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Version: 1.0

Authors: Mix Irving, Andre Staltz

License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


In this document, we describe how SSB private groups can create the illusion of group member removal by cycling the symmetric keys in "epochs", thus effectively excluding a peer from participation in the new epochs. We also address how to resolve various cases of diverging epochs, such that group members follow rules that arrive to consensus on which epoch new content must be published on.

1. Introduction

Private groups in SSB are contexts where a set of peers (called "group members" or "members") use the same symmetric encryption key (called "group key") to share content with each other privately. Although adding a peer to the set is a simple matter of forwarding the symmetric encryption key, removing a peer is impossible under the assumptions we operate with.

The naive solution to this problem is for some group member to create a new group key (called the "epoch key") and to share it with all the existing members except with the undesired member(s). From this point onwards, all remaining members who have received the epoch key will proceed to encrypt new content using the epoch key, effectively excluding the undesired member(s) from decrypting that. This is why we call this procedure "group member exclusion", preventing them from entering new epochs, not "group member removal". This has the downside of requiring O(remaining members) direct messages to be published, but is otherwise good for its simplicity. We assume that member exclusion is not as frequently occurring as member addition, so the downside is a reasonable cost to pay.

Since SSB is an eventually consistent network where peers may have different views on the current state of data structures, the naive solution can give rise to multiple epochs. This is undesired, because the goal of private groups is to create a single context, not multiple contexts, where the set of peers can participate in. This document describes a few rules to resolve cases of diverging epochs, with the goal of allowing remaining group members to deterministically arrive at a single epoch, given eventual consistency of propagated SSB messages.

2. Terminology

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

3. Definitions and notations

The following words and phrases are commonly used throughout this document. They are listed here with their intended meaning for the convenience of the reader.

Private group and membership:

  • A set of SSB peers that possess the same envelope-spec symmetric encryption key (called "group key") is called a "private group". Each peer in a group is called a "group member" or "member". The "declared members" of a group is the set of SSB peers who received the group key via group/add-member messages. We also denote the declared members of a group G as the mathematical set members(G).


  • When a new group key is created and shared to a subset of members excluding some other members, that group key is called an "epoch key", and the private group is called an "epoch". The act of creating an epoch is called "group member exclusion" or "exclusion". The group members who receive the "epoch key" are called "remaining members". We can also say that the original private group is the "epoch zero", hence we shall use the term "epoch" in this document whenever we mean either the original private group or subsequent epochs.


  • We say that G "directly preceded" epoch H if H was created by excluding some member from G, and H "directly succeeded" G. There may be a new epoch I excluding a member from H, in which case the I directly succeeded H but I "succeeded" G. Similarly, G "preceded" I. A sequence of epochs up until epoch zero is called a "precedence chain".


  • Epoch H is said to be "preferred over" epoch G if H is where new discussions should take place among the remaining members.

Forked epochs:

  • Whenever there are two epochs such that one of them is not preceded by the other, and both of them are not succeeded by any epoch, we call this situation "forked epochs".

Common predecessors:

  • A "common predecessor" of two epochs G and H is any epoch X that precedes (or is equal to) G and H. The "nearest common predecessor" X of epochs G and H is the only common predecessor of G and H such that no other common predecessor Y (of G and H) succeeds X. We also denote it as X = nearest(G, H).

Fork witnesses

  • In a situation of forked epochs G and H, assume that X is the nearest common predecessor. We say that the "fork witnesses" of epochs G and H is the interestion of the members of G, H, and X:
forkWitness(G,H) = members(G) ∩ members(H) ∩ members(nearest(G,H))
                 = members(G) ∩ members(H) ∩ members(X)

Some mathematical set relations will be useful throughout this specification. For two sets A and B, we use the notation:

