- A Kafka Cluster visible to AsyncAPI Event-Gateway.
The Kafka proxy is mostly configured by setting some properties on the server
Server property | Type | Description | Default | Required | examples |
x-eventgateway-listener | string | Configure the mapping between remote broker address (the address set in the broker server URL field) and desired local address. Format is remotehost:remoteport,localhost:localport . Multiple values can be configured by using pipe separation (| ) |<remote-server-port> |
No | test.mykafkacluster.org:8092,localhost:28002 , test.mykafkacluster.org:8092,localhost:28002|test2.mykafkacluster.org:8092,localhost:28003 |
x-eventgateway-dial-mapping | string | Override a broker address with another address the proxy will use when connecting. Format is remotehost:remoteport,new-remotehost:new-remoteport . Multiple values can be configured by using pipe separation (| ) |
- | No |,test.myeventgateway.org:8092 , test.mykafkacluster.org:8092,mykafkacluster.org:8092,| test.mykafkacluster.org:8093,mykafkacluster.org:8093` |
# ...
url: broker.mybrokers.org:9092
protocol: kafka
x-eventgateway-listener: 28002 # optional. will be used instead if missing.
x-eventgateway-dial-mapping: ',test.myeventgateway.org:8092' # optional.
# ...
Some advanced configuration is only available through environment variables.
Environment variable | Type | Description | Default | Required | examples |
EVENTGATEWAY_KAFKA_PROXY_ADDRESS | string | Address for this proxy. Clients will use this address as host when connecting to the brokers through this proxy, so it should be reachable by your clients. Most probably a domain name. | |
No | event-gateway-demo.asyncapi.com |
EVENTGATEWAY_KAFKA_PROXY_BROKER_FROM_SERVER | string | When set, only the specified server will be considered instead of all servers. | - | No | name-of-server1 , server-test |
EVENTGATEWAY_KAFKA_PROXY_MESSAGE_VALIDATION_ENABLED | boolean | Enable or disable validation of Kafka messages | true |
No | true , false |
EVENTGATEWAY_KAFKA_PROXY_EXTRA_FLAGS | string | Advanced configuration. Configure any flag from here. Multiple values can be configured by using pipe separation (| ) |
- | No | tls-enable=true|tls-client-cert-file=/opt/var/service.cert|tls-client-key-file=/opt/var/service.key |