To run this project, you will need to have anaconda or mini conda already installed: create a virtual environment with the following. To begin open your anaconda terminal and clone this repository
git clone
conda create --name intro_to_rl python=3.9 jupyterlab numpy matplotlib
Activate the environment uisng
conda activate intro_to_rl
pip install swig
pip install gymnasium[box2d]
To start the JupyterLab server, run the following command in the terminal or command prompt:
In this exercise, you will implement Deep Q-Learning to solve OpenAI Gym's LunarLander environment.
navigate to the Deep_Q_lunar_landar.ipynb/
and run the notebook
try to change the parameters in the notebook, to see if you can get the agent to train faster! You may also like to implement prioritized experience replay, or use it as a starting point to implement a Double DQN or Dueling DQN!