |
+| READER | yes | string | none | \[s3, mongodb, ...] |
+| WRITER | yes | string | none | \[s3, mongodb, ...] |
+| TRANSFORMER | yes | string | none | \[codeowners, deduplication, ...] |
+And we need an association between Reader, Writer and Transformer names to which actions to bootstrap and execute.
+Once the association has been figured out, we can boostrap the actions for the component. To do so, we need to
+have a boostrap step on each action.
+We could revisit our `Run` functions to do exactly that.
+type (
+ Reader interface {
+ Construct(ctx context.Context) (Reader, error)
+ Read(ctx context.Context) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error)
+ }
+ Writer interface {
+ Construct(ctx context.Context) (Writer, error)
+ Write(ctx context.Context, out *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) error
+ }
+ Transformer interface {
+ Construct(ctx context.Context) (Transformer, error)
+ Transform(ctx context.Context, in *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error)
+ }
+ Config struct {
+ ...
+ // extra fields for configuration like showed in the first pass
+ ...
+ Reader Reader
+ Writer Writer
+ Transformer Transformer
+ }
+func Run(ctx context.Context, cfg *Config...) error {
+ // If cfg not passed, get a default configuration.
+ // In this step also look for READER, WRITER and TRANSFORMER configurations.
+ cfg, err := NewConfig()
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to create new configuration: %w", err)
+ }
+ // 1. What's the value of READER|WRITER|TRANSFORMER environment variable?
+ // 2. Does it match a known reader?
+ ok, err := checkEnv(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("could not construct reader: %w", err)
+ }
+ r, err := reader.Construct(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("could not construct reader: %w", err)
+ }
+ w, err := writer.Construct(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("could not construct writer: %w", err)
+ }
+ t, err := transformer.Construct(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("could not construct writer: %w", err)
+ }
+ // set GOMAXPROCS correctly for containers
+ // handle metrics/logs/traces/profiler
+ // handle panics
+ // handle health checks for long-lived components
+ ...
+ // The following steps most likely have to be run concurrently and indefinitely
+ // for long-lived actions e.g. read from a Kafka topic.
+ in, err := r.Read(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Read step: %w", err)
+ }
+ out, err := t.Transform(ctx, in)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Transform step: %w", err)
+ }
+ if err := w.Write(ctx, out); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute Write step: %w", err)
+ }
+ return nil
+This is overly simplified but the idea is to automatically create actions and perform transformations
+like in the first pass and preserving all the niceties.
+#### Creating a new component
+Now creating a new component would require the following code:
+func main() {
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
+ defer cancel()
+ if err := component.Run(ctx); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not run component: %v", err)
+ }
+Assuming that the environment is set and the actions are already existing, that would be it.
+##### Example
+But how do we connect the dots if we want to write a custom action?
+Assuming a scenario where we want to read from MongoDB, then enrich with CODEOWNERS tags and then store the results back to MongoDB.
+We can hypothetically create a MongoDB reader/writer:
+package mongodb
+import "context"
+type ReadWriter struct {
+ // db *mongo.DB
+func (rw *ReadWriter) Construct(ctx context.Context) (*ReadWriter, error) {
+ // 1. Lookup for environment variables to create a new MongoDB client:
+ // - collection name
+ // - url
+ // - ...
+ // 2. Create the client.
+ return &ReadWriter{}, nil
+func (rw *ReadWriter) Read(ctx context.Context) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error) {
+ // 1. Read document(s) from collection
+ // 2. Parse to *v1.VulnerabilityFinding
+ return v1.VulnerabilityFinding{}, nil
+func (rw *ReadWriter) Write(ctx context.Context, out *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) error {
+ // 1. Parse output to MongoDB document
+ // 2. Write to collection
+ return nil
+Assuming that the environment is set:
+| Environment Variable | Required | Type | Default | Possible Values |
+| RW\_MONGODB\_DB\_URL | yes | string | none | - |
+| RW\_MONGODB\_COLLECTION\_NAME | yes | string | none | - |
+And a CODEOWNERS enrichment transformation:
+package codeowners
+import "context"
+type Transformer struct {}
+func (t *Transformer) Construct(ctx context.Context) (*Transformer, error) {
+ // 1. Lookup for environment variables to create a new CODEOWNERS transformer:
+ // - repo name
+ // - url
+ // - ...