  • A = B : A is equivalent to B
  • A ⊂ B : A is a proper subset of B ("A is a [susbet] of B, AND A is NOT equivalent to B")
  • A ∩ B : the intersection of A and B (the set of elements in both A AND B)
  • A ∪ B : the union of A and B (the set of elements in A AND/OR B)
  • A \ B : the set difference of A and B (the set of elements in A but NOT in B)
  • A △ B : the symmetric difference (the set of elements in the union, but NOT in the intersection)
  • : the "empty set" (the set which has no elements)

4. Functional Specification

Exclusion of a group member is a mechanism in which a new epoch is created, such that the excluded member is allowed to continue publishing messages for the former epoch. However, the excluded member's messages have no guarantee of being replicated by remaining members, because those remaining members have transitioned to the new epoch and ceased replication of the former epoch. This in effect only excludes the excluded member from participating in future group discussions.

Creation of epochs is not restricted to any specific member and, in the presence of network partitions, this allows multiple new epochs created by different group members. While epoch zero guaranteed a singleton context, when there are multiple epochs there are multiple contexts where discussions can be held, which is an undesirable property, i.e. forked epochs. In this section we provide some rules that remaining members can follow to "resolve" forked epochs and arrive at a common epoch as the new singleton context.

4.1. Excluding a member

Suppose there is an epoch G that is the "most preferred epoch" among all the epochs that a is a member of, which succeed a certain epoch zero. To exclude member c from G, some member a (who MUST NOT be c) publishes to epoch G that c will be excluded, creates a new epoch H, and adds all declared group members of G minus c as the members of H. See figure 1 as an example, and the following subsections for details.

title: Figure 1
graph TB;
  zero[G: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes c"-->one[H: a,b,d]

Let Ga be a's subfeed dedicated for publishing messages for epoch G, and similarly Gc be c's subfeed. To perform member exclusion, the following steps SHOULD be taken in order:

  • 4.1.1. a MUST create a new symmetric group key H (also known as the epoch key) which MUST have at least 32 bytes of cryptographically secure random data
  • 4.1.2. a MUST create a new group feed Ha (also known as the "epoch feed") using the epoch key as the feedpurpose, as described in ssb-meta-feeds-group-spec Section 3.2.2.
  • 4.1.3. a MUST publish a group/init message on Ha, as described in the private-group-spec
  • 4.1.4. a SHOULD publish an encrypted group/exclude-member message on Ga with the following fields in the message content:
    • 4.1.4.A. type equals the string group/exclude-member
    • 4.1.4.B. excludes is an array of objects with the shape {id, groupFeedId, sequence} where id is the root metafeed ID of c, groupFeedId is Gc's ID, and sequence is the sequence number of the last message a possesses from Gc. In this case c is the only excluded member, so we only have one {id, groupFeedId, sequence} object but Section 4.1. also supports excluding multiple members at once.
    • 4.1.4.C. recps is an array containing a single string: the group ID for G, signalling that this message should be box2-encrypted for the group G
  • 4.1.5. a MUST publish a group/add-member message on their additions feed, to add remaining group members (this includes a, for recovery purposes) to the epoch H, such that the message schema is the same as the one in ssb-meta-feeds-group-spec Section 3.1 with the following exceptions:
    • 4.1.5.A. If a single SSB message cannot, due to message size restrictions, contain all remaining members as recipients, then member a MUST publish on their additions feed a sequence of group/add-members messages according to ssb-meta-feeds-group-spec Section 3.1, such that the union of all recipients in that sequence equals all remaining members

4.2. Preferring the next epoch

When a member b of an epoch G replicates and decrypts a group/add-member message that adds them to the new epoch H (in other words, b "detected the existence" of H), then b MUST select epoch H as "preferred" over G.

Said differently, if H directly succeeds G, then H MUST be preferred over G.

The implications of determining the "preferred epochs" will be addressed in section 4.8.

4.3. Tie-breaking rule

In some cases, there may be multiple forked epochs that "tie" as the preferred epoch. We define a tie-breaking rule that allows all remaining members to deterministically choose one of those tied epochs as the preferred epoch. This rule will be used in sections 4.4. and 4.6.

