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Rhys Mainwaring edited this page Feb 8, 2019 · 3 revisions


A Gazebo model plugin to manage buoyancy and hydrodynamic force calculations for a buoyant object.


Add the SDF for the plugin to the <model> element of your model.

<plugin name="hydrodynamics" filename="">
  <!-- Wave Model -->

  <!-- Hydrodynamics -->

  <!-- Linear and Angular Damping -->

  <!-- 'Pressure' Drag -->

  <!-- Markers -->

Subscribed Topics

  1. ~/hydrodynamics (gazebo::msgs::Param_V)

Published Topics

  1. /marker (ignition::msgs::Marker)


  1. <wave_model> (string, default: "")
    Name of the wave model referencing the plugin WavefieldModelPlugin.

  2. <damping_on> (bool, default: true)
    Set to false to disable damping forces.

  3. <viscous_drag_on> (bool, default: true)
    Set to false to disable viscous drag forces.

  4. <pressure_drag_on> (bool, default: true)
    Set to false to disable pressure drag forces.

  5. <cDampL1> (double, default: 1.0E-6)
    Linear damping coefficient for linear motion.

  6. <cDampL2> (double, default: 1.0E-6)
    Quadratic damping coefficient for linear motion.

  7. <cDampR1> (double, default: 1.0E-6)
    Linear damping coefficient for angular motion.

  8. <cDampR2> (double, default: 1.0E-6)
    Quadratic damping coefficient for angular motion.

  9. <cPDrag1> (double, default: 1.0E+2)
    Linear coecoefficientff for positive pressure drag.

  10. <cPDrag2> (double, default: 1.0E+2)
    Quadratic coefficient for positive pressure drag.

  11. <fPDrag> (double, default: 0.4)
    Exponential coefficient for positive pressure drag.

  12. <cSDrag1> (double, default: 1.0E+2)
    Linear coecoefficientff for negative pressure drag.

  13. <cSDrag2> (double, default: 1.0E+2)
    Quadratic coefficient for negative pressure drag.

  14. <fSDrag> (double, default: 0.4)
    Exponential coefficient for negative pressure drag.

  15. <vRDrag> (double, default: 1.0)
    Reference speed for pressure drag.

  16. <update_rate> (double, default: 30.0)
    Update rate for publishing visual markers.

  17. <water_patch> (bool, default: false)
    Set true to display water patch visual markers.

  18. <waterline> (bool, default: false)
    Set true to display water line visual markers.

  19. <underwater_surface> (bool, default: false)
    Set true to display underwater surface visual markers.

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