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  • Alina Beygelzimer, Daniel J. Hsu, John Langford, Tong Zhang. "Agnostic Active Learning Without Constraints" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ali Jalali, Sujay Sanghavi, Chao Ruan, Pradeep Ravikumar. "A Dirty Model for Multi-task Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yung-kyun Noh, Byoung-tak Zhang, Daniel Lee. "Generative Local Metric Learning for Nearest Neighbor Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Min Yang, Linli Xu, Martha White, Dale Schuurmans, Yao-liang Yu. "Relaxed Clipping: A Global Training Method for Robust Regression and Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Adrien Wohrer, Ranulfo Romo, Christian K. Machens. "Linear readout from a neural population with partial correlation data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Gelfand, Yutian Chen, Laurens Maaten, Max Welling. "On Herding and the Perceptron Cycling Theorem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jiquan Ngiam, Zhenghao Chen, Daniel Chia, Pang Koh, Quoc Le, Andrew Ng. "Tiled convolutional neural networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ronny Luss, Saharon Rosset, Moni Shahar. "Decomposing Isotonic Regression for Efficiently Solving Large Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kun Gai, Guangyun Chen, Chang-shui Zhang. "Learning Kernels with Radiuses of Minimum Enclosing Balls" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Samy Bengio, Jason Weston, David Grangier. "Label Embedding Trees for Large Multi-Class Tasks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yuanqing Lin, Tong Zhang, Shenghuo Zhu, Kai Yu. "Deep Coding Network" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andrew Goldberg, Ben Recht, Junming Xu, Robert Nowak, Jerry Zhu. "Transduction with Matrix Completion: Three Birds with One Stone" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Rina Foygel, Mathias Drton. "Extended Bayesian Information Criteria for Gaussian Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Abhinav Gupta, Martial Hebert, Takeo Kanade, David Blei. "Estimating Spatial Layout of Rooms using Volumetric Reasoning about Objects and Surfaces" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alan Fern, Prasad Tadepalli. "A Computational Decision Theory for Interactive Assistants" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shibin Parameswaran, Kilian Q. Weinberger. "Large Margin Multi-Task Metric Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Haefner Ralf, Matthias Bethge. "Evaluating neuronal codes for inference using Fisher information" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Prateek Jain, Raghu Meka, Inderjit Dhillon. "Guaranteed Rank Minimization via Singular Value Projection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hado Hasselt. "Double Q-learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vladimir Kolmogorov. "Generalized roof duality and bisubmodular functions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Feiping Nie, Heng Huang, Xiao Cai, Chris Ding. "Efficient and Robust Feature Selection via Joint ℓ2,1-Norms Minimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jacob D. Abernethy, Manfred K. K. Warmuth. "Repeated Games against Budgeted Adversaries" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ken Takiyama, Masato Okada. "Switching state space model for simultaneously estimating state transitions and nonstationary firing rates" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Luke Maurits, Dan Navarro, Amy Perfors. "Why are some word orders more common than others? A uniform information density account" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ulrike Luxburg, Agnes Radl, Matthias Hein. "Getting lost in space: Large sample analysis of the resistance distance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Manas Pathak, Shantanu Rane, Bhiksha Raj. "Multiparty Differential Privacy via Aggregation of Locally Trained Classifiers" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fuxin Li, Cristian Sminchisescu. "Convex Multiple-Instance Learning by Estimating Likelihood Ratio" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Surya Ganguli, Haim Sompolinsky. "Short-term memory in neuronal networks through dynamical compressed sensing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Welinder, Steve Branson, Pietro Perona, Serge Belongie. "The Multidimensional Wisdom of Crowds" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nuno Vasconcelos, Mohammad Saberian. "Boosting Classifier Cascades" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mathieu Salzmann, Raquel Urtasun. "Implicitly Constrained Gaussian Process Regression for Monocular Non-Rigid Pose Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kentaro Katahira, Kazuo Okanoya, Masato Okada. "Effects of Synaptic Weight Diffusion on Learning in Decision Making Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Martha