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Environments Tutorial

We've covered how to install, remove, and list packages with Spack using the commands:

This section of the tutorial introduces Spack Environments, which allow you to work with independent groups of packages separately, in a reproducible way. In some ways, Spack environments are similar to virtual environments in other systems (e.g., Python venv), but they are based around file formats (spack.yaml and spack.lock) that can be shared easily and re-used by others across systems.

Administering properly configured software involving lots of packages and/or varying configuration requirements (e.g., different implementations of mpi) for multiple projects and efforts can be overwhelming. Spack environments allow you to readily:

  • establish standard software requirements for your project(s);
  • set up run environments for users;
  • support your usual development environment(s);
  • set up packages for CI/CD;
  • reproduce builds (approximately or exactly) on other machines; and
  • much more.

This tutorial introduces the basics of creating and using environments, then explains how to expand, configure, and build software in them. We will start with the command line interface, then cover editing key environment file directly. We will describe the difference between Spack-managed and independent environments, then finish with a section on reproducible builds.

Environment Basics

Let's look at the output of spack find at this point in the tutorial.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/find-no-env-1.out
   :language: console

This is a complete, but cluttered list of the installed packages and their dependencies. It contains packages built with both openmpi and mpich, as well as multiple variants of other packages, like hdf5 and zlib-ng. The query mechanism we learned about with spack find can help, but it would be nice if we could start from a clean slate without losing what we've already installed.

Creating and activating environments

The spack env command can help. Let's create a new environment called myproject:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-create-1.out
   :language: console

An environment is like a virtualized Spack instance that you can use to aggregate package installations for a project or other purpose. It has an associated view, which is a single prefix where all packages from the environment are linked.

You can see the environments we've created so far using the spack env list command:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-list-1.out
   :language: console

Now let's activate our environment. You can use spack env activate command:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-activate-1.out
   :language: console


If you use the -p option for spack env activate, Spack will prepend the environment name to the prompt. This is a handy way to be reminded if and which environment you are in.

You can also use the shorter spacktivate alias for spack env activate.


Alias behavior may vary depending on the shell interpreter used. In Bash, use of aliases requires the shell option expand_aliases to be set. This option is set by default, but it is not set in non-interactive shells, e.g., when executing a Bash script. In a Bash script, expand_aliases can be set with the command shopt -s expand_aliases.

Once you activate an environment, spack find only shows what is in the current environment. We just created this environment, so it does not contain any installed packages.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/find-env-1.out
   :language: console

The output from spack find is now slightly different. It tells you that you're in the myproject environment, so there is no need to panic when you see that none of the previously installed packages are available. It also states that there are no root specs. We'll get back to what that means later.

If you only want to check what environment you are in, you can use spack env status:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-status-1.out
   :language: console

If you want to leave this environment, you can use spack env deactivate or the despacktivate alias for short.

After deactivating, we can see everything installed in this Spack instance:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-status-2.out
   :language: console

Notice that we are no longer in an environment and all our packages are still installed.

Installing packages

Now that we understand how creation and activation work, let's go back to myproject and install a couple of packages, specifically, tcl and trilinos.

Try the usual install command first:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-fail-install-1.out
   :language: console

Environments are special in that you must add specs to them before installing. spack add allows us to do queue up several specs to be installed together. Let's try it:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-add-1.out
   :language: console

Now, tcl and trilinos have been registered as root specs in this environment. That is because we explicitly asked for them to be installed, so they are the roots of the combined graph of all packages we'll install.

Now, let's install:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-install-1.out
   :language: console

We see that tcl and the dependencies of trilinos are already installed, and that trilinos was newly installed. We also see that the environment's view was updated to include the new installations.

Now confirm the contents of the environment using spack find:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/find-env-2.out
   :language: console

We can see that the roots and all their dependencies have been installed.

Creating an environment incrementally

As a short-hand, you can use the install --add flag to accomplish the same thing in one step:

$ spack install --add tcl trilinos

This both adds the specs to the environment and installs them.

You can also add and install specs to an environment incrementally. For example:

$ spack install --add tcl
$ spack install --add trilinos

If you create environments incrementally, Spack ensures that already installed roots are not re-concretized. So, adding specs to an environment at a later point in time will not cause existing packages to rebuild.

Do note however that incrementally creating an environment can give you different package versions from an environment created all at once. We will cover this after we've discussed different concretization strategies.

