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  • Ferdinand Peper, Hideki Noda. "Hebb Learning of Features based on their Information Content" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lawrence Saul, Michael Jordan. "A Variational Principle for Model-based Morphing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stephen Grossberg, James Williamson. "ARTEX: A Self-organizing Architecture for Classifying Image Regions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Blake, Michael Isard. "The CONDENSATION Algorithm - Conditional Density Propagation and Applications to Visual Tracking" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • André van Schaik, Eric Fragnière, Eric Vittoz. "A Silicon Model of Amplitude Modulation Detection in the Auditory Brainstem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Noboru Murata, Klaus-Robert Müller, Andreas Ziehe, Shun-ichi Amari. "Adaptive On-line Learning in Changing Environments" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Cohn. "Minimizing Statistical Bias with Queries" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Lazzaro, John Wawrzynek, Richard P. Lippmann. "A Micropower Analog VLSI HMM State Decoder for Wordspotting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eric Wan, Alex Nelson. "Dual Kalman Filtering Methods for Nonlinear Prediction, Smoothing and Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Juan Lin, Jack Cowan, David Grier. "Source Separation and Density Estimation by Faithful Equivariant SOM" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Brendan J. Frey. "Continuous Sigmoidal Belief Networks Trained using Slice Sampling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Elie Bienenstock, Stuart Geman, Daniel Potter. "Compositionality, MDL Priors, and Object Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Manfred Opper, Ole Winther. "A Mean Field Algorithm for Bayes Learning in Large Feed-forward Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mark Mathieson. "Ordered Classes and Incomplete Examples in Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ryotaro Kamimura. "Unification of Information Maximization and Minimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joumana Ghosn, Yoshua Bengio. "Multi-Task Learning for Stock Selection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Akaysha Tang, Andreas Bartels, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Cholinergic Modulation Preserves Spike Timing Under Physiologically Realistic Fluctuating Input" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Satinder Singh, Peter Dayan. "Analytical Mean Squared Error Curves in Temporal Difference Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Siegfried Bös, Manfred Opper. "Dynamics of Training" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Platt, Nada Matic. "A Constructive RBF Network for Writer Adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adam Kowalczyk, Herman Ferrá. "MLP Can Provably Generalize Much Better than VC-bounds Indicate" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emanuela Bricolo, Tomaso Poggio, Nikos K. Logothetis. "3D Object Recognition: A Model of View-Tuned Neurons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stefano Monti, Gregory Cooper. "Learning Bayesian Belief Networks with Neural Network Estimators" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Tsitsiklis, Benjamin Van Roy. "Approximate Solutions to Optimal Stopping Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Halina Abramowicz, David Horn, Ury Naftaly, Carmit Sahar-Pikielny. "An Orientation Selective Neural Network for Pattern Identification in Particle Detectors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Volker Tresp, Ralph Neuneier, Hans-Georg Zimmermann. "Early Brain Damage" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ron Papka, James Callan, Andrew Barto. "Text-Based Information Retrieval Using Exponentiated Gradient Descent" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Harris, Yu-Ming Chiang. "An Analog Implementation of the Constant Average Statistics Constraint For Sensor Calibration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zhaoping Li. "A Neural Model of Visual Contour Integration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniel Lee, H. Sebastian Seung. "Unsupervised Learning by Convex and Conic Coding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wyeth Bair, James Cavanaugh, J. Movshon. "Reconstructing Stimulus Velocity from Neuronal Responses in Area MT" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Scott Davies. "Multidimensional Triangulation and Interpolation for Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marian Bartlett, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Viewpoint Invariant Face Recognition using Independent Component Analysis and Attractor Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wolfgang Maass, Pekka Orponen. "On the Effect of Analog Noise in Discrete-Time Analog Computations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chuanyi Ji, Sheng Ma. "Combinations of Weak Classifiers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Satinder Singh, Dimitri Bertsekas. "Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Channel Allocation in Cellular Telephone Systems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shun-ichi Amari. "Neural Learning in Structured Parameter Spaces - Natural Riemannian Gradient" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabrizio Gabbiani, Walter Metzner, Ralf Wessel, Christof Koch. "Extraction of Temporal Features in