White, Adam White. "Interval Estimation for Reinforcement-Learning Algorithms in Continuous-State Domains" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Li-jia Li, Hao Su, Li Fei-fei, Eric Xing. "Object Bank: A High-Level Image Representation for Scene Classification & Semantic Feature Sparsification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Leonid Karlinsky, Michael Dinerstein, Shimon Ullman. "Using body-anchored priors for identifying actions in single images" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jonathan Sorg, Richard L. Lewis, Satinder Singh. "Reward Design via Online Gradient Ascent" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tobias Glasmachers. "Universal Consistency of Multi-Class Support Vector Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pranjal Awasthi, Reza Zadeh. "Supervised Clustering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kanaka Rajan, L Abbott, Haim Sompolinsky. "Inferring Stimulus Selectivity from the Spatial Structure of Neural Network Dynamics" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Huan Xu, Shie Mannor. "Distributionally Robust Markov Decision Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Noah A. Smith, Shay Cohen. "Empirical Risk Minimization with Approximations of Probabilistic Grammars" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Akshat Kumar, Shlomo Zilberstein. "MAP Estimation for Graphical Models by Likelihood Maximization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • James Sharpnack, Aarti Singh. "Identifying graph-structured activation patterns in networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mario Fritz, Kate Saenko, Trevor Darrell. "Size Matters: Metric Visual Search Constraints from Monocular Metadata" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Daniel Golovin, Andreas Krause, Debajyoti Ray. "Near-Optimal Bayesian Active Learning with Noisy Observations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Jones, Venkatesh Saligrama, Sanjoy Mitter. "Probabilistic Belief Revision with Structural Constraints" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alex Kulesza, Ben Taskar. "Structured Determinantal Point Processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ping Li, Arnd Konig, Wenhao Gui. "b-Bit Minwise Hashing for Estimating Three-Way Similarities" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stella Yu. "Feature Transitions with Saccadic Search: Size, Color, and Orientation Are Not Alike" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chris Barber, Joseph Bockhorst, Paul Roebber. "Auto-Regressive HMM Inference with Incomplete Data for Short-Horizon Wind Forecasting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emile Richard, Nicolas Baskiotis, Theodoros Evgeniou, Nicolas Vayatis. "Link Discovery using Graph Feature Tracking" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sebastian Millner, Andreas Grübl, Karlheinz Meier, Johannes Schemmel, Marc-olivier Schwartz. "A VLSI Implementation of the Adaptive Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Katya Scheinberg, Shiqian Ma, Donald Goldfarb. "Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection via Alternating Linearization Methods" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • George Konidaris, Scott Kuindersma, Roderic Grupen, Andrew Barto. "Constructing Skill Trees for Reinforcement Learning Agents from Demonstration Trajectories" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amin Sayedi, Morteza Zadimoghaddam, Avrim Blum. "Trading off Mistakes and Don't-Know Predictions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Chang Su, Sargur Srihari. "Evaluation of Rarity of Fingerprints in Forensics" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nadia Payet, Sinisa Todorovic. "(RF)^2 -- Random Forest Random Field" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Uri Shalit, Daphna Weinshall, Gal Chechik. "Online Learning in The Manifold of Low-Rank Matrices" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mohammad Emtiyaz E. Khan, Guillaume Bouchard, Kevin P. Murphy, Benjamin M. Marlin. "Variational bounds for mixed-data factor analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gal Elidan. "Copula Bayesian Networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anton Chechetka, Carlos Guestrin. "Evidence-Specific Structures for Rich Tractable CRFs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tian Lan, Yang Wang, Weilong Yang, Greg Mori. "Beyond Actions: Discriminative Models for Contextual Group Activities" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yuzong Liu, Mohit Sharma, Charles Gaona, Jonathan Breshears, Jarod Roland, Zachary Freudenburg, Eric Leuthardt, Kilian Q. Weinberger. "Decoding Ipsilateral Finger Movements from ECoG Signals in Humans" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Francesco Orabona, Koby Crammer. "New Adaptive Algorithms for