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Style & Coding Guide

The style guide of this project is the Google Java Style and we format all code with google-java-format. We recommend to install the google-java-format plugin for your IDE, otherwise you need to execute ant format-source before each commit.

Further guidelines that are worth reading:

Some additional information can be found in other files in this directory, e.g. and

Please read all these documents, they will let you write better code with considerably less effort!

Additional rules and hints

Spelling and Naming

  • Try to avoid typos.
  • Interfaces are not named with a leading I. In general, client code should not need to know whether it is using an interface or a concrete class, thus there should not be a naming difference. Furthermore, a good API should always make sure that the best way to do something is also the easiest way. When both an interface and a similarly-named class exist, the interface is the one that should primarily be used, and thus the interface gets the normal/clean/beautiful name, and the class the internal/ugly name. It is better to have one place using FooImpl and hundreds of places using Foo instead of one place using Foo and hundreds of places using IFoo.
  • Parameters should start with p to avoid confusion with local variables or fields.
  • For a set of names of concepts (e.g., of files, classes), the prefix order induced by the names should represent the semantic relation and structure of the concepts.
  • Avoid negations in names, e.g., for parameters, fields etc.


  • Never check in with compile errors.
  • Avoid warnings:
    • If there is a way to fix the code, fix it (before committing).
    • Otherwise use @SuppressWarnings.
  • After adding/changing an @Option configuration, run ant to update documentation (before committing).


  • Prefer immutable objects, for own classes and for collections (cf. Guava's explanation of immutable collections). Do not add setters unless really required! For collections use Guava's types, cf. below.
  • Avoid null, replace it with real objects, or (at last resort) Optional (cf. Guava's explanation of avoiding null) and make your code null-hostile: actively preventing null by adding pre-condition checks finds bugs and makes the code easier to understand. In fields and private context, null is acceptable if there is no nicer solution.
  • Avoid boolean parameters. They carry no semantics and make it hard to understand for the reader what effect they have (cf. Martin Fowler's explanation).

Configuration Options

  • Only use the @Option scheme so your options are automatically type-checked and documented.
  • Only introduce an option when its meaningful (do not add options that nobody would ever want to change).
  • Preferably use one of the existing prefixes (cpa.YOURCPA., analysis., parser., ...) instead of adding a new one.
  • Do not use negated predicates as option name (use something.enable instead something.disable, instead of something.noFoo etc.).
  • Do not forget to update the file ConfigurationOptions.txt (done automatically by ant) and commit it together with your changes.

Documentation / Comments

  • The following ranks several places by their importance of having comments:
    • packages (in, EVERY package should have one!)
    • interfaces and public classes (at least a short note at the top of their responsibility)
    • public methods in interfaces and classes
    • non-public classes, methods and fields
  • Please add comments wherever sensible, but make sure to add comments for the top three items!
  • All command-line arguments need to be explained in
  • All @Option fields need to have a non-empty description that explains (to a user) what the option does.
  • All top-level configuration files (config/*.properties) need to have a description that explains (to a user) what the configuration does.
  • Add references to external sources wherever possible, e.g., to papers describing implemented concepts or any relevant standard like C, Java, witnesses, etc. Use deep links and precise references to the relevant parts.
  • Self-documenting code is usually better than an explicit comment describing what it does. This is achieved by using functions and variables with descriptive names. But do not take this as an excuse to omit useful comments that describe the reason for some particular code or background context.

Collections and Data Structures

  • Use Guava's immutable data structures as described below in the separate section!
  • Use arrays only with primitive types (int, long, etc.) or when existing APIs require them. Otherwise never use arrays of object types, use lists instead. They have a much nicer API, are equally fast, and allow you to use ImmutableList and Collections.unmodifiableList() to avoid the need for defensive copying while still guaranteeing immutability.
  • When declaring variables of collection types, use the interface as type instead of the implementation (e.g., List instead of ArrayList). This is especially true for fields, parameters, and return types. Do use the Immutable* types from Guava, though, to show that your collection is immutable.
  • There are many helpers for collections, but unfortunately in different places:
    • org.sosy_lab.common.collect.Collections3 contains our own helper methods.
    • Guava has utility classes such as Lists, Iterables, Maps, Collections2, each of them offering utility methods for the respective type.
    • FluentIterable is a nice class for handling Iterables with the same kind of API like Stream, and often easier to use and with more nice methods (like filter(Class)) than Stream.
    • Java itself provides the Collections class, though some parts like the singleton and immutable collections are better replaced by Guava utilities.


  • Make sure that CPAchecker remains deterministic, i.e., use fixed seeds and do not iterate over collections with non-deterministic order.
  • Never have public fields, never have non-private non-final fields, and try to keep all other non-private fields to a minimum.
  • If you use null in method parameters, return values, or fields, annotate them with @Nullable.
  • Mark fields as final, if they are never modified, and try to make them final, if they are modified (-> immutability).
  • Prefer enhanced for-loop over List.get(int).
  • Use try-with-resources instead of manually calling close().
  • For Function, Predicate, and Optional, use the JDK types instead of the Guava types where possible. For Optional fields in serializable classes, make them @Nullable instead.
  • Do not over-use functional idioms! When an imperative version of the code is shorter and easier to read, it should be preferred.
  • Avoid long and complex anonymous functions, especially if deeply nested. Turning them into a regular method and using a method reference makes the code easier to read and understand (e.g., because the function now has a name describing what it does).
  • Use Integer, Double, Long, Boolean etc. only when necessary (this is, inside generics like in List<Integer>). In fields, method parameters and return values, and local parameters, it is better to use the corresponding primitive types like int.
  • Be very careful when implementing Comparator or Comparable! The logic for comparison is typically very error prone. For example, one must not use integer subtraction or integer negation, because both can overflow and cause a wrong result. Try to avoid implementing Comparators and instead use Guava's Ordering or the static methods on the Comparator interface. If you implement Comparator or Comparable, follow our below instructions for compareTo methods.
  • Avoid Cloneable and clone(), use copy constructors instead if you need them (you don't if you use immutable classes).
  • Never swallow an exception. If throwing another exception, add the original one as the cause. If logging, use the appropriate logger methods (c.f.
  • Do not catch unchecked exceptions, these are used to signal bugs, so catching them hides bugs. If case it is really required, catch only the most specific type and only from the smallest possible part of the code. In particular, never catch Exception, only the specific exception types that need to be caught!
  • Always use arrow rules inside switch instead of case labels (case foo -> instead of case foo:).
  • Use switch expressions instead of switch statements as far as possible, this allows the compiler to check exhaustiveness.
  • Do not write this. were not necessary.
  • Be careful with serialization, it has lots of unexpected pitfalls (read "Effective Java" before using it). If you have serializable classes, mark all serialization-related fields and methods with @Serial.

Use Guava's immutable data structures

Java provides several immutable collections, but Guava has better replacements, so always use Guava's classes. With Guava's data structures one can see the immutability directly from the type, and always using the same set of data structures consistently is better than mixing them. Furthermore, only ImmutableMap and ImmutableSet guarantee order, and we want to keep CPAchecker deterministic. All the replacements in the following table can be used safely in all circumstances.

Java method - NEVER USE Guava method - USE THIS
Collections.emptyList() ImmutableList.of()
Collections.emptyMap() ImmutableMap.of()
Collections.emptySet() ImmutableSet.of()
Collectors.toUnmodifiableList() ImmutableList.toImmutableList()
Collectors.toUnmodifiableMap() ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap()
Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet() ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()
List.of() ImmutableList.of()
List.copyOf() ImmutableList.copyOf()
Map.of() ImmutableMap.of()
Map.copyOf() ImmutableMap.copyOf()
Set.of() ImmutableSet.of()
Set.copyOf() ImmutableSet.copyOf()

Several other collection methods from Java have the same disadvantage as above, but have no direct replacement because they accept null values and Guava doesn't. Null values in collections are typically bad design anyway, so make sure null is avoided and replace them. The Collectors.toList/Map/Set() results have the additional disadvantage that they do not guarantee mutability, but it is easy to accidentally mutate them and thus introduce a bug.

