This example uses the same sample application that is used in the java/linux example.
It also uses the Docker image that was built for this sample application in the java/k8s example. If you'd like to build your own image, then please follow the steps in that example to do so.
Otherwise, we'll demonstrate how to use the existing Docker image that's hosted in GitHub's container repository to deploy a Java application in Amazon EKS Fargate.
The following tools are required to build and deploy the Java application and the Splunk OpenTelemetry Collector:
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Helm 3
- An AWS account with an EKS Fargate cluster and appropriate permissions
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) is a managed Kubernetes service that allows you to deploy and scale containerized applications.
It comes in two flavors:
- EC2: containers are deployed onto EC2 instances that are provisioned for your EKS cluster
- Fargate: containers are deployed in a serverless manner
We'll demonstrate how to deploy the Java application and OpenTelemetry collector using EKS Fargate, however EC2 is similar.
If you don't already have an EKS Fargate cluster provisioned, follow the instructions in Get started with Amazon EKS – eksctl to do so.
This example assumes that the AWS Load Balancer Controller is installed in the Fargate cluster.
See Install AWS Load Balancer Controller with Helm to install it, if required.
This example requires the Splunk Distribution of the OpenTelemetry collector to be running in the EKS cluster.
We'll use Helm to deploy the collector in our Amazon EKS cluster. To do this,
we've set the required distribution value to eks/fargate
The OpenTelemetry Collector agent daemonset is not created since Fargate does not support daemonsets.
For this reason, we've setgateway.enabled=true
and will use the gateway collector to capture
metrics, traces, and logs from the application instead of an agent collector.
Here's an example command that shows how to deploy the collector in EKS Fargate using Helm:
helm install splunk-otel-collector --set="cloudProvider=aws,distribution=eks/fargate,splunkObservability.accessToken=***,clusterName=<Cluster Name>,splunkObservability.realm=<Realm>,gateway.enabled=true,splunkPlatform.endpoint=https://<HEC URL>,splunkPlatform.token=***,splunkPlatform.index=<Index>,splunkObservability.profilingEnabled=true,environment=<Environment Name>" splunk-otel-collector-chart/splunk-otel-collector
You'll need to substitute your access token, realm, and other information.
Please refer to Configure Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Fargate for further details.
Open a command line terminal and navigate to the root of the directory.
For example:
cd ~/splunk-opentelemetry-examples/instrumentation/java/aws-eks-fargate
Now that we have our Docker image, we can deploy the application to our Kubernetes cluster. We'll do this by using the following kubectl command to deploy the doorgame-eks.yaml manifest file:
kubectl apply -f ./doorgame-eks.yaml
The Docker image already includes the splunk-otel-javaagent.jar file, and adds it to the Java startup command. The doorgame-eks.yaml manifest file adds to this configuration by setting the following environment variables, to configure how the Java agent gathers and exports data to the collector running within the cluster:
- name: PORT
value: "9090"
value: "http://splunk-otel-collector:4318"
value: "doorgame"
value: "tracecontext,baggage"
value: "true"
value: "true"
Note that we've used the gateway collector address to populate OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT
since the agent collector is not deployed in an EKS Fargate environment as noted above.
To test the application, we'll need to get the Load Balancer DNS name:
kubectl get ingress
It will return something like the following:
doorgame-ingress alb * 80 5m15s
Then we can access the application by pointing our browser to
Note that it will take a few minutes for the load balancer to be created in AWS.
The application should look like the following:
After a minute or so, you should start to see traces for the Java application appearing in Splunk Observability Cloud:
Note that the trace has been decorated with Kubernetes attributes, such as
and k8s.pod.uid
. This allows us to retain context when we navigate from APM to
infrastructure data within Splunk Observability Cloud.
Metrics are collected by splunk-otel-javaagent.jar automatically. For example,
the jvm.memory.used
metric shows us the amount of memory used in the JVM
by type of memory:
The Splunk Distribution of OpenTelemetry Java automatically adds trace context to logs.
We configured the OpenTelemetry Collector to export log data to Splunk platform using the Splunk HEC exporter. The logs can then be made available to Splunk Observability Cloud using Log Observer Connect. This will provide full correlation between spans generated by Java instrumentation with metrics and logs.
Here's an example of what that looks like. We can see that the trace includes a Related Content link at the bottom right:
Clicking on this link brings us to Log Observer Connect, which filters on log entries related to this specific trace: