Downloads a file from the internets.
Get-ChocolateyWebFile `
-PackageName <String> `
-FileFullPath <String> `
[-Url <String>] `
[-Url64bit <String>] `
[-Checksum <String>] `
[-ChecksumType <String>] `
[-Checksum64 <String>] `
[-ChecksumType64 <String>] `
[-Options <Hashtable>] `
[-GetOriginalFileName] [<CommonParameters>]
This will download a file from a url, tracking with a progress bar. It returns the filepath to the downloaded file when it is complete.
Chocolatey works best when the packages contain the software it is managing and doesn't require downloads. However most software in the Windows world requires redistribution rights and when sharing packages publicly (like on the community feed), maintainers may not have those aforementioned rights. Chocolatey understands how to work with that, hence this function. You are not subject to this limitation with internal packages.
The name of the package - while this is an arbitrary value, it's recommended that it matches the package id.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | true |
Position? | 1 |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
This is the full path of the resulting file name.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | true |
Position? | 2 |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
This is the 32 bit url to download the resource from. This resource can
be used on 64 bit systems when a package has both a Url and Url64bit
specified if a user passes --forceX86
. If there is only a 64 bit url
available, please remove do not use the paramter (only use Url64bit).
Will fail on 32bit systems if missing or if a user attempts to force
a 32 bit installation on a 64 bit system.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | 3 |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL - If there is a 64 bit resource available, use this parameter. Chocolatey will automatically determine if the user is running a 64 bit OS or not and adjust accordingly. Please note that the 32 bit url will be used in the absence of this. This parameter should only be used for 64 bit native software. If the original Url contains both (which is quite rare), set this to '$url' Otherwise remove this parameter.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | 4 |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL (Highly recommended) - The checksum hash value of the Url resource. This allows a checksum to be validated for files that are not local. The checksum type is covered by ChecksumType.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL - The type of checkum that the file is validated with - valid values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512' - defaults to 'md5'.
MD5 is not recommended as certain organizations need to use FIPS compliant algorithms for hashing - see for more details.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL (Highly recommended) - The checksum hash value of the Url64bit resource. This allows a checksum to be validated for files that are not local. The checksum type is covered by ChecksumType64.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL - The type of checkum that the file is validated with - valid values are 'md5', 'sha1', 'sha256' or 'sha512' - defaults to ChecksumType parameter value.
MD5 is not recommended as certain organizations need to use FIPS compliant algorithms for hashing - see for more details.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | $checksumType |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL - Specify custom headers. Available in 0.9.10+.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | @{Headers=@{}} |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
OPTIONAL switch to allow Chocolatey to determine the original file name from the url resource.
Property | Value |
Aliases | |
Required? | false |
Position? | named |
Default Value | False |
Accept Pipeline Input? | false |
This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer, and -OutVariable. For more information, see about_CommonParameters .
Get-ChocolateyWebFile '__NAME__' 'C:\somepath\somename.exe' 'URL' '64BIT_URL_DELETE_IF_NO_64BIT'
$toolsDir = "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)"
Get-ChocolateyWebFile -PackageName 'bob' -FileFullPath "$toolsDir\bob.exe" -Url 'https://somewhere/bob.exe'
$options =
Headers = @{
Accept = 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8';
'Accept-Charset' = 'ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3';
'Accept-Language' = 'en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6';
Cookie = 'requiredinfo=info';
Referer = '';
Get-ChocolateyWebFile -PackageName 'package' -FileFullPath "$(Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)\thefile.exe" -Url '' -Options $options
- [[Install-ChocolateyPackage|HelpersInstallChocolateyPackage]]
- [[Get-WebFile|HelpersGetWebFile]]
- [[Get-WebFileName|HelpersGetWebFileName]]
- [[Get-FtpFile|HelpersGetFtpFile]]
[[Function Reference|HelpersReference]]
NOTE: This documentation has been automatically generated from Import-Module "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyInstaller.psm1" -Force; Get-Help Get-ChocolateyWebFile -Full