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File metadata and controls

626 lines (487 loc) · 17.4 KB


Build Status Java GitHub release (latest by date) Maven Central

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System Requirements: Language: Java 8+


通用工具包,包括常用的工具类,比如Bean 拷贝、时间处理、集合处理、IO操作、反射处理等常用工具

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implementation 'com.sondertara:common-tara:1.0.3

✳️Features Induction

  • 轻量且高性能Bean Copier
  • 常用集合处理工具,反射和时间处理工具等
  • ID生成器
  • 加密工具包
  • 正则表达式工具


BeanUtils 是一个轻量级且高性能的JavaBean复制框架,支持拷贝不同类型和嵌套属性的自动拷贝


属性类型对象间拷贝,性能和Spring BeanUtils相当(稍微快一点点~),循环多次拷贝,同其他框架对比的基准测试如下:





属性类型不一致时,有些框架不支持该特性,但是Tara BeanUtils完全支持,并且有较好的性能表现。 基准测试如下:


Apache BeanUtils: 运行异常

Spring BeanUtils: 属性类型不同时值会丢失,当访问嵌套属性时,抛出ClassCaseException

Hutool: 性能较弱

Dozer: 性能稍好

Tara BeanUtils: 和原生操作同一个量级

所有基准测试源码存放于 JMH Test,测试结果存放于 JMH Result



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  • Gradle project

✳️Features Induction

  • 导出支持注解导出、简易导出和读取模板导出
  • 导出支持自动分Sheet,列宽自适应
  • 注解导出支持自定义样式,间隙条纹,自定义宽高
  • 导入支持注解导入和直接读取Excel中的数据
  • 注解导入支持值转换和数据校验
  • 直接导入支持流式读取

所有使用样例存放于Excel-Test example

🚩Excel Writer

Tara Excel 支持注解导出、快捷导出和模板导出三种方式



  • @ExcelExport: 对应Excel中的Sheet,支持导出多个不同数据的Sheet
public @interface ExcelExport {

     * the multiple sheet order, smaller is parsed earlier
     * 顺序(值越小,越靠前)
     * @return order
    int order() default 0;

     * The sheet name
     * Sheet名称
     * @return sheet name
    String sheetName() default "数据";

     * the max row of one sheet,excluding the title row
     * 每个Sheet页允许的最大条数(用于分页)
     * @return the max row of one sheet
    int maxRowsPerSheet() default 60000;

     * is open the row strip
     * 是否开启条纹
     * @return is open the row strip
    boolean rowStriped() default true;

     * the row strip color
     * 条纹颜色
     * @return the color
    String rowStripeColor() default "E2EFDA";

     * the title row height
     * 标题行高度
     * @return the title row height
    int titleRowHeight() default 20;

     * the data row height
     * 数据行高度
     * @return the data row height
    int dataRowHeight() default 20;

     * the bind type
     * If {@link ExcelColBindType#COL_INDEX} the value {@link ExcelExportField#colIndex()} must be set.
     * If {@link ExcelColBindType#ORDER} the colIndex is the order field definition order.
     * @return whether enable colIndex
     * @see ExcelColBindType
    ExcelColBindType bindType() default ExcelColBindType.ORDER;

     * is open column auto width
     * this is higher priority than {@link ExcelExportField#autoWidth()}
     * 是否自动调整宽度
     * @return is open all column auto width
    boolean autoWidth() default false;
  • @ExcelExportField: 对应Sheet中的列,支持每一列灵活定义
public @interface ExcelExportField {
     * column name  alias
     * @return column name
    String value() default "";

     * 标题
     * column name
     * @return column name
    String colName() default "";

     * the colIndex ,begin is 1
     * 列索引(从1开始)
     * @return the colIndex
    int colIndex() default -1;

     * default cell value
     * 默认单元格值
    String defaultCellValue() default "";

     * 列类型
     * the cell type
     * @return the CellType
     * @see com.sondertara.excel.utils.ExcelFieldUtils#setCellValue(Cell, Object, Field, ExcelExportField, ExcelDefaultWriterResolver)
    CellType cellType() default CellType.STRING;

