public class Solution {
HashMap<Integer, Integer> hm = new HashMap<>();
public int numSquares(int n) {
if (hm.containsKey(n)) {
return hm.get(n);
int maxSquare = (int) Math.sqrt(n);
if(maxSquare * maxSquare == n)
return 1;
int min = n;
for(int i = maxSquare; i > 0; i--){
int temp = 1 + numSquares(n - i * i);
if(temp < min)
min = temp;
hm.put(n, min);
return min;
虽然这样快了很多,但是还有可优化的余地。以下是别人的代码作为参考(c++): ###1.Dynamic Programming: 440ms
class Solution
int numSquares(int n)
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
// cntPerfectSquares[i] = the least number of perfect square numbers
// which sum to i. Note that cntPerfectSquares[0] is 0.
vector<int> cntPerfectSquares(n + 1, INT_MAX);
cntPerfectSquares[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
// For each i, it must be the sum of some number (i - j*j) and
// a perfect square number (j*j).
for (int j = 1; j*j <= i; j++)
cntPerfectSquares[i] =
min(cntPerfectSquares[i], cntPerfectSquares[i - j*j] + 1);
return cntPerfectSquares.back();
###2.Static Dynamic Programming: 12ms
class Solution
int numSquares(int n)
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
// cntPerfectSquares[i] = the least number of perfect square numbers
// which sum to i. Since cntPerfectSquares is a static vector, if
// cntPerfectSquares.size() > n, we have already calculated the result
// during previous function calls and we can just return the result now.
static vector<int> cntPerfectSquares({0});
// While cntPerfectSquares.size() <= n, we need to incrementally
// calculate the next result until we get the result for n.
while (cntPerfectSquares.size() <= n)
int m = cntPerfectSquares.size();
int cntSquares = INT_MAX;
for (int i = 1; i*i <= m; i++)
cntSquares = min(cntSquares, cntPerfectSquares[m - i*i] + 1);
return cntPerfectSquares[n];
这个方法是定义了一个静态的数组,初始的大小只有1,存放着0这个元素。然后在计算的时候,n比该数组要大,那么就扩充该数组,扩充的n的大小,并把新扩充的数据都计算出来,这里的数据就是最少完全数的数目。 ###3.Mathematical Solution: 4ms
class Solution
int is_square(int n)
int sqrt_n = (int)(sqrt(n));
return (sqrt_n*sqrt_n == n);
// Based on Lagrange's Four Square theorem, there
// are only 4 possible results: 1, 2, 3, 4.
int numSquares(int n)
// If n is a perfect square, return 1.
return 1;
// The result is 4 if and only if n can be written in the
// form of 4^k*(8*m + 7). Please refer to
// Legendre's three-square theorem.
while ((n & 3) == 0) // n%4 == 0
n >>= 2;
if ((n & 7) == 7) // n%8 == 7
return 4;
// Check whether 2 is the result.
int sqrt_n = (int)(sqrt(n));
for(int i = 1; i <= sqrt_n; i++)
if (is_square(n - i*i))
return 2;
return 3;
数学方法,看看就好 ###4.Breadth-First Search: 80ms
class Solution
int numSquares(int n)
if (n <= 0)
return 0;
// perfectSquares contain all perfect square numbers which
// are smaller than or equal to n.
vector<int> perfectSquares;
// cntPerfectSquares[i - 1] = the least number of perfect
// square numbers which sum to i.
vector<int> cntPerfectSquares(n);
// Get all the perfect square numbers which are smaller than
// or equal to n.
for (int i = 1; i*i <= n; i++)
cntPerfectSquares[i*i - 1] = 1;
// If n is a perfect square number, return 1 immediately.
if (perfectSquares.back() == n)
return 1;
// Consider a graph which consists of number 0, 1,...,n as
// its nodes. Node j is connected to node i via an edge if
// and only if either j = i + (a perfect square number) or
// i = j + (a perfect square number). Starting from node 0,
// do the breadth-first search. If we reach node n at step
// m, then the least number of perfect square numbers which
// sum to n is m. Here since we have already obtained the
// perfect square numbers, we have actually finished the
// search at step 1.
queue<int> searchQ;
for (auto& i : perfectSquares)
int currCntPerfectSquares = 1;
while (!searchQ.empty())
int searchQSize = searchQ.size();
for (int i = 0; i < searchQSize; i++)
int tmp = searchQ.front();
// Check the neighbors of node tmp which are the sum
// of tmp and a perfect square number.
for (auto& j : perfectSquares)
if (tmp + j == n)
// We have reached node n.
return currCntPerfectSquares;
else if ((tmp + j < n) && (cntPerfectSquares[tmp + j - 1] == 0))
// If cntPerfectSquares[tmp + j - 1] > 0, this is not
// the first time that we visit this node and we should
// skip the node (tmp + j).
cntPerfectSquares[tmp + j - 1] = currCntPerfectSquares;
searchQ.push(tmp + j);
else if (tmp + j > n)
// We don't need to consider the nodes which are greater ]
// than n.
return 0;