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+ console.log(LocalDupReportExist); + var MyHeader = React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "DupFileManager Report Menu" + ); + if (LocalDupReportExist) + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + MyHeader, + GetShowReportButton( + LocalDuplicateReportPath, + "Show Duplicate-File Report" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create New Report (NO Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportButton("Create New Report with Tagging"), + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + MyHeader, + GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create Duplicate-File Report (NO Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportButton("Create Duplicate-File Report with Tagging"), + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const CreateReport = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to create report. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("tag_duplicates_task"); + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Report complete. Click [Show Report] to view report." + ), + GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const CreateReportWithNoTagging = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: "Running task to create report. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("createDuplicateReportWithoutTagging"); + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Created HTML report without tagging. Click [Show Report] to view report." + ), + GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const ToolsAndUtilities = () => { + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities"), + React.createElement("p", null), + + React.createElement("h3", { class: "submenu" }, "Report Options"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create Report (NO Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportButton("Create Report (Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + GetShowReportButton( + GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), + "Show Duplicate-File Report" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", + title: "Delete local HTML duplicate file report.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Duplicate-File Report HTML Files" + ) + ), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), + + React.createElement( + "h3", + { class: "submenu" }, + "Tagged Duplicates Options" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", + title: + "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion).", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Tagged Duplicates") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", + title: + "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion).", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + title: + "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + title: + "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), + + React.createElement( + "h3", + { class: "submenu" }, + "Tagged Management Options" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", + title: + "Remove duplicate tag from all scenes. This task may take some time to complete.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Clear All Duplicate Tags") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", + title: "Delete all DupFileManager tags from stash.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete All DupFileManager Tags") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", + title: + "Set tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Tag Graylist") + ), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), + + React.createElement("h3", { class: "submenu" }, "Miscellaneous Options"), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", + title: + "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching. Used for file comparisons.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) Matching" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null) + ); + }; + const ClearAllDuplicateTags = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running clear duplicate tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("clear_duplicate_tags_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Removed duplicate tags from all scenes." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: "Running task to delete HTML files. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h2", + null, + "Deleted the HTML duplicate file report from local files." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteAllDupFileManagerTags = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all DupFileManager tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteAllDupFileManagerTags"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Deleted all DupFileManager tags."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const generatePHASH_Matching = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("generate_phash_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "PHASH (Perceptual hashes) complete."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const tagGrayList = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("graylist_tag_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Gray list tagging complete."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete all scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("delete_tagged_duplicates_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Scenes with dup tag deleted."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete all scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Blacklist scenes with dup tag deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager( + "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration" + ); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Blacklist scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager", HomePage); + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReport", CreateReport); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReportWithNoTagging", + CreateReportWithNoTagging + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", + ToolsAndUtilities + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", + ClearAllDuplicateTags + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", + deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", + deleteAllDupFileManagerTags + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", + generatePHASH_Matching + ); + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", tagGrayList); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", + deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", + deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration + ); + PluginApi.patch.before("SettingsToolsSection", function (props) { + const { Setting } = PluginApi.components; + return [ + { + children: React.createElement( + React.Fragment, + null, + props.children, + React.createElement(Setting, { + heading: React.createElement( + Link, + { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)" + ) + ), + }), + React.createElement(Setting, { + heading: React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", + title: ToolsMenuToolTip, + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities" + ) + ), + }) + ), + }, + ]; + }); + PluginApi.patch.before("MainNavBar.UtilityItems", function (props) { + const { Icon } = PluginApi.components; + return [ + { + children: React.createElement( + React.Fragment, + null, + props.children, + React.createElement( + NavLink, + { + className: "nav-utility", + exact: true, + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + { + className: "minimal d-flex align-items-center h-100", + title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip, + }, + React.createElement(Icon, { icon: faEthernet }) + ) + ) + ), + }, + ]; + }); +})(); diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js.map b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js.map new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5fdfda50 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js.map @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"version":3,"file":"DupFileManager.js","sourceRoot":"","sources":["../src/DupFileManager.tsx"],"names":[],"mappings":";AA0CA,CAAC;IACC,MAAM,SAAS,GAAI,MAAc,CAAC,SAAuB,CAAC;IAC1D,MAAM,KAAK,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;IAC9B,MAAM,GAAG,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC;IAE1B,MAAM,EAAE,MAAM,EAAE,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC;IACjD,MAAM,EAAE,UAAU,EAAE,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,gBAAgB,CAAC;IAC5D,MAAM,EACJ,IAAI,EACJ,OAAO,GACR,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,cAAc,CAAC;IAEvC,MAAM,EACJ,QAAQ,EACT,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC;IAEpB,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,gBAAgB,CAAC,gBAAgB,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,EAAE,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,cAAc,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,QAAQ,EAAE,CAAC,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,CAAC,CAAA;IAEtJ,MAAM,cAAc,GAEf,CAAC,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,EAAE,EAAE;QACrB,8EAA8E;QAC9E,yDAAyD;QACzD,MAAM,EACJ,YAAY,GACb,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QAEzB,MAAM,cAAc,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO,CAClC,GAAG,EAAE;;YAAC,OAAA,CACJ,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAC,yBAAyB;gBACtC,oBAAC,IAAI,IAAC,EAAE,EAAE,eAAe,SAAS,CAAC,EAAE,EAAE;oBACrC,6BACE,SAAS,EAAC,iBAAiB,EAC3B,GAAG,EAAE,MAAA,SAAS,CAAC,IAAI,mCAAI,EAAE,EACzB,GAAG,EAAE,MAAA,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,mCAAI,EAAE,GAC/B,CACG,CACH,CACP,CAAA;SAAA,EACD,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,CACZ,CAAC;QAEF,OAAO,CACL,oBAAC,YAAY,IACX,SAAS,EAAC,uBAAuB,EACjC,SAAS,EAAC,KAAK,EACf,OAAO,EAAE,cAAc,EACvB,UAAU,EAAE,GAAG;YAEf,2BAAG,IAAI,EAAE,QAAQ,CAAC,sBAAsB,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,IAAG,SAAS,CAAC,IAAI,CAAK,CAC5D,CAChB,CAAC;IACJ,CAAC,CAAC;IAEF,SAAS,YAAY,CAAC,KAAU;QAC9B,MAAM,EACJ,OAAO,GACR,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QAEzB,SAAS,qBAAqB;YAC5B,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,MAAM,IAAI,CAAC;gBAAE,OAAO;YAE/C,OAAO,CACL,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAC,wBAAwB,IACpC,KAAK,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,SAAc,EAAE,EAAE,CAAC,CAC9C,oBAAC,cAAc,IAAC,SAAS,EAAE,SAAS,EAAE,GAAG,EAAE,SAAS,CAAC,EAAE,GAAI,CAC5D,CAAC,CACE,CACP,CAAC;QACJ,CAAC;QAED,SAAS,eAAe;YACtB,IAAI,KAAK,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,MAAM,IAAI,CAAC;gBAAE,OAAO;YAEzC,OAAO,CACL,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAC,kBAAkB,IAC9B,KAAK,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,GAAQ,EAAE,EAAE,CAAC,CAClC,oBAAC,OAAO,IAAC,GAAG,EAAE,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE,EAAE,GAAG,EAAE,GAAG,GAAI,CACnC,CAAC,CACE,CACP,CAAC;QACJ,CAAC;QAED,OAAO,CACL,6BAAK,SAAS,EAAC,qBAAqB;YAClC,8BAAM,SAAS,EAAC,kBAAkB,IAAE,KAAK,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,IAAI,CAAQ;YAC3D,qBAAqB,EAAE;YACvB,eAAe,EAAE,CACd,CACP,CAAC;IACJ,CAAC;IAED,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,OAAO,CAAC,mBAAmB,EAAE,UAAU,KAAU,EAAE,CAAM,EAAE,QAAa;QACtF,OAAO,oBAAC,YAAY,OAAK,KAAK,GAAI,CAAC;IACrC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;IAEH,MAAM,QAAQ,GAAa,GAAG,EAAE;QAC9B,MAAM,iBAAiB,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,iBAAiB,CAAC,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC,SAAS,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;QAEtG,MAAM,EACJ,SAAS,EACT,gBAAgB,GACjB,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QAEzB,mDAAmD;QACnD,MAAM,EAAE,IAAI,EAAE,GAAG,GAAG,CAAC,kBAAkB,CAAC;YACtC,SAAS,EAAE;gBACT,MAAM,EAAE;oBACN,QAAQ,EAAE,CAAC;oBACX,IAAI,EAAE,QAAQ;iBACf;aACF;SACF,CAAC,CAAC;QAEH,MAAM,KAAK,GAAG,IAAI,aAAJ,IAAI,uBAAJ,IAAI,CAAE,UAAU,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;QAEzC,IAAI,iBAAiB;YAAE,OAAO,CAC5B,oBAAC,gBAAgB,OAAG,CACrB,CAAC;QAEF,OAAO,CACL;YACE,wDAA+B;YAC9B,CAAC,CAAC,KAAK,IAAI,oBAAC,SAAS,IAAC,KAAK,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,GAAI,CACvD,CACP,CAAC;IACJ,CAAC,CAAC;IAEF,SAAS,CAAC,QAAQ,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,oBAAoB,EAAE,QAAQ,CAAC,CAAC;IAEzD,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,sBAAsB,EAAE,UAAU,KAAU;QACjE,MAAM,EACJ,OAAO,GACR,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QAEzB,OAAO;YACL;gBACE,QAAQ,EAAE,CACR;oBACG,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ;oBACf,oBAAC,OAAO,IACN,OAAO,EACL,oBAAC,IAAI,IAAC,EAAE,EAAC,oBAAoB;4BAC3B,oBAAC,MAAM,oBAEE,CACJ,GAET,CACD,CACJ;aACF;SACF,CAAC;IACJ,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;IAEH,SAAS,CAAC,KAAK,CAAC,MAAM,CAAC,yBAAyB,EAAE,UAAU,KAAU;QACpE,MAAM,EACJ,IAAI,GACL,GAAG,SAAS,CAAC,UAAU,CAAC;QAEzB,OAAO;YACL;gBACE,QAAQ,EAAE,CACR;oBACG,KAAK,CAAC,QAAQ;oBACf,oBAAC,OAAO,IACN,SAAS,EAAC,aAAa,EACvB,KAAK,QACL,EAAE,EAAC,oBAAoB;wBAEvB,oBAAC,MAAM,IACL,SAAS,EAAC,yCAAyC,EACnD,KAAK,EAAC,WAAW;4BAEjB,oBAAC,IAAI,IAAC,IAAI,EAAE,UAAU,GAAI,CACnB,CACD,CACT,CACJ;aACF;SACF,CAAA;IACH,CAAC,CAAC,CAAA;AACJ,CAAC,CAAC,EAAE,CAAC"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.py b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.py index c9ef4a16..16625534 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.py +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.py @@ -3,31 +3,60 @@ # Get the latest developers version from following link: https://github.com/David-Maisonave/Axter-Stash/tree/main/plugins/DupFileManager # Note: To call this script outside of Stash, pass argument --url # Example: python DupFileManager.py --url http://localhost:9999 -a -import os, sys, time, pathlib, argparse, platform, shutil, logging +try: + import ModulesValidate + ModulesValidate.modulesInstalled(["send2trash", "requests"], silent=True) +except Exception as e: + import traceback, sys + tb = traceback.format_exc() + print(f"ModulesValidate Exception. Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}", file=sys.stderr) +import os, sys, time, pathlib, argparse, platform, shutil, traceback, logging, requests +from datetime import datetime from StashPluginHelper import StashPluginHelper +from stashapi.stash_types import PhashDistance from DupFileManager_config import config # Import config from DupFileManager_config.py +from DupFileManager_report_config import report_config + +# ToDo: make sure the following line of code works +config |= report_config parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--url', '-u', dest='stash_url', type=str, help='Add Stash URL') parser.add_argument('--trace', '-t', dest='trace', action='store_true', help='Enables debug trace mode.') parser.add_argument('--add_dup_tag', '-a', dest='dup_tag', action='store_true', help='Set a tag to duplicate files.') +parser.add_argument('--clear_dup_tag', '-c', dest='clear_tag', action='store_true', help='Clear duplicates of duplicate tags.') parser.add_argument('--del_tag_dup', '-d', dest='del_tag', action='store_true', help='Only delete scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag.') parser.add_argument('--remove_dup', '-r', dest='remove', action='store_true', help='Remove (delete) duplicate files.') parse_args = parser.parse_args() settings = { + "matchDupDistance": 0, "mergeDupFilename": False, - "permanentlyDelete": False, "whitelistDelDupInSameFolder": False, - "whitelistDoTagLowResDup": False, - "zCleanAfterDel": False, - "zSwapHighRes": False, - "zSwapLongLength": False, + "zvWhitelist": "", + "zwGraylist": "", + "zxBlacklist": "", + "zyMaxDupToProcess": 0, + "zySwapHighRes": False, + "zySwapLongLength": False, + "zySwapBetterBitRate": False, + "zySwapCodec": False, + "zySwapBetterFrameRate": False, + "zzDebug": False, + "zzTracing": False, + + "zzObsoleteSettingsCheckVer2": False, # This is a hidden variable that is NOT displayed in the UI + + # Obsolete setting names "zWhitelist": "", "zxGraylist": "", "zyBlacklist": "", - "zyMaxDupToProcess": 0, - "zzdebugTracing": False, + "zyMatchDupDistance": 0, + "zSwapHighRes": False, + "zSwapLongLength": False, + "zSwapBetterBitRate": False, + "zSwapCodec": False, + "zSwapBetterFrameRate": False, } stash = StashPluginHelper( stash_url=parse_args.stash_url, @@ -35,64 +64,172 @@ settings=settings, config=config, maxbytes=10*1024*1024, + DebugTraceFieldName="zzTracing", + DebugFieldName="zzDebug", ) +stash.convertToAscii = True + +advanceMenuOptions = [ "applyCombo", "applyComboBlacklist", "pathToDelete", "pathToDeleteBlacklist", "sizeToDeleteLess", "sizeToDeleteGreater", "sizeToDeleteBlacklistLess", "sizeToDeleteBlacklistGreater", "durationToDeleteLess", "durationToDeleteGreater", "durationToDeleteBlacklistLess", "durationToDeleteBlacklistGreater", + "commonResToDeleteLess", "commonResToDeleteEq", "commonResToDeleteGreater", "commonResToDeleteBlacklistLess", "commonResToDeleteBlacklistEq", "commonResToDeleteBlacklistGreater", "resolutionToDeleteLess", "resolutionToDeleteEq", "resolutionToDeleteGreater", + "resolutionToDeleteBlacklistLess", "resolutionToDeleteBlacklistEq", "resolutionToDeleteBlacklistGreater", "ratingToDeleteLess", "ratingToDeleteEq", "ratingToDeleteGreater", "ratingToDeleteBlacklistLess", "ratingToDeleteBlacklistEq", "ratingToDeleteBlacklistGreater", + "tagToDelete", "tagToDeleteBlacklist", "titleToDelete", "titleToDeleteBlacklist", "pathStrToDelete", "pathStrToDeleteBlacklist"] + +doJsonReturnModeTypes = ["tag_duplicates_task", "removeDupTag", "addExcludeTag", "removeExcludeTag", "mergeTags", "getLocalDupReportPath", + "createDuplicateReportWithoutTagging", "deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", "clear_duplicate_tags_task", + "deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", "deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", "create_duplicate_report_task"] +doJsonReturnModeTypes += [advanceMenuOptions] +doJsonReturn = False +if len(sys.argv) < 2 and stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME in doJsonReturnModeTypes: + doJsonReturn = True + stash.log_to_norm = stash.LogTo.FILE +elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "doEarlyExit": + time.sleep(3) + stash.Log("Doing early exit because of task name") + time.sleep(3) + exit(0) + +stash.Log("******************* Starting *******************") if len(sys.argv) > 1: stash.Log(f"argv = {sys.argv}") else: - stash.Trace(f"No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {stash.JSON_INPUT['args']}") -stash.Status(logLevel=logging.DEBUG) + stash.Debug(f"No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {stash.JSON_INPUT['args']}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = {stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME}; argv = {sys.argv}") +stash.status(logLevel=logging.DEBUG) -# stash.Trace(f"\nStarting (__file__={__file__}) (stash.CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN={stash.CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN}) (stash.DEBUG_TRACING={stash.DEBUG_TRACING}) (stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME={stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME})************************************************") -# stash.encodeToUtf8 = True +obsoleteSettingsToConvert = {"zWhitelist" : "zvWhitelist", "zxGraylist" : "zwGraylist", "zyBlacklist" : "zxBlacklist", "zyMatchDupDistance" : "matchDupDistance", "zSwapHighRes" : "zySwapHighRes", "zSwapLongLength" : "zySwapLongLength", "zSwapBetterBitRate" : "zySwapBetterBitRate", "zSwapCodec" : "zySwapCodec", "zSwapBetterFrameRate" : "zySwapBetterFrameRate"} +stash.replaceObsoleteSettings(obsoleteSettingsToConvert, "zzObsoleteSettingsCheckVer2") -LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN = stash.LOG_TO_STASH if stash.CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN else stash.LOG_TO_CONSOLE + stash.LOG_TO_FILE +LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN = stash.LogTo.STASH if stash.CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN else stash.LogTo.CONSOLE + stash.LogTo.FILE listSeparator = stash.Setting('listSeparator', ',', notEmpty=True) addPrimaryDupPathToDetails = stash.Setting('addPrimaryDupPathToDetails') +clearAllDupfileManagerTags = stash.Setting('clearAllDupfileManagerTags') +doGeneratePhash = stash.Setting('doGeneratePhash') mergeDupFilename = stash.Setting('mergeDupFilename') moveToTrashCan = False if stash.Setting('permanentlyDelete') else True alternateTrashCanPath = stash.Setting('dup_path') whitelistDelDupInSameFolder = stash.Setting('whitelistDelDupInSameFolder') -whitelistDoTagLowResDup = stash.Setting('whitelistDoTagLowResDup') +graylistTagging = stash.Setting('graylistTagging') maxDupToProcess = int(stash.Setting('zyMaxDupToProcess')) -swapHighRes = stash.Setting('zSwapHighRes') -swapLongLength = stash.Setting('zSwapLongLength') -significantTimeDiff = stash.Setting('significantTimeDiff') +significantTimeDiff = float(stash.Setting('significantTimeDiff')) toRecycleBeforeSwap = stash.Setting('toRecycleBeforeSwap') -cleanAfterDel = stash.Setting('zCleanAfterDel') -duration_diff = float(stash.Setting('duration_diff')) -if duration_diff > 10: - duration_diff = 10 -elif duration_diff < 1: - duration_diff = 1 +cleanAfterDel = stash.Setting('cleanAfterDel') + +swapHighRes = stash.Setting('zySwapHighRes') +swapLongLength = stash.Setting('zySwapLongLength') +swapBetterBitRate = stash.Setting('zySwapBetterBitRate') +swapCodec = stash.Setting('zySwapCodec') +swapBetterFrameRate = stash.Setting('zySwapBetterFrameRate') +favorLongerFileName = stash.Setting('favorLongerFileName') +favorLargerFileSize = stash.Setting('favorLargerFileSize') +favorBitRateChange = stash.Setting('favorBitRateChange') +favorHighBitRate = stash.Setting('favorHighBitRate') +favorFrameRateChange = stash.Setting('favorFrameRateChange') +favorHigherFrameRate = stash.Setting('favorHigherFrameRate') +favorCodecRanking = stash.Setting('favorCodecRanking') +codecRankingSetToUse = stash.Setting('codecRankingSetToUse') +if codecRankingSetToUse == 4: + codecRanking = stash.Setting('codecRankingSet4') +elif codecRankingSetToUse == 3: + codecRanking = stash.Setting('codecRankingSet3') +elif codecRankingSetToUse == 2: + codecRanking = stash.Setting('codecRankingSet2') +else: + codecRanking = stash.Setting('codecRankingSet1') +skipIfTagged = stash.Setting('skipIfTagged') +killScanningPostProcess = stash.Setting('killScanningPostProcess') +tagLongDurationLowRes = stash.Setting('tagLongDurationLowRes') +bitRateIsImporantComp = stash.Setting('bitRateIsImporantComp') +codecIsImporantComp = stash.Setting('codecIsImporantComp') + +excludeFromReportIfSignificantTimeDiff = False + +matchDupDistance = int(stash.Setting('matchDupDistance')) +matchPhaseDistance = PhashDistance.EXACT +matchPhaseDistanceText = "Exact Match" +if (stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "tag_duplicates_task" or stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "create_duplicate_report_task") and 'Target' in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.enableProgressBar(False) + if stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'].startswith("0"): + matchDupDistance = 0 + elif stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'].startswith("1"): + matchDupDistance = 1 + elif stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'].startswith("2"): + matchDupDistance = 2 + elif stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'].startswith("3"): + matchDupDistance = 3 + + if stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'].find(":") == 1: + significantTimeDiff = float(stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'][2:]) + excludeFromReportIfSignificantTimeDiff = True + +if matchDupDistance == 1: + matchPhaseDistance = PhashDistance.HIGH + matchPhaseDistanceText = "High Match" +elif matchDupDistance == 2: + matchPhaseDistance = PhashDistance.MEDIUM + matchPhaseDistanceText = "Medium Match" +elif matchDupDistance == 3: + matchPhaseDistance = PhashDistance.LOW + matchPhaseDistanceText = "Low Match" # significantTimeDiff can not be higher than 1 and shouldn't be lower than .5 if significantTimeDiff > 1: - significantTimeDiff = 1 -if significantTimeDiff < .5: - significantTimeDiff = .5 + significantTimeDiff = float(1.00) +if significantTimeDiff < .25: + significantTimeDiff = float(0.25) duplicateMarkForDeletion = stash.Setting('DupFileTag') if duplicateMarkForDeletion == "": duplicateMarkForDeletion = 'DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +base1_duplicateMarkForDeletion = duplicateMarkForDeletion + duplicateWhitelistTag = stash.Setting('DupWhiteListTag') if duplicateWhitelistTag == "": - duplicateWhitelistTag = 'DuplicateWhitelistFile' + duplicateWhitelistTag = '_DuplicateWhitelistFile' + +excludeDupFileDeleteTag = stash.Setting('excludeDupFileDeleteTag') +if excludeDupFileDeleteTag == "": + excludeDupFileDeleteTag = '_ExcludeDuplicateMarkForDeletion' + +graylistMarkForDeletion = stash.Setting('graylistMarkForDeletion') +if graylistMarkForDeletion == "": + graylistMarkForDeletion = '_GraylistMarkForDeletion' + +longerDurationLowerResolution = stash.Setting('longerDurationLowerResolution') +if longerDurationLowerResolution == "": + longerDurationLowerResolution = '_LongerDurationLowerResolution' -excludeMergeTags = [duplicateMarkForDeletion, duplicateWhitelistTag] -stash.init_mergeMetadata(excludeMergeTags) +excludeMergeTags = [duplicateMarkForDeletion, duplicateWhitelistTag, excludeDupFileDeleteTag] -graylist = stash.Setting('zxGraylist').split(listSeparator) +if stash.Setting('underscoreDupFileTag') and not duplicateMarkForDeletion.startswith('_'): + duplicateMarkForDeletionWithOutUnderscore = duplicateMarkForDeletion + duplicateMarkForDeletion = "_" + duplicateMarkForDeletion + if stash.renameTag(duplicateMarkForDeletionWithOutUnderscore, duplicateMarkForDeletion): + stash.Log(f"Renamed tag {duplicateMarkForDeletionWithOutUnderscore} to {duplicateMarkForDeletion}") + stash.Trace(f"Added underscore to {duplicateMarkForDeletionWithOutUnderscore} = {duplicateMarkForDeletion}") + excludeMergeTags += [duplicateMarkForDeletion] +else: + stash.Trace(f"duplicateMarkForDeletion = {duplicateMarkForDeletion}") + +base2_duplicateMarkForDeletion = duplicateMarkForDeletion + +if stash.Setting('appendMatchDupDistance'): + duplicateMarkForDeletion += f"_{matchDupDistance}" + excludeMergeTags += [duplicateMarkForDeletion] + +stash.initMergeMetadata(excludeMergeTags) + +graylist = stash.Setting('zwGraylist').split(listSeparator) graylist = [item.lower() for item in graylist] if graylist == [""] : graylist = [] stash.Trace(f"graylist = {graylist}") -whitelist = stash.Setting('zWhitelist').split(listSeparator) +whitelist = stash.Setting('zvWhitelist').split(listSeparator) whitelist = [item.lower() for item in whitelist] if whitelist == [""] : whitelist = [] stash.Trace(f"whitelist = {whitelist}") -blacklist = stash.Setting('zyBlacklist').split(listSeparator) +blacklist = stash.Setting('zxBlacklist').split(listSeparator) blacklist = [item.lower() for item in blacklist] if blacklist == [""] : blacklist = [] stash.Trace(f"blacklist = {blacklist}") @@ -169,51 +306,49 @@ def testReparsePointAndSymLink(merge=False, deleteDup=False): stash.Log(f"Not isSymLink '{myTestPath6}'") return +detailPrefix = "BaseDup=" +detailPostfix = "\n" -def createTagId(tagName, tagName_descp, deleteIfExist = False): - tagId = stash.find_tags(q=tagName) - if len(tagId): - tagId = tagId[0] - if deleteIfExist: - stash.destroy_tag(int(tagId['id'])) - else: - return tagId['id'] - tagId = stash.create_tag({"name":tagName, "description":tagName_descp, "ignore_auto_tag": True}) - stash.Log(f"Dup-tagId={tagId['id']}") - return tagId['id'] - -def setTagId(tagId, tagName, sceneDetails, DupFileToKeep): +def setTagId(tagName, sceneDetails, DupFileToKeep, TagReason="", ignoreAutoTag=False): details = "" ORG_DATA_DICT = {'id' : sceneDetails['id']} dataDict = ORG_DATA_DICT.copy() doAddTag = True if addPrimaryDupPathToDetails: - BaseDupStr = f"BaseDup={DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}\n{stash.STASH_URL}/scenes/{DupFileToKeep['id']}\n" + BaseDupStr = f"{detailPrefix}{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}\n{stash.STASH_URL}/scenes/{DupFileToKeep['id']}\n{TagReason}(matchDupDistance={matchPhaseDistanceText})\n{detailPostfix}" if sceneDetails['details'] == "": details = BaseDupStr - elif not sceneDetails['details'].startswith(BaseDupStr): + elif not sceneDetails['details'].startswith(detailPrefix): details = f"{BaseDupStr};\n{sceneDetails['details']}" for tag in sceneDetails['tags']: if tag['name'] == tagName: doAddTag = False break if doAddTag: - dataDict.update({'tag_ids' : tagId}) + stash.addTag(sceneDetails, tagName, ignoreAutoTag=ignoreAutoTag) if details != "": dataDict.update({'details' : details}) if dataDict != ORG_DATA_DICT: - stash.update_scene(dataDict) - stash.Trace(f"[setTagId] Updated {sceneDetails['files'][0]['path']} with metadata {dataDict}", toAscii=True) + stash.updateScene(dataDict) + stash.Trace(f"[setTagId] Updated {sceneDetails['files'][0]['path']} with metadata {dataDict} and tag {tagName}", toAscii=True) else: - stash.Trace(f"[setTagId] Nothing to update {sceneDetails['files'][0]['path']}.", toAscii=True) - + stash.Trace(f"[setTagId] Nothing to update {sceneDetails['files'][0]['path']} already has tag {tagName}.", toAscii=True) + return doAddTag -def isInList(listToCk, pathToCk): - pathToCk = pathToCk.lower() - for item in listToCk: - if pathToCk.startswith(item): - return True - return False +def setTagId_withRetry(tagName, sceneDetails, DupFileToKeep, TagReason="", ignoreAutoTag=False, retryCount = 12, sleepSecondsBetweenRetry = 5): + errMsg = None + for i in range(0, retryCount): + try: + if errMsg != None: + stash.Warn(errMsg) + return setTagId(tagName, sceneDetails, DupFileToKeep, TagReason, ignoreAutoTag) + except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ConnectionResetError): + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"[setTagId] Exception calling setTagId. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"[setTagId] Unknown exception calling setTagId. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + time.sleep(sleepSecondsBetweenRetry) def hasSameDir(path1, path2): if pathlib.Path(path1).resolve().parent == pathlib.Path(path2).resolve().parent: @@ -237,39 +372,284 @@ def sendToTrash(path): except Exception as e: stash.Error(f"Failed to delete file {path}. Error: {e}", toAscii=True) return False - -def significantLessTime(durrationToKeep, durrationOther): - timeDiff = durrationToKeep / durrationOther +# If ckTimeDiff=False: Does durration2 have significant more time than durration1 +def significantTimeDiffCheck(durration1, durration2, ckTimeDiff = False): # If ckTimeDiff=True: is time different significant in either direction. + if not isinstance(durration1, int) and 'files' in durration1: + durration1 = int(durration1['files'][0]['duration']) + durration2 = int(durration2['files'][0]['duration']) + timeDiff = getTimeDif(durration1, durration2) + if ckTimeDiff and timeDiff > 1: + timeDiff = getTimeDif(durration2, durration1) if timeDiff < significantTimeDiff: return True return False +def getTimeDif(durration1, durration2): # Where durration1 is ecpected to be smaller than durration2 IE(45/60=.75) + return durration1 / durration2 + +def isBetterVideo(scene1, scene2, swapCandidateCk = False): # is scene2 better than scene1 + # Prioritize higher reslution over codec, bit rate, and frame rate + if int(scene1['files'][0]['width']) * int(scene1['files'][0]['height']) > int(scene2['files'][0]['width']) * int(scene2['files'][0]['height']): + return False + if (favorBitRateChange and swapCandidateCk == False) or (swapCandidateCk and swapBetterBitRate): + if (favorHighBitRate and int(scene2['files'][0]['bit_rate']) > int(scene1['files'][0]['bit_rate'])) or (not favorHighBitRate and int(scene2['files'][0]['bit_rate']) < int(scene1['files'][0]['bit_rate'])): + stash.Trace(f"[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate={favorHighBitRate}] Better bit rate. {scene1['files'][0]['path']}={scene1['files'][0]['bit_rate']} v.s. {scene2['files'][0]['path']}={scene2['files'][0]['bit_rate']}") + return True + if (favorCodecRanking and swapCandidateCk == False) or (swapCandidateCk and swapCodec): + scene1CodecRank = stash.indexStartsWithInList(codecRanking, scene1['files'][0]['video_codec']) + scene2CodecRank = stash.indexStartsWithInList(codecRanking, scene2['files'][0]['video_codec']) + if scene2CodecRank < scene1CodecRank: + stash.Trace(f"[isBetterVideo] Better codec. {scene1['files'][0]['path']}={scene1['files'][0]['video_codec']}:Rank={scene1CodecRank} v.s. {scene2['files'][0]['path']}={scene2['files'][0]['video_codec']}:Rank={scene2CodecRank}") + return True + if (favorFrameRateChange and swapCandidateCk == False) or (swapCandidateCk and swapBetterFrameRate): + if (favorHigherFrameRate and int(scene2['files'][0]['frame_rate']) > int(scene1['files'][0]['frame_rate'])) or (not favorHigherFrameRate and int(scene2['files'][0]['frame_rate']) < int(scene1['files'][0]['frame_rate'])): + stash.Trace(f"[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate={favorHigherFrameRate}] Better frame rate. {scene1['files'][0]['path']}={scene1['files'][0]['frame_rate']} v.s. {scene2['files'][0]['path']}={scene2['files'][0]['frame_rate']}") + return True + return False + +def significantMoreTimeCompareToBetterVideo(scene1, scene2): # is scene2 better than scene1 + if isinstance(scene1, int): + scene1 = stash.find_scene(scene1) + scene2 = stash.find_scene(scene2) + if int(scene1['files'][0]['duration']) >= int(scene2['files'][0]['duration']): + return False + if int(scene1['files'][0]['width']) * int(scene1['files'][0]['height']) > int(scene2['files'][0]['width']) * int(scene2['files'][0]['height']): + if significantTimeDiffCheck(scene1, scene2): + if tagLongDurationLowRes: + didAddTag = setTagId_withRetry(longerDurationLowerResolution, scene2, scene1, ignoreAutoTag=True) + stash.Log(f"Tagged sene2 with tag {longerDurationLowerResolution}, because scene1 is better video, but it has significant less time ({getTimeDif(int(scene1['files'][0]['duration']), int(scene2['files'][0]['duration']))}%) compare to scene2; scene1={scene1['files'][0]['path']} (ID={scene1['id']})(duration={scene1['files'][0]['duration']}); scene2={scene2['files'][0]['path']} (ID={scene2['id']}) (duration={scene1['files'][0]['duration']}); didAddTag={didAddTag}") + else: + stash.Warn(f"Scene1 is better video, but it has significant less time ({getTimeDif(int(scene1['files'][0]['duration']), int(scene2['files'][0]['duration']))}%) compare to scene2; Scene1={scene1['files'][0]['path']} (ID={scene1['id']})(duration={scene1['files'][0]['duration']}); Scene2={scene2['files'][0]['path']} (ID={scene2['id']}) (duration={scene1['files'][0]['duration']})") + return False + return True + +def allThingsEqual(scene1, scene2): # If all important things are equal, return true + if int(scene1['files'][0]['duration']) != int(scene2['files'][0]['duration']): + return False + if scene1['files'][0]['width'] != scene2['files'][0]['width']: + return False + if scene1['files'][0]['height'] != scene2['files'][0]['height']: + return False + if bitRateIsImporantComp and scene1['files'][0]['bit_rate'] != scene2['files'][0]['bit_rate']: + return False + if codecIsImporantComp and scene1['files'][0]['video_codec'] != scene2['files'][0]['video_codec']: + return False + return True + def isSwapCandidate(DupFileToKeep, DupFile): # Don't move if both are in whitelist - if isInList(whitelist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and isInList(whitelist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']): + if stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']): return False - if swapHighRes and (int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']) > int(DupFile['files'][0]['width']) or int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']) > int(DupFile['files'][0]['height'])): - if not significantLessTime(int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']), int(DupFile['files'][0]['duration'])): + if swapHighRes and int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']) * int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']) > int(DupFile['files'][0]['width']) * int(DupFile['files'][0]['height']): + if not significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFileToKeep, DupFile): return True else: stash.Warn(f"File '{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}' has a higher resolution than '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}', but the duration is significantly shorter.", toAscii=True) if swapLongLength and int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']) > int(DupFile['files'][0]['duration']): if int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']) >= int(DupFile['files'][0]['width']) or int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']) >= int(DupFile['files'][0]['height']): return True + if isBetterVideo(DupFile, DupFileToKeep, swapCandidateCk=True): + if not significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFileToKeep, DupFile): + return True + else: + stash.Warn(f"File '{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}' has better codec/bit-rate than '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}', but the duration is significantly shorter; DupFileToKeep-ID={DupFileToKeep['id']};DupFile-ID={DupFile['id']};BitRate {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['bit_rate']} vs {DupFile['files'][0]['bit_rate']};Codec {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['video_codec']} vs {DupFile['files'][0]['video_codec']};FrameRate {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['frame_rate']} vs {DupFile['files'][0]['frame_rate']};", toAscii=True) + return False + +dupWhitelistTagId = None +def addDupWhitelistTag(): + global dupWhitelistTagId + stash.Trace(f"Adding tag duplicateWhitelistTag = {duplicateWhitelistTag}") + descp = 'Tag added to duplicate scenes which are in the whitelist. This means there are two or more duplicates in the whitelist.' + dupWhitelistTagId = stash.createTagId(duplicateWhitelistTag, descp, ignoreAutoTag=True) + stash.Trace(f"dupWhitelistTagId={dupWhitelistTagId} name={duplicateWhitelistTag}") + +excludeDupFileDeleteTagId = None +def addExcludeDupTag(): + global excludeDupFileDeleteTagId + stash.Trace(f"Adding tag excludeDupFileDeleteTag = {excludeDupFileDeleteTag}") + descp = 'Excludes duplicate scene from DupFileManager tagging and deletion process. A scene having this tag will not get deleted by DupFileManager' + excludeDupFileDeleteTagId = stash.createTagId(excludeDupFileDeleteTag, descp, ignoreAutoTag=True) + stash.Trace(f"dupWhitelistTagId={excludeDupFileDeleteTagId} name={excludeDupFileDeleteTag}") + +def isTaggedExcluded(Scene): + for tag in Scene['tags']: + if