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Plenary December, 2020-12-03


Nicholas Car (Chair)
Nataliya Katsman (Secretary)
Alexander Hanysz
Ansuriya Deveraj
Armin Haller
Bernadette Hyland-Wood
Irina Bastrakova
John Machin
Len Smith
Rowan Brownlee
Stephen Pratt
Will Francis
David Crosswell
Margie Smith
Simon Cox
Edmond Chuc



2. Action Items follow-up

From last meeting:

  • Co-chairs: sort out the mess with monthly calendar invitations. Perhaps send invitations out to the mailing list every month
  • Co-chairs: to ask mailing list for activities they would like to see this year
  • Tanya: contact the Data Champions league to see if an AGLDWG member can present to them
  • Nataliya: contact the groups working on road interoperability in Australia to describe our work and Group

3. New members

  • ask for self-introductions

4. Standards Australia working group nominations request

  • can AGLDWG be a Nominating Organisation
  • can AGLDWG have two representatives

5. Catalogue update

  • progress report on catalogue moving to ARDC

6. FSDF URI Requests

7. Project reports

  • short reports from members on LD projects

8. Other business


1. Confirm Minutes of Previous meeting

2. Action Items follow-up

ACTION: John to arrange an in-depth WG meeting (i.e. not plenary) in late January to address a number of tooling and other issues, including subgroups' schedules and scopes

3. New members

  • Alexander Hanysz. ABS in Adelaide, works in the Data Linkage Centre which does statistical data integration. Alexander has previously worked in Methodology Division on research projects across different divisions of ABS and APS agencies. Interested in comparing different aspects of data, including graph databases.
  • Nick: Rowan has arranged the talk from Griffith University on mapping ABS vocabulary. Can put Alexander in touch with them.

4. Standards Australia working group nominations request

  • [email protected] 20/11/2020 emailed: Dear whomever it may concern, Standards Australia recently reached out to your organisation, the Australian Linked Data Working Group, as an important stakeholder who might like to have representation and input into the work of National Technical Committee IT-027 Data management and interchange. IT-027 has the responsibility of standards development for data management within and among local and distributed information systems and will undertake work in the following areas: reference models and frameworks for the coordination of existing and emerging standards; definition of data domains, data types, and data structures, and their associated semantics; languages, services, and protocols for persistent storage, concurrent access, concurrent update, and interchange of data; methods, languages, services, and protocols to structure, organize, and register metadata and other information resources associated with sharing.
  • Bernadette: No need for AGLDWG to be a legal entity to nominate members for SA. Simple email will do.
  • John Machin Prposed AGLDWG to support Ms. Gowri Sriraman, NSW Health & Ms. Bernadette Hyland-Wood, The University of Queensland as its representatives in SA working group.
  • Attendees unanimously agreed to this proposal
  • Bernadette & Gowri proposed as liasons
  • clarification as to the number of liasosn (1 or 2?) sought from SA with Bernadette/Gowri/Margie to arrange
  • This WG co-chairs await an SA representative form to be submitted for signing, whcih the co-chairs are bound to do, due to the WG's agreement (above)

5. Catalogue update

Nick: ARDC have produced a project scope document draft. Nick will circulate to co-chairs after this meeting. Nick will circulate to WG once the document is completed. ARDC hopes to sign off on the project scope this calendar year.

6. FSDF URI Requests

Irina BAstrakova presented on the background to the FSDF project and the URI requests.

Questions were raised:

  • Nick: will FSDF make dataset requests following these definitional requests?
    • Irina: yes, lots
  • Nick: a WG catalogue of URI requests may be needed for large volums of requests

ACTION: Nick to demo a catalogue tool he has promised for months

  • Armin: is /def/water a sensible (ontologically) URI?
    • Nick (for Irina): this is based on FSDF themes, "Water". This should be debated in the WG mailing list

ACTION: Armin to reply to mailing list discussion of FSDF URI requests with ontology viewpoint

7. Project reports

Skipped due to time limits.

8. Other business

Len: The Indigenous Data Network was funded in the recent butdget and thanks to members of this WG assisting with the proposal. More to come on this front within this WG.

Bernadette (question carried from Item 6): do members of this WG have experience with industry uptake of Linked Data, i.e. not just government?
(Nick: question unanswered in meeting, to be take up on mailing list)

Action Items

  • Co-chairs:
    • talk to Standards Australia:
      • (1) AGLDWG Nominees are: Ms. Gowri Sriraman, NSW Health & Ms. Bernadette Hyland-Wood, The University of Queensland. Can we have both our nominees to be part of the SA working group? In which capacity (member/observer/lieson, etc)? What they think an organisation is (does it need to be a company/gov agency etc)? Confirm that filling in the form provided in their email is enough,
      • (2) Feel in and submit the form provided in the email from [email protected]. Include reference to this minutes.
  • John to arrange an in-depth WG meeting (i.e. not plenary) in late January to address a number of tooling and other issues
  • Nick to demo a catalogue tool he has promised for months
  • Armin to reply to mailing list discussion of FSDF URI requests with ontology viewpoint
  • Margie: contact the Data Champions league to see if an AGLDWG member can present to them
  • Nataliya: contact the groups working on road interoperability in Australia to describe our work and Group