the Electrosensory System of Weakly Electric Fish" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emanuel Todorov, Athanassios Siapas, David Somers. "A Model of Recurrent Interactions in Primary Visual Cortex" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • A. Dunmur, D. Titterington. "On a Modification to the Mean Field EM Algorithm in Factorial Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ralph Etienne-Cummings, Jan Van der Spiegel, Naomi Takahashi, Alyssa Apsel, Paul Mueller. "VLSI Implementation of Cortical Visual Motion Detection Using an Analog Neural Computer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Duff, Andrew Barto. "Local Bandit Approximation for Optimal Learning Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christoph Bregler, Jitendra Malik. "Learning Appearance Based Models: Mixtures of Second Moment Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yair Weiss. "Interpreting Images by Propagating Bayesian Beliefs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jordan Pollack, Alan Blair. "Why did TD-Gammon Work?" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Lowe, Michael Tipping. "NeuroScale: Novel Topographic Feature Extraction using RBF Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Assaf Zeevi, Ron Meir, Robert Adler. "Time Series Prediction using Mixtures of Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jeremy De Bonet, Charles Isbell, Paul Viola. "MIMIC: Finding Optima by Estimating Probability Densities" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Thomas Ferrée, Ben Marcotte, Shawn Lockery. "Neural Network Models of Chemotaxis in the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher Bishop, Markus Svensén, Christopher Williams. "GTM: A Principled Alternative to the Self-Organizing Map" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vladimir Vapnik, Steven Golowich, Alex Smola. "Support Vector Method for Function Approximation, Regression Estimation and Signal Processing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Moody, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson. "Smoothing Regularizers for Projective Basis Function Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fernando Pineda, Gert Cauwenberghs, R. Edwards. "Bangs, Clicks, Snaps, Thuds and Whacks: An Architecture for Acoustic Transient Processing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shih-Cheng Yen, Leif Finkel. "Salient Contour Extraction by Temporal Binding in a Cortically-based Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Magnus Stensmo, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Learning Decision Theoretic Utilities through Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexander Dimitrov, Jack Cowan. "Spatial Decorrelation in Orientation Tuned Cortical Cells" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mahesan Niranjan. "Sequential Tracking in Pricing Financial Options using Model Based and Neural Network Approaches" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ian Parberry, Hung-Li Tseng. "Are Hopfield Networks Faster than Conventional Computers?" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stefan Schaal. "Learning from Demonstration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Padhraic Smyth. "Clustering Sequences with Hidden Markov Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Rich Caruana, Virginia de. "Promoting Poor Features to Supervisors: Some Inputs Work Better as Outputs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Jordan, Zoubin Ghahramani, Lawrence Saul. "Hidden Markov Decision Trees" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Curtis Padgett, Garrison Cottrell. "Representing Face Images for Emotion Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joshua Tenenbaum, William Freeman. "Separating Style and Content" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • José Leite, Edwin Hancock. "Contour Organisation with the EM Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher Merz, Michael Pazzani. "Combining Neural Network Regression Estimates with Regularized Linear Weights" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marina Meila, Michael Jordan. "Triangulation by Continuous Embedding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Barber, Christopher Bishop. "Bayesian Model Comparison by Monte Carlo Chaining" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tom Heskes. "Practical Confidence and Prediction Intervals" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yoram Baram. "Consistent Classification, Firm and Soft" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Maximilian Riesenhuber, Peter Dayan. "Neural Models for Part-Whole Hierarchies" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Lewicki, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Bayesian Unsupervised Learning of Higher Order Structure" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Silvio Sabatini, Fabio Solari, Giacomo Bisio. "An Architectural Mechanism for Direction-tuned Cortical Simple Cells: The Role of Mutual Inhibition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bartlett Mel, Daniel Ruderman, Kevin Archie. "Complex-Cell Responses Derived from Center-Surround Inputs: The Surprising Power of Intradendritic Computation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yoram Singer, Manfred K. K. Warmuth. "Training Algorithms for Hidden Markov Models using Entropy Based Distance Functions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Diego Sona, Alessandro Sperduti, Antonina Starita. "A Constructive Learning Algorithm for Discriminant Tangent Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Larry Yaeger, Richard Lyon, Brandyn Webb. "Effective Training of a Neural Network Character Classifier for Word Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kazumi Saito, Ryohei Nakano. "Second-order Learning Algorithm with Squared Penalty Term" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Lizhong Wu, John Moody. "Multi-effect Decompositions for Financial Data Modeling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • K. Y. Michael Wong. "Microscopic Equations in Rough Energy Landscape for Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Gray, Javier Movellan, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Dynamic Features for Visual Speechreading: A Systematic Comparison" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Søren Halkjær, Ole Winther. "The Effect of Correlated Input Data on the Dynamics of Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Suzanna Becker. "Learning Temporally Persistent Hierarchical Representations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jeff Schneider. "Exploiting Model Uncertainty Estimates for Safe Dynamic Control Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kagan Tumer, Nirmala Ramanujam, Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Joydeep Ghosh. "Spectroscopic Detection of Cervical Pre-Cancer through Radial Basis Function Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adam Krzyzak, Tamás Linder. "Radial Basis Function Networks and Complexity Regularization in Function Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jürgen Fritsch, Michael Finke, Alex Waibel. "Adaptively Growing Hierarchical Mixtures of Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gerald Tesauro, Gregory Galperin. "On-line Policy Improvement using Monte-Carlo Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Te-Won Lee, Anthony Bell, Russell Lambert. "Blind Separation of Delayed and Convolved Sources" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gerhard Rigoll, Christoph Neukirchen. "A New Approach to Hybrid HMM/ANN Speech Recognition using Mutual Information Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Paul Munro, Bambang Parmanto. "Competition Among Networks Improves Committee Performance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael Gray, Alexandre Pouget, Richard Zemel, Steven Nowlan, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Selective Integration: A Model for Disparity Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael C. Mozer, Lucky Vidmar, Robert Dodier. "The Neurothermostat: Predictive Optimal Control of Residential Heating Systems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Finch, Richard Wilson, Edwin Hancock. "Softening Discrete Relaxation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tony Plate, Pierre Band, Joel Bert, John Grace. "A Comparison between Neural Networks and other Statistical Techniques for Modeling the Relationship between Tobacco and Alcohol and Cancer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nick Littlestone, Chris Mesterharm. "An Apobayesian Relative of Winnow" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sepp Hochreiter, Jürgen Schmidhuber. "LSTM can Solve Hard Long Time Lag Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Frans Coetzee, Virginia Stonick. "488 Solutions to the XOR Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David J. Miller, Hasan Uyar. "A Mixture of Experts Classifier with Learning Based on Both Labelled and Unlabelled Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kukjin Kang, Jong-Hoon Oh. "Statistical Mechanics of the Mixture of Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Cohn, Satinder Singh. "Predicting Lifetimes in Dynamically Allocated Memory" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eric Hansen, Andrew Barto, Shlomo Zilberstein. "Reinforcement Learning for Mixed Open-loop and Closed-loop Control" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher Williams. "Computing with Infinite Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher Bishop, Cazhaow Quazaz. "Regression with Input-Dependent Noise: A Bayesian Treatment" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Richard Rohwer, Michal Morciniec. "The Generalisation Cost of RAMnets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Graham Brightwell, Claire Kenyon, Hélène Paugam-Moisy. "Multilayer Neural Networks: One or Two Hidden Layers?" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christopher J. C. Burges, Bernhard Schölkopf. "Improving the Accuracy and Speed of Support Vector Machines" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Timothy Brown. "Adaptive Access Control Applied to Ethernet Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • W. Kruger, Paul Hasler, Bradley Minch, Christof Koch. "An Adaptive WTA using Floating Gate Technology" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniel Clouse, C. Giles, Bill Horne, Garrison Cottrell. "Representation and Induction of Finite State Machines using Time-Delay Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Richard Zemel, Peter Dayan, Alexandre Pouget. "Probabilistic Interpretation of Population Codes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Timothy Horiuchi, Tonia Morris, Christof Koch, Stephen DeWeerth. "Analog VLSI Circuits for Attention-Based, Visual Tracking" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Sollich, David Barber. "Online Learning from Finite Training Sets: An Analytical Case Study" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dawei Dong. "Spatiotemporal Coupling and Scaling of Natural Images and Human Visual Sensitivities" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Genevieve Orr, Todd Leen. "Using Curvature Information for Fast Stochastic Search" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Friedrich Leisch, Kurt Hornik. "ARC-LH: A New Adaptive Resampling Algorithm for Improving ANN Classifiers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • A. Burgess. "Estimating Equivalent Kernels for Neural Networks: A Data Perturbation Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joseph Sill, Yaser Abu-Mostafa. "Monotonicity Hints" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anand Rangarajan, Alan L. Yuille, Steven Gold, Eric Mjolsness. "A Convergence Proof for the Softassign Quadratic Assignment Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Genevieve Orr. "Removing Noise in On-Line Search using Adaptive Batch Sizes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • André Elisseeff, Hélène Paugam-Moisy. "Size of Multilayer Networks for Exact Learning: Analytic Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Harris Drucker, Christopher J. C. Burges, Linda Kaufman, Alex Smola, Vladimir Vapnik. "Support Vector Regression Machines" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Dayan. "A Hierarchical Model of Visual Rivalry" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kunihiko Iizuka, Masayuki Miyamoto, Hirofumi Matsui. "Dynamically Adaptable CMOS Winner-Take-All Neural Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Steve Waterhouse, Gary Cook. "Ensemble Methods for Phoneme Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Barak Pearlmutter, Lucas Parra. "Maximum Likelihood Blind Source Separation: A Context-Sensitive Generalization of ICA" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hagai Attias, Christoph Schreiner. "Temporal Low-Order Statistics of Natural Sounds" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Arthur Flexer. "Limitations of Self-organizing Maps for Vector Quantization and Multidimensional Scaling" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Philipp Häfliger, Misha Mahowald, Lloyd Watts. "A Spike Based Learning Neuron in Analog VLSI" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Aapo Hyvärinen, Erkki Oja. "One-unit Learning Rules for Independent Component Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • John Tsitsiklis, Benjamin Van Roy. "Analysis of Temporal-Diffference Learning with Function Approximation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Achim Stahlberger, Martin Riedmiller. "Fast Network Pruning and Feature Extraction by using the Unit-OBS Algorithm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Saad, Sara Solla. "Learning with Noise and Regularizers in Multilayer Neural Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ansgar West, David Saad, Ian Nabney. "The Learning Dynamcis of a Universal Approximator" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Barber, Christopher Williams. "Gaussian Processes for Bayesian Classification via Hybrid Monte Carlo" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shumeet Baluja. "Genetic Algorithms and Explicit Search Statistics" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Laura Martignon, Kathryn Laskey, Gustavo Deco, Eilon Vaadia. "Learning Exact Patterns of Quasi-synchronization among Spiking Neurons from Data on Multi-unit Recordings" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kenji Doya. "Efficient Nonlinear Control with Actor-Tutor Architecture" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ernest Wan, Don Bone. "Interpolating Earth-science Data using RBF Networks and Mixtures of Experts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alexandre Pouget, Kechen Zhang. "Statistically Efficient Estimations Using Cortical Lateral Connections" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tommi Jaakkola, Michael Jordan. "Recursive Algorithms for Approximating Probabilities in Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Paul Bradley, Olvi Mangasarian, W. Street. "Clustering via Concave Minimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tom Heskes. "Balancing Between Bagging and Bumping" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chanchal Chatterjee, Vwani Roychowdhury. "Self-Organizing and Adaptive Algorithms for Generalized Eigen-Decomposition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stephan Pareigis. "Multi-Grid Methods for Reinforcement Learning in Controlled Diffusion Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wolfgang Maass. "Noisy Spiking Neurons with Temporal Coding have more Computational Power than Sigmoidal Neurons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anthony Bell, Terrence J. Sejnowski. "Edges are the 'Independent Components' of Natural Scenes." | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Bartlett. "For Valid Generalization the Size of the Weights is More Important than the Size of the Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex Röbel. "Neural Network Modeling of Speech and Music Signals" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Simon Thorpe, Jacques Gautrais. "Rapid Visual Processing using Spike Asynchrony" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Trevor Mundel, Alexander Dimitrov, Jack Cowan. "Visual Cortex Circuitry and Orientation Tuning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Klaus Pawelzik, Udo Ernst, Fred Wolf, Theo Geisel. "Orientation Contrast Sensitivity from Long-range Interactions in Visual Cortex" | [Home Page] | [PDF]