Online calendar
- Personal calendar where user can create/remove/update events
- Skills: javascript, php, mySQL
Multi-room Chat
- Group chatting room
- Private message and private room
- Administration of chatting rooms
- Skills: Node.js, Socket.io
Online Shopping Platform
- Basic platform for online shopping
- Skills: MEAN.io(MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js)
Android Phone Catalog
- extension of AngularJS tutorial
File Sharing Site
- user registration and login
- allow user to upload files and share files to other users
- skills: php, html, css, Amazon AWS
- user registration and login
- post stories, save favorite collections, comment posts, etc
- skills: php, MySQL, html, Bootstrap, Amazon AWS
Employee Management System
- web application to manage employees in various departments
- skills: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Oracle, html, jsp, jQuery