grunt-steps : 04 - enhanced (pt-Br)
Enhanced usage of Grunt
- grunt plugins loaded with jit-grunt at Gruntfile.js line 8
- grunt tasks settings
- split grunt config into per-task files on ./tools/grunt/config_task directory and loaded at Gruntfile.js line 28
- project main settings centralized on ./tools/config.js and added to grunt settings at Gruntfile.js line 23
- grunt custom tasks defined on ./tools/grunt/custom_task and loaded at Gruntfile.js line 11
- grunt main tasks
task on ./tools/grunt/custom_task/default.jsrelease
task on ./tools/grunt/custom_task/release.jspreview
task on ./tools/grunt/custom_task/preview.js
Must have Git installed
Must have node.js (at least v0.10.x) installed with npm (Node Package Manager)
Must have Grunt.js CLI node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
Must have bower node package installed globally.
sudo npm install -g bower
Enter the following commands in the terminal
git clone
cd grunt-steps/04
npm install
run grunt
npm start
- development workflow
- build (production version)
grunt release
- preview builded
grunt preview
npm init
npm install \
jshint-stylish \
time-grunt \
jit-grunt \
grunt \
grunt-contrib-watch \
grunt-contrib-clean \
grunt-contrib-copy \
grunt-contrib-concat \
grunt-contrib-uglify \
grunt-contrib-htmlmin \
grunt-contrib-cssmin \
grunt-contrib-jshint \
grunt-lintspaces \
grunt-newer \
grunt-browser-sync \
grunt-filerev \
grunt-usemin \
touch Gruntfile.js
bower init
bower install \
jquery \
[GitHub] sindresorhus / time-grunt - Display the elapsed execution time of grunt tasks
[GitHub] shootaroo / jit-grunt - JIT(Just In Time) plugin loader for Grunt.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-watch - Run tasks whenever watched files change.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-clean - Clear files and folders.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-copy - Copy files and folders.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-concat - Concatenate files.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-uglify - Minify files with UglifyJS.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-htmlmin - Minify HTML.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-cssmin - Compress CSS files.
[GitHub] gruntjs / grunt-contrib-jshint - Validate files with JSHint.
[GitHub] schorfES / grunt-lintspaces - A Grunt task for checking spaces in files.
[GitHub] tschaub / grunt-newer - Configure Grunt tasks to run with newer files only.
[GitHub] BrowserSync / grunt-browser-sync - Grunt Task for keeping multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.
[GitHub] yeoman / grunt-filerev - File revving
[GitHub] yeoman / grunt-usemin - Replaces references to non-optimized scripts or stylesheets into a set of HTML files (or any templates/views)
grunt-usemin | Grunt Tasks - Automated optimization of css, js and html files.
- [GitHub] kanakiyajay / grunt-tasks - This repo is for all the Gruntfile.js for grunt plugins