I had a terrible time getting the docs to build. I had to patch jsdoc, replacing "var Script = process.binding('evals').Script;" with "var vm = require('vm');" and "Script.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync(file), file);" with "vm.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync(file), file);" in the installed jsdoc run.js file.
NOTE: If you install it from RubyGems it will not work. To install the gem, you should build it locally:
$ gem build sc_docs.gemspec
and then install it:
$ gem install sc-docs-0.0.3.gem
Previewed the docs with:
sc-docs preview frameworks/sproutcore -t lib/sc_docs/templates/docs.sproutcore.com/
Built the docs with:
sc-docs generate frameworks/sproutcore -o output -t lib/sc_docs/templates/docs.sproutcore.com/
And then copied the output into my clone of [email protected]:sproutcore-docs/sproutcore-docs.github.com.git It's important not to build directly into the build repo working copy, because sc-docs removes the contents of the output directory before building.
A tool to generate documentation for the SproutCore framework and SproutCore projects, using the JSDoc format.
Authors: Majd Taby, Peter Wagenet
gem install sc-docs
NOTE: If you are not using the latest version of SproutCore, the built-in sc-docs command may conflict. This has been fixed in the newest versions of SC.
sc-docs preview INPUT_DIRECTORY_PATH
This documents the specified directory and then runs a preview sc-server instance.
The generate command runs sc-build and deploys to the specified directory.
By default sc-docs assumes that you want to generate docs for the SproutCore based Doc Viewer. However, if you pass a template it will generate a standard HTML output.
- node.js: We use a special (much faster) version of jsdoc-toolkit that requires node.js.
Generates the docs in JSON format for use within an SC based viewer app.
The template used at docs.sproutcore.com. Designed by Matt Grantham and Ryan Mudryk with additional work by Avrohom Katz.
jsdoc-toolkit: Used for the heavy lifting of docs generation