- Attendees and Apologies
- Please note: Attendees to be generated from Teams – please check the minutes for any corrections
- Previous minutes
- these minutes are from the 2021 December Plenary
- see https://github.com/AGLDWG/meeting-minutes/blob/master/plenary-2021-12-02.md
- Welcoming and introduction to new members
- Follow-up on previous meeting's Action Items
- Work Plan for 2022
- Arranging speakers for plenaries
- Lining up resentations on LD to other data groups
- especially given the growing availability of LD resources
- AGLDWG infrastructure
- ontology documentation
- RDF tools
- vocabulary publication patterns
- General business
- Next meeting details
- Monthly Plenary closes
Chair: Nicholas Car
Notes: Nicholas Car
Here is a static list, just in ca
- Sandra Silcot
- Nicholas Car
- Simon Cox
- Alexander Hanysz
- Laurent Lefort
- Rowan Brownlee
- Edmond Chuc
- Scott Lutwytch
- Dan Brough
- Michale Hodgkin
- Marco Fahmi
- Steve McE
- Nathan Keogh
- Jennifer Mitchell
- Will Francis
Noted and discussed, no actions.
No co-chairs meeting held
- Potential Presenters
- Laurent: own work, (April, with confirmation)
- Larent: Armin should presente other conference work
- Rowan: create a doc for ideas? Nick: create a speekers sugestions file in meetings GitHub
- Michael: MyGov - data defn of a human, service catalogue using taxonomies, data sync strategy (June?)
- Nick: Edmond on TERN in (March)
- Nick: Simon C., LD research at CSIRO? Vocab work mostly (May)
- Laurent: RDA to describe their LD-related work (July)
- Nick: GA (August)
- Laurent: to the ABS which now owns data.gov.au
- Rowan: will investigate the user/community groups. Will send the link to notes.
- Rowan: ARDC newsletter article?
ACTION: Nick & Rowan to talk about ARDC communications
- Steve: A tech talk to a domain groups like HASS commons (via John Smiley?)
ACTION: Steve to contact John Smiley re a tech talk
- pointing people at basic tools, e.g. Protege
- Nick: republish some "awesome" lists of Linked Data / Semantic Web tools
- Laurent: difficult to make tools that work together
ACTION: Nick to regurgitate a LD/SW "awesome" tool list on the AGLDWG website (https://github.com/semantalytics/awesome-semantic-web) ACTION: Nick to put up pyLODE etc. on AGLDWG-liked website
ACTION: Co-chairs provide some details on AGLDWG members' use of GitHub
Dan: Will CSIRO's Registry server reappear?
Nick: ISO will issue ISO codelists within February
ACTION: Dan to indicate to Nick what ISO codelists Qld DES uses
- 3rd of March, 2022