Some information on how to deploy the website - currently it is deployed on a temporary heicloud VM.
Production docker container images are automatically built by CI. To deploy the latest version on a virtual machine with docker compose installed, download docker-compose.yml, then do
sudo docker compose pull
sudo docker compose up -d
The location of the database directory, image files directory, SSL keys and secret key should be set
either in env vars or in a file .env
in the same location as the docker-compose.yml.
TODO: document these options
The current status of the containers can be checked with
sudo docker compose ps
sudo docker compose logs
To update the running website to the latest version:
sudo docker compose pull && sudo docker compose up -d && sudo docker system prune -af
To make an existing user with email [email protected]
into an admin, modify the users database, e.g.
sqlite3 db/users.db
sqlite> UPDATE user SET is_superuser = 1 WHERE email = '[email protected]';
sqlite> .quit