The tie-breaking rule is: among the forked epochs, sort their epoch keys by lexicographic order (in hexadecimal encoding) and the epoch with the smallest epoch key is considered the winner.

4.4. Resolving forked epochs with same membership

Suppose there are two forked epochs L and R, and L's epoch key is the winner according to the tie-breaking rule (section 4.3.).

If members(L) = members(R), then all peers in members(L) who detect the existence of both L and R MUST select L as the preferred epoch (determined by the tie-breaking rule) over R. See figure 2.

title: Figure 2
graph TB;
  zero[X: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes d"-->L[L: a,b,c]
  zero--"b excludes d"-->R[R: a,b,c]
  R-. a,b,c prefer L .->L

Here we addressed two forked epochs. In the generalized case where two or more forked epochs have the same membership, then the tie-breaking rule (section 4.3.) is used to select the preferred epoch. The tie-breaking rule supports multiple inputs.

4.5. Resolving forked epochs with subset membership

Suppose there are two forked epochs L and R. If members(L) ⊂ members(R), then all peers in forkWitness(L,R) who detect the existence of both L and R MUST select L as the preferred epoch over R. See figure 3.

title: Figure 3
graph TB;
  zero[X: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes c,d"-->L[L: a,b]
  zero--"b excludes d"-->R[R: a,b,c]
  R-. a,b prefer L .->L

4.6. Resolving forked epochs with overlapping membership

Suppose there are two forked epochs L and R, and L's epoch key is the winner according to the tie-breaking rule (section 4.3.).

If L and R are neither equivalent, nor subsets, but there is overlapping membership i.e. the intersection is not the empty set

members(L) ∩ members(R) ≠ ∅

and the symmetric difference is not the empty set

members(L) △ members(R) ≠ ∅

then any peer in forkWitness(L,R) SHOULD create a new epoch directly succeeding L, excluding all peers that were excluded in R. See figure 4.

title: Figure 4
graph TB;
  zero[X: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes c"-->L[L: a,b,d]
  zero--"b excludes d"-->R[R: a,b,c]
  L--"a excludes d"-->L2[L2: a,b]

It is RECOMMENDED that a peer waits a random amount of time before performing the exclusion, to give opportunity for some other peer to perform the exclusion first. If a peer in witnessFork(L,R) detects a new epoch L2 directly succeeding L, then this peer MUST NOT perform the exclusion, but SHOULD select L2 as preferred over L.

However, it is possible that two or more peers perform exclusions, which leads to forked epochs with the same membership, where the rules from section 4.4. would apply in order to resolve that situation.

You can calculate who should be in the final preferred epoch as:

L2 = the witnesses to the fork
   = members(L) ∩ members(R) ∩ members(X)
   = {a,b}

4.7. Forked epochs with disjoint membership

Suppose there are two forked epochs L and R. If there are no witnesses of the fork, i.e. forkWitness(L,R) = ∅, then nothing needs to be performed in this situation, because the forked epochs represent two disjoint contexts. From the perspective of peers in members(L), epoch R does not exist, and from the perspective of peers in members(R), epoch L does not exist. See figure 5.

title: Figure 5
graph TB;
  zero[X: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes c,d"-->L[L: a,b]
  zero--"c excludes a,b"-->R[R: c,d]

However, if a member is added to L or R such that the forkWitness(L,R) would be non-empty, then the rules in sections 4.4. or 4.5. or 4.6. would apply. See figure 6.

title: Figure 6
graph TB;
  zero[X: a,b,c,d]
  zero--"a excludes c,d"-->L[L: a,b]
  zero--"c excludes a,b"-->R[R: c,d]
  R--"d adds a,b"-->R2[R: a,b,c,d]
  R2-. a,b prefer L .->L

4.8. Most preferred epoch

In sections 4.2.–4.7. we addressed only two forked epochs at a time. If there are more than two simultaneously existing forked epochs, then you can still use those rules to resolve the situation in a pairwise fashion. Each pairwise application of the rules should reduce the number of forked epochs, and this is repeated until there is only one epoch left. It shouldn't matter which pairs of forked epochs are chosen when applying the rules, because the conclusion should be the same regardless of the order in which the rules are applied.

