Nicholas Car
Sandra Silcot
Len Smith
Laurent Lefort
Armin Haller
John Machin
Jakub Kielbasa
Alexander Hanisz
Madhushi Bandara
Sally Clement
Jim Dentrinos
Simon Cox
Anusuriya Devaraju
Irina Bastrakova
Nathan Keogh
Rowan Brownlee
Renato Iannella
Alexander Hanysz
Daniel Brough
Stephen Pratt
- Previous minutes
- Welcoming and introduction to new members
- Ontology-based standards & documentation in the OGC
- Nicholas Car presenting on current Open Geospatial Consortium work
- a description of GeoSPARQL and potential future OGC ontology-based standards
- see
- ARDC project progress
- Discussion about MoU and WG formality
- prompted by legal advice from the ANU regarding its inability to sign the MoU
- Website refresh progress
- new pages for LD Registers
- Other business
- Action Items
- Sally Clement
- Jakub Kielbasa
- Nick to present metadata around GeoSPARQL standard
- Includes examples in the specification
- Nick extended the PyLODE tool to allow examples in ontologies, using a simple example ontology
- Laurent to propose to include RDF* in the tool. Nick to point out that RDFlib does not yet support RDF* and PyLODE is built upon RDFLib
Richard's report, presented by Nick
- infracode Registry installation close to complete
- notification capability about to be added
- the project has recognised the need to repetatively run IRI validation, not just when a new IRI is created, to check for degrading IRIs
- a future version of the new IRI validator will be used in operations
- we have two IRI lifecycles that are not yet described in the Guidelines:
- submitted > accepted > stable > unstable > deprecated
- submitted > accepted > invalid (3 months)
- Laurent made a comment about IRIs that are only used internally. This could be solved by redirecting to a page that explains the private dataset.
- Laurent also raised concerns about https IRIs.
- Armin to raise to concern that 3 months could be a bit short
- Armin to raise concern that we should not restrict the IRIs to public IRIs only
- Nick to propose that in case of private IRI's we still need some form of landing page
- Daniel to second that too, DepEnv wants to publish organisational hierarchy as linked data, but not publish publicly
- we propose properly modelling then and likely adding a new vocab status, "unstable" that is a sub-status of "accepted" but is likely to invalidate itself for some reason, e.g. IRI resolution failing
- if general agreement, Nick will add to the Reg Status vocabulary that we use for IRI status
- we have two IRI lifecycles that are not yet described in the Guidelines:
- Prompted by legal advice from the ANU regarding its inability to sign the MoU
- ANU cannot sign the MoU, because there are clauses about members joining/leaving the group (ANU legal can contribute to this) and formalise the MoU, i.e., get a departmental champion
- Also get the charter reviewed
- John: Money to be allocated in next week's budget to data implementations, and the ONDC to be the potential authority for that
- Nick: What is the group supposed to do? John: Start the conversation with ONDC; Irina to suggest that we have a conversation with Martin Brady as well.
Nothing to report
- ABS request for IRI ( by Sally: New edition of the ASGS. Will include URI's as part of our output files.
- Nick proposes a hyphen in asgsed3, i.e., asgs-ed3
- Armin: Can also use slash URI style for the different versions of the ASGS dataset
- Simon: There are different patterns of identifiers in ASGS, i.e., the translation of a version policy to a URI pattern is tricky, and there need to be different production rules to match different business rules
- Len advertised a workshop on Monday
- Chairs to organise a meeting to discuss the engagement with ONDS.
- All members please give thought to suggestions for changes, additions, and etc. for the website
- Nick to demo a catalogue tool he has promised for months
- Nataliya: contact the groups working on road interoperability in Australia to describe our work and Group