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ngundotra committed Jan 2, 2024
1 parent 42310a2 commit 37f9808
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Showing 10 changed files with 984 additions and 510 deletions.
22 changes: 21 additions & 1 deletion app/address/[address]/layout.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,6 +46,24 @@ import { Base58EncodedAddress } from 'web3js-experimental';

import { FullTokenInfo, getFullTokenInfo } from '@/app/utils/token-info';


import { WalletProvider } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
import { ConnectionProvider } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react';
import { WalletModalProvider } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui';

function WalletAdapterProviders({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const { url } = useCluster();

return (
<ConnectionProvider endpoint={url}>
<WalletProvider wallets={[]}>


const TABS_LOOKUP: { [id: string]: Tab[] } = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,7 +261,9 @@ function AddressLayoutInner({ children, params: { address } }: Props) {
export default function AddressLayout({ children, params }: Props) {
return (
<AddressLayoutInner params={params}>{children}</AddressLayoutInner>
<AddressLayoutInner params={params}>{children}</AddressLayoutInner>
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions app/address/[address]/program-interface/page-client.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
'use client';

import { ProgramInterfaceCard } from '@/app/components/account/ProgramInterfaceCard';
import { ParsedAccountRenderer } from '@components/account/ParsedAccountRenderer';
import { LoadingCard } from '@components/common/LoadingCard';
import { Suspense } from 'react';
import React from 'react';

import { ProgramInterfaceCard } from '@/app/components/account/ProgramInterfaceCard';

type Props = Readonly<{
params: {
address: string;

function AnchorAccountCardRenderer({
function ProgramInterfaceCardRenderer({
}: React.ComponentProps<React.ComponentProps<typeof ParsedAccountRenderer>['renderComponent']>) {
Expand All @@ -26,6 +27,6 @@ function AnchorAccountCardRenderer({

export default function AnchorAccountPageClient({ params: { address } }: Props) {
return <ParsedAccountRenderer address={address} renderComponent={AnchorAccountCardRenderer} />;
export default function ProgramInterfacePageClient({ params: { address } }: Props) {
return <ParsedAccountRenderer address={address} renderComponent={ProgramInterfaceCardRenderer} />;
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions app/address/[address]/program-interface/page.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import getReadableTitleFromAddress, { AddressPageMetadataProps } from '@utils/get-readable-title-from-address';
import { Metadata } from 'next/types';

import AnchorAccountPageClient from './page-client';
import ProgramInterfacePageClient from './page-client';

type Props = Readonly<{
params: {
Expand All @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ type Props = Readonly<{

export async function generateMetadata(props: AddressPageMetadataProps): Promise<Metadata> {
return {
description: `Contents of the Anchor Account at address ${props.params.address} on Solana`,
title: `Anchor Account Data | ${await getReadableTitleFromAddress(props)} | Solana`,
description: `Human usable Solana actions for the program at address ${props.params.address} on Solana`,
title: `Program Interface | ${await getReadableTitleFromAddress(props)} | Solana`,

export default function AnchorAccountPage(props: Props) {
return <AnchorAccountPageClient {...props} />;
export default function ProgramInterfacePage(props: Props) {
return <ProgramInterfacePageClient {...props} />;
275 changes: 275 additions & 0 deletions app/api/program-interface/resolution.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
import { sha256 } from '@noble/hashes/sha256';
import * as anchor from '@project-serum/anchor';
import { AccountMeta, PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';

import { PRE_INSTRUCTIONS, sendTransaction } from './sendTransaction';

type AdditionalAccounts = {
accounts: anchor.web3.AccountMeta[];
hasMore: boolean;

const MAX_ACCOUNTS = 30;

* @param program
* @param instructions
* @returns
export async function resolveRemainingAccounts(
connection: anchor.web3.Connection,
payer: anchor.web3.PublicKey,
instructions: anchor.web3.TransactionInstruction[],
verbose = false,
slut: anchor.web3.PublicKey | undefined = undefined
): Promise<AdditionalAccounts> {
// Simulate transaction
let lookupTable: anchor.web3.AddressLookupTableAccount | null = null;
if (slut) {
if (verbose) {
console.log(`SLUT resolution with ${slut.toBase58()}`);
while (!lookupTable) {
lookupTable = (await connection.getAddressLookupTable(slut)).value;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

const message = anchor.web3.MessageV0.compile({
addressLookupTableAccounts: slut ? [lookupTable!] : undefined,
instructions: PRE_INSTRUCTIONS.concat(instructions),
payerKey: payer,
recentBlockhash: (await connection.getLatestBlockhash()).blockhash,
const transaction = new anchor.web3.VersionedTransaction(message);

const simulationResult = await connection.simulateTransaction(transaction, {
commitment: 'confirmed',
const logs = simulationResult.value.logs;
const unitsConsumed = simulationResult.value.unitsConsumed;
const err = simulationResult.value.err;

if (verbose) {
console.log('CUs consumed:', unitsConsumed);
console.log('Logs', logs);
console.log('Result', err);

// When the simulation RPC response is fixed, then the following code will work
// but until then, we have to parse the logs manually.
// ISSUE: rpc truncates trailing 0 bytes in `returnData` field, so we have
// to actually parse the logs for the whole return data
// ===============================================================
// let returnDataTuple = simulationResult.value.returnData;
// let [b64Data, encoding] = returnDataTuple["data"];
// if (encoding !== "base64") {
// throw new Error("Unsupported encoding: " + encoding);
// }
// ===============================================================

if (!logs) {
throw new Error('No logs found in preflight simulation. This is likely an RPC error.');

try {
const b64Data = anchor.utils.bytes.base64.decode(logs[logs.length - 2].split(' ')[3]);
const data = b64Data;

if (!data.length) {
throw new Error(
`No return data found in preflight simulation:

if (data.length !== 1024) {
throw new Error(
`Return data incorrect size in preflight simulation:
${data.length} (expected 1024)`