Collections.singletonList() ImmutableList.of()
Collections.singletonMap() ImmutableMap.of()
Collections.singleton() ImmutableSet.of()
Collectors.toList() ImmutableList.toImmutableList()
Collectors.toMap() ImmutableMap.toImmutableMap()
Collectors.toSet() ImmutableSet.toImmutableSet()

List of APIs to avoid

Avoid the following classes:

Avoid Replacement Why? java.util.Optional only necessary for older Java, mix of types is confusing BufferedOutputStream Swallows IOExceptions, but use for CPAchecker's statistics is ok BufferedWriter Swallows IOExceptions
java.util.LinkedList ArrayList/ArrayDeque inefficient, but note that ArrayDeque does not accept null and is slower when modifying in the middle
org.junit.Assert Truth.assertThat much better failure messages

For Guava's Optional, usage that is hidden inside fluent method chains is ok (Example: FluentIterable.from(...).first().orNull()) but using it as a type (for declaring variables etc.) is not as it introduces confusion with Java's Optional.

equals methods

Writing a correct equals() implementation can be tricky. It needs to ensure that it fulfills the contract of equals() (reflexive, symmetric, transitive), returns false for null, does not crash for unexpected types, and is consistent with hashCode(). For data classes, the recommended alternative to writing equals() is to use a record class. If this is not possible, please use one of the following patterns. General notes:

  • The this == pOther check in in equals is optional.
  • Primitive fields need to be compared using ==, object fields with Object.equals(Object other) and @Nullable object fields (but only those) with Objects.equals(Object a, Object b).
  • In class hierarchies, each class should check its own fields and delegate to super.equals() for the rest.

This is the preferred pattern:

public void equals(@Nullable Object pOther) {
  if (this == pOther) {
    return true;
  return pOther instanceof MyClass other
      && field1.equals(other.field1)
      && primitiveField2 == other.primitiveField2
      && ...;

super.equals() would be called as part of the conjunction if necessary.

If you must check for class identity instead of instanceof, please make sure to read this documentation and use the following pattern if required:

public void equals(@Nullable Object pOther) {
  if (this == pOther) {
    return true;
  if (pOther == null || getClass() != pOther.getClass()) {
    return false;
  MyClass other = (MyClass) pOther;
  return field1.equals(other.field1)
      && primitiveField2 == other.field2
      && ...;

super.equals() would replace the null check if necessary.

If the equality logic for your class is more complex than a series of conjunction (e.g., because it requires a disjunction), please use the following pattern:

public void equals(@Nullable Object pOther) {
  if (this == pOther) {
    return true;
  if (pOther instanceof MyClass other
      && field1.equals(other.field1)
      && ...) {

    // Add comment here explaining the reason.
    if (/* condition */) {
      return field2.equals(other.field2);
    } else {
      return field3.equals(other.field3);
  return false;

If this still does not fit, please refactor the implementation by extracting code into utility methods and add comments. A comment in the beginning will also silence the CI check.

compareTo methods

Writing a correct compareTo() implementation can be tricky. It needs to ensure that it fulfills the contract of compareTo() and is consistent with equals(). Implementations should thus rely as much on existing utilities as possible, for example on compare methods in classes like Arrays, Integer, Long, etc., on comparators built with the static methods in Comparator or Ordering, or use ComparisonChain. In particular, do not implement a lexicographic ordering on collections on your own! ComparisonChain is the recommended standard pattern for compareTo if delegation to a single utility method is not enough, e.g., because more than one field needs to be compared:

public int compareTo(MyClass other) {
  return ComparisonChain.start()
      .compare(field1, other.field1)
      .compare(field2, other.field2)

If neither ComparisonChain or one of the utilities fit, please refactor the implementation by extracting code into utility methods and add comments. A comment in the beginning will also silence the CI check.