Further, there are two other advantages of concretizing and installing an environment all at once:

  • If you have a number of specs that can be installed together, adding them first and installing them together enables them to share dependencies and reduces total installation time.
  • You can launch all builds in parallel by taking advantage of Spack's install-level build parallelism.

Using packages

Environments provide a convenient way for using installed packages. Running spack env activate gives you everything in the environment on your PATH. Otherwise, you would need to use spack load or module load for each package in order to set up the environment for the package (and its dependencies).

When you install packages into an environment, they are, by default, linked into a single prefix, or view. Activating the environment with spack env activate results in subdirectories from the view being added to PATH, MANPATH, CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, and other environment variables. This makes the environment easier to use.

Let's try it out. We just installed tcl into our myproject environment. Tcl includes a shell-like application called tclsh. You can see the path to tclsh using which:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/use-tcl-1.out
   :language: console

Notice its path includes the name of our environment and a view subdirectory.

You can now run tclsh like you would any other program that is in your path:

$ tclsh
% echo "hello world!"
hello world!
% exit

Uninstalling packages

We can uninstall packages from an environment without affecting other environments. This is possible since, while Spack shares common installations, environments only link to those installations.

Let's demonstrate this feature by creating another environment. Suppose myproject requires trilinos but we have another project that has it installed but no longer requires it.

Start by creating a myproject2 environment with the installed packages scr and trilinos.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-create-2.out
   :language: console

Now we have two environments. The myproject environment has tcl and trilinos while the myproject2 environment has scr and trilinos.

Now let's try to uninstall trilinos from myproject2 and review the contents of the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-uninstall-1.out
   :language: console

We can see that trilinos won't be uninstalled because it is still referenced in another environment managed by spack. If we want to remove it from the roots list we need to use spack remove:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-remove-1.out
   :language: console

When the spec is first removed, we see that it is no longer a root but is still present in the installed specs. Once we reconcretize, the vestigial spec is removed. Now, it is no longer a root and will need to be re-added before being installed as part of this environment.

We know trilinos is still needed for the myproject environment, so let's switch back to confirm that it is still installed in that environment.

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-swap-1.out
   :language: console

Phew! We see that myproject still has trilinos as a root spec. Spack uses reference counting to ensure that we don't remove trilinos when it is still needed by myproject.


Trilinos would only have been uninstalled by Spack if it were no longer needed by any environments or their package dependencies.

You can also uninstall a package and remove it from the environment in one go with spack uninstall --remove trilinos.

The spack.yaml file

An environment is more than just a list of root specs. It includes configuration settings that affect the way Spack behaves when the environment is activated. So far, myproject relies on configuration defaults that can be overridden. Here we'll look at how to add specs and ensure all the packages depending on mpi build with mpich. We can customize the selection of the mpi provider using concretization preferences to change the behavior of the concretizer.

Let's start by looking at the configuration of our environment using spack config get:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/config-get-1.out
   :emphasize-lines: 8-13

The output shows the special spack.yaml configuration file that Spack uses to store the environment configuration.

There are several important parts of this file:

  • specs:: the list of specs to install
  • view:: this controls whether the environment has a view. You can set it to false to disable view generation.
  • concretizer:unify:: This controls how the specs in the environment are concretized.

The specs list should look familiar; these are the specs we've been modifying with spack add.

concretizer:unify:true, the default, means that they are concretized together, so that there is only one version of each package in the environment. Other options for unify are false and when_possible. false means that the specs are concretized independently, so that there may be multiple versions of the same package in the environment. when_possible lies between those options. In this case, Spack will unify as many packages in the environment, but will not fail if it cannot unify all of them.

Editing environment configuration


Before proceeding, make sure your EDITOR environment variable is set to the path of your preferred text editor.

Let's edit spack.yaml to require mpich as our mpi provider using spack config edit.

You should now have the above file open in your editor. Change it to include the packages:mpi:require entry below:

# This is a Spack Environment file.
# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
# configuration settings.
      require: [mpich]

  # add package specs to the `specs` list
  specs: [tcl, trilinos]


We introduce this here to show you how environment configuration can affect concretization. Configuration options are covered in much more detail in the :ref:`configuration tutorial <configs-tutorial>`.

We've only scratched the surface here by requiring a specific mpi provider for packages depending on mpi. There are many other customizations you can make to an environment. Refer to the links at the end of this section for more information.

Re-concretizing the environment

You may need to re-install packages in the environment after making significant changes to the configuration, such as changing virtual providers. This can be accomplished by forcing Spack to re-concretize the environment and re-install the specs.

