{{name}} ({{qtype}})
{{name}} ({{qtype}})
{{name}} ({{qtype}})
' +\n '' +\n '',\n TYPE: '{{STR.chooseqtypetoadd}}
' +\n '{{name}} ({{qtype}})
' +\n '' +\n '{{STR.chooseqtypetoadd}}
' +\n '{1:REGEXP:%100%blue, white and red#Congratulations!~--.*(blue|red|white).*#You have not even found one of the colours of the French flag!~--.*(&&blue&&red&&white).*#You have not found all the colours of the French flag~--.*\bblue\b.*#The colour of the sky is missing!}
+ """ + And I select the "span" element in position "0" of the "Question text" TinyMCE editor + And I click on "Cloze question editor" "button" + # The following step works locally but fails on Github for some reason. + #Then I should see "Regular expression short answer (REGEXP)" + And the field with xpath "//form[@name='tiny_cloze_form']//li[1]//input[contains(@class, 'tiny_cloze_answer')]" matches value "blue, white and red" + And the field with xpath "//form[@name='tiny_cloze_form']//li[1]//select[contains(@class, 'tiny_cloze_frac')]" matches value "100%" + And the field with xpath "//form[@name='tiny_cloze_form']//li[1]//input[contains(@class, 'tiny_cloze_feedback')]" matches value "Congratulations!"