     * custom data format
     * 数据格式
     * <p>
     * eg: @ExcelDataFormat("yyyy/MM/dd")
     * @return the data format
    ExcelDataFormat dataFormat() default @ExcelDataFormat;

     * data cell style
     * 数据样式
     * @return the style class {@link CellStyleBuilder} subclass
    Class<?> dataCellStyleBuilder() default DefaultDataCellStyleBuilder.class;

     * the title cell style
     * 标题样式
     * @return the style class {@link CellStyleBuilder} subclass
    Class<?> titleCellStyleBuilder() default DefaultTitleCellStyleBuilder.class;

     * is open auto width
     * 是否自动调整宽度
     * @return
    boolean autoWidth() default false;

     * the custom column width,default is 16
     * 自定义cell宽度
     * @return the custom column width
    int colWidth() default Constants.DEFAULT_COL_WIDTH;



  • 假期数据对应的JavaBean:
 * The colindex of the export column is not effective because the bindType()  default is the order of properties definition,
@ExcelExport(sheetName = "节假日")
public class HolidayCfg {
     * ExcelDataFormat will display the value with the specified format.
    @ExcelExportField(colName = "节假日日期", colIndex = 1, dataFormat = @ExcelDataFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"))
    private Date holidayDate;

    @ExcelExportField(colName = "节假日名称", colIndex = 2)
    private String holidayName;

     * ExcelKVConvert will convert the the property value to the map value when this property value equals the map key
    @ExcelKVConvert(kvMap = {"0=是", "1=否"})
    @ExcelExportField(colName = "是否上班", colIndex = 3)
    private String isWork;

    @ExcelExportField(colName = "备注", colIndex = 4)
    private String remark;
  • 用户数据对应的JavaBean:
@ExcelExport(sheetName = "用户数据")
public class User {
    @ExcelExportField(colIndex = 2, colName = "年龄")
    private Integer age;
    @ExcelExportField(colIndex = 1, colName = "姓名")
    private String name;
    @ExcelExportField(colIndex = 3, colName = "生日", dataFormat = @ExcelDataFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"))
    private Date birth;
    @ExcelExportField(colIndex = 4, colName = "体重", dataFormat = @ExcelDataFormat("0.00"))
    private Double height;


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class ExcelBeanWriteTest {
     * 通过查询的list导出
     * Export by list directly
    public void testWriteMultipleSheetByData() {
        //Query data to list
        List<HolidayCfg> holidayCfgList = new ArrayList<>();
        List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();
        // Export to OutputStream
        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(DEFAULT_TARGET_EXCEL_DIR + "export_multiple_sheet_data.xlsx"))) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        HttpServletResponse response = null;
        // Export to HttpServletResponse
        ExcelBeanWriter.fromData().addData(holidayCfgList).addData(users).then().to(response, "Export_data");

     * 通过分页查询导出
     * Export by pagination query function which is based on  Producer-Consumer design pattern.
    public void testSheetByQuery() {

        // Export to OutputStream
        try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(DEFAULT_TARGET_EXCEL_DIR + "export_multiple_sheet_data.xlsx"))) {
            ExcelBeanWriter.fromData().addData(index -> {
                // query data start index 0,page size is 1000,total number is 10000
                Lis<HolidayCfg> holidayCfgList = new ArrayList<>();
                return PageResult.of(holidayCfgList).pagination(index, 1000).total(10000L);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        HttpServletResponse response = null;
        // Export to HttpServletResponse
        ExcelBeanWriter.fromData().addData(holidayCfgList).addData(users).then().to(response, "Export_data");

详情请参考 ExcelBeanWriteTest



ExcelSimpleWriter.create().sheetName("Sheet").header(titles).addData(List<Object[]> dataList).to();
ExcelSimpleWriter.create().sheetName("Sheet").header(titles).addData(ExportFunction function).to();

详情请参考 ExcelSimpleWriteTest

🚩Excel Reader

Tara Excel 支持注解读取和简单读取两种方式

  • @ExcelImport: 对应Excel中的Sheet,可以读取指定Sheet页
 * @author huangxiaohu
public @interface ExcelImport {

     * bind the sheet index of Excel,begin is  1
     * 绑定的sheet页(可多个, 从1开始)
     * @return sheets
    int[] sheetIndex() default {1};

     * point the data row num start,begin is 1
     * 起始数据行(从1开始)
     * @return the data row index
    int firstDataRow() default 2;

     * 数据绑定类型
     * data bind type,default order is the field definition order is class
     * If {@link ExcelColBindType#COL_INDEX} the value {@link ExcelImportField#colIndex()} must be set.
     * If {@link ExcelColBindType#ORDER} the colIndex is the order field definition order.
     * If {@link ExcelColBindType#TITLE} the value {@link ExcelImportField#title()} must be set,and colIndex will calculate by the title in Excel
     * @return the type of data bind
     * @see ExcelColBindType
    ExcelColBindType bindType() default ExcelColBindType.ORDER;

  • @ExcelImportField: 对应Sheet中的列,可绑定指定列和为空校验
 * @author huangxiaohu
public @interface ExcelImportField {

     * the col index,begin is 1
     * it takes effect only when {@link ExcelImport#bindType()} is {@link com.sondertara.excel.enums.ExcelColBindType#COL_INDEX}
     * 列索引(从1开始)
     * @return the bind col index
    int colIndex() default -1;

     * all empty cell
     * 是否允许空值
     * @return allow empty
    boolean allowBlank() default true;

     * date format
     * 日期格式
     * @return the data format pattern
    String dateFormat() default DatePattern.NORM_DATETIME_PATTERN;

     * the column title
     * 列标题
     * if {@link ExcelImport#bindType()} is {@link com.sondertara.excel.enums.ExcelColBindType#TITLE} this value must be set to the Excel title row cell
     * @return the title
    String title() default "";



import com.sondertara.excel.enums.ExcelColBindType;
 * bindType is title means auto-association column of sheet with title,the colIndex is not effective unless set bindType to {@link ExcelColBindType#COL_INDEX}
@ExcelImport(sheetIndex = 1, firstDataRow = 2, bindType = ExcelColBindType.TITLE)
public class HolidayCfg {

    @ExcelImportField(colIndex = 1, dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd", allowBlank = false, title = "节假日日期")
    private Date holidayDate;

    @ExcelImportField(colIndex = 2, allowBlank = false, title = "节假日名称")
    private String holidayName;

    @ExcelKVConvert(kvMap = {"是=0", "否=1"})
    @ExcelImportField(colIndex = 3, allowBlank = false, title = "是否上班")
    private String isWork;

    @ExcelImportField(colIndex = 4, title = "备注")
    private String remark;


public class ExcelReaderTest {

    private static final String EXCEL_TEMPLATE_DIR = "excel-template/";// "excel-template/";

     * test the import annotation {@link com.sondertara.excel.meta.annotation.ExcelImport}
     * @see ExcelKVConvert
    public void testAnnotation() {
        final InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(EXCEL_TEMPLATE_DIR + "multi_sheet_data.xlsx");

        List<HolidayCfg> list = ExcelBeanReader.load(is).read(HolidayCfg.class);

        Assertions.assertEquals(1000, list.size());
        //test the ExcelKVConvert.
        boolean isConvert = "0".equals(list.get(0).getIsWork()) || "1".equals(list.get(0).getIsWork());



public class ExcelReaderTest {
     * Raw Excel parser, this is very faster
     * @see ExcelSimpleReader
    public void testRaw() {
        final InputStream is = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(EXCEL_TEMPLATE_DIR + "duty_vacation.xlsx");
        try (ReadableWorkbook read = ExcelSimpleReader.load(is).read()) {
            //can use stream api too
            read.getSheets().forEach(sheet -> {
                try {
                    List<Row> rows =;

                    for (int i = 1; i < rows.size(); i++) {

                        Row cells = rows.get(i);
                        Cell cell = cells.getCell(2);
                        if (i == 1) {
                            Assertions.assertEquals("2019-10-10", LocalDateTimeUtils.format(cell.asDate(), DatePattern.NORM_DATE_PATTERN));
                    for (Row row : rows) {
                    Assertions.assertEquals(10, rows.size());
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);


详情请参考 ExcelReaderTest


My email :[email protected] / [email protected]


JetBrains Support

We graciously acknowledge the support of JetBrains which enables us to use the professional version of IntelliJ IDEA for developing this project.