Online Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabian Triefenbach, Azarakhsh Jalalvand, Benjamin Schrauwen, Jean-pierre Martens. "Phoneme Recognition with Large Hierarchical Reservoirs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Arvind Agarwal, Samuel Gerber, Hal Daume. "Learning Multiple Tasks using Manifold Regularization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pierre Garrigues, Bruno Olshausen. "Group Sparse Coding with a Laplacian Scale Mixture Prior" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jaldert Rombouts, Sander Bohte. "Fractionally Predictive Spiking Neurons" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Han Liu, Kathryn Roeder, Larry Wasserman. "Stability Approach to Regularization Selection (StARS) for High Dimensional Graphical Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Sontag, Ofer Meshi, Amir Globerson, Tommi Jaakkola. "More data means less inference: A pseudo-max approach to structured learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Abhay Jha, Vibhav Gogate, Alexandra Meliou, Dan Suciu. "Lifted Inference Seen from the Other Side : The Tractable Features" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Byron Boots, Geoffrey J. Gordon. "Predictive State Temporal Difference Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Aurel A. Lazar, Yevgeniy Slutskiy. "Identifying Dendritic Processing" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tang Jie, Pieter Abbeel. "On a Connection between Importance Sampling and the Likelihood Ratio Policy Gradient" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Georg Langs, Yanmei Tie, Laura Rigolo, Alexandra Golby, Polina Golland. "Functional Geometry Alignment and Localization of Brain Areas" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Wei Wang, Zhi-Hua Zhou. "Multi-View Active Learning in the Non-Realizable Case" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kamiya Motwani, Nagesh Adluru, Chris Hinrichs, Andrew Alexander, Vikas Singh. "Epitome driven 3-D Diffusion Tensor image segmentation: on extracting specific structures" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shaul Druckmann, Dmitri Chklovskii. "Over-complete representations on recurrent neural networks can support persistent percepts" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Satyen Kale, Lev Reyzin, Robert E. Schapire. "Non-Stochastic Bandit Slate Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jun Zhu, Li-jia Li, Li Fei-fei, Eric Xing. "Large Margin Learning of Upstream Scene Understanding Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mauricio Alvarez, Jan Peters, Neil Lawrence, Bernhard Schölkopf. "Switched Latent Force Models for Movement Segmentation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Seunghak Lee, Jun Zhu, Eric Xing. "Adaptive Multi-Task Lasso: with Application to eQTL Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Danial Lashkari, Ramesh Sridharan, Polina Golland. "Categories and Functional Units: An Infinite Hierarchical Model for Brain Activations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Aman Dhesi, Purushottam Kar. "Random Projection Trees Revisited" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Eric Wang, Dehong Liu, Jorge Silva, Lawrence Carin, David Dunson. "Joint Analysis of Time-Evolving Binary Matrices and Associated Documents" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andreas Krause, Pietro Perona, Ryan Gomes. "Discriminative Clustering by Regularized Information Maximization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dan Goodman, Romain Brette. "Learning to localise sounds with spiking neural networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Katsuhiko Ishiguro, Tomoharu Iwata, Naonori Ueda, Joshua Tenenbaum. "Dynamic Infinite Relational Model for Time-varying Relational Data Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthew Urry, Peter Sollich. "Exact learning curves for Gaussian process regression on large random graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Paul Mckeigue, Jon Krohn, Amos J. Storkey, Felix Agakov. "Sparse Instrumental Variables (SPIV) for Genome-Wide Studies" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Atsushi Miyamae, Yuichi Nagata, Isao Ono, Shigenobu Kobayashi. "Natural Policy Gradient Methods with Parameter-based Exploration for Control Tasks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Liefeng Bo, Xiaofeng Ren, Dieter Fox. "Kernel Descriptors for Visual Recognition" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthias Broecheler, Lise Getoor. "Computing Marginal Distributions over Continuous Markov Networks for Statistical Relational Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shengbo Guo, Scott Sanner, Edwin V. Bonilla. "Gaussian Process Preference Elicitation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Indraneel Mukherjee, Robert E. Schapire. "A Theory of Multiclass Boosting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Prateek