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Managing Custom Properties

Tim Danner edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 3 revisions

Creating Custom Properties

To create a custom property for nodes, call the Orion.NodesCustomProperties.CreateCustomProperty verb. It has these parameters:

  1. PropertyName - the name of the property.
  2. Description - a description of the property to be shown in editing UI.
  3. ValueType - the data type for the custom property. The following types are allowed: string, integer, datetime, single, double, boolean.
  4. Size - for string types, this is the maximum length of the values, in characters. Ignored for other types.
  5. ValidRange - unused, pass null.
  6. Parser - unused, pass null.
  7. Header - unused, pass null.
  8. Alignment - unused, pass null.
  9. Format - unused, pass null.
  10. Units - unused, pass null.
  11. Usages - optional. You can pass null for this.
  12. Mandatory - optional. Defaults to false. If set to true, the Add Node wizard in the Orion web console will require that a value for this custom property be specified at node creation time.
  13. Default - optional. You can pass null for this. If you provide a value, this will be the default value for new nodes.

PowerShell example:

$swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname localhost -Username admin -Password ""
Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.NodesCustomProperties CreateCustomProperty @("Test1", "this is my description", "string", 4000, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null)

To restrict a custom property to a certain set of values, call the CreateCustomPropertyWithValues verb instead. This verb has the same parameters as CreateCustomProperty, but with an extra parameter Values between Units and Usages. This parameter has type string[]. You can do that in PowerShell like this:

$swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname localhost -Username admin -Password ""
$values = New-Object string[] 3
$values[0] = "value1"
$values[1] = "value2"
$values[2] = "value3"
Invoke-SwisVerb $swis Orion.NodesCustomProperties CreateCustomPropertyWithValues @("Test2", "this one has a value list", "string", 4000, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $null, $values)

Modifying Custom Properties

To modify a custom property for nodes, call the Orion.NodesCustomProperties.ModifyCustomProperty verb. It has these parameters:

  1. PropertyName - name of the property to modify.
  2. Description - a description of the property to be shown in editing UI.
  3. Size - for string types, this is the maximum length of the values, in characters. Ignored for other types.
  4. Values - a list (in string[] format) of allowed values for this property. An empty or null list has the effect of allowing any value.
  5. Usages - optional. Defaults to all usages allowed.
  6. Mandatory - optional. Defaults to false. If set to true, the Add Node wizard in the Orion web console will require that a value for this custom property be specified at node creation time.
  7. Default - optional. Defaults to null. If you provide a value, this will be the default value for new nodes.

To add a value to the Values list for a property, you need to first query for the existing value list (SELECT Value FROM Orion.CustomPropertyValues WHERE Table='NodesCustomProperties' AND Field='your-property-name'), add the new value to that list, and then call Orion.NodesCustomProperties.ModifyCustomProperty.

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