There are two variants, remote (12 days) and classroom-based full time (4 full days)
Each day session is about 2 hours - this is a rough estimate based on previous training sessions and changes may apply.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Cryptography
Lab 1: Loading and saving keypairs
Lesson 2: Read data from the network
Lab 2: Using Solana Devnet
Lesson 3: Run transactions
Lab 3: Transactions and Sending SOL
Lesson 4: Make and transfer tokens
Lab 4: Making a token mint, and using it to mint tokens
Lesson 5: Using Metaplex
Lab 5: Create Token Metadata
Lesson 6: Introduction to Anchor
Lab 6: Onchain programming (first part, Anchor setup of a blank project)
Lab 6: Onchain programming (creating the Favorites program)
Onchain programming (writing tests and deploying the Favorites program)
Lesson 7 and start of Lab 7: Onchain programming with Tokens (instructor slides and description of the escrow program)
Lab 7 continued: creating the make_offer() function and tests
Lab 7 continued: creating the take_offer() function and tests
Thankyou, and resources for continuing to learn and getting involved in the Solana community.
The below is based on 6-hour student days.
Lesson 1: Intro to Cryptography
Lab 1: Loading and saving keypairs
Lesson 2: Read data from the network
Lab 2: Using Solana Devnet
Lesson 3: Run Transactions
Lab 3: Transactions and Sending SOL
Lesson 4: The Token Program
Lab 4: Making a token mint, and using it to mint tokens
Lesson 5: Using Metaplex
Lab 5: Create Token Metadata
Lesson 6: Introduction to Anchor
Lab 6: Onchain programming
Lesson 7: Using Anchor with Tokens
Lab 6: Onchain programming with Tokens