+ return &Transformer{}, nil
+func (t *Transformer) Transform(ctx context.Context, in *v1.VulnerabilityFinding) (*v1.VulnerabilityFinding, error) {
+ // perform transformation
+ return &v1.VulnerabilityFinding{}, nil
+Assuming that the environment is set:
+| Environment Variable | Required | Type | Default | Possible Values |
+| TRANSFORMER\_CODEOWNERS\_REPO\_NAME | yes | string | none | - |
+| TRANSFORMER\_CODEOWNERS\_VCS\_URL | yes | string | none | - |
+##### Wrapping it up
+Going back to the previous example on how to run our component, we'd basically need:
+func main() {
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
+ defer cancel()
+ if err := component.Run(ctx); err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not run component: %v", err)
+ }
+And the following environment:
+| Environment Variable | Value |
+| READER | mongodb |
+| WRITER | mongodb |
+| TRANSFORMER | codeowners |
+| RW\_MONGODB\_DB\_URL | mongodb://localhost:27017/reports |
+| RW\_MONGODB\_COLLECTION\_NAME | vuln-reports |
+### Components catalog
+Having this simple, transparent and solid foundation for creating new components means that we can
+now provide more out-of-the box ways to get re-usable components and bits.
+We can create a separate directory where we can contribute new:
+* readers
+* writers
+* transformers
+* components
+Each one of these components and actions will have their own go module and dependencies
+to minimise pollution and making individual maintenance easier.
+For instance, we can provide re-usable readers, writers and transformers to read/write/transform
+data from/to different source/destinations. Then, such bits can be re-used to create components.
+For example:
+├── readwriter/
+│ ├── sqlite/
+│ │ ├── go.mod
+│ │ ├── reader.go
+│ │ └── writer.go
+│ ├── remote-rpc/
+│ │ ├── go.mod
+│ │ ├── reader.go
+│ │ └── writer.go
+│ └── elasticsearch/
+│ ├── go.mod
+│ ├── reader.go
+│ └── writer.go
+│ └── transformer/
+│ ├── atom-enricher/
+│ │ └── go.mod
+│ ├── tagger/
+│ │ └── go.mod
+│ └── prioritiser/
+│ └── go.mod
+The components will follow the known structure and just re-use actions or define their own
+to implement the goals of the component.
+One can see a scenario where an SQLite reader/writer can be used between multiple components
+to read/write Vulnerability Reports from/to.
+### Default readers/writers
+We want to provide as soon as possible two reader/writer solutions for both local and saas environments.
+The reason is to speed up development as well as going closer to having a way to run components more easily.
+#### Local
+For local settings, we want to use an [Embedded Database](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embedded_database) which
+is lightweight and doesn't require a standalone application or container to run.
+This should drastically help running components locally and driving adoption given the benefits in terms
+of development experience.
+Ultimately, this will be a new `Reader/Writer`.
+Our decision is to experiment with [SQLite](https://www.sqlite.org/).
+Some of the reasons while we decided to experiment with it are:
+* Self-contained: SQLite is a single library that doesn't require separate server software or configuration, making it easy to integrate directly into applications.
+* Lightweight: With a small footprint, ideal for embedded systems and applications with limited resources.
+* Zero-configuration: SQLite doesn't require a server to set up or maintain, simplifying deployment and reducing maintenance costs.
+* Cross-platform: It works on multiple operating systems, ensuring broad compatibility for embedded systems.
+* SQL compatible API: Knowing SQL is all it takes to use SQLite. There are several packages to interact with SQLite like [go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3).
+* Reliable: SQLite supports atomic transactions, ensuring data integrity, even in case of crashes or power failures.
+* Fast for small-scale applications: It is optimized for read-heavy workloads and provides high performance for smaller datasets, making it ideal for lightweight use cases.
+* Public domain: SQLite is free and open-source, with no licensing fees, which makes it attractive for commercial and non-commercial use.
+It's great in environments where a database service is not necessary.
+We did a small experiment [here](https://github.com/ocurity/sqlite-go-spike).
+#### SAAS
+For `SAAS` we decided to invest in a more sophisticated system to abstract reads/writes to different places.
+We'll create a [gRPC](https://grpc.io/) API Gateway which will provide an RPC to store Vulnerability Reports into different data storages.
+This RPC will capture the flags needed to understand on which data target to write.
+This will boost massively productivity as all components will be able to re-use this single RPC
+and we'll be able to hide the complexity away and add extra niceties.
+Ultimately, this will be a new `Reader/Writer` part of the `Runner` contract.
+We'll discuss this further in a separate RFC.