Jain, Sudheendra Vijayanarasimhan, Kristen Grauman. "Hashing Hyperplane Queries to Near Points with Applications to Large-Scale Active Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Abdeslam Boularias, Brahim Chaib-draa. "Bootstrapping Apprenticeship Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Abhishek Kumar, Avishek Saha, Hal Daume. "Co-regularization Based Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Francis Bach. "Structured sparsity-inducing norms through submodular functions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gilbert Leung, Novi Quadrianto, Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis, Alex Smola. "Optimal Web-Scale Tiering as a Flow Problem" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Iain Murray, Ryan P. Adams. "Slice sampling covariance hyperparameters of latent Gaussian models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Armand Joulin, Jean Ponce, Francis Bach. "Efficient Optimization for Discriminative Latent Class Models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Andreas Christmann, Ingo Steinwart. "Universal Kernels on Non-Standard Input Spaces" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yu Zhang, Dit-Yan Yeung. "Worst-Case Linear Discriminant Analysis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yi Zhang, Jeff Schneider. "Learning Multiple Tasks with a Sparse Matrix-Normal Penalty" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Julien Mairal, Rodolphe Jenatton, Francis Bach, Guillaume R. Obozinski. "Network Flow Algorithms for Structured Sparsity" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sheng-jun Huang, Rong Jin, Zhi-Hua Zhou. "Active Learning by Querying Informative and Representative Examples" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Paolo Viappiani, Craig Boutilier. "Optimal Bayesian Recommendation Sets and Myopically Optimal Choice Query Sets" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Umar Syed, Ben Taskar. "Semi-Supervised Learning with Adversarially Missing Label Information" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Roland Memisevic, Christopher Zach, Marc Pollefeys, Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Gated Softmax Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dávid Pál, Barnabás Póczos, Csaba Szepesvári. "Estimation of Rényi Entropy and Mutual Information Based on Generalized Nearest-Neighbor Graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tom Claassen, Tom Heskes. "Causal discovery in multiple models from different experiments" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Corinna Cortes, Yishay Mansour, Mehryar Mohri. "Learning Bounds for Importance Weighting" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Umar Syed, Robert E. Schapire. "A Reduction from Apprenticeship Learning to Classification" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gowtham Bellala, Suresh Bhavnani, Clayton Scott. "Extensions of Generalized Binary Search to Group Identification and Exponential Costs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Grangier, Iain Melvin. "Feature Set Embedding for Incomplete Data" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Michael C. Mozer, Harold Pashler, Matthew Wilder, Robert V. Lindsey, Matt Jones, Michael N. Jones. "Improving Human Judgments by Decontaminating Sequential Dependencies" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Odalric Maillard, Rémi Munos. "Scrambled Objects for Least-Squares Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Benjamin Miller, Nadya Bliss, Patrick Wolfe. "Subgraph Detection Using Eigenvector L1 Norms" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Amir-massoud Farahmand, Csaba Szepesvári, Rémi Munos. "Error Propagation for Approximate Policy and Value Iteration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • M. Fard, Joelle Pineau. "PAC-Bayesian Model Selection for Reinforcement Learning" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hugo Larochelle, Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Learning to combine foveal glimpses with a third-order Boltzmann machine" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nathan Srebro, Russ R. Salakhutdinov. "Collaborative Filtering in a Non-Uniform World: Learning with the Weighted Trace Norm" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Meritxell Vinyals, Jes'us Cerquides, Alessandro Farinelli, Juan Rodríguez-aguilar. "Worst-case bounds on the quality of max-product fixed-points" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Mauricio Araya, Olivier Buffet, Vincent Thomas, Françcois Charpillet. "A POMDP Extension with Belief-dependent Rewards" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Morten Mørup, Kristoffer Madsen, Anne-marie Dogonowski, Hartwig Siebner, Lars K. Hansen. "Infinite Relational Modeling of Functional Connectivity in Resting State fMRI" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Javier Movellan, Paul