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Best way to model and update dynamic obstacles? #2379

Answered by jcarpent
sea-bass asked this question in Q&A
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You can, of course, update the geometry placement as you want. This quantity is considered when you ask for a 0th-order forward kinematics (e.g., updateGeometryPlacements, that will update the geometry_data.oMg vector.

You can also update the geometry parameters (e.g., collision_model.geometryObjects[cid].geometry.radius = 1.5), but you cannot change the type. Otherwise, you need to recreate the associated data structure (that stores some functors for fast evaluation of collision checking).
If you use the broadphase, when changing the dimensions of a given geometry, you will need to recompute the local AABB encompassing volume, using collision_model.geometryObjects[cid].geometry.computeLo…

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