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Hal Hockersmith edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 2 revisions

Pushover Message

A pushover message is used to add parameters quickly to a message API request. To create a pushover message to send use the Builder interface. Below are the fields available as a reference:

String getApiToken()
Hash API key for your application. This should be found on the application setting page.

String getUserId()
user/group key ideitifing the recepient(s)

device String getDevice()
If using a users key (not group) send message to only one specific device. If not set alert all devices on account.

String getTitle()
Display title (similar to email subject) that will appear in bold in the message card

String getMessage()
Body of the message to send to the recepients.

String getUrl()
An additional clickable link to be included with the message append after the message.

String getTitleForURL()
A readable name for the URL rather than display the http(s) link

MessagePriority getPriority()
Priority of the message range from -2 to 2, use the MessagePriority enum to make things simpler to read

timestamp Long getTimestamp()
Unix timestamp that will set a time in the message rather than time of API call

sound String getSound()
The sound to play on the users device. Overrides their default sound. List of sounds can be requested via api

int getRetry()
Required for emergency (2) priority messages only, specifies how frequently to retry the message. No less than 30 seconds.

int getExpire()
Required for emergency (2) priority messages only. Sets how long until the pushover system stops trying to send to the user(s). System uses smaller of specified or 86440 seconds (24 hours)

emergencyCallbackUrl String getEmergencyCallbackUrl() A callback url that Pushover servers will call when a user acknowledges an emergency.

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