diff --git a/content/guides/token-extensions/transfer-hook.md b/content/guides/token-extensions/transfer-hook.md
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+++ b/content/guides/token-extensions/transfer-hook.md
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+date: Jan 08, 2023
+seoTitle: "Token Extensions: Transfer Hook"
+title: How to use the Transfer Hook extension
+description: "The Transfer Hook extension and Transfer Hook Interface introduce the ability to
+create Mint Accounts that execute custom instruction logic on every token
+ - token 2022
+ - token extensions
+ - token program
+difficulty: intermediate
+ - token 2022
+ - token extensions
+The Transfer Hook extension and Transfer Hook Interface introduce the ability to
+create Mint Accounts that execute custom instruction logic on every token
+To achieve this, developers must build a program that implements the
+[Transfer Hook Interface](https://github.com/solana-labs/solana-program-library/tree/master/token/transfer-hook/interface)
+and initialize a Mint Account with the Transfer Hook extension enabled.
+For every token transfer involving tokens from the Mint Account, the Token
+Extensions program makes a Cross Program Invocation (CPI) to execute an
+instruction on the Transfer Hook program.
+When the Token Extensions program CPIs to a Transfer Hook program, all accounts
+from the initial transfer are converted to read-only accounts. This means the
+signer privileges of the sender do not extend to the Transfer Hook program.
+This design decision is made to prevent malicious use of Transfer Hook programs.
+In this guide, we will create a Transfer Hook program using the Anchor
+framework. This program will require the sender to pay a fee in wrapped SOL
+(wSOL) on every token transfer. Here is the
+[final program](https://beta.solpg.io/https://github.com/solana-developers/anchor-transfer-hook/tree/main).
+## Transfer Hook Interface Overview
+The Transfer Hook Interface provides a way for developers to implement custom
+instruction logic that is executed on every token transfer for a specific Mint
+The Transfer Hook Interface specifies the following
+- `Execute`: An instruction that the Token Extension program invokes on every
+ token transfer.
+- `InitializeExtraAccountMetaList` (optional): Creates an account that stores a
+ list of additional accounts required by the custom `Execute` instruction.
+- `UpdateExtraAccountMetaList` (optional): Updates the list of additional
+ accounts by overwriting the existing list.
+It is technically not required to implement the `InitializeExtraAccountMetaList`
+instruction using the interface. The account can be created by any instruction
+on a Transfer Hook program.
+However, the Program Derived Address (PDA) for the account must be derived using
+the following seeds:
+- The hard coded string "extra-account-metas"
+- The Mint Account address
+- The Transfer Hook program ID
+const [pda] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
+ [Buffer.from("extra-account-metas"), mint.publicKey.toBuffer()],
+ program.programId, // transfer hook program ID
+By storing the extra accounts required by the `Execute` instruction in the
+predefined PDA, these accounts can be automatically added to a token transfer
+instruction from the client.
+## Program Overview
+In this guide, we will build a Transfer Hook program using the Anchor framework.
+This program will require the sender to pay a wSOL fee for every token transfer.
+The wSOL transfers will be executed using a delegate that is a PDA derived from
+the Transfer Hook program. This is necessary because the signature from the
+initial sender of the token transfer instruction is not accessible in the
+Transfer Hook program.
+This program will only include 3 instructions:
+1. `initialize_extra_account_meta_list`: Creates an account that stores a list
+ of extra accounts required by the `transfer_hook` instruction.
+2. `transfer_hook`: This instruction is invoked via CPI on every token transfer
+ to perform a wrapped SOL token transfer.
+3. `fallback`: The transfer hook interface instructions have specific
+ discriminators (instruction identifiers). In an Anchor program, we can use a
+ fallback instruction to manually match the instruction discriminator and
+ invoke our custom `transfer_hook` instruction.
+## Getting Started
+Start by opening this Solana Playground
+and then click the "Import" button to copy the project.
+The starter code includes a `lib.rs` and `transfer-hook.test.ts` file which are
+scaffolded for the program we will be creating. In the `lib.rs` file you should
+see the following code:
+use anchor_lang::{
+ prelude::*,
+ system_program::{create_account, CreateAccount},
+use anchor_spl::{
+ associated_token::AssociatedToken,
+ token_interface::{transfer_checked, Mint, TokenAccount, TokenInterface, TransferChecked},
+use spl_tlv_account_resolution::{
+ account::ExtraAccountMeta, seeds::Seed, state::ExtraAccountMetaList,
+use spl_transfer_hook_interface::instruction::{ExecuteInstruction, TransferHookInstruction};
+pub mod transfer_hook {
+ use super::*;
+ pub fn initialize_extra_account_meta_list(
+ ctx: Context,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn transfer_hook(ctx: Context, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub fn fallback<'info>(
+ program_id: &Pubkey,
+ accounts: &'info [AccountInfo<'info>],
+ data: &[u8],
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+ }
+pub struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList {}
+pub struct TransferHook {}
+Once you've imported the project, build the program by using the `build` command
+in the Playground terminal.
+This will update the value of `declare_id` in the `lib.rs` file with a newly
+generated program ID.
+## Initialize ExtraAccountMetas Account Instruction
+In this step, we will implement the `initialize_extra_account_meta_list`
+instruction for our Transfer Hook program. This instruction creates an
+ExtraAccountMetas account, which will store the additional accounts required by
+our `transfer_hook` instruction.
+In this example, the `initialize_extra_account_meta_list` instruction requires 7
+- `payer`: The account used to pay for the creation of the ExtraAccountMetas
+ account.
+- `extra_account_meta_list`: The ExtraAccountMetas account created to store the
+ list of accounts required by our `transfer_hook` instruction.
+- `mint`: The Mint Account that points to this Transfer Hook program. The mint
+ address is a required seed for deriving the `extra_account_meta_list` PDA.
+- `wsol_mint`: The wrapped SOL mint.
+- `token_program`: The original Token program ID
+- `associated_token_program`: The Associated Token program ID.
+- `system_program`: The system program, which is a required account when
+ creating new accounts.
+The addresses for `wsol_mint`, `wsol_mint`, and `associated_token_program` will
+be used to derive the addresses for the wSOL Associated Token Accounts. These
+accounts are required by the `transfer_hook` instruction and will be stored on
+the ExtraAccountMetas account.
+Update the `InitializeExtraAccountMetaList` struct by replacing the following
+starter code:
+pub struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList {}
+With the code provided below:
+pub struct InitializeExtraAccountMetaList<'info> {
+ #[account(mut)]
+ payer: Signer<'info>,
+ /// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account, must use these seeds
+ #[account(
+ mut,
+ seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()],
+ bump
+ )]
+ pub extra_account_meta_list: AccountInfo<'info>,
+ pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+ pub wsol_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+ pub token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
+ pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,
+ pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,
+Next, update the `initialize_extra_account_meta_list`instruction by replacing
+the following starter code:
+pub fn initialize_extra_account_meta_list(
+ ctx: Context,
+) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+With the code below:
+pub fn initialize_extra_account_meta_list(
+ ctx: Context,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ // index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)
+ // index 4 is address of ExtraAccountMetaList account
+ // The `addExtraAccountsToInstruction` JS helper function resolving incorrectly
+ let account_metas = vec![
+ // index 5, wrapped SOL mint
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.key(), false, false)?,
+ // index 6, token program
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.token_program.key(), false, false)?,
+ // index 7, associated token program
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(
+ &ctx.accounts.associated_token_program.key(),
+ false,
+ false,
+ )?,
+ // index 8, delegate PDA
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(
+ &[Seed::Literal {
+ bytes: "delegate".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ }],
+ false, // is_signer
+ false, // is_writable
+ )?,
+ // index 9, delegate wrapped SOL token account
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 8 }, // owner index (delegate PDA)
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+ )?,
+ // index 10, sender wrapped SOL token account
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 3 }, // owner index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+ )?,
+ ];
+ // calculate account size
+ let account_size = ExtraAccountMetaList::size_of(account_metas.len())? as u64;
+ // calculate minimum required lamports
+ let lamports = Rent::get()?.minimum_balance(account_size as usize);
+ let mint = ctx.accounts.mint.key();
+ let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[
+ b"extra-account-metas",
+ &mint.as_ref(),
+ &[ctx.bumps.extra_account_meta_list],
+ ]];
+ // create ExtraAccountMetaList account
+ create_account(
+ CpiContext::new(
+ ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
+ CreateAccount {
+ from: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),
+ to: ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.to_account_info(),
+ },
+ )
+ .with_signer(signer_seeds),
+ lamports,
+ account_size,
+ ctx.program_id,
+ )?;
+ // initialize ExtraAccountMetaList account with extra accounts
+ ExtraAccountMetaList::init::(
+ &mut ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.try_borrow_mut_data()?,
+ &account_metas,
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+Let's walk through the updated instruction logic. We begin by listing the
+additional accounts that need to be stored on the ExtraAccountMetas account.
+// index 0-3 are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)
+// index 4 is address of ExtraAccountMetaList account
+// The `addExtraAccountsToInstruction` JS helper function resolving incorrectly
+let account_metas = vec![
+ // index 5, wrapped SOL mint
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.key(), false, false)?,
+ // index 6, token program
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.token_program.key(), false, false)?,
+ // index 7, associated token program
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(
+ &ctx.accounts.associated_token_program.key(),
+ false,
+ false,
+ )?,
+ // index 8, delegate PDA
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_seeds(
+ &[Seed::Literal {
+ bytes: "delegate".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ }],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+ )?,
+ // index 9, delegate wrapped SOL token account
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 8 }, // owner index (delegate PDA)
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+ )?,
+ // index 10, sender wrapped SOL token account
+ ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 3 }, // owner index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+ )?,
+There are three methods for storing these accounts:
+1. Directly store the account address:
+ - Wrapped SOL mint address
+ - Token Program ID
+ - Associated Token Program ID
+// index 5, wrapped SOL mint
+ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.key(), false, false)?,
+// index 6, token program
+ExtraAccountMeta::new_with_pubkey(&ctx.accounts.token_program.key(), false, false)?,
+// index 7, associated token program
+ &ctx.accounts.associated_token_program.key(),
+ false,
+ false,
+2. Store the seeds to derive a PDA for the Transfer Hook program:
+ - Delegate PDA
+// index 8, delegate PDA
+ &[Seed::Literal {
+ bytes: "delegate".as_bytes().to_vec(),
+ }],
+ false, // is_signer
+ false, // is_writable
+3. Store the seeds to derive a PDA for a program other than the Transfer Hook
+ program:
+ - Delegate wSOL Associated Token Account
+ - Sender wSOL Associated Token Account
+// index 9, delegate wrapped SOL token account
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 8 }, // owner index (delegate PDA)
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+// index 10, sender wrapped SOL token account
+ 7, // associated token program index
+ &[
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 3 }, // owner index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 6 }, // token program index
+ Seed::AccountKey { index: 5 }, // wsol mint index
+ ],
+ false, // is_signer
+ true, // is_writable
+Next, we calculate the size and rent required to store the list of
+// calculate account size
+let account_size = ExtraAccountMetaList::size_of(account_metas.len())? as u64;
+// calculate minimum required lamports
+let lamports = Rent::get()?.minimum_balance(account_size as usize);
+Next, we make a CPI to the System Program to create an account and set the
+Transfer Hook Program as the owner. The PDA seeds are included as signer seeds
+on the CPI because we are using the PDA as the address of the new account.
+let mint = ctx.accounts.mint.key();
+let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[
+ b"extra-account-metas",
+ &mint.as_ref(),
+ &[ctx.bumps.extra_account_meta_list],
+// create ExtraAccountMetaList account
+ CpiContext::new(
+ ctx.accounts.system_program.to_account_info(),
+ CreateAccount {
+ from: ctx.accounts.payer.to_account_info(),
+ to: ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.to_account_info(),
+ },
+ )
+ .with_signer(signer_seeds),
+ lamports,
+ account_size,
+ ctx.program_id,
+Once we’ve created the account, we initialize the account data to store the list
+of ExtraAccountMetas.
