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Project Background & Links |
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The Context Mapper project has been developed as part of term projects at the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (HSR FHO). You can find further background information and details about our projects in the papers listed below.
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Practice — Experience with Context Mapper, two translated and mildly edited blogposts that cover the contents of the original article «Domain-Driven Design in der Praxis - Erfahrungen mit dem Open-Source-Tool Context Mapper» written in German; each part features one case and related lessons learned.
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: «Domain-Driven Design in der Praxis - Erfahrungen mit dem Open-Source-Tool Context Mapper» (GERMAN), In JavaSPEKTRUM 6/2021, pages 20–23
- Article PDF (sponsored by mimacom)
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: Domain-driven Architecture Modeling and Rapid Prototyping with Context Mapper, Revised and Extended Selected Papers from the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development, MODELSWARD 2020, Valletta,
- Published paper (in: Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science)
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: Domain-driven Service Design - Context Modeling, Model Refactoring and Contract Generation, 14th Symposium and Summer School On Service-Oriented Computing (SommerSoC 2020)
- Published paper (in: Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science)
- Presentation
- SummerSOC Young Researcher Award 2020 goes to Stefan Kapferer (GERMAN)
- Olaf Zimmermann: Dimensions of Successful Web API Design and Evolution: Context, Contracts, Components, Keynote ICWE 2020, International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE)
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: Domain-specific Language and Tools for Strategic Domain-driven Design, Context Mapping and Bounded Context Modeling, In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - MODELSWARD, pages 299–306. INSTICC, SciTePress.
- Stefan Kapferer: A Modeling Framework for Strategic Domain-driven Design and Service Decomposition, Master Thesis at University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland (HSR FHO)
- Stefan Kapferer and Olaf Zimmermann: Context Mapper: DSL and Tools for Domain-Driven Service Design - Bounded Context Modeling and Microservice Decomposition, talk at Java User Group Switzerland in St. Gallen (September 10, 2019)
- Stefan Kapferer: Service Decomposition as a Series of Architectural Refactorings, student research project
- Term project on which the Architectural Refactorings (ARs) and the MDSL generator of Context Mapper are based on.
- (see Microservices Domain-Specific Language (MDSL) for language details on MDSL)
- Project report
- Abstract
- Term project on which the Architectural Refactorings (ARs) and the MDSL generator of Context Mapper are based on.
- Olaf Zimmermann: Domain-Specific Service Decomposition with Microservices API Patterns, keynote slides mentioning Context Mapper, Microservices Conference 2019
- Stefan Kapferer: A Domain-specific Language for Service Decomposition, student research project
- Term project on which the Context Mapping Language (CML) is based on.
- Project report
- Abstract
- Stefan Kapferer: Model Transformations for DSL Processing,
seminar paper
- Proof of concept for Architectural Refactorings (ARs) based on Henshin.
- Presentation Slides
- Olaf Zimmermann: Architectural refactoring for the cloud: a decision-centric view on cloud migration,
Springer (Computing, February 2017, Volume 99, Issue 2, pp 129–145)
- see also: Architectural Refactoring: A Task-Centric View on Software Evolution (InfoQ article)
- Olaf Zimmermann: Microservices tenets - Agile approach to service development and deployment, Springer (Computer Science - Research and Development, July 2017, Volume 32, Issue 3–4, pp 301–310)
- Scott Millett with Nick Tune: Patterns, Principles and Practices of Domain-Driven Design, J. Wiley & Sons, 2015
- Vaughn Vernon: Implementing Domain-Driven Design, Addison-Wesley, 2013
- Eric Evans: Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, Addison-Wesley, 2003
- Eric Evans: DDD Reference
Find more DDD-related links here (Institute for Software, OST).
If you are interested in our project do not hesitate to contribute or get in touch with us.