Grafana dashboards
For node_exporter
Monitor Linux system.
Only requires the default job_name: node, add as many targets as you need in '/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'.
- job_name: node
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
By default, not all values from vmstat, netstat and interrupts, are exported by prometheus-node-exporter, so some graphs are empty. For get a fully working dashboard, be sure to start the process with this arguments:
--collector.netstat.fields=(.*) --collector.vmstat.fields=(.*) --collector.interrupts
In a Debian system, add them to the startup configuration file located in '/etc/default/prometheus-node-exporter'.
For prometheus-node-expter v.0.16 or older, use node-exporter-full-old.json
Thanks to the PCP project for document the values reported by the kernel in /proc (in their /pmdas/linux/help src file mainly). Url -->
For node_exporter in FreeBSD system
Monitor FreeBSD system.
Only requires a configured target under any job_name.
For haproxy_exporter
Monitor Haproxy service.
Only requires a configured target under any job_name.
For Haproxy compiled with Prometheus support
Monitor Haproxy service direct.
Only requires a configured target under any job_name.
For apache_exporter
Monitor Apache service.
Only requires a configured target under any job_name.
For node_exporter
Monitor all NFS and NFSd exported values.
Check that the process was started with the arguments "--collector.nfs" and "--collector.nfsd".
The same as Node Exporter Full. Only requires the default job_name: node, add as many targets as you need in '/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'.