Given the rules in sections 4.2.–4.7. defining which epoch is preferred, a directed acyclic graph of preference arises, allowing us to determine the "most preferred epoch". Each group member can determine their own most preferred epoch, but they are not necessarily the same. For instance, in the case of forked epochs with disjoint memberships (4.7.), the members of the two disjoint epochs select different most preferred epochs.

We call "other epochs" all the epochs that succeed epoch zero, minus the most preferred epoch.

4.8.1. Publishing messages

Once a peer has discovered their most preferred epoch H, they SHOULD cease publishing SSB messages on other epochs, and SHOULD publish new messages only on epoch H, until the moment when their most preferred epoch changes.

4.8.2. Replicating other epochs

Assume that replicating an SSB feed involves two operations: "fetching" new updates (new messages published) from that feed, and "serving" any messages in that feed to an interested peer.

As soon as a peer a has discovered their most preferred epoch H:

  • 4.8.2.A. (Fetch next epoch) a SHOULD fetch messages from group feeds of H for all members in H. See figure 7 as an example.
  • 4.8.2.B. (Cancel fetching excluded members) a SHOULD cease fetching messages from group feeds of other epochs X belonging to any member excluded from X, but should continue to fetch messages from group feeds of remaining members of X. See figure 7.
  • 4.8.2.C. (Out-of-order fetching for tangle integrity) As an exception to 4.8.2.B., whenever a is validating a tangle (see section 4.10) and detects a missing message Q, they MAY fetch Q in out-of-order fashion (OOO, that is, specifically requesting that message from remote peers, disregarding the feed in which it was published), even if Q is from an excluded member. See figure 8 as an example.
  • 4.8.2.D. (Serving all feeds) a SHOULD continue to serve messages from group feeds of any epoch X belonging to any member of X.
title: Figure 7
graph LR;
  afetch[a fetches]
  subgraph X
    Xa[a's group feed in X]
    Xb[b's group feed in X]
    Xc[c's group feed in X]
  X--"b excludes c"-->H
  subgraph H
    Ha[a's group feed in H]
    Hb[b's group feed in H]
  afetch -.-> Xa & Xb & Ha & Hb

  style afetch fill:#0000,stroke:#0000;
title: Figure 8
flowchart RL

A[Msg A]
B[Msg B]
C[Msg C]
subgraph Fetch[Fetch OOO]
  Q[Msg Q]
D[Msg D]
E[Msg E]

classDef default stroke:#ccc,fill:#eee,color:#333;
classDef cluster fill:#fff0,stroke:#000,color:#000,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
classDef dead stroke:#ccc,fill:#888,color:#000;
class Q dead;

4.9. Adding new members

When adding a new member to the group, you MUST add them to all the epochs in the history of the group, starting with epoch 0, and ending with the latest preferred epoch.

We add them to all epochs (even non-preferred epochs) because content may have been published in these forks, and we want everyone to be reading the same context.

In figure 9, b adds e to the group, meaning they add them to all the epochs they can see.

title: Figure 9
graph TB;
  A0[X: a,b,c,d]
  A0--"b excludes c"--> B0[Y: a,b]

  A[X: a,b,c,d,<b>e</b>]
  A-."b adds e".->A
  A--"b excludes c"-->B[Y: a,b,d,<b>e</b>]
  B-."b adds e".->B

Later, if b discovers another epoch Z (which hasn't had e added):

title: Figure 10
graph TB;
  A[X: a,b,c,d,<b>e</b>]
  A--"b excludes c"-->B[Y: a,b,d,<b>e</b>]
  A--"a excludes c,d"-->C[Z: a,b]

Any member moving to create a new epoch, MUST ensure epochs have the correct membership before proceeding.