Ruvolo. "An Alternative to Low-level-Sychrony-Based Methods for Speech Detection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Pradeep Shenoy, Angela J. Yu, Rajesh PN Rao. "A rational decision making framework for inhibitory control" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Emanuel Todorov. "Policy gradients in linearly-solvable MDPs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hongbo Zhou, Qiang Cheng. "Sufficient Conditions for Generating Group Level Sparsity in a Robust Minimax Framework" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • America Chambers, Padhraic Smyth, Mark Steyvers. "Learning concept graphs from text with stick-breaking priors" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Bo Thiesson, Chong Wang. "Fast Large-scale Mixture Modeling with Component-specific Data Partitions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jan Gasthaus, Yee Teh. "Improvements to the Sequence Memoizer" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthew Blaschko, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman. "Simultaneous Object Detection and Ranking with Weak Supervision" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Marc'aurelio Ranzato, Volodymyr Mnih, Geoffrey E. Hinton. "Generating more realistic images using gated MRF's" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Peter Stobbe, Andreas Krause. "Efficient Minimization of Decomposable Submodular Functions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Justin Domke. "Implicit Differentiation by Perturbation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jose Puertas, Joerg Bornschein, Jörg Lücke. "The Maximal Causes of Natural Scenes are Edge Filters" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Durk P. Kingma, Yann Cun. "Regularized estimation of image statistics by Score Matching" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Zeeshan Syed, John Guttag. "Identifying Patients at Risk of Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events Using Symbolic Mismatch" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Silvia Chiappa, Jan Peters. "Movement extraction by detecting dynamics switches and repetitions" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nebojsa Jojic, Chris Meek, Jim Huang. "Exact inference and learning for cumulative distribution functions on loopy graphs" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ernesto Vito, Lorenzo Rosasco, Alessandro Toigo. "Spectral Regularization for Support Estimation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Matthew Hoffman, Francis Bach, David Blei. "Online Learning for Latent Dirichlet Allocation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Christos Boutsidis, Anastasios Zouzias, Petros Drineas. "Random Projections for $k$-means Clustering" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yang Xu, Charles Kemp. "Inference and communication in the game of Password" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nathan Srebro, Karthik Sridharan, Ambuj Tewari. "Smoothness, Low Noise and Fast Rates" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • J. Kolter, Siddharth Batra, Andrew Ng. "Energy Disaggregation via Discriminative Sparse Coding" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ariel Kleiner, Ali Rahimi, Michael Jordan. "Random Conic Pursuit for Semidefinite Programming" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Issei Sato, Kenichi Kurihara, Hiroshi Nakagawa. "Deterministic Single-Pass Algorithm for LDA" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Vicky Froyen, Jacob Feldman, Manish Singh. "A Bayesian Framework for Figure-Ground Interpretation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Gergely Neu, Andras Antos, András György, Csaba Szepesvári. "Online Markov Decision Processes under Bandit Feedback" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yi-da Wu, Shi-jie Lin, Hsin Chen. "A Log-Domain Implementation of the Diffusion Network in Very Large Scale Integration" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sylvain Chevallier, Hél`ene Paugam-moisy, Michele Sebag. "SpikeAnts, a spiking neuron network modelling the emergence of organization in a complex system" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Malik Magdon-Ismail. "Permutation Complexity Bound on Out-Sample Error" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alekh Agarwal, Sahand Negahban, Martin J. Wainwright. "Fast global convergence rates of gradient methods for high-dimensional statistical recovery" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • K. Wong, He Wang, Si Wu, Chi Fung. "Attractor Dynamics with Synaptic Depression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Grégoire Montavon, Klaus-Robert Müller, Mikio Braun. "Layer-wise analysis of deep networks with Gaussian kernels" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stefan Harmeling, Hirsch Michael, Bernhard Schölkopf. "Space-Variant Single-Image Blind