+// initialize ExtraAccountMetaList account with extra accounts
+ &mut ctx.accounts.extra_account_meta_list.try_borrow_mut_data()?,
+ &account_metas,
+In this example, we are not using the Transfer Hook interface to create the
+ExtraAccountMetas account.
+## Custom Transfer Hook Instruction
+Next, let’s implement the custom `transfer_hook` instruction. This is the
+instruction the Token Extension program will invoke on every token transfer.
+In this example, we will require a fee paid in wSOL for every token transfer.
+For simplicity, the fee amount equals the token transfer amount.
+Update the `TransferHook` struct by replacing the following starter code:
+pub struct TransferHook {}
+With the updated code below:
+Note that the order of accounts in this struct matters. This is the order in
+which the Token Extensions program provides these accounts when it CPIs to this
+Transfer Hook program.
+// Order of accounts matters for this struct.
+// The first 4 accounts are the accounts required for token transfer (source, mint, destination, owner)
+// Remaining accounts are the extra accounts required from the ExtraAccountMetaList account
+// These accounts are provided via CPI to this program from the token2022 program
+pub struct TransferHook<'info> {
+ #[account(
+ token::mint = mint,
+ token::authority = owner,
+ )]
+ pub source_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+ pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+ #[account(
+ token::mint = mint,
+ )]
+ pub destination_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+ /// CHECK: source token account owner, can be SystemAccount or PDA owned by another program
+ pub owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
+ /// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account,
+ #[account(
+ seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()],
+ bump
+ )]
+ pub extra_account_meta_list: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
+ pub wsol_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+ pub token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
+ pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,
+ #[account(
+ seeds = [b"delegate"],
+ bump
+ )]
+ pub delegate: SystemAccount<'info>,
+ #[account(
+ mut,
+ token::mint = wsol_mint,
+ token::authority = delegate,
+ )]
+ pub delegate_wsol_token_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+ #[account(
+ mut,
+ token::mint = wsol_mint,
+ token::authority = owner,
+ )]
+ pub sender_wsol_token_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+The first 4 accounts are the accounts required by the initial token transfer.
+ token::mint = mint,
+ token::authority = owner,
+pub source_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+pub mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+ token::mint = mint,
+pub destination_token: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+/// CHECK: source token account owner, can be SystemAccount or PDA owned by another program
+pub owner: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
+The 5th account is the address of the ExtraAccountMeta account that stores the
+list of extra accounts required by our `transfer_hook` instruction.
+/// CHECK: ExtraAccountMetaList Account
+ seeds = [b"extra-account-metas", mint.key().as_ref()],
+ bump
+pub extra_account_meta_list: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
+The remaining accounts are the accounts listed in the ExtraAccountMetas account
+in the order we defined them in the `initialize_extra_account_meta_list`
+pub wsol_mint: InterfaceAccount<'info, Mint>,
+pub token_program: Interface<'info, TokenInterface>,
+pub associated_token_program: Program<'info, AssociatedToken>,
+ mut,
+ seeds = [b"delegate"],
+ bump
+pub delegate: SystemAccount<'info>,
+ mut,
+ token::mint = wsol_mint,
+ token::authority = delegate,
+pub delegate_wsol_token_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+ mut,
+ token::mint = wsol_mint,
+ token::authority = owner,
+pub sender_wsol_token_account: InterfaceAccount<'info, TokenAccount>,
+Next, update the `transfer_hook` instruction by replacing the following starter
+pub fn transfer_hook(ctx: Context, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+With the updated code below:
+// Require SOL fee on transfer, lamport fee is equal to transfer amount
+// If this fails, the initial token transfer fails
+pub fn transfer_hook(ctx: Context, amount: u64) -> Result<()> {
+ msg!("Transfer WSOL using delegate PDA");
+ let signer_seeds: &[&[&[u8]]] = &[&[b"delegate", &[ctx.bumps.delegate]]];
+ // transfer WSOL from sender to delegate token account using delegate PDA
+ transfer_checked(
+ CpiContext::new(
+ ctx.accounts.token_program.to_account_info(),
+ TransferChecked {
+ from: ctx.accounts.sender_wsol_token_account.to_account_info(),
+ mint: ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.to_account_info(),
+ to: ctx.accounts.delegate_wsol_token_account.to_account_info(),
+ authority: ctx.accounts.delegate.to_account_info(),
+ },
+ )
+ .with_signer(signer_seeds),
+ amount,
+ ctx.accounts.wsol_mint.decimals,
+ )?;
+ Ok(())
+Within the instruction logic, we make a CPI to transfer wSOL from the sender's
+wSOL token account. This transfer is signed for using the delegate PDA. For
+every token transfer, the sender must first approve the delegate for the
+transfer amount.