The "correct membership" for a particular epoch is calculated as the union of all declared members in all epochs, minus the union of all excluded members in any epoch up till that epoch.

In epoch Z in figure 10 (above), the correct membership is:

  (all member additions) \ (all member exclusions leading up to Z)
= {a,b,c,d,e} \ {c,d}
= {a,b,e}

From this we can see e must be added to epoch Z to bring it up to "correct membership".

4.10. Tangles

A "tangle" in scuttlebutt is a way to define a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of messages. You can read more about them in the Tangle SIP.

4.10.1. Members tangle

The purpose of the members tangle is to group and partially order all messages that alter the group membership during a single epoch. A peer can calculate the Set of members in an epoch by reducing the messages in this tangle. Each epoch will have its own members tangle. The human-friendly name in the tangle data is the string members.

We construct the members tangle for some epoch E of a group G as:

  1. Root:
    • If you publish the group/init message for E (see 4.1.3.) or the group/init message for epoch zero, then it MUST have the tangle data members: { root: null, previous: null }. This is the root of the tangle.
    • If someone else published the group/init message for E, that message is considered the root of the tangle only if it has the tangle data members: { root: null, previous: null }. If it does not, the tangle is invalid and you SHOULD disregard the rules in this section.
  2. Non-roots:
    • If you publish a group/add-member or group/exclude-member message for E, then it MUST have the tangle data members: { root: ROOTID, previous: PREVIOUS }, where ROOTID is the ID of the root message, and PREVIOUS is an array containing the IDs of the "tips" of the tangle, see below.
  3. Determining tips of the tangle at the moment a non-root message is published:
    • a) Initialize the "tip set" with one item: the root message
    • b) Initialize the "tangle nodes" with one item: the root message
    • c) For each tip in the current "tip set":
      • Find messages which: (1) are valid group/add-member on additions feeds or valid group/exclude-member published on an epoch feed for E, (2) have ROOTID in the root field of their tangle data, (3) contain this tip in the previous field of their tangle data, (4) all messages in the previous field are in the "tangle nodes"
      • If there are any such messages, then:
        • Remove the tip from the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tangle nodes"
    • d) Repeat (c) till you cannot update the tip set further
    • e) The remaining messages in the "tip set" are the tips of the tangle

The diagram below shows an example of the members tangle for a group with only epoch zero.

title: Figure 11
flowchart RL

subgraph Additions
  0_add_0[add: Alice]
  0_add_1[add: Bob, Carol]

subgraph epoch_0[Epoch 0]

%% members tangle - epoch 0
0_add_1 --> 0_add_0 --> 0_init
linkStyle 0,1 stroke:#118AB2,stroke-width:2;

classDef default stroke:#ccc,fill:#eee,color:#333;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#000,color:#333;

4.10.2. Epoch tangle

The purpose of the epoch tangle is to group and partially order all messages that create epochs in a group. A peer can reduce these messages to discover the preferred epoch and detect forked epochs. Its human-friendly name in the tangle data is the string epoch.

We construct the epoch tangle for some group G based on its root message R as:

  1. Root:
    • If you publish the root message R, then it MUST have the tangle data epoch: { root: null, previous: null }. This is the root of the tangle.
    • If someone else published the root message R, that message is considered the root of the tangle only if it has the tangle data epoch: { root: null, previous: null }. If it does not, the tangle is invalid and you SHOULD disregard the rules in this section.
  2. Non-roots:
    • If you publish a group/init message and the first key in content.recps is the ID of G, then it MUST have the tangle data epoch: { root: ROOTID, previous: PREVIOUS }, where ROOTID is the ID of the root message, and PREVIOUS is an array containing the IDs of the "tips" of the tangle, see below.
  3. Determining tips of the tangle at the moment a non-root message is published:
    • a) Initialize the "tip set" with one item: the root message
    • b) Initialize the "tangle nodes" with one item: the root message
    • c) For each tip in the current "tip set":
      • Find messages which: (1) are valid group/init published on an epoch feed with the ID of G as the first key in content.recps, (2) have ROOTID in the root field of their tangle data, (3) contain this tip in the previous field of their tangle data, (4) all messages in the previous field are in the "tangle nodes"
      • If there are any such messages, then:
        • Remove the tip from the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tangle nodes"
    • d) Repeat (c) till you cannot update the tip set further
    • e) The remaining messages in the "tip set" are the tips of the tangle

The diagram below shows an example of the epoch tangle for a group with two epochs.

title: Figure 12
flowchart RL

subgraph epoch_0[Epoch 0]

subgraph epoch_1[Epoch 1]

%% epoch tangle
1_init --> 0_init
linkStyle 0 stroke:#EF476F,stroke-width:2;

classDef default stroke:#ccc,fill:#eee,color:#333;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#000,color:#333;

4.10.3. Group tangle

The purpose of the group tangle is to group and partially order all messages in a given group, across all epochs. A peer can topologically sort these messages to create an audit log of actions performed in the group, such as discovering group discussions that give context to the exclusion of a given member (and thus the creation of a new epoch). Its human-friendly name in the tangle data is the string group.

We construct the group tangle for some group G based on its root message R as:

  1. Root:
    • If you publish the root message R, then it MUST have the tangle data group: { root: null, previous: null }. This is the root of the tangle.
    • If someone else published the root message R, that message is considered the root of the tangle only if it has the tangle data group: { root: null, previous: null }. If it does not, the tangle is invalid and you SHOULD disregard the rules in this section.
  2. Non-roots:
    • If you publish any message where the first key in content.recps is the ID of G, then it MUST have the tangle data group: { root: ROOTID, previous: PREVIOUS }, where ROOTID is the ID of the root message, and PREVIOUS is an array containing the IDs of the "tips" of the tangle, see below.
  3. Determining tips of the tangle at the moment a non-root message is published:
    • a) Initialize the "tip set" with one item: the root message
    • b) Initialize the "tangle nodes" with one item: the root message
    • c) For each tip in the current "tip set":
      • Find messages which: (1) are valid messages published with the ID of G as the first key in content.recps, (2) have ROOTID in the root field of their tangle data, (3) contain this tip in the previous field of their tangle data, (4) all messages in the previous field are in the "tangle nodes"
      • If there are any such messages, then:
        • Remove the tip from the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tip set"
        • Add each such message to the "tangle nodes"
    • d) Repeat (c) till you cannot update the tip set further
    • e) The remaining messages in the "tip set" are the tips of the tangle

4.10.4. Example: using all the tangles together

In this section we provide an example that illustrates the presence of all three group-related tangles. Suppose peer Z creates a group and performs the following actions, in this order:

  1. Adds peer A to the group at epoch 0
  2. Adds peers B and C to the group at epoch 0
  3. Excludes peer C, thus creating epoch 1
  4. Re-adds peers A and B to the group, now at epoch 1

Then the following diagram illustrates Z's feeds (additions feed, epoch 0 feed, epoch 1 feed) and its messages:

title: Figure 13
flowchart RL

subgraph Additions
  0_add_0[add: A]
  0_add_1[add: B, C]
  1_add_0[add: A, B]

subgraph epoch_0[Epoch 0]

  0_remove_2[exclude: C]

subgraph epoch_1[Epoch 1]

%% epoch tangle
1_init --> 0_init
linkStyle 0 stroke:#EF476F,stroke-width:2;

%% members tangle - epoch 0
0_remove_2 --> 0_add_1 --> 0_add_0 --> 0_init
linkStyle 1,2,3 stroke:#118AB2,stroke-width:2;