// We start deserializing the Vec<IAccountMeta> from the 5th byte
// The first 4 bytes are u32 for the Vec of the return data
const protocolVersion = data[0];
if (protocolVersion !== 0) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported Account Resolution Protocol version: ${protocolVersion}`);
const hasMore = data[1];
const numAccounts = data.slice(4, 8);
const numMetas = new anchor.BN(numAccounts, undefined, 'le');

const offset = 8;
const realAccountMetas: anchor.web3.AccountMeta[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < numMetas.toNumber(); i += 1) {
const pubkey = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(data.slice(offset + i * 32, offset + (i + 1) * 32));
const writable = data[offset + MAX_ACCOUNTS * 32 + i];
isSigner: false,
isWritable: writable === 1,

return {
accounts: realAccountMetas,
hasMore: hasMore != 0,
} catch (e) {
throw new Error('Failed to parse return data: ' + e + '\n' + logs.join('\n'));

async function extendLookupTable(
additionalAccounts: anchor.web3.AccountMeta[],
payer: PublicKey,
lastSize: number,
connection: anchor.web3.Connection,
lookupTable: anchor.web3.PublicKey
): Promise<number> {
while (additionalAccounts.flat().length - lastSize) {
// 29 is max number of accounts we can extend a lookup table by in a single transaction
// ironically due to tx limits
const batchSize = Math.min(29, additionalAccounts.length - lastSize);

const ix = anchor.web3.AddressLookupTableProgram.extendLookupTable({
addresses: additionalAccounts
.slice(lastSize, lastSize + batchSize)
.map(acc => acc.pubkey),
authority: payer,

await sendTransaction(connection, payer, [ix]);
lastSize += batchSize;
return lastSize;

async function pollForActiveLookupTable(
additionalAccounts: anchor.web3.AccountMeta[],
connection: anchor.web3.Connection,
lookupTable: anchor.web3.PublicKey
) {
let activeSlut = false;
while (!activeSlut) {
const table = await connection.getAddressLookupTable(lookupTable, {
commitment: 'finalized',
if (table.value) {
activeSlut = table.value.isActive() && table.value.state.addresses.length === additionalAccounts.length;
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));

export function hashIxName(ixName: string): Buffer {
return Buffer.from(sha256(`global:${ixName}`)).slice(0, 8);

* Takes a serialized Anchor Instruction
* And executes a preflight instruction to get the remaining accounts
* @param program
* @param instruction
* @param verbose
* @returns
export async function additionalAccountsRequest(
connection: anchor.web3.Connection,
payer: PublicKey,
instruction: anchor.web3.TransactionInstruction,
methodName: string,
verbose = false,
slut = false
): Promise<{
ix: anchor.web3.TransactionInstruction;
lookupTable?: anchor.web3.PublicKey;
}> {
// NOTE: LOL we have to do this because slicing only generates a view
// so we need to copy it to a new buffer
// const originalData = Buffer.from(;
const originalKeys: AccountMeta[] = ([] as AccountMeta[]).concat(instruction.keys);

// Overwrite the discriminator
const currentBuffer = Buffer.from(;

const newIxDisc = hashIxName(`preflight_${methodName}`);
currentBuffer.set(newIxDisc, 0);

let additionalAccounts: anchor.web3.AccountMeta[] = [];
let hasMore = true;
let i = 0;
let lookupTable: anchor.web3.PublicKey | undefined;
let lastSize = 0;
while (hasMore) {
if (verbose) {
console.log(`Iteration: ${i} | additionalAccounts: ${additionalAccounts.length}`);

// Write the current page number at the end of the instruction data = currentBuffer;

// Add found accounts to instruction
instruction.keys = originalKeys.concat(additionalAccounts.flat());

const result = await resolveRemainingAccounts(connection, payer, [instruction], verbose, lookupTable);

if (verbose) {
console.log(`Iteration: ${i} | requested: ${result.accounts.length}`);
hasMore = result.hasMore;
additionalAccounts = additionalAccounts.concat(result.accounts);

if (additionalAccounts.length >= 10 && slut) {
if (!lookupTable) {
const [ix, tableAddr] = anchor.web3.AddressLookupTableProgram.createLookupTable({
authority: payer,
payer: payer,
recentSlot: await connection.getSlot(),

await sendTransaction(connection, payer, [ix]);
lookupTable = tableAddr;

// We want to minimize the number of non-transactional
// txs we have to send on-chain. So we maximize # of accounts
// to extend the lookup table by.
// In practice, we can probably mix accounts from different resolutions
// into the same extend LUT tx.
if (additionalAccounts.length - lastSize >= 10) {
if (verbose) {
console.log('Extending lookup table...');
lastSize = await extendLookupTable(additionalAccounts, payer, lastSize, connection, lookupTable);
await pollForActiveLookupTable(additionalAccounts, connection, lookupTable);
if (verbose) {

if (i >= 32) {
throw new Error(`Too many iterations ${i}`);

if (slut && lookupTable) {
await extendLookupTable(additionalAccounts, payer, lastSize, connection, lookupTable);
await pollForActiveLookupTable(additionalAccounts, connection, lookupTable);

instruction.keys = originalKeys.concat(additionalAccounts);

// Reset original data = hashIxName(`${methodName}`);

return { ix: instruction, lookupTable };

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