tag['name'] == excludeDupFileDeleteTag: + return True + return False + +def isWorseKeepCandidate(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + if not stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): + return True + if not stash.startsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): + return True + if not stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + return True + + if stash.startsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) < stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + return True + if stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) < stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + return True return False -def mangeDupFiles(merge=False, deleteDup=False, tagDuplicates=False): +def killScanningJobs(): + try: + if killScanningPostProcess: + stash.stopJobs(1, "Scanning...") + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + stash.Error(f"Exception while trying to kill scan jobs; Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") + +def getPath(Scene, getParent = False): + path = stash.asc2(Scene['files'][0]['path']) + path = path.replace("'", "") + path = path.replace("\\\\", "\\") + if getParent: + return pathlib.Path(path).resolve().parent + return path + +def getHtmlReportTableRow(qtyResults, tagDuplicates): + htmlReportPrefix = stash.Setting('htmlReportPrefix') + htmlReportPrefix = htmlReportPrefix.replace('', stash.url) + htmlReportPrefix = htmlReportPrefix.replace('http://localhost:9999/graphql', stash.url) + if tagDuplicates == False: + htmlReportPrefix = htmlReportPrefix.replace('") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + # ToDo: Add following buttons: + # rename file + if dupFileExist and tagDuplicates: + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + if dupFileExist: + fileHtmlReport.write(f"[Folder]") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"[Play]") + else: + fileHtmlReport.write("[File NOT Exist]") + fileHtmlReport.write("

") + + videoPreview = f"" + if htmlIncludeImagePreview: + imagePreview = f"
  • \"\"\"\"
" + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{getSceneID(DupFileToKeep)}
") + else: + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{getSceneID(DupFileToKeep)}{videoPreview}") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{getSceneID(DupFileToKeep)}{getPath(DupFileToKeep)}") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"

") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"
") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + if isTaggedExcluded(DupFileToKeep): + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"[Folder]") + if toKeepFileExist: + fileHtmlReport.write(f"[Play]") + else: + fileHtmlReport.write("[File NOT Exist]") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"") + # ToDo: Add following buttons: + # rename file + fileHtmlReport.write(f"

") + + fileHtmlReport.write("\n") + +def mangeDupFiles(merge=False, deleteDup=False, tagDuplicates=False, deleteBlacklistOnly=False, deleteLowerResAndDuration=False): + global reasonDict duplicateMarkForDeletion_descp = 'Tag added to duplicate scenes so-as to tag them for deletion.' stash.Trace(f"duplicateMarkForDeletion = {duplicateMarkForDeletion}") - dupTagId = createTagId(duplicateMarkForDeletion, duplicateMarkForDeletion_descp) + dupTagId = stash.createTagId(duplicateMarkForDeletion, duplicateMarkForDeletion_descp, ignoreAutoTag=True) stash.Trace(f"dupTagId={dupTagId} name={duplicateMarkForDeletion}") + createHtmlReport = stash.Setting('createHtmlReport') + htmlReportNameHomePage = htmlReportName + htmlReportPaginate = stash.Setting('htmlReportPaginate') + - dupWhitelistTagId = None - if whitelistDoTagLowResDup: - stash.Trace(f"duplicateWhitelistTag = {duplicateWhitelistTag}") - duplicateWhitelistTag_descp = 'Tag added to duplicate scenes which are in the whitelist. This means there are two or more duplicates in the whitelist.' - dupWhitelistTagId = createTagId(duplicateWhitelistTag, duplicateWhitelistTag_descp) - stash.Trace(f"dupWhitelistTagId={dupWhitelistTagId} name={duplicateWhitelistTag}") + addDupWhitelistTag() + addExcludeDupTag() QtyDupSet = 0 QtyDup = 0 @@ -277,187 +657,897 @@ def mangeDupFiles(merge=False, deleteDup=False, tagDuplicates=False): QtyAlmostDup = 0 QtyRealTimeDiff = 0 QtyTagForDel = 0 + QtyTagForDelPaginate = 0 + PaginateId = 0 + QtyNewlyTag = 0 QtySkipForDel = 0 + QtyExcludeForDel = 0 QtySwap = 0 QtyMerge = 0 QtyDeleted = 0 stash.Log("#########################################################################") stash.Trace("#########################################################################") - stash.Log(f"Waiting for find_duplicate_scenes_diff to return results; duration_diff={duration_diff}; significantTimeDiff={significantTimeDiff}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - DupFileSets = stash.find_duplicate_scenes_diff(duration_diff=duration_diff) + stash.Log(f"Waiting for find_duplicate_scenes_diff to return results; matchDupDistance={matchPhaseDistanceText}; significantTimeDiff={significantTimeDiff}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + stash.startSpinningProcessBar() + htmlFileData = " paths {screenshot sprite " + htmlPreviewOrStream + "} " if createHtmlReport else "" + mergeFieldData = " code director title rating100 date studio {id} movies {movie {id} } galleries {id} performers {id} urls " if merge else "" + DupFileSets = stash.find_duplicate_scenes(matchPhaseDistance, fragment='id tags {id name} files {path width height duration size video_codec bit_rate frame_rate} details ' + mergeFieldData + htmlFileData) + stash.stopSpinningProcessBar() qtyResults = len(DupFileSets) + stash.setProgressBarIter(qtyResults) stash.Trace("#########################################################################") + stash.Log(f"Found {qtyResults} duplicate sets...") + fileHtmlReport = None + if createHtmlReport: + if not os.path.isdir(htmlReportNameFolder): + os.mkdir(htmlReportNameFolder) + if not os.path.isdir(htmlReportNameFolder): + stash.Error(f"Failed to create report directory {htmlReportNameFolder}.") + return + deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles(False) + fileHtmlReport = open(htmlReportName, "w") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{getHtmlReportTableRow(qtyResults, tagDuplicates)}\n") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{stash.Setting('htmlReportTable')}\n") + htmlReportTableHeader = stash.Setting('htmlReportTableHeader') + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{htmlReportTableRow}{htmlReportTableHeader}Scene{htmlReportTableHeader}Duplicate to Delete{htmlReportTableHeader}Scene-ToKeep{htmlReportTableHeader}Duplicate to Keep\n") + for DupFileSet in DupFileSets: - stash.Trace(f"DupFileSet={DupFileSet}") + # stash.Trace(f"DupFileSet={DupFileSet}", toAscii=True) QtyDupSet+=1 - stash.Progress(QtyDupSet, qtyResults) + stash.progressBar(QtyDupSet, qtyResults) SepLine = "---------------------------" - DupFileToKeep = "" + DupFileToKeep = None DupToCopyFrom = "" DupFileDetailList = [] for DupFile in DupFileSet: QtyDup+=1 - stash.log.sl.progress(f"Scene ID = {DupFile['id']}") - time.sleep(2) - Scene = stash.find_scene(DupFile['id']) - sceneData = f"Scene = {Scene}" - stash.Trace(sceneData, toAscii=True) + Scene = DupFile + if skipIfTagged and createHtmlReport == False and duplicateMarkForDeletion in Scene['tags']: + stash.Trace(f"Skipping scene '{Scene['files'][0]['path']}' because already tagged with {duplicateMarkForDeletion}") + continue + stash.TraceOnce(f"Scene = {Scene}", toAscii=True) DupFileDetailList = DupFileDetailList + [Scene] - if DupFileToKeep != "": - if int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']) == int(Scene['files'][0]['duration']): # Do not count fractions of a second as a difference - QtyExactDup+=1 + if os.path.isfile(Scene['files'][0]['path']): + if DupFileToKeep != None: + if int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']) == int(Scene['files'][0]['duration']): # Do not count fractions of a second as a difference + QtyExactDup+=1 + else: + QtyAlmostDup+=1 + SepLine = "***************************" + if significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + QtyRealTimeDiff += 1 + + if int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']) * int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['width']) * int(Scene['files'][0]['height']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"resolution: {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']}x{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']} < {Scene['files'][0]['width']}x{Scene['files'][0]['height']}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif significantMoreTimeCompareToBetterVideo(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + if significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + theReason = f"significant-duration: {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']} < {Scene['files'][0]['duration']}" + else: + theReason = f"duration: {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']} < {Scene['files'][0]['duration']}" + reasonKeyword = "significant-duration" if significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFileToKeep, Scene) else "duration" + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, theReason) + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif isBetterVideo(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['video_codec']}, {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['bit_rate']}, {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['frame_rate']} : {Scene['files'][0]['video_codec']}, {Scene['files'][0]['bit_rate']}, {Scene['files'][0]['frame_rate']}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"not whitelist vs whitelist") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif isTaggedExcluded(Scene) and not isTaggedExcluded(DupFileToKeep): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"not ExcludeTag vs ExcludeTag") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif allThingsEqual(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + # Only do below checks if all imporant things are equal. + if stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and not stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"blacklist vs not blacklist") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) > stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"blacklist-index {stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])} > {stash.indexStartsWithInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path'])}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif stash.startsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not stash.startsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"not graylist vs graylist") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif stash.startsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and stash.startsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) > stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"graylist-index {stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])} > {stash.indexStartsWithInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path'])}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif favorLongerFileName and len(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) < len(Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not isWorseKeepCandidate(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"path-len {len(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])} < {len(Scene['files'][0]['path'])}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif favorLargerFileSize and int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['size']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['size']) and not isWorseKeepCandidate(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"size {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['size']} < {Scene['files'][0]['size']}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif not favorLongerFileName and len(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) > len(Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not isWorseKeepCandidate(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"path-len {len(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])} > {len(Scene['files'][0]['path'])}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene + elif not favorLargerFileSize and int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['size']) > int(Scene['files'][0]['size']) and not isWorseKeepCandidate(DupFileToKeep, Scene): + logReason(DupFileToKeep, Scene, f"size {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['size']} > {Scene['files'][0]['size']}") + DupFileToKeep = Scene else: - QtyAlmostDup+=1 - SepLine = "***************************" - if significantLessTime(int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']), int(Scene['files'][0]['duration'])): - QtyRealTimeDiff += 1 - if