- Improve file checking prior to cutout creation to avoid errors [#52]
- Add remote cutout functionality (requires astropy 5.2 or above) [#76]
- Add cutout combine functionality [#45]
- Add moving target cutout functionality [#40]
- Add iterative cubing and user selected max memory [#35]
- Update wcs fitting to match Astropy (and use Astropy when available) [#29]
- Limit the number of pixels used for WCS fitting to 100 [#30]
- Deprecate drop_after and handle inconsistant wcs keywords automatically [#31]
- Change the memmap access mode from ACCESS_COPY to ACCESS_READ to lower memory usage. [#33]
- Adding fits_cut function [#17]
- Doc update (explain time column) [#19]
- Adding img_cut and normalize_img [#21]
- Improve cutout filenames, change minmax_cut to minmax_value [#24]
- Add error handling when reading data raises an exception [#28]
- Adding more unit tests and coveralls setup [#11]
- Adding workaround for FFIs with bad WCS info [#12]
- Adding linear WCS approximation for cutouts [#14]
- Formatting update. [#5]
- Making the sperture extension use integers. [#6]
- Setting the creator keyword to astrocute. [#7]
- Adding automated testing. [#8]
- Uniform formatting on target pixel file names. [#10]
- Improved WCS handling
- Additional TESS keywords
- A handlful of bugfixes
- Initial release. Includes features!