%% members tangle - epoch 1
1_add_0 --> 1_init
linkStyle 4 stroke:#06D6A0,stroke-width:2;

%% group tangle
1_add_0 -.- 1_init -.- 0_remove_2 -.- 0_add_1 -.- 0_add_0 -.- 0_init
linkStyle 5,6,7,8,9 stroke:#FFD166,stroke-width:3;

classDef default stroke:#ccc,fill:#eee,color:#333;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#000,color:#333;
flowchart LR

subgraph key
  direction RL
  members_0[members tangle 0] -->A[ ]
  members_1[members tangle 1] -->B[ ]
  epoch[epoch tangle]         -->C[ ]
  group[group tangle]        -.->D[ ]
linkStyle 0 stroke:#118AB2,stroke-width:2;
linkStyle 1 stroke:#06D6A0,stroke-width:2;
linkStyle 2 stroke:#EF476F,stroke-width:2;
linkStyle 3 stroke:#FFD166,stroke-width:3;

classDef default fill:#fff,stroke:none,color:#333;
classDef cluster fill:#fff,stroke:#000,color:#333;

NOTE: this diagram shows all nice linear tangles for visual simplicity, remember there may be forks and merges because of concurrent publishing.

Crucially, the group/init messages are involved in 3 tangles, e.g.

  type: `group/init`,
  // ...
  tangles: {
    group: { root: A, previous: [W, X] },
    epoch: { root: A, previous: [B] },
    members: { root: null, previous: null }

This message says

  1. I am part of a group which started with message A, and the last messages I saw in the group were W, X
  2. The root epoch was A and the epoch(s) before this one was B
  3. I am the root of a new members tangle for this epoch

5. Security and Privacy Considerations

5.1. Excluded members can read old messages

An excluded member can still read and preserve all of the messages up until the point they were excluded, and this could be used maliciously to extract as much information from other group members as possible, for instance by analysing the timestamps of messages published to the group and deriving suitable timezones for each peer.

5.2. Excluded member has a time window to publish more messages

Due to eventual consistency in a distributed system, the exclusion of a member is not immediate across the whole group, and depending on the network topology and uptimes of peers, it is possible that an excluded member can publish more messages that will be replicated to some members, prior to them moving on to the next epoch.

Suppose member a excludes member b at epoch G, and b sees this exclusion message but chooses to publish a message (or many) still in epoch G. A third member c may come online and replicate with b before it has a chance to replicate with a, thus getting messages that b published after they had known they were excluded.

The more frequently-connecting the network topology is, the smaller this time window will be, and the less severe this issue will be.

5.3. Collusion

Members who sympathize and coordinate with recently excluded member(s) can effectively nullify the exclusion in various ways. One way is by re-adding the excluded member, which would be detected by remaining members too. It is also possible to stealthily re-add excluded members, by sharing the "group key" without publishing an accompanying group/add-member message.

This specification does not address collusion, but it is recommended to exclude multiple members at once if it is possible that they may collude.

5.4. Weak tie-breaking rule

The tie-breaking rule is simple and easy to implement, but it can be gamed such that a malicious group member can force their forked epoch to be preferred over others. This can be achieved by brute-forcing the epoch ID until it is lexicographically "small" (such as starting with the character 0). It is currently unknown how this weakness can be exploited to degrade security or privacy, but at the very least it reduces fairness and randomness in choosing preferred epochs.

A better tie-breaking rule would have the property that gives each epoch-creating peer no information on how "strong" their epoch key in winning a tie-break. However, we also require tie-breaking rules to be deterministic, and to create a total order between a set of forked epochs, because we need group members to eventually converge on a single most preferred epoch. We have not found a tie-breaking rule with all three properties, so this is future work.

6. References

6.1. Normative References

6.2. Informative References


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-Assure Project funded under grant agreement No 957073.


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