+## Fallback Instruction
+Lastly, we need to add a fallback instruction to the Anchor program to handle
+the CPI from the Token Extensions program.
+This step is required due to the difference in the way Anchor generates
+instruction discriminators compared to the ones used in Transfer Hook interface
+instructions. The instruction discriminator for the `transfer_hook` instruction
+will not match the one for the Transfer Hook interface.
+Update the `fallback` instruction by replacing the following starter code:
+pub fn fallback<'info>(
+ program_id: &Pubkey,
+ accounts: &'info [AccountInfo<'info>],
+ data: &[u8],
+) -> Result<()> {
+ Ok(())
+With the updated code below:
+// fallback instruction handler as workaround to anchor instruction discriminator check
+pub fn fallback<'info>(
+ program_id: &Pubkey,
+ accounts: &'info [AccountInfo<'info>],
+ data: &[u8],
+) -> Result<()> {
+ let instruction = TransferHookInstruction::unpack(data)?;
+ // match instruction discriminator to transfer hook interface execute instruction
+ // token2022 program CPIs this instruction on token transfer
+ match instruction {
+ TransferHookInstruction::Execute { amount } => {
+ let amount_bytes = amount.to_le_bytes();
+ // invoke custom transfer hook instruction on our program
+ __private::__global::transfer_hook(program_id, accounts, &amount_bytes)
+ }
+ _ => return Err(ProgramError::InvalidInstructionData.into()),
+ }
+The fallback instruction checks if the instruction discriminator for an incoming
+instruction matches the `Execute` instruction from the Transfer Hook interface.
+If there is a successful match, it invokes the `transfer_hook` instruction in
+our Anchor program.
+Currently, there is an unreleased Anchor feature that simplifies this process.
+It would remove the need for the fallback instruction.
+## Build and Deploy Program
+The Transfer Hook program is now complete. Ensure that you have enough Devnet
+SOL in your Playground wallet to deploy the program.
+To build the program, use the following command:
+Next, deploy the program using the command:
+## Test File Overview
+Next, let's test the program. Open the `transfer-hook.test.ts` file, and you
+should see the following starter code:
+import * as anchor from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
+import { Program } from "@coral-xyz/anchor";
+import { TransferHook } from "../target/types/transfer_hook";
+import {
+ PublicKey,
+ SystemProgram,
+ Transaction,
+ sendAndConfirmTransaction,
+ Keypair,
+} from "@solana/web3.js";
+import {
+ ExtensionType,
+ getMintLen,
+ createInitializeMintInstruction,
+ createInitializeTransferHookInstruction,
+ addExtraAccountsToInstruction,
+ createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction,
+ createMintToInstruction,
+ createTransferCheckedInstruction,
+ getAssociatedTokenAddressSync,
+ createApproveInstruction,
+ createSyncNativeInstruction,
+ getAccount,
+ getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount,
+} from "@solana/spl-token";
+import assert from "assert";
+describe("transfer-hook", () => {
+ // Configure the client to use the local cluster.
+ const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();
+ anchor.setProvider(provider);
+ const program = anchor.workspace.TransferHook as Program;
+ const wallet = provider.wallet as anchor.Wallet;
+ const connection = provider.connection;
+ // Generate keypair to use as address for the transfer-hook enabled mint
+ const mint = new Keypair();
+ const decimals = 9;
+ // Sender token account address
+ const sourceTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ false,
+ );
+ // Recipient token account address
+ const recipient = Keypair.generate();
+ const destinationTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ recipient.publicKey,
+ false,
+ );
+ // ExtraAccountMetaList address
+ // Store extra accounts required by the custom transfer hook instruction
+ const [extraAccountMetaListPDA] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
+ [Buffer.from("extra-account-metas"), mint.publicKey.toBuffer()],
+ program.programId
+ );
+ // PDA delegate to transfer wSOL tokens from sender
+ const [delegatePDA] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
+ [Buffer.from("delegate")],
+ program.programId
+ );
+ // Sender wSOL token account address
+ const senderWSolTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ NATIVE_MINT, // mint
+ wallet.publicKey // owner
+ );
+ // Delegate PDA wSOL token account address, to receive wSOL tokens from sender
+ const delegateWSolTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ NATIVE_MINT, // mint
+ delegatePDA, // owner
+ true // allowOwnerOffCurve
+ );
+ // Create the two WSol token accounts as part of setup
+ before(async () => {
+ // WSol Token Account for sender
+ await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
+ connection,
+ wallet.payer,
+ wallet.publicKey
+ );
+ // WSol Token Account for delegate PDA
+ await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
+ connection,
+ wallet.payer,
+ delegatePDA,
+ true
+ );
+ });
+ it("Create Mint Account with Transfer Hook Extension", async () => {});
+ it("Create Token Accounts and Mint Tokens", async () => {});
+ it("Create ExtraAccountMetaList Account", async () => {});
+ it("Transfer Hook with Extra Account Meta", async () => {});
+First, we generate a keypair to use as the address for a new Mint Account. Using
+the mint address, we derive the Associated Token Account (ATA) addresses that we
+will use for the token transfer.
+// Generate keypair to use as address for the transfer-hook enabled mint
+const mint = new Keypair();
+const decimals = 9;
+// Sender token account address
+const sourceTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ false,
+// Recipient token account address
+const recipient = Keypair.generate();
+const destinationTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ recipient.publicKey,
+ false,
+Next, we derive the PDA for the ExtraAccountMetas account. This account is
+created to store the additional accounts required by the custom transfer hook
+// ExtraAccountMetaList address
+// Store extra accounts required by the custom transfer hook instruction
+const [extraAccountMetaListPDA] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
+ [Buffer.from("extra-account-metas"), mint.publicKey.toBuffer()],
+ program.programId,
+We also derive the PDA that will be used as the delegate. The sender must
+approve this address as a delegate for their wSOL token account. This delegate
+PDA is used to "sign" for the wSOL transfer in the custom transfer hook
+// PDA delegate to transfer wSOL tokens from sender
+const [delegatePDA] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
+ [Buffer.from("delegate")],
+ program.programId,
+Additionally, we derive the addresses for the wSOL token accounts. The first
+address is for the sender's wSOL token account, which needs to be funded to pay
+for the transfer fee required by the transfer hook instruction. The second
+address is for the wSOL token account owned by the delegate PDA. In this
+example, all wSOL fees are sent to this account.
+// Sender wSOL token account address
+const senderWSolTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ NATIVE_MINT, // mint
+ wallet.publicKey, // owner
+// Delegate PDA wSOL token account address, to receive wSOL tokens from sender
+const delegateWSolTokenAccount = getAssociatedTokenAddressSync(
+ NATIVE_MINT, // mint
+ delegatePDA, // owner
+ true, // allowOwnerOffCurve
+Finally, as part of the setup, we create the wSOL token accounts.
+// Create the two WSol token accounts as part of setup
+before(async () => {
+ // WSol Token Account for sender
+ await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
+ connection,
+ wallet.payer,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ );
+ // WSol Token Account for delegate PDA
+ await getOrCreateAssociatedTokenAccount(
+ connection,
+ wallet.payer,
+ delegatePDA,
+ true,
+ );
+## Create Mint Account
+To begin, build a transaction to create a new Mint Account with the Transfer
+Hook extension enabled. In this transaction, make sure to specify our program as
+the Transfer Hook program stored on the extension.
+Enabling the Transfer Hook extension allows the Transfer Extension program to
+determine which program to invoke on every token transfer.
+Replace the placeholder test:
+it("Create Mint Account with Transfer Hook Extension", async () => {});
+With the updated test below:
+it("Create Mint Account with Transfer Hook Extension", async () => {
+ const extensions = [ExtensionType.TransferHook];
+ const mintLen = getMintLen(extensions);
+ const lamports =
+ await provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(mintLen);
+ const transaction = new Transaction().add(
+ SystemProgram.createAccount({
+ fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
+ newAccountPubkey: mint.publicKey,
+ space: mintLen,
+ lamports: lamports,
+ programId: TOKEN_2022_PROGRAM_ID,
+ }),
+ createInitializeTransferHookInstruction(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ program.programId, // Transfer Hook Program ID
+ ),
+ createInitializeMintInstruction(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ decimals,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ null,
+ ),
+ );
+ const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
+ provider.connection,
+ transaction,
+ [wallet.payer, mint],
+ );
+ console.log(`Transaction Signature: ${txSig}`);
+## Creating Token Accounts
+Next, as part of the setup, create the Associated Token Accounts for both the
+sender and recipient. Also, fund the sender's account with some tokens.
+Replace the placeholder test:
+it("Create Token Accounts and Mint Tokens", async () => {});
+With the updated test below:
+// Create the two token accounts for the transfer-hook enabled mint
+// Fund the sender token account with 100 tokens
+it("Create Token Accounts and Mint Tokens", async () => {
+ // 100 tokens
+ const amount = 100 * 10 ** decimals;
+ const transaction = new Transaction().add(
+ createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction(
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ sourceTokenAccount,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ mint.publicKey,
+ ),
+ createAssociatedTokenAccountInstruction(
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ destinationTokenAccount,
+ recipient.publicKey,
+ mint.publicKey,
+ ),
+ createMintToInstruction(
+ mint.publicKey,
+ sourceTokenAccount,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ amount,
+ [],
+ ),
+ );
+ const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
+ connection,
+ transaction,
+ [wallet.payer],
+ { skipPreflight: true },
+ );
+ console.log(`Transaction Signature: ${txSig}`);
+## Create ExtraAccountMeta Account
+Before sending a token transfer, we need to create the ExtraAccountMetas account
+to store all the additional accounts required by the transfer hook instruction.
+To create this account, we invoke the instruction from our program.
+Replace the placeholder test:
+it("Create ExtraAccountMetaList Account", async () => {});
+With the updated test below:
+// Account to store extra accounts required by the transfer hook instruction
+it("Create ExtraAccountMetaList Account", async () => {
+ const initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction = await program.methods
+ .initializeExtraAccountMetaList()
+ .accounts({
+ payer: wallet.publicKey,
+ extraAccountMetaList: extraAccountMetaListPDA,
+ mint: mint.publicKey,
+ wsolMint: NATIVE_MINT,
+ tokenProgram: TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
+ associatedTokenProgram: ASSOCIATED_TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID,
+ })
+ .instruction();
+ const transaction = new Transaction().add(
+ initializeExtraAccountMetaListInstruction,
+ );
+ const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
+ provider.connection,
+ transaction,
+ [wallet.payer],
+ { skipPreflight: true },
+ );
+ console.log("Transaction Signature:", txSig);
+## Transfer Tokens
+Finally, we are ready to send a token transfer. In addition to the transfer
+instruction, there are a few additional instructions that need to be included.
+- The sender must transfer SOL to their wSOL token account to cover the fee
+ required by the transfer hook instruction.
+- The sender must approve the delegate PDA for the amount of the wSOL fee.
+- Include an instruction to sync the wSOL balance.
+- The token transfer instruction must include all the extra accounts required by
+ the transfer hook instruction.
+Replace the placeholder test:
+it("Transfer Hook with Extra Account Meta", async () => {});
+With the updated test below:
+it("Transfer Hook with Extra Account Meta", async () => {
+ // 1 tokens
+ const amount = 1 * 10 ** decimals;
+ // Instruction for sender to fund their WSol token account
+ const solTransferInstruction = SystemProgram.transfer({
+ fromPubkey: wallet.publicKey,
+ toPubkey: senderWSolTokenAccount,
+ lamports: amount,
+ });
+ // Approve delegate PDA to transfer WSol tokens from sender WSol token account
+ const approveInstruction = createApproveInstruction(
+ senderWSolTokenAccount,
+ delegatePDA,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ amount,
+ [],
+ );
+ // Sync sender WSol token account
+ const syncWrappedSolInstruction = createSyncNativeInstruction(
+ senderWSolTokenAccount,
+ );
+ // Standard token transfer instruction
+ const transferInstruction = createTransferCheckedInstruction(
+ sourceTokenAccount,
+ mint.publicKey,
+ destinationTokenAccount,
+ wallet.publicKey,
+ amount,
+ decimals,
+ [],
+ );
+ // Automatic account resolution not working correctly for the WSol PDA
+ // Manually add all the extra accounts required by the transfer hook instruction
+ // Also include the address of the ExtraAccountMetaList account and Transfer Hook Program
+ transferInstruction.keys.push(
+ {
+ pubkey: new PublicKey("So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112"),
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: new PublicKey("TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA"),
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: new PublicKey("ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL"),
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: delegatePDA,
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: delegateWSolTokenAccount,
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: true,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: senderWSolTokenAccount,
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: true,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: program.programId,
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ {
+ pubkey: extraAccountMetaListPDA,
+ isSigner: false,
+ isWritable: false,
+ },
+ );
+ const transaction = new Transaction().add(
+ solTransferInstruction,
+ syncWrappedSolInstruction,
+ approveInstruction,
+ transferInstruction,
+ );
+ const txSig = await sendAndConfirmTransaction(
+ connection,
+ transaction,
+ [wallet.payer],
+ { skipPreflight: true },
+ );
+ console.log("Transfer Signature:", txSig);
+The transfer instruction must include all additional AccountMetas, the address
+of the ExtraAccountMetas account, and the address of the Transfer Hook program.
+In this example, we manually add the accounts to the transaction. The
+`@solana/spl-token` library provides a helper function to automatically resolve
+the necessary accounts. However, this function currently does not work if a seed
+for a PDA is also included on the ExtraAccountMetas account.
+## Run Test File
+Once you have updated all the tests, the final step is to run the test.
+To run the test file, use the following command in the terminal:
+You should see output similar to the following:
+Running tests...
+ transfer-hook.test.ts:
+ transfer-hook
+ Transaction Signature: 5o12ZTvcSkV8YNqyeQpzRCq4zFSg9VqguQkT9ZSesioj8uzb8dWRheoknuPaRDDqEGdrUBqmRQ2veSUshUicWsqG
+ ✔ Create Mint Account with Transfer Hook Extension (996ms)
+ Transaction Signature: 4F4Vhi8s1h2reDr6jecvuQFF5XpoofWPpshgAMnfg7jtNZj4HtxbsksFTh28ZjYTaKFpjeturYZKxk5Cj4gBZoy
+ ✔ Create Token Accounts and Mint Tokens (716ms)
+ Transaction Signature: 3s4Nok6H4qexpGXup3AWC4nGuiqy567rm5rTWLFMXYKxZJensBVVZHCwVDzpwD3XtWjMFHm4TrvQXwKSsp47y5jx
+ ✔ Create ExtraAccountMetaList Account (711ms)
+ Transfer Signature: 53j9QV5LYUVgV7T7Z99GfYg1Xvp2qbQnHsJbzDK6BR5TPBo9s622KCf3W3BDEL4ECprkZFs5biDRDedfVj6zuDA6
+ ✔ Transfer Hook with Extra Account Meta (925ms)
+ 4 passing (5s)
+## Conclusion
+The Transfer Hook extension and Transfer Hook Interface allow for the creation
+of Mint Accounts that execute custom instruction logic on every token transfer.
+This guide serves as a reference to help you create your own Transfer Hook
+programs. Feel free to be creative and explore the capabilities of this new