For example, the packages installed in our myproject environment are now out of sync with our new configuration since we already installed part of the environment with openmpi. Suppose we want to install everything in myproject with mpich.

Let's run spack concretize --force (or -f in short) to make Spack re-concretize all the environment's specs:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/concretize-f-1.out
   :language: console

All the specs are now concrete and ready to be installed with mpich as the MPI implementation.

Re-concretization is sometimes also necessary when creating an environment incrementally with unification enabled. Spack makes sure that already concretized specs in the environment are not modified when adding something new.

Adding and installing specs one by one leads to greedy concretization. When you first install python in an environment, Spack will pick a recent version for it. If you then add py-numpy, it may be in conflict with the python version already installed, and fail to concretize:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/incremental-1.out
   :language: console

The solution is to re-concretize the environment as a whole, which causes python to downgrade to a version compatible with py-numpy:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/incremental-2.out
   :language: console

Building in environments

Activated environments allow you to invoke any programs installed in them as if they were installed on the system. In this section we will take advantage of that feature.

Suppose you want to compile some MPI programs. We have an MPI implementation installed in our myproject2 environment, so mpicc is available in our path. We can confirm this using which:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/show-mpicc-1.out
   :language: console

As mentioned before, activating the environment sets a number of environment variables. That includes variables like PATH, MANPATH, and CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, which allows you to easily find package executables and libraries installed in the environment.

Let's look specifically at path-related environment variables using env | grep PATH:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/show-paths-1.out
   :language: console

We can demonstrate use of these environment settings by building a really simple MPI program.

Let's create a program called mpi-hello.c that contains the following code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include <zlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int rank;
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
  printf("Hello world from rank %d\n", rank);

  if (rank == 0) {
    printf("zlib version: %s\n", ZLIB_VERSION);
    printf("zlib-ng version: %s\n", ZLIBNG_VERSION);


This program includes headers from mpi and zlib. It also prints out a message from each MPI rank and the version of zlib.

Let's build and run our program:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/use-mpi-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that we only needed to pass the include path to the compiler. We also see that Hello world is output for each of the ranks and the version of zlib used to build the program is printed.

We can confirm the version of zlib used to build the program is in our environment using spack find:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/myproject-zlib-ng-1.out
   :language: console

Note that the reported version does match that of our installation.

Reproducing builds

Spack environments provide users with virtual environments similar to Python venv and Conda environments). The goal is to ensure packages in one environment are kept separate from those of another. These environments can be managed by Spack or independent. In either case, their environment files can be used to reproduce builds by other users and on other machines. Since those files are key to reproducing builds, let's start with them.

Environment files

There are two key files tracking the contents of environments: spack.yaml and spack.lock. The spack.yaml file holds the environment configuration that we previously edited through spack config edit. The spack.lock file is automatically generated during concretization.

The two files represent two fundamental concepts:

  • spack.yaml: abstract specs and configuration to install; and
  • spack.lock: all fully concrete specs.

These files are intended to be used by developers and administrators to manage the environments in a reproducible way. We will cover their reuse later.


Both environment files can be versioned in repositories, shared, and used to install the same set of software by different users and on other machines.

Managed versus independent environments

Environments are either Spack-managed or independent. Both types of environments are defined by their environment files. So far we have only created managed environments. This section describes their differences.

Managed environments are created using spack env create <name>. They are automatically created in the var/spack/environments subdirectory and can be referenced by their names.

Independent environments can be created in one of two ways. First, the Spack environment file(s) can be placed in any directory (other than var/spack/environments). Alternatively, you can use spack env create -d <directory> to specify the directory (<directory>) in which the files should reside. Independent environments are not named.

Reviewing a managed environment

We created the myproject environment earlier using spack env create myproject so let's mainly focus on its environment files in this section.

Earlier, when we changed the environment's configuration using spack config edit, we were actually editing its spack.yaml file. We can move to the directory containing the file using spack cd:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/filenames-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that myproject is a subdirectory of var/spack/environments within the Spack installation making it a managed environment. Consequently, it can be referenced by name. It will also show up when running spack env list:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-list-2.out
   :language: console

which indicates the active environment by highlighting it in green.

We can also see from the listing above that the current environment directory contains both of the environment files: spack.yaml and spack.lock. This is because spack.lock was generated when we concretized the environment.

