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GeoTrellis Chattanooga model demo

This is a demo of GeoTrellis functionality. The demo consists of two parts: the tile ingest process and demo server to query ingested data.


  • Java 8
  • (optional - for make ingest) Apache Spark
  • (optional - for make ingest-docker) Docker


See the Makefile for full details.

Command Action
make build Build ingest/server code
make ingest Ingest data for use by server
make ingest-docker Ingest via docker
make server Start a test server at localhost:8777
make image Generate a Docker image for deployment


The demo covers Chattanooga with different Byte tiles. (In fact each tile is essentially of type Bit because they only contain the values {0, 1}). Each tile is ingests into it's own layer, and the resulting map consists of layers which consist of combinations of differently-weighted source layers (a weighted overlay).

API routes:

Color Ramps

List of available color ramps to color weighted overlay:

  • blue-to-orange
  • green-to-orange
  • blue-to-red
  • green-to-red-orange
  • light-to-dark-sunset
  • light-to-dark-green
  • yellow-to-red-heatmap
  • blue-to-yellow-to-red-heatmap
  • dark-red-to-yellow-heatmap
  • purple-to-dark-purple-to-white-heatmap
  • bold-land-use-qualitative
  • muted-terrain-qualitative

Color Breaks

Get Parameters: layers, weights, numBreaks.

Calculates breaks for combined layers by weights with specified breaks amount.

Weighted Overlay:

Get Parameters: layers, weights, breaks, bbox, colors: [default: 4], colorRamp: [default: "blue-to-red"], mask.

It is a TMS layer service that gets {zoom}/{x}/{y}, passed a series of layer names and weights, and returns PNG TMS tiles of the weighted overlay. It also takes the breaks that were computed using the gt/breaks service. If the mask option is set to a polygon, {zoom}/{x}/{y} tiles masked by that polygon would be returned.

Zonal Summary:

Get Parameters: polygon, layers, weights.

This service takes layers, weights and a polygon. It will compute a weighted summary of the area under the polygon.

Running Demo with GeoDocker Cluster

Quick clarification:

  • Ingest requires Spark usage.
  • Server works without Spark (uses GeoTrellis Collections API).

This description is a bit more generic, and describes dependent Spark server run.

To compile and run this demo, we prepared an environment. To run cluster we have a slightly-modified docker-compose.yml file:

More information avaible in a GeoDocker cluster repo

  • Install and run this demo using GeoDocker cluster

    • Modify application.conf (working conf example for GeoDocker cluster):

        geotrellis {
          port = 8777
          server.static-path = "../static"
          hostname = "spark-master"
          backend  = "accumulo"
        accumulo {
          instance   = "accumulo"
          user       = "root"
          password   = "GisPwd"
          zookeepers = "zookeeper"
    • Modify backend-profiles.json (working conf example for GeoDocker cluster):

          "name": "accumulo-local",
          "type": "accumulo",
          "zookeepers": "zookeeper",
          "instance": "accumulo",
          "user": "root",
          "password": "GisPwd"
    • Copy everything into spark master container:

        cd ./geotrellis
        ./sbt assembly
        docker exec geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1 mkdir -p /data/target/scala-2.10/
        docker cp target/scala-2.11/GeoTrellis-Tutorial-Project-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/data/target/scala-2.10/GeoTrellis-Tutorial-Project-assembly-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
        docker cp  ../static geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/static
        docker cp data/arg_wm/ geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/data/
        docker cp conf geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/data/
        docker cp geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/data/
        docker cp geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1:/data/
        docker exec -it geotrellischattademo_spark-master_1 bash
        cd /data/; make ingest  # to ingest data into accumulo
        cd /data/; make server  # to run the server

    This demo would be installed into /data directory, inside spark master container.