Nicholas Car (Secretary)
Stephen Pratt
Sandra Silcot
Rowan Brownlee
Anasurya Deveraju
Alexa Olczyk
Len Smith
Armin Haller (Chair)
Nataliya Katsman
Edmond Chuc
Tanya Whitworth
Sharon Stratsianis
1. Confirm Minutes of Previous meeting
- ask for self-introductions
- progress report on catalogue moving to ARDC
- short reports from members on LD projects
- what would members like to see accomplished this year?
- APPROVED (no non-approvals)
- Alexa Olczyk (ABS) - within the APS data professionals network
- Anu Deveraju (TERN, Brisbane) - formerly CSIRO, PhD in spatial + semantics, working on FAIR TERN datasets
Nick: reported latest updates on his discussions with ARDC. He also discussed the differences between a Register (of PIDs) and a catalogue (of Linked Data assets).
- Len: Federal budget contains money for the Indigenous Data Network so the Indigenous Geospatatial Ontology and catalogue projects could be funded!
- Nick:
- profile-enabled Linked Data publishing stack in Python: SURROUND are trying to add on top of pyLDAPI to allow for publication by profile (youspecify the profile and supply the data, the API delivers it)
- OGC API - I have produced OGC API-compliant APIs with Linked Data tooling, e.g.
- OWL-RL - a student is working on this Python tool to assist with RDF reasoning. Due in a few months.
- Armin:
- AGRIF project is concoluding this calendar year with software dev tasks completing. There may be more open source tooling couning out of the project in future AGLDWG meetings
- student project, MEMEX: a distributed graph of web page bookmarks. I have a student linking MEMEX text labels to WikiData text entities. Project half done!
- Armin - co-chairs discussed:
- propose we create a catalogue of LD resources
- improve the website
- analytics
- more general info
- Nick - suggests:
- establish a regular communication regime with agencies and groups
- Sandra: ARDC a starting-point for Unis
- establish a regular communication regime with agencies and groups
- Nataliya
- maybe we can contact other ARDC groups to tell them about out groups
- Len
- maybe we should renew contact with the Data Champions group
- Tanya: how would we engage? We are technical, they are not
Armin: discussed some elements of the currently-operating International Semantic Web Conference
- in particular Linked Data published as (RDF) data files with DOIs for permanence, as opposed to Linked Data via APIs Nick: LocI's data is available in downloadable files as well as via Linked Data APIs
- Co-chairs: sort out the mess with monthly calendar invitations. Perhaps send invitations out to the mailing list every month
- Co-chairs: to ask mailing list for activities they would like to see this year
- Tanya: contact the Data Champions league to see if an AGLDWG member can present to them
- Nataliya: contact the groups working on road interoperability in Australia to describe our work and Group