If we cat the spack.yaml file, we'll see the same specs and view options previously shown by spack config get:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/cat-config-1.out
   :language: console

Creating an independent environment

Environments do not have to be created in or managed by a Spack instance. Rather, their environment files can be placed in any directory. This feature can be quite helpful for use cases such as environment-based software releases and CI/CD.

Let's create an independent environment from scratch for a simple project:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/independent-create-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that the command shows Spack created the environment, updated the view, and printed the command needed to activate it. As we can see in the activation command, since the environment is independent, it must be referenced by its directory path.

Let's see what really happened with this command by listing the directory contents and looking at the configuration file:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/independent-create-2.out
   :language: console

Notice that Spack created a spack.yaml file in the code directory. Also note that the configuration file has an empty spec list (i.e., []). That list is intended to contain only the root specs of the environment.

We can confirm that it is not a managed environment by running spack env list:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/env-list-3.out
   :language: console

and noting that the path does not appear in the output.

Now let's add some specs to the environment. Suppose your project depends on trilinos and openmpi. Add these packages to the spec list using your favorite text editor. The dash syntax for a YAML list is used in our example. Your package should now contain the following entries:

# This is a Spack Environment file.
# It describes a set of packages to be installed, along with
# configuration settings.
  # add package specs to the `specs` list
  - trilinos
  - openmpi
  view: true
    unify: true

Now activate the environment and install the packages:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/install-independent-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that Spack concretized the specs before installing them and their dependencies. It also updated the environment's view. Since we already installed all these packages outside of the environment, their links were simply added to it.

Updating an installed environment

Spack supports tweaking an environment even after the initial specs are installed. You are free to add and remove specs just as you would outside of the environment using the command line interface as before.

For example, let's add hdf5 and look at our file:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/add-independent-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that spack add added the package to our active environment and it appears in the configuration file's spec list.


You'll need to run spack install to install added packages in your environment because spack add only adds it to the configuration.

Now use spack remove to remove the spec from the configuration:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/remove-independent-1.out
   :language: console

and we see that the spec was removed from the spec list of our environment.


You can also edit the spack.yaml file directly instead of using the spack add and spack remove commands.

Reviewing spack.lock

Now let's turn our attention from the abstract to the concrete.

Our focus so far has been on the abstract environment configuration represented by the spack.yaml file. Once that file is concretized, Spack generates a corresponding spack.lock file representing the full concretized state of the environment.

This file is intended to be a machine-readable representation of the information needed to reproduce the build of an environment. As such, it is written in json, which is less readable than yaml.

Let's look at the top 30 lines of our current environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/lockfile-1.out
   :language: console

While it is still readable, it consists of over 1900 lines of information representing the actual configurations for each of the environment's packages.

Reproducing an environment

Now that we've described the contents of the environment files we can discuss how they can be used to reproduce environments. You may want to do this yourself on a different machine, or use an environment built by someone else. The process is the same in either case.

You can recreate an environment by passing either of the environment files to spack env create. The file you choose depends on whether you want to approximate the build using the abstract specs or an exact build based on the concrete specs.

Using spack.yaml

An approximate build is created using the spack.yaml file. This approach is relevant when we want to build the same specs on a new platform, for example. It allows you to reproduce the environment by preserving the abstract requirements in the file. However, the software may actually build differently in part because the concretizer may choose different dependencies.

Let's use spack env create to create an abstract environment from the file that we'll call abstract:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/create-from-file-1.out
   :language: console

Here we see that Spack created a managed environment with the name we provided.

And, since it is a newly created environment, it does not have any installed specs yet as we can see from calling spack find after activating the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/find-env-abstract-1.out
   :language: console

Notice that we have the same root specs as were listed in the spack.yaml file.

Using spack.lock

The spack.lock file is used for an exact reproduction of the original build. It can replicate the build because it contains the information for all the decisions made during concretization.

Now let's create a concrete environment, called concrete, from the file:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/create-from-file-2.out
   :language: console

Here we see that Spack again created a managed environment with the provided name.

Since we created the environment from our spack.lock file, not only do we get the same root specs, all of the packages are installed in the environment as we can see from calling spack find after activating the environment:

.. literalinclude:: outputs/environments/find-env-concrete-1.out
   :language: console


Use of spack.lock to reproduce a build (currently) requires you to be on the same type of machine.

More information

This tutorial only scratches the surface of environments and what they can do. For more information, take a look at the Spack resources below.

Setting up and building environments

Using environments

Finding examples of environments