Deconvolution for Removing Camera Shake" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Anand Singh, Renaud Jolivet, Pierre Magistretti, Bruno Weber. "Sodium entry efficiency during action potentials: A novel single-parameter family of Hodgkin-Huxley models" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Shinichi Nakajima, Masashi Sugiyama, Ryota Tomioka. "Global Analytic Solution for Variational Bayesian Matrix Factorization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yi Sun, Jürgen Schmidhuber, Faustino Gomez. "Improving the Asymptotic Performance of Markov Chain Monte-Carlo by Inserting Vortices" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jeffrey Johns, Christopher Painter-wakefield, Ronald Parr. "Linear Complementarity for Regularized Policy Evaluation and Improvement" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Dirk Husmeier, Frank Dondelinger, Sophie Lebre. "Inter-time segment information sharing for non-homogeneous dynamic Bayesian networks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Han Liu, Xi Chen, Larry Wasserman, John Lafferty. "Graph-Valued Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yu Zhang, Dit-Yan Yeung, Qian Xu. "Probabilistic Multi-Task Feature Selection" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ali Shojaie, George Michailidis. "Penalized Principal Component Regression on Graphs for Analysis of Subnetworks" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Albert Jiang, Kevin Leyton-brown. "Bayesian Action-Graph Games" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Jean Morales, Charles Micchelli, Massimiliano Pontil. "A Family of Penalty Functions for Structured Sparsity" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Joscha Schmiedt, Christian Albers, Klaus Pawelzik. "Spike timing-dependent plasticity as dynamic filter" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Samuel Gershman, Robert Wilson. "The Neural Costs of Optimal Control" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Hariharan Narayanan, Sanjoy Mitter. "Sample Complexity of Testing the Manifold Hypothesis" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Kritika Muralidharan, Nuno Vasconcelos. "A biologically plausible network for the computation of orientation dominance" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sofia Mosci, Silvia Villa, Alessandro Verri, Lorenzo Rosasco. "A Primal-Dual Algorithm for Group Sparse Regularization with Overlapping Groups" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Fabian L. Wauthier, Michael Jordan. "Heavy-Tailed Process Priors for Selective Shrinkage" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tao Qin, Xiubo Geng, Tie-yan Liu. "A New Probabilistic Model for Rank Aggregation" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • José Pereira, Morteza Ibrahimi, Andrea Montanari. "Learning Networks of Stochastic Differential Equations" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ning Chen, Jun Zhu, Eric Xing. "Predictive Subspace Learning for Multi-view Data: a Large Margin Approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Stephen Bach, Mark Maloof. "A Bayesian Approach to Concept Drift" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Han Liu, Xi Chen. "Multivariate Dyadic Regression Trees for Sparse Learning Problems" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Sohan Seth, Park Il, Austin Brockmeier, Mulugeta Semework, John Choi, Joseph Francis, Jose Principe. "A novel family of non-parametric cumulative based divergences for point processes" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • David Weiss, Benjamin Sapp, Ben Taskar. "Sidestepping Intractable Inference with Structured Ensemble Cascades" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ziv Bar-joseph, Hai-son Le. "Cross Species Expression Analysis using a Dirichlet Process Mixture Model with Latent Matchings" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Nan Ding, S.v.n. Vishwanathan. "t-logistic regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alper Ayvaci, Michalis Raptis, Stefano Soatto. "Occlusion Detection and Motion Estimation with Convex Optimization" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Alessandro Bergamo, Lorenzo Torresani. "Exploiting weakly-labeled Web images to improve object classification: a domain adaptation approach" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Ling Huang, Jinzhu Jia, Bin Yu, Byung-gon Chun, Petros Maniatis, Mayur Naik. "Predicting Execution Time of Computer Programs Using Sparse Polynomial Regression" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Tim Rogers, Chuck Kalish, Joseph Harrison, Jerry Zhu, Bryan Gibson. "Humans Learn Using Manifolds, Reluctantly" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

  • Yariv Maron, Michael Lamar, Elie Bienenstock. "Sphere Embedding: An Application to Part-of-Speech Induction" | [Home Page] | [PDF]

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