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Requirements & Specifications

Yenah Cho edited this page Nov 4, 2023 · 28 revisions

Table of Contents

Document Revision History

version 1.0 (2023/10/5): initial version
version 1.1 (2023/10/21): renewed user interface requirements

Project Abstract

From consumer to creator, nurture creativity in a collaborative space and build shared experiences.

"LittleStudio" is an innovative drawing application designed for children aged 5-8 and their parents. The interactive platform allows families to collectively produce unique piece of artwork in their mobile systems. Powered by AI technology, the app generates AI-driven content by bringing the drawing to life. In addition, it enhances the user experience and augments the value of the user’s artwork by offering supplementary features like animated GIF creation and voice recordings. "LittleStudio" is more than just drawing; it’s about creating lasting shared memories and artwork, all while ensuring the content remains suitable and safe for young eyes.


General Audience

  • Families with children aged 5-8

Specific Customer Types

  • Children who enjoy drawing digitally
  • Parents who seek to build shared memories with their children
  • Tech-savvy parents who want to introduce AI to their children safely

Competitive Landscape

Though there are number of children drawing mobile applications, the introduction of AI technology in this field is not widely used yet.

Service LittleStudio SketchAI 어린이 미술놀이
Drawing targeting children O X O
Real-time collaboration across different devices O X X
Animated artwork O O X
Safety mechanism O X X

어린이 미술놀이: This application induces children to participate only on coloring of a partially completed artwork. In this way children could be more satisfied than doing their own artwork, since the quality of the artwork is provided from the original sketch that is provided. LittleStudio intends to extend that experience to various areas such as selection of thesis, and overall drawing process.

SketchAI: Other AI drawing in the market has some hazardous point that is not appropriate to kids' emotion. LittleStudio intends to prevent those cases and make AI drawing into a meaningful family work.

User Study

*Please note that this interview primarily emphasized the conceptual aspects and their preferences regarding potential AI features, rather than usability.


Initially, our concept revolved around leveraging AI to augment a drawing. However, in light of feedback received from individuals outside our team, we recognized the necessity of conducting a user interview and gain insight from our target audience.

While our primary goal was to enhance by completing the drawing, we encountered a challenge in the interpretation of the terms “enhance” and "complete." Whose perspective defines the completeness of a drawing? Would an AI-generated drawing truly be perceived as an improvement from a child's viewpoint? Delving deeper, how do we precisely define "enhanced"? How would a child engage with and interpret a "completed" drawing? Children often have their own unique narratives and hidden stories within their drawings; is it appropriate to modify these? The subjectivity inherent in AI-generated drawings prompted us to reconsider our approach.

Displaying the original drawing alongside the AI-generated version could, in a worst-case scenario, imply a comparison that defines an ideal direction for the drawing, potentially impeding creativity instead of fostering it. AI was meant to be a tool to spark interest, but there was a concern that altering a child's drawing might dampen their enthusiasm.

For these reasons, we decided to conduct a user interview in order to gain valuable insights from the user's perspective. After thorough exploration, we narrowed down our options to the following:

  1. AI-Enhanced Drawing: The drawing is improved with the help of AI
  2. 3D Rendering: Transforming the drawing into a 3D representation
  3. Animated Drawing: Bringing the drawing to life through animation


During the user study with a mother and her two children (ages 6 and 11), we aimed to gather insights on the following key areas:

  • Children's Drawing Experience: Understand the children's experiences with both traditional paper-based drawing and digital drawing
  • Drawing Preferences: Explore the types of drawings the children typically create and enjoy
  • Drawing Apps Usage: Learn about the family's experiences with drawing apps, if any
  • Saving Children's Art: Investigate how the parent typically saves or keeps her children's artwork, both paper and digital
  • Monitoring Electronic Device Usage: Explore how the parent monitors and tracks their children's electronic device usage
  • Parent-Child Interaction: Identify if there are any apps that the parents and children use together
  • Interest in LittleStudio: Determine the parent's thoughts and willingness to use "LittleStudio” (please note that this interview primarily emphasized the conceptual aspects and their preferences regarding potential AI features, rather than usability)
  • AI Feature Preferences: Understand the family's thoughts and preferences regarding the AI feature options available in "LittleStudio"

Key Insights

  • Children's Drawing Experience: Began drawing at the age of 4~5, attends art academy
  • Drawing Preferences: Mostly involves cartoon characters
  • Drawing Apps Usage: Limited experience
  • Saving Children's Art: Can’t keep all of them, so only keeps a few of them (about 1/10 only), feels a sense of guilt when throwing the rest away
  • Monitoring Electronic Device Usage: Doesn’t strictly control time usage but controls game installations through deals
  • Parent-Child Interaction: interaction via messenger apps only. Limited parental involvement in children's creative activities; interested, but it is hard to do so realistically as it is a challenge in balancing work and family life (not easy to find the time to search for such applications)
  • Interest in LittleStudio: Didn’t give much thought, but after taking a look, it sparked interest and both mother and children are willing to try it out
  • AI Feature Preferences: Animated Drawing > 3D Rendering > AI-Enhanced Drawing. Not much interest in improving the quality of the drawing. What captures short-term interest is the idea of the drawing itself moving. It's fun and visually captivating

Functional Requirements

Use Cases

1. Sign Up Page

Goal Allow new end users to create an account and access LittleStudio’s services
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user is not registered
Trigger The end user clicks on the “Sign Up” button
Main scenario i. The end user navigates to the Sign Up page
ii. The system displays the Sign Up form with fields for ID, full name, password, password confirmation, type of user (child or parent), and gender (male, female, or other)
iii. The end user enters the aforementioned information required to sign up
iv. The system validates the input, checking for the uniqueness of the ID
v. If validation is successful, the system creates a new user account
vi. The system registers and logs the end user in and the end user is redirected to the user main page
Extensions (error scenarios) i. The username already exists
          a. Display error message prompting the end user to correct the fields
ii. The password and password confirmation input do not match
          a. Display error message prompting the end user to correct the fields
iii. End user has not filled in all fields
          a. Display error message

2. Login Page

Goal Allow registered end users to create an account and access LittleStudio’s services
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user is already registered/has an account
Trigger The end user clicks on the “Login” button
Main scenario i. The end user navigates to the Login page
ii. The end user enters their registered email address and password
iii. The end user clicks on the "Login" button
iv. The system verifies the provided credentials, checking for the correct password associated with the ID
v. If verification succeeds, the system logs the user in
vi. The end user is redirected to the main page
Extensions (error scenarios) i. Invalid login attempt(s): the login credentials (ID and/or password) are incorrect (including non-existent ID)
          a. Display error message

3. Drawing Page

Goal Allow registered end users to collaboratively draw
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user has logged in
Trigger The end user has clicked on the "plus" button
Main scenario i. The end user clicks on the “plus” button via the menu bar
          a. “Create” option: end user is the host
          b. “Join” option: end user joins another family member’s drawing workspace via the invitation code provided by the owner for a collaborative artwork creation
ii. End users who wish to draw together are in the waiting room and once all end users have joined, the host clicks on the "Start Drawing" button.
           iii. The end users simultaneously draw on the canvas using the undo icon, redo icon, finish button, and pencil, eraser, and coloring pencils
iv. If the end user is the host of the drawing, click the “Finish” button followed by "Ok"
Extensions (error scenarios)

4. Submit Page

Goal Add a title and description (+voice recording) to a finished drawing to provide context and narration for the drawing
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user is the host of the drawing
Trigger The end user clicks the “Finish” and "Ok" button
Main scenario i. The end user navigates to the submit drawing page
ii. The end user adds a title of the drawing in the “Title” field
iii. The end user adds a description of the drawing in the description field
iv. The end user adds a voice recording (optional)
v. The “Submit” button is clicked, the end user is redirected to the view drawing page
Extensions (error scenarios)
Variations (alternative scenarios) i. The end user has not added a title 
          a. Display alert message (required field)
ii. The end user has clicked on a button leading to another screen midway 
          a. Display alert message to notify of unsaved changes. The message prompts the end user to confirm whether they indeed wish to exit the current screen, ensuring they are aware of potential data loss

5. My Gallery Page

Goal See all of the drawings in a gallery view
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user has logged in
Trigger The end user has logged in
Main scenario i. The end user logs in and the gallery page is displayed
ii. When a drawing is submitted, the gallery page is updated.
iii. The end user clicks on a specific drawing and is redirected to the view drawing page         
Extensions (error scenarios)

6. View Drawing Page

Goal View a specific drawing
Actor End user
Pre-conditions The end user submitted the drawing
Trigger The end user submitted the drawing
Main scenario i. The view drawing page displays the following:
          a. the original collaborative drawing
          b. an animated version of the submitted drawing
          c. an animated GIF with intermediary checkpoints 
          d. the title of the drawing
          e. the date created
          f. collaborators who contributed to the drawing
          g. description of the drawing
          h. the voice recording (if it any)
Extensions (error scenarios)

User Stories

  1. As an end user, I want to sign up, so that I can access and make use of the services provided by LittleStudio.
  • Scenario: The end users clicks on the “Sign Up” button
    • Given: The end user is in the sign up page
    • When: The end user completes the registration process
    • Then: The end user should login and be redirected to the user main page
  1. As an end user, I want to login, so that I can access and make use of the services provided by LittleStudio.
  • Scenario: The end user clicks on the “Login” button
    • Given: The end user is in the login page
    • When: The end user inputs the correct credentials
    • Then: The end user should login and be redirected to the user main page
  1. As an end user, I want to jointly produce a unique piece of artwork, so that I can build shared memories and artworks.
  • Scenario: The end user is in the main gallery page
    • Given: The end user has successfully logged in
    • When: The end user clicks on the “plus” button via the menu bar to either create a new drawing or join a drawing. All the (desired) collaborators join the waiting room.
    • Then: The end users should be able to simultaneously draw on the canvas
  1. As an end user, I want to add a title and description (+voice recording) to a finished drawing, so that I can provide context and narration for my drawing.
  • Scenario: The end user should be able to add context to their drawing
    • Given: The end user has finished a drawing
    • When: The end user has added a title and description of the drawing
    • Then: The end user should be redirected to the view drawing page and the submitted drawing should be added to the gallery page
  1. As an end user, I want to view a specific drawing, so that I can appreciate the creativity provided by the animated drawing and view the details of that specific drawing.
  • Scenario: The end user should be able to see their drawing with the details
    • Given: The end user has submitted a drawing
    • When: The end user has clicked on a specific drawing
    • Then: The end user should be able to see their drawing in three formats: the original collaborative drawing, an animated version of the drawing, and an animated GIF with intermediary checkpoints along with the title, date created, collaborators, description, and voice recording (if any)

Non-functional Requirements

Availability: The application should have an uptime of 99.9%.

Real-time Latency: The concurrent drawing strokes from other users will be displayed within 10 seconds to support seamless collaboration.

User Interface Requirements

Section 2 (3)

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