int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['width']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['width']) or int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['height']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['height']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['duration']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['duration']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif isInList(whitelist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not isInList(whitelist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif isInList(blacklist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) and not isInList(blacklist, Scene['files'][0]['path']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif isInList(graylist, Scene['files'][0]['path']) and not isInList(graylist, DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif len(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']) < len(Scene['files'][0]['path']): - DupFileToKeep = Scene - elif int(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['size']) < int(Scene['files'][0]['size']): DupFileToKeep = Scene + # stash.Trace(f"DupFileToKeep = {DupFileToKeep}") + stash.Debug(f"KeepID={DupFileToKeep['id']}, ID={DupFile['id']} duration=({Scene['files'][0]['duration']}), Size=({Scene['files'][0]['size']}), Res=({Scene['files'][0]['width']} x {Scene['files'][0]['height']}) Name={Scene['files'][0]['path']}, KeepPath={DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}", toAscii=True) else: - DupFileToKeep = Scene - # stash.Trace(f"DupFileToKeep = {DupFileToKeep}") - stash.Trace(f"KeepID={DupFileToKeep['id']}, ID={DupFile['id']} duration=({Scene['files'][0]['duration']}), Size=({Scene['files'][0]['size']}), Res=({Scene['files'][0]['width']} x {Scene['files'][0]['height']}) Name={Scene['files'][0]['path']}, KeepPath={DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}", toAscii=True) + stash.Error(f"Scene does NOT exist; path={Scene['files'][0]['path']}; ID={Scene['id']}") for DupFile in DupFileDetailList: - if DupFile['id'] != DupFileToKeep['id']: + if DupFileToKeep != None and DupFile['id'] != DupFileToKeep['id']: if merge: - result = stash.merge_metadata(DupFile, DupFileToKeep) + result = stash.mergeMetadata(DupFile, DupFileToKeep) if result != "Nothing To Merge": QtyMerge += 1 - - if isInList(whitelist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']) and (not whitelistDelDupInSameFolder or not hasSameDir(DupFile['files'][0]['path'], DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])): + didAddTag = False + if stash.startsWithInList(whitelist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']) and (not whitelistDelDupInSameFolder or not hasSameDir(DupFile['files'][0]['path'], DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'])): + QtySkipForDel+=1 if isSwapCandidate(DupFileToKeep, DupFile): if merge: - stash.merge_metadata(DupFileToKeep, DupFile) + stash.mergeMetadata(DupFileToKeep, DupFile) if toRecycleBeforeSwap: sendToTrash(DupFile['files'][0]['path']) - shutil.move(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'], DupFile['files'][0]['path']) - stash.Log(f"Moved better file '{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}' to '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}'", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + stash.Log(f"Moving better file '{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}' to '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}'; SrcID={DupFileToKeep['id']};DescID={DupFile['id']};QtyDup={QtyDup};Set={QtyDupSet} of {qtyResults};QtySwap={QtySwap};QtySkipForDel={QtySkipForDel}", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + try: + shutil.move(DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path'], DupFile['files'][0]['path']) + QtySwap+=1 + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + stash.Error(f"Exception while moving file '{DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}' to '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}; SrcID={DupFileToKeep['id']};DescID={DupFile['id']}'; Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") DupFileToKeep = DupFile - QtySwap+=1 else: - stash.Log(f"NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}'", toAscii=True) if dupWhitelistTagId and tagDuplicates: - setTagId(dupWhitelistTagId, duplicateWhitelistTag, DupFile, DupFileToKeep) - QtySkipForDel+=1 + didAddTag = setTagId_withRetry(duplicateWhitelistTag, DupFile, DupFileToKeep, ignoreAutoTag=True) + stash.Log(f"NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. '{DupFile['files'][0]['path']}';AddTagW={didAddTag};QtyDup={QtyDup};Set={QtyDupSet} of {qtyResults};QtySkipForDel={QtySkipForDel}", toAscii=True) else: - if deleteDup: - DupFileName = DupFile['files'][0]['path'] - DupFileNameOnly = pathlib.Path(DupFileName).stem - stash.Warn(f"Deleting duplicate '{DupFileName}'", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - if alternateTrashCanPath != "": - destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}{DupFileNameOnly}" - if os.path.isfile(destPath): - destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}_{time.time()}_{DupFileNameOnly}" - shutil.move(DupFileName, destPath) - elif moveToTrashCan: - sendToTrash(DupFileName) - stash.destroy_scene(DupFile['id'], delete_file=True) - QtyDeleted += 1 - elif tagDuplicates: - if QtyTagForDel == 0: - stash.Log(f"Tagging duplicate {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} for deletion with tag {duplicateMarkForDeletion}.", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - else: - stash.Log(f"Tagging duplicate {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} for deletion.", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - setTagId(dupTagId, duplicateMarkForDeletion, DupFile, DupFileToKeep) - QtyTagForDel+=1 + if isTaggedExcluded(DupFile): + QtyExcludeForDel+=1 + stash.Log(f"Excluding file {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} because tagged for exclusion via tag {excludeDupFileDeleteTag};QtyDup={QtyDup};Set={QtyDupSet} of {qtyResults}") + else: + # ToDo: Add merge logic here + if deleteDup: + DupFileName = DupFile['files'][0]['path'] + if not deleteBlacklistOnly or stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']): + if not deleteLowerResAndDuration or (isBetterVideo(DupFile, DupFileToKeep) and not significantMoreTimeCompareToBetterVideo(DupFileToKeep, DupFile)) or (significantMoreTimeCompareToBetterVideo(DupFile, DupFileToKeep) and not isBetterVideo(DupFileToKeep, DupFile)): + QtyDeleted += 1 + DupFileNameOnly = pathlib.Path(DupFileName).stem + stash.Warn(f"Deleting duplicate '{DupFileName}';QtyDup={QtyDup};Set={QtyDupSet} of {qtyResults};QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted}", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + if alternateTrashCanPath != "": + destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}{DupFileNameOnly}" + if os.path.isfile(destPath): + destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}_{time.time()}_{DupFileNameOnly}" + shutil.move(DupFileName, destPath) + elif moveToTrashCan: + sendToTrash(DupFileName) + stash.destroyScene(DupFile['id'], delete_file=True) + elif tagDuplicates or fileHtmlReport != None: + if excludeFromReportIfSignificantTimeDiff and significantTimeDiffCheck(DupFile, DupFileToKeep, True): + stash.Log(f"Skipping duplicate {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} (ID={DupFile['id']}), because of time difference greater than {significantTimeDiff} for file {DupFileToKeep['files'][0]['path']}.") + continue + QtyTagForDel+=1 + QtyTagForDelPaginate+=1 + didAddTag = False + if tagDuplicates: + didAddTag = setTagId_withRetry(duplicateMarkForDeletion, DupFile, DupFileToKeep, ignoreAutoTag=True) + if fileHtmlReport != None: + # ToDo: Add icons using github path + # add copy button with copy icon + # add move button with r-sqr icon + # repace delete button with trashcan icon + # add rename file code and button + # add delete only from stash db code and button using DB delete icon + stash.Debug(f"Adding scene {DupFile['id']} to HTML report.") + writeRowToHtmlReport(fileHtmlReport, DupFile, DupFileToKeep, QtyTagForDel, tagDuplicates) + if QtyTagForDelPaginate >= htmlReportPaginate: + QtyTagForDelPaginate = 0 + fileHtmlReport.write("\n") + homeHtmReportLink = f"[Home]" + prevHtmReportLink = "" + if PaginateId > 0: + if PaginateId > 1: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage.replace(".html", f"_{PaginateId-1}.html") + else: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage + prevHtmReportLink = f"[Prev]" + nextHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage.replace(".html", f"_{PaginateId+1}.html") + nextHtmReportLink = f"[Next]" + fileHtmlReport.write(f"
") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{stash.Setting('htmlReportPostfix')}") + fileHtmlReport.close() + PaginateId+=1 + fileHtmlReport = open(nextHtmReport, "w") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{getHtmlReportTableRow(qtyResults, tagDuplicates)}\n") + if PaginateId > 1: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage.replace(".html", f"_{PaginateId-1}.html") + else: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage + prevHtmReportLink = f"[Prev]" + if len(DupFileSets) > (QtyTagForDel + htmlReportPaginate): + nextHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage.replace(".html", f"_{PaginateId+1}.html") + nextHtmReportLink = f"[Next]" + fileHtmlReport.write(f"
") + else: + stash.Debug(f"DupFileSets Qty = {len(DupFileSets)}; DupFileDetailList Qty = {len(DupFileDetailList)}; QtyTagForDel = {QtyTagForDel}; htmlReportPaginate = {htmlReportPaginate}; QtyTagForDel + htmlReportPaginate = {QtyTagForDel+htmlReportPaginate}") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"
") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{stash.Setting('htmlReportTable')}\n") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{htmlReportTableRow}{htmlReportTableHeader}Scene{htmlReportTableHeader}Duplicate to Delete{htmlReportTableHeader}Scene-ToKeep{htmlReportTableHeader}Duplicate to Keep\n") + + if tagDuplicates and graylistTagging and stash.startsWithInList(graylist, DupFile['files'][0]['path']): + stash.addTag(DupFile, graylistMarkForDeletion, ignoreAutoTag=True) + if didAddTag: + QtyNewlyTag+=1 + if QtyTagForDel == 1: + stash.Log(f"Tagging duplicate {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} for deletion with tag {duplicateMarkForDeletion}", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + else: + didAddTag = 1 if didAddTag else 0 + stash.Log(f"Tagging duplicate {DupFile['files'][0]['path']} for deletion;AddTag={didAddTag};Qty={QtyDup};Set={QtyDupSet} of {qtyResults};NewlyTag={QtyNewlyTag};isTag={QtyTagForDel}", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) stash.Trace(SepLine) - if maxDupToProcess > 0 and QtyDup > maxDupToProcess: + if maxDupToProcess > 0 and ((QtyTagForDel > maxDupToProcess) or (QtyTagForDel == 0 and QtyDup > maxDupToProcess)): break - stash.Log(f"QtyDupSet={QtyDupSet}, QtyDup={QtyDup}, QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted}, QtySwap={QtySwap}, QtyTagForDel={QtyTagForDel}, QtySkipForDel={QtySkipForDel}, QtyExactDup={QtyExactDup}, QtyAlmostDup={QtyAlmostDup}, QtyMerge={QtyMerge}, QtyRealTimeDiff={QtyRealTimeDiff}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - if cleanAfterDel: + if fileHtmlReport != None: + fileHtmlReport.write("\n") + if PaginateId > 0: + homeHtmReportLink = f"[Home]" + if PaginateId > 1: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage.replace(".html", f"_{PaginateId-1}.html") + else: + prevHtmReport = htmlReportNameHomePage + prevHtmReportLink = f"[Prev]" + fileHtmlReport.write(f"
") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"

Total Tagged for Deletion {QtyTagForDel}

\n") + fileHtmlReport.write(f"{stash.Setting('htmlReportPostfix')}") + fileHtmlReport.close() + stash.Log(f"************************************************************", printTo = stash.LogTo.STASH) + stash.Log(f"************************************************************", printTo = stash.LogTo.STASH) + stash.Log(f"View Stash duplicate report using Stash->Settings->Tools->[Duplicate File Report]", printTo = stash.LogTo.STASH) + stash.Log(f"************************************************************", printTo = stash.LogTo.STASH) + stash.Log(f"************************************************************", printTo = stash.LogTo.STASH) + + + stash.Debug("#####################################################") + stash.Log(f"QtyDupSet={QtyDupSet}, QtyDup={QtyDup}, QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted}, QtySwap={QtySwap}, QtyTagForDel={QtyTagForDel}, QtySkipForDel={QtySkipForDel}, QtyExcludeForDel={QtyExcludeForDel}, QtyExactDup={QtyExactDup}, QtyAlmostDup={QtyAlmostDup}, QtyMerge={QtyMerge}, QtyRealTimeDiff={QtyRealTimeDiff}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + killScanningJobs() + if cleanAfterDel and deleteDup: stash.Log("Adding clean jobs to the Task Queue", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - stash.metadata_clean(paths=stash.STASH_PATHS) + stash.metadata_clean() stash.metadata_clean_generated() stash.optimise_database() + if doGeneratePhash: + stash.metadata_generate({"phashes": True}) + sys.stdout.write("Report complete") -def deleteTagggedDuplicates(): - tagId = stash.find_tags(q=duplicateMarkForDeletion) - if len(tagId) > 0 and 'id' in tagId[0]: - tagId = tagId[0]['id'] - else: +def findCurrentTagId(tagNames): + # tagNames = [i for n, i in enumerate(tagNames) if i not in tagNames[:n]] + for tagName in tagNames: + tagId = stash.find_tags(q=tagName) + if len(tagId) > 0 and 'id' in tagId[0]: + stash.Debug(f"Using tag name {tagName} with Tag ID {tagId[0]['id']}") + return tagId[0]['id'] + return "-1" + +def toJson(data): + import json + # data = data.replace("'", '"') + data = data.replace("\\", "\\\\") + data = data.replace("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\") + return json.loads(data) + +def getAnAdvanceMenuOptionSelected(taskName, target, isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, fileNotExistToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater): + stash.Log(f"Processing taskName = {taskName}, target = {target}") + if "Blacklist" in taskName: + isBlackList = True + if "Less" in taskName: + compareToLess = True + if "Greater" in taskName: + compareToGreater = True + + if "pathToDelete" in taskName: + pathToDelete = target.lower() + elif "sizeToDelete" in taskName: + sizeToDelete = int(target) + elif "durationToDelete" in taskName: + durationToDelete = int(target) + elif "commonResToDelete" in taskName: + resolutionToDelete = int(target) + elif "resolutionToDelete" in taskName: + resolutionToDelete = int(target) + elif "ratingToDelete" in taskName: + ratingToDelete = int(target) * 20 + elif "tagToDelete" in taskName: + tagToDelete = target.lower() + elif "titleToDelete" in taskName: + titleToDelete = target.lower() + elif "pathStrToDelete" in taskName: + pathStrToDelete = target.lower() + elif "fileNotExistToDelete" in taskName: + fileNotExistToDelete = True + return isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, fileNotExistToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater + +def getAdvanceMenuOptionSelected(advanceMenuOptionSelected): + isBlackList = False + pathToDelete = "" + sizeToDelete = -1 + durationToDelete = -1 + resolutionToDelete = -1 + ratingToDelete = -1 + tagToDelete = "" + titleToDelete = "" + pathStrToDelete = "" + fileNotExistToDelete = False + compareToLess = False + compareToGreater = False + if advanceMenuOptionSelected: + stash.enableProgressBar(False) + if 'Target' in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + if "applyCombo" in stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME: + jsonObject = toJson(stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target']) + for taskName in jsonObject: + isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, fileNotExistToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater = getAnAdvanceMenuOptionSelected(taskName, jsonObject[taskName], isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater) + else: + return getAnAdvanceMenuOptionSelected(stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME, stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'], isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater) + return isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, fileNotExistToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater + +# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +# ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +def manageTagggedDuplicates(deleteScenes=False, clearTag=False, setGrayListTag=False, tagId=-1, advanceMenuOptionSelected=False): + if tagId == -1: + tagId = findCurrentTagId([duplicateMarkForDeletion, base1_duplicateMarkForDeletion, base2_duplicateMarkForDeletion, 'DuplicateMarkForDeletion', '_DuplicateMarkForDeletion']) + if int(tagId) < 0: stash.Warn(f"Could not find tag ID for tag '{duplicateMarkForDeletion}'.") return + + excludedTags = [duplicateMarkForDeletion] + if clearAllDupfileManagerTags: + excludedTags = [duplicateMarkForDeletion, duplicateWhitelistTag, excludeDupFileDeleteTag, graylistMarkForDeletion, longerDurationLowerResolution] + + isBlackList, pathToDelete, sizeToDelete, durationToDelete, resolutionToDelete, ratingToDelete, tagToDelete, titleToDelete, pathStrToDelete, fileNotExistToDelete, compareToLess, compareToGreater = getAdvanceMenuOptionSelected(advanceMenuOptionSelected) + if advanceMenuOptionSelected and deleteScenes and pathToDelete == "" and tagToDelete == "" and titleToDelete == "" and pathStrToDelete == "" and sizeToDelete == -1 and durationToDelete == -1 and resolutionToDelete == -1 and ratingToDelete == -1 and fileNotExistToDelete == False: + stash.Error("Running advance menu option with no options enabled.") + return + QtyDup = 0 QtyDeleted = 0 + QtyClearedTags = 0 + QtySetGraylistTag = 0 QtyFailedQuery = 0 - stash.Trace("#########################################################################") - sceneIDs = stash.find_scenes(f={"tags": {"value":tagId, "modifier":"INCLUDES"}}, fragment='id') - qtyResults = len(sceneIDs) - stash.Trace(f"Found {qtyResults} scenes with tag ({duplicateMarkForDeletion}): sceneIDs = {sceneIDs}") - for sceneID in sceneIDs: - # stash.Trace(f"Getting scene data for scene ID {sceneID['id']}.") + stash.Debug("#########################################################################") + stash.startSpinningProcessBar() + scenes = stash.find_scenes(f={"tags": {"value":tagId, "modifier":"INCLUDES"}}, fragment='id tags {id name} files {path width height duration size video_codec bit_rate frame_rate} details title rating100') + stash.stopSpinningProcessBar() + qtyResults = len(scenes) + stash.Log(f"Found {qtyResults} scenes with tag ({duplicateMarkForDeletion})") + stash.setProgressBarIter(qtyResults) + for scene in scenes: QtyDup += 1 - prgs = QtyDup / qtyResults - stash.Progress(QtyDup, qtyResults) - scene = stash.find_scene(sceneID['id']) - if scene == None or len(scene) == 0: - stash.Warn(f"Could not get scene data for scene ID {sceneID['id']}.") - QtyFailedQuery += 1 - continue - # stash.Log(f"scene={scene}") - DupFileName = scene['files'][0]['path'] - DupFileNameOnly = pathlib.Path(DupFileName).stem - stash.Warn(f"Deleting duplicate '{DupFileName}'", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - if alternateTrashCanPath != "": - destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}{DupFileNameOnly}" - if os.path.isfile(destPath): - destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}_{time.time()}_{DupFileNameOnly}" - shutil.move(DupFileName, destPath) - elif moveToTrashCan: - sendToTrash(DupFileName) - result = stash.destroy_scene(scene['id'], delete_file=True) - stash.Trace(f"destroy_scene result={result} for file {DupFileName}", toAscii=True) - QtyDeleted += 1 - stash.Log(f"QtyDup={QtyDup}, QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted}, QtyFailedQuery={QtyFailedQuery}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) - return + stash.progressBar(QtyDup, qtyResults) + # scene = stash.find_scene(sceneID['id']) + # if scene == None or len(scene) == 0: + # stash.Warn(f"Could not get scene data for scene ID {scene['id']}.") + # QtyFailedQuery += 1 + # continue + # stash.Trace(f"scene={scene}") + if clearTag: + QtyClearedTags += 1 + # ToDo: Add logic to exclude graylistMarkForDeletion + tags = [int(item['id']) for item in scene["tags"] if item['name'] not in excludedTags] + # if clearAllDupfileManagerTags: + # tags = [] + # for tag in scene["tags"]: + # if tag['name'] in excludedTags: + # continue + # tags += [int(tag['id'])] + stash.TraceOnce(f"tagId={tagId}, len={len(tags)}, tags = {tags}") + dataDict = {'id' : scene['id']} + if addPrimaryDupPathToDetails: + sceneDetails = scene['details'] + if sceneDetails.find(detailPrefix) == 0 and sceneDetails.find(detailPostfix) > 1: + Pos1 = sceneDetails.find(detailPrefix) + Pos2 = sceneDetails.find(detailPostfix) + sceneDetails = sceneDetails[0:Pos1] + sceneDetails[Pos2 + len(detailPostfix):] + dataDict.update({'details' : sceneDetails}) + dataDict.update({'tag_ids' : tags}) + stash.Log(f"Updating scene with {dataDict};QtyClearedTags={QtyClearedTags};Count={QtyDup} of {qtyResults}") + stash.updateScene(dataDict) + # stash.removeTag(scene, duplicateMarkForDeletion) + elif setGrayListTag: + if stash.startsWithInList(graylist, scene['files'][0]['path']): + QtySetGraylistTag+=1 + if stash.addTag(scene, graylistMarkForDeletion, ignoreAutoTag=True): + stash.Log(f"Added tag {graylistMarkForDeletion} to scene {scene['files'][0]['path']};QtySetGraylistTag={QtySetGraylistTag};Count={QtyDup} of {qtyResults}") + else: + stash.Trace(f"Scene already had tag {graylistMarkForDeletion}; {scene['files'][0]['path']}") + elif deleteScenes: + DupFileName = scene['files'][0]['path'] + DupFileNameOnly = pathlib.Path(DupFileName).stem + if advanceMenuOptionSelected: + if isBlackList: + if not stash.startsWithInList(blacklist, scene['files'][0]['path']): + continue + if pathToDelete != "": + if not DupFileName.lower().startswith(pathToDelete): + stash.Debug(f"Skipping file {DupFileName} because it does not start with {pathToDelete}.") + continue + if pathStrToDelete != "": + if not pathStrToDelete in DupFileName.lower(): + stash.Debug(f"Skipping file {DupFileName} because it does not contain value {pathStrToDelete}.") + continue + if sizeToDelete != -1: + compareTo = int(scene['files'][0]['size']) + if compareToLess: + if not (compareTo < sizeToDelete): + continue + elif compareToGreater: + if not (compareTo > sizeToDelete): + continue + else: + if not compareTo == sizeToDelete: + continue + if durationToDelete != -1: + compareTo = int(scene['files'][0]['duration']) + if compareToLess: + if not (compareTo < durationToDelete): + continue + elif compareToGreater: + if not (compareTo > durationToDelete): + continue + else: + if not compareTo == durationToDelete: + continue + if resolutionToDelete != -1: + compareTo = int(scene['files'][0]['width']) * int(scene['files'][0]['height']) + if compareToLess: + if not (compareTo < resolutionToDelete): + continue + elif compareToGreater: + if not (compareTo > resolutionToDelete): + continue + else: + if not compareTo == resolutionToDelete: + continue + if ratingToDelete != -1: + if scene['rating100'] == "None": + compareTo = 0 + else: + compareTo = int(scene['rating100']) + if compareToLess: + if not (compareTo < resolutionToDelete): + continue + elif compareToGreater: + if not (compareTo > resolutionToDelete): + continue + else: + if not compareTo == resolutionToDelete: + continue + if titleToDelete != "": + if not titleToDelete in scene['title'].lower(): + stash.Debug(f"Skipping file {DupFileName} because it does not contain value {titleToDelete} in title ({scene['title']}).") + continue + if tagToDelete != "": + doProcessThis = False + for tag in scene['tags']: + if tag['name'].lower() == tagToDelete: + doProcessThis = True + break + if doProcessThis == False: + continue + if fileNotExistToDelete: + if os.path.isfile(scene['files'][0]['path']): + continue + stash.Warn(f"Deleting duplicate '{DupFileName}'", toAscii=True, printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + if alternateTrashCanPath != "": + destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}{DupFileNameOnly}" + if os.path.isfile(destPath): + destPath = f"{alternateTrashCanPath }{os.sep}_{time.time()}_{DupFileNameOnly}" + shutil.move(DupFileName, destPath) + elif moveToTrashCan: + sendToTrash(DupFileName) + result = stash.destroyScene(scene['id'], delete_file=True) + QtyDeleted += 1 + stash.Debug(f"destroyScene result={result} for file {DupFileName};QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted};Count={QtyDup} of {qtyResults}", toAscii=True) + else: + stash.Error("manageTagggedDuplicates called with invlaid input arguments. Doing early exit.") + return + stash.Debug("#####################################################") + stash.Log(f"QtyDup={QtyDup}, QtyClearedTags={QtyClearedTags}, QtySetGraylistTag={QtySetGraylistTag}, QtyDeleted={QtyDeleted}, QtyFailedQuery={QtyFailedQuery}", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + killScanningJobs() + if deleteScenes and not advanceMenuOptionSelected: + if cleanAfterDel: + stash.Log("Adding clean jobs to the Task Queue", printTo=LOG_STASH_N_PLUGIN) + stash.metadata_clean() + stash.metadata_clean_generated() + stash.optimise_database() -def testSetDupTagOnScene(sceneId): - scene = stash.find_scene(sceneId) - stash.Log(f"scene={scene}") - stash.Log(f"scene tags={scene['tags']}") - tag_ids = [dupTagId] - for tag in scene['tags']: - tag_ids = tag_ids + [tag['id']] - stash.Log(f"tag_ids={tag_ids}") - stash.update_scene({'id' : scene['id'], 'tag_ids' : tag_ids}) - -if stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "tag_duplicates_task": - mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) - stash.Trace(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") -elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "delete_tagged_duplicates_task": - deleteTagggedDuplicates() - stash.Trace(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") -elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "delete_duplicates_task": - mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) - stash.Trace(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") -elif parse_args.dup_tag: - mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) - stash.Trace(f"Tag duplicate EXIT") -elif parse_args.del_tag: - deleteTagggedDuplicates() - stash.Trace(f"Delete Tagged duplicates EXIT") -elif parse_args.remove: - mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) - stash.Trace(f"Delete duplicate EXIT") -else: - stash.Log(f"Nothing to do!!! (PLUGIN_ARGS_MODE={stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME})") +def removeDupTag(): + if 'Target' not in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.Error(f"Could not find Target in JSON_INPUT ({stash.JSON_INPUT['args']})") + return + scene = stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'] + stash.Log(f"Processing scene ID# {scene}") + stash.removeTag(scene, duplicateMarkForDeletion) + stash.Log(f"Done removing tag from scene {scene}.") + jsonReturn = "{'removeDupTag' : 'complete', 'id': '" + f"{scene}" + "'}" + stash.Log(f"Sending json value {jsonReturn}") + sys.stdout.write(jsonReturn) + +def addExcludeTag(): + if 'Target' not in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.Error(f"Could not find Target in JSON_INPUT ({stash.JSON_INPUT['args']})") + return + scene = stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'] + stash.Log(f"Processing scene ID# {scene}") + stash.addTag(scene, excludeDupFileDeleteTag) + stash.Log(f"Done adding exclude tag to scene {scene}.") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"addExcludeTag : 'complete', id: '{scene}'" + "}") + +def removeExcludeTag(): + if 'Target' not in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.Error(f"Could not find Target in JSON_INPUT ({stash.JSON_INPUT['args']})") + return + scene = stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'] + stash.Log(f"Processing scene ID# {scene}") + stash.removeTag(scene, excludeDupFileDeleteTag) + stash.Log(f"Done removing exclude tag from scene {scene}.") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"removeExcludeTag : 'complete', id: '{scene}'" + "}") + +def getParseData(getSceneDetails1=True, getSceneDetails2=True): + if 'Target' not in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.Error(f"Could not find Target in JSON_INPUT ({stash.JSON_INPUT['args']})") + return None, None + targetsSrc = stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'] + targets = targetsSrc.split(":") + if len(targets) < 2: + stash.Error(f"Could not get both targets from string {targetsSrc}") + return None, None + stash.Log(f"Parsed targets {targets[0]} and {targets[1]}") + target1 = targets[0] + target2 = targets[1] + if getSceneDetails1: + target1 = stash.find_scene(int(target1)) + if getSceneDetails2: + target2 = stash.find_scene(int(target2)) + elif len(targets) > 2: + target2 = target2 + targets[2] + return target1, target2 + + +def mergeTags(): + scene1, scene2 = getParseData() + if scene1 == None or scene2 == None: + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"mergeTags : 'failed', id1: '{scene1}', id2: '{scene2}'" + "}") + return + stash.mergeMetadata(scene1, scene2) + stash.Log(f"Done merging scenes for scene {scene1['id']} and scene {scene2['id']}") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"mergeTags : 'complete', id1: '{scene1['id']}', id2: '{scene2['id']}'" + "}") + +def getLocalDupReportPath(): + htmlReportExist = "true" if os.path.isfile(htmlReportName) else "false" + localPath = htmlReportName.replace("\\", "\\\\") + jsonReturn = "{'LocalDupReportExist' : " + f"{htmlReportExist}" + ", 'Path': '" + f"{localPath}" + "'}" + stash.Log(f"Sending json value {jsonReturn}") + sys.stdout.write(jsonReturn) + +def deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles(doJsonOutput = True): + htmlReportExist = "true" if os.path.isfile(htmlReportName) else "false" + if os.path.isfile(htmlReportName): + stash.Log(f"Deleting file {htmlReportName}") + os.remove(htmlReportName) + for x in range(2, 9999): + fileName = htmlReportName.replace(".html", f"_{x-1}.html") + stash.Debug(f"Checking if file '{fileName}' exist.") + if not os.path.isfile(fileName): + break + stash.Log(f"Deleting file {fileName}") + os.remove(fileName) + else: + stash.Log(f"Report file does not exist: {htmlReportName}") + if doJsonOutput: + jsonReturn = "{'LocalDupReportExist' : " + f"{htmlReportExist}" + ", 'Path': '" + f"{htmlReportName}" + "', 'qty': '" + f"{x}" + "'}" + stash.Log(f"Sending json value {jsonReturn}") + sys.stdout.write(jsonReturn) + +def removeTagFromAllScenes(tagName, deleteTags): + # ToDo: Replace code with SQL code if DB version 68 + tagId = stash.find_tags(q=tagName) + if len(tagId) > 0 and 'id' in tagId[0]: + if deleteTags: + stash.Debug(f"Deleting tag name {tagName} with Tag ID {tagId[0]['id']} from stash.") + stash.destroy_tag(int(tagId[0]['id'])) + else: + stash.Debug(f"Removing tag name {tagName} with Tag ID {tagId[0]['id']} from all scenes.") + manageTagggedDuplicates(clearTag=True, tagId=int(tagId[0]['id'])) + return True + return False + +def removeAllDupTagsFromAllScenes(deleteTags=False): + tagsToClear = [duplicateMarkForDeletion, base1_duplicateMarkForDeletion, base2_duplicateMarkForDeletion, graylistMarkForDeletion, longerDurationLowerResolution, duplicateWhitelistTag] + for x in range(0, 3): + tagsToClear += [base1_duplicateMarkForDeletion + f"_{x}"] + for x in range(0, 3): + tagsToClear += [base2_duplicateMarkForDeletion + f"_{x}"] + tagsToClear = list(set(tagsToClear)) # Remove duplicates + validTags = [] + for tagToClear in tagsToClear: + if removeTagFromAllScenes(tagToClear, deleteTags): + validTags +=[tagToClear] + if doJsonReturn: + jsonReturn = "{'removeAllDupTagFromAllScenes' : " + f"{duplicateMarkForDeletion}" + ", 'OtherTags': '" + f"{validTags}" + "'}" + stash.Log(f"Sending json value {jsonReturn}") + sys.stdout.write(jsonReturn) + else: + stash.Log(f"Clear tags {tagsToClear}") + +def updateScenesInReport(fileName, scene): + stash.Log(f"Updating table rows with scene {scene} in file {fileName}") + scene1 = -1 + scene2 = -1 + strToFind = "class=\"ID_" + lines = None + with open(fileName, 'r') as file: + lines = file.readlines() + stash.Log(f"line count = {len(lines)}") + with open(fileName, 'w') as file: + for line in lines: + # stash.Debug(f"line = {line}") + if f"class=\"ID_{scene}\"" in line: + idx = 0 + while line.find(strToFind, idx) > -1: + idx = line.find(strToFind, idx) + len(strToFind) + id = line[idx:] + stash.Debug(f"id = {id}, idx = {idx}") + id = id[:id.find('"')] + stash.Debug(f"id = {id}") + if scene1 == -1: + scene1 = int(id) + elif scene1 != int(id) and scene2 == -1: + scene2 = int(id) + elif scene1 != -1 and scene2 != -1: + break + if scene1 != -1 and scene2 != -1: + sceneDetail1 = stash.find_scene(scene1) + sceneDetail2 = stash.find_scene(scene2) + if sceneDetail1 == None or sceneDetail2 == None: + stash.Error("Could not get scene details for both scene1 ({scene1}) and scene2 ({scene2}); sceneDetail1={sceneDetail1}; sceneDetail2={sceneDetail2};") + else: + writeRowToHtmlReport(file, sceneDetail1, sceneDetail2) + else: + stash.Error(f"Could not get both scene ID associated with scene {scene}; scene1 = {scene1}; scene2 = {scene2}") + file.write(line) + else: + file.write(line) +def updateScenesInReports(scene, ReportName = htmlReportName): + if os.path.isfile(ReportName): + updateScenesInReport(ReportName, scene) + for x in range(2, 9999): + fileName = ReportName.replace(".html", f"_{x-1}.html") + stash.Debug(f"Checking if file '{fileName}' exist.") + if not os.path.isfile(fileName): + break + updateScenesInReport(fileName, scene) + else: + stash.Log(f"Report file does not exist: {ReportName}") +def addPropertyToSceneClass(fileName, scene, property): + stash.Log(f"Inserting property {property} for scene {scene} in file {fileName}") + doStyleEndTagCheck = True + lines = None + with open(fileName, 'r') as file: + lines = file.readlines() + stash.Log(f"line count = {len(lines)}") + with open(fileName, 'w') as file: + for line in lines: + # stash.Debug(f"line = {line}") + if doStyleEndTagCheck: + if property == "" and line.startswith(f".ID_{scene}" + "{"): + continue + if line.startswith(""): + if property != "": + styleSetting = f".ID_{scene}{property}\n" + stash.Log(f"styleSetting = {styleSetting}") + file.write(styleSetting) + doStyleEndTagCheck = False + file.write(line) +def addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, property, ReportName = htmlReportName): + if os.path.isfile(ReportName): + addPropertyToSceneClass(ReportName, scene, property) + for x in range(2, 9999): + fileName = ReportName.replace(".html", f"_{x-1}.html") + stash.Debug(f"Checking if file '{fileName}' exist.") + if not os.path.isfile(fileName): + break + addPropertyToSceneClass(fileName, scene, property) + else: + stash.Log(f"Report file does not exist: {ReportName}") + +def deleteScene(disableInReport=True, deleteFile=True): + if 'Target' not in stash.JSON_INPUT['args']: + stash.Error(f"Could not find Target in JSON_INPUT ({stash.JSON_INPUT['args']})") + return + scene = stash.JSON_INPUT['args']['Target'] + stash.Log(f"Processing scene ID# {scene}") + result = None + result = stash.destroyScene(scene, delete_file=deleteFile) + if disableInReport: + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:gray;pointer-events:none;}") + stash.Log(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} complete for scene {scene} with results = {result}") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'complete', id: '{scene}', result: '{result}'" + "}") + +def copyScene(moveScene=False): + scene1, scene2 = getParseData() + if scene1 == None or scene2 == None: + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'failed', id1: '{scene1}', id2: '{scene2}'" + "}") + return + if moveScene: + stash.mergeMetadata(scene1, scene2) + result = shutil.copy(scene1['files'][0]['path'], scene2['files'][0]['path']) + if moveScene: + result = stash.destroyScene(scene1['id'], delete_file=True) + stash.Log(f"destroyScene for scene {scene1['id']} results = {result}") + stash.Log(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} complete for scene {scene1['id']} and {scene2['id']}") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'complete', id1: '{scene1['id']}', id2: '{scene2['id']}', result: '{result}'" + "}") + +def renameFile(): + scene, newName = getParseData(getSceneDetails2=False) + if scene == None or newName == None: + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'failed', scene: '{scene}', newName: '{newName}'" + "}") + return + newName = newName.strip("'") + ext = pathlib.Path(scene['files'][0]['path']).suffix + newNameFull = f"{pathlib.Path(scene['files'][0]['path']).resolve().parent}{os.sep}{newName}{ext}" + newNameFull = newNameFull.strip("'") + newNameFull = newNameFull.replace("\\\\", "\\") + oldNameFull = scene['files'][0]['path'] + oldNameFull = oldNameFull.strip("'") + oldNameFull = oldNameFull.replace("\\\\", "\\") + stash.Log(f"renaming file '{stash.asc2(oldNameFull)}' to '{stash.asc2(newNameFull)}'") + result = os.rename(oldNameFull, newNameFull) + stash.renameFileNameInDB(scene['files'][0]['id'], pathlib.Path(oldNameFull).stem, f"{newName}{ext}", UpdateUsingIdOnly = True) + updateScenesInReports(scene['id']) + stash.Log(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} complete for scene {scene['id']} ;renamed to {newName}; result={result}") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'complete', scene: '{scene['id']}', newName: '{newName}', result: '{result}'" + "}") + +def flagScene(): + scene, flagType = getParseData(False, False) + if scene == None or flagType == None: + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'failed', scene: '{scene}', flagType: '{flagType}'" + "}") + return + if flagType == "disable-scene": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:gray;pointer-events:none;}") + elif flagType == "strike-through": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{text-decoration: line-through;}") + elif flagType == "yellow highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:yellow;}") + elif flagType == "green highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:#00FF00;}") + elif flagType == "orange highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:orange;}") + elif flagType == "cyan highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:cyan;}") + elif flagType == "pink highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:pink;}") + elif flagType == "red highlight": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "{background-color:red;}") + elif flagType == "remove all flags": + addPropertyToSceneClassToAllFiles(scene, "") + else: + stash.Log(f"Invalid flagType ({flagType})") + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'failed', scene: '{scene}', flagType: '{flagType}'" + "}") + return + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} : 'complete', scene: '{scene}', flagType: '{flagType}'" + "}") + +# ToDo: Add to UI menu +# Remove all Dup tagged files (Just remove from stash, and leave file) +# Clear GraylistMarkForDel tag +# Delete GraylistMarkForDel tag +# Remove from stash all files no longer part of stash library +# Remove from stash all files in the Exclusion list (Not supporting regexps) +# ToDo: Add to advance menu +# Remove only graylist dup +# Exclude graylist from delete +# Include graylist in delete + +try: + if stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "tag_duplicates_task": + mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "create_duplicate_report_task": + mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=False, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "delete_tagged_duplicates_task": + manageTagggedDuplicates(deleteScenes=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "delete_duplicates_task": + mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "clear_duplicate_tags_task": + removeAllDupTagsFromAllScenes() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "graylist_tag_task": + manageTagggedDuplicates(setGrayListTag=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "generate_phash_task": + stash.metadata_generate({"phashes": True}) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteScene": + deleteScene() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "removeScene": + deleteScene(deleteFile=False) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "renameFile": + renameFile() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "flagScene": + flagScene() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "copyScene": + copyScene() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "moveScene": + copyScene(moveScene=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "removeDupTag": + removeDupTag() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "addExcludeTag": + addExcludeTag() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "removeExcludeTag": + removeExcludeTag() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "mergeTags": + mergeTags() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "getLocalDupReportPath": + getLocalDupReportPath() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles": + deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles() + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "createDuplicateReportWithoutTagging": + mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=False, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteAllDupFileManagerTags": + removeAllDupTagsFromAllScenes(deleteTags=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask": + mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename, deleteBlacklistOnly=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration": + mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename, deleteLowerResAndDuration=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME == "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration": + mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename, deleteBlacklistOnly=True, deleteLowerResAndDuration=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + elif parse_args.dup_tag: + stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = "dup_tag" + mangeDupFiles(tagDuplicates=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"Tag duplicate EXIT") + elif parse_args.del_tag: + stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = "del_tag" + manageTagggedDuplicates(deleteScenes=True) + stash.Debug(f"Delete Tagged duplicates EXIT") + elif parse_args.clear_tag: + stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = "clear_tag" + removeAllDupTagsFromAllScenes() + stash.Debug(f"Clear duplicate tags EXIT") + elif parse_args.remove: + stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = "remove" + mangeDupFiles(deleteDup=True, merge=mergeDupFilename) + stash.Debug(f"Delete duplicate EXIT") + elif len(sys.argv) < 2 and stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME in advanceMenuOptions: + manageTagggedDuplicates(deleteScenes=True, advanceMenuOptionSelected=True) + stash.Debug(f"{stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME} EXIT") + else: + stash.Log(f"Nothing to do!!! (PLUGIN_ARGS_MODE={stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME})") +except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + + stash.Error(f"Exception while running DupFileManager Task({stash.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") + killScanningJobs() + stash.convertToAscii = False + stash.Error(f"Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") + if doJsonReturn: + sys.stdout.write("{" + f"Exception : '{e}; See log file for TraceBack' " + "}") -stash.Trace("\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************") +stash.Log("\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************") diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml index c75f561f..3d2f6ff1 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml @@ -1,55 +1,70 @@ name: DupFileManager description: Manages duplicate files. -version: 0.1.2 +version: 0.1.9 url: https://github.com/David-Maisonave/Axter-Stash/tree/main/plugins/DupFileManager +ui: + javascript: + - DupFileManager.js + css: + - DupFileManager.css + - DupFileManager.css.map + - DupFileManager.js.map settings: + matchDupDistance: + displayName: Match Duplicate Distance + description: (Default=0) Where 0 = Exact Match, 1 = High Match, 2 = Medium Match, and 3 = Low Match. + type: NUMBER mergeDupFilename: displayName: Merge Duplicate Tags description: Before deletion, merge metadata from duplicate. E.g. Tag names, performers, studios, title, galleries, rating, details, etc... type: BOOLEAN - permanentlyDelete: - displayName: Permanent Delete - description: Enable to permanently delete files, instead of moving files to trash can. - type: BOOLEAN whitelistDelDupInSameFolder: displayName: Whitelist Delete In Same Folder description: Allow whitelist deletion of duplicates within the same whitelist folder. type: BOOLEAN - whitelistDoTagLowResDup: - displayName: Whitelist Duplicate Tagging - description: Enable to tag whitelist duplicates of lower resolution or duration or same folder. - type: BOOLEAN - zCleanAfterDel: - displayName: Run Clean After Delete - description: After running a 'Delete Duplicates' task, run Clean, Clean-Generated, and Optimize-Database. - type: BOOLEAN - zSwapHighRes: - displayName: Swap High Resolution - description: If enabled, swap higher resolution duplicate files to preferred path. - type: BOOLEAN - zSwapLongLength: - displayName: Swap Longer Duration - description: If enabled, swap longer duration media files to preferred path. Longer is determine by significantLongerTime field. - type: BOOLEAN - zWhitelist: + zvWhitelist: displayName: White List description: A comma seperated list of paths NOT to be deleted. E.g. C:\Favorite\,E:\MustKeep\ type: STRING - zxGraylist: + zwGraylist: displayName: Gray List - description: List of preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be the primary. E.g. C:\2nd_Favorite\,H:\ShouldKeep\ + description: Preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be kept. E.g. C:\2nd_Fav,C:\3rd_Fav,C:\4th_Fav,H:\ShouldKeep type: STRING - zyBlacklist: + zxBlacklist: displayName: Black List - description: List of LEAST preferential paths to determine primary candidates for deletion. E.g. C:\Downloads\,F:\DeleteMeFirst\ + description: Least preferential paths; Determine primary deletion candidates. E.g. C:\Downloads,C:\DelMe-3rd,C:\DelMe-2nd,C:\DeleteMeFirst type: STRING zyMaxDupToProcess: displayName: Max Dup Process - description: Maximum number of duplicates to process. If 0, infinity + description: (Default=0) Maximum number of duplicates to process. If 0, infinity. type: NUMBER - zzdebugTracing: - displayName: Debug Tracing - description: (Default=false) [***For Advanced Users***] Enable debug tracing. When enabled, additional tracing logging is added to Stash\plugins\DupFileManager\DupFileManager.log + zySwapBetterBitRate: + displayName: Swap Better Bit Rate + description: Swap better bit rate for duplicate files. Use with DupFileManager_config.py file option favorHighBitRate + type: BOOLEAN + zySwapBetterFrameRate: + displayName: Swap Better Frame Rate + description: Swap better frame rate for duplicates. Use with DupFileManager_config.py file option favorHigherFrameRate + type: BOOLEAN + zySwapCodec: + displayName: Swap Better Codec + description: If enabled, swap better codec duplicate files to preferred path. + type: BOOLEAN + zySwapHighRes: + displayName: Swap Higher Resolution + description: If enabled, swap higher resolution duplicate files to preferred path. + type: BOOLEAN + zySwapLongLength: + displayName: Swap Longer Duration + description: If enabled, swap longer duration media files to preferred path. Longer is determine by significantLongerTime field. + type: BOOLEAN + zzDebug: + displayName: Debug + description: Enable debug so-as to add additional debug logging in Stash\plugins\DupFileManager\DupFileManager.log + type: BOOLEAN + zzTracing: + displayName: Tracing + description: Enable tracing and debug so-as to add additional tracing and debug logging in Stash\plugins\DupFileManager\DupFileManager.log type: BOOLEAN exec: - python @@ -60,7 +75,11 @@ tasks: description: Set tag DuplicateMarkForDeletion to the duplicates with lower resolution, duration, file name length, or black list path. defaultArgs: mode: tag_duplicates_task - - name: Delete Tagged Duplicates + - name: Clear Tags + description: Clear tag DuplicateMarkForDeletion. Remove the tag from all files. + defaultArgs: + mode: clear_duplicate_tags_task + - name: Delete Tagged Scenes description: Only delete scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. defaultArgs: mode: delete_tagged_duplicates_task diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_config.py b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_config.py index ab5b8178..65ee067c 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_config.py +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_config.py @@ -8,19 +8,85 @@ "dup_path": "", #Example: "C:\\TempDeleteFolder" # The threshold as to what percentage is consider a significant shorter time. "significantTimeDiff" : .90, # 90% threshold - # Valued passed to stash API function FindDuplicateScenes. - "duration_diff" : 10, # (default=10) A value from 1 to 10. # If enabled, moves destination file to recycle bin before swapping Hi-Res file. "toRecycleBeforeSwap" : True, # Character used to seperate items on the whitelist, blacklist, and graylist "listSeparator" : ",", + # Enable to permanently delete files, instead of moving files to trash can. + "permanentlyDelete" : False, + # After running a 'Delete Duplicates' task, run Clean, Clean-Generated, and Optimize-Database. + "cleanAfterDel" : True, + # Generate PHASH after tag or delete task. + "doGeneratePhash" : False, + # If enabled, skip processing tagged scenes. This option is ignored if createHtmlReport is True + "skipIfTagged" : False, + # If enabled, stop multiple scanning jobs after processing duplicates + "killScanningPostProcess" : True, + # If enabled, tag scenes which have longer duration, but lower resolution + "tagLongDurationLowRes" : True, + # If enabled, bit-rate is used in important comparisons for function allThingsEqual + "bitRateIsImporantComp" : True, + # If enabled, codec is used in important comparisons for function allThingsEqual + "codecIsImporantComp" : True, + + # Tag names ************************************************** # Tag used to tag duplicates with lower resolution, duration, and file name length. "DupFileTag" : "DuplicateMarkForDeletion", - # Tag name used to tag duplicates in the whitelist. E.g. DuplicateWhitelistFile - "DupWhiteListTag" : "DuplicateWhitelistFile", + # Tag name used to tag duplicates in the whitelist. E.g. _DuplicateWhitelistFile + "DupWhiteListTag" : "_DuplicateWhitelistFile", + # Tag name used to exclude duplicate from deletion + "excludeDupFileDeleteTag" : "_ExcludeDuplicateMarkForDeletion", + # Tag name used to tag scenes with existing tag DuplicateMarkForDeletion, and that are in the graylist + "graylistMarkForDeletion" : "_GraylistMarkForDeletion", + # Tag name for scenes with significant longer duration but lower resolution + "longerDurationLowerResolution" : "_LongerDurationLowerResolution", + + # Other tag related options ************************************************** + # If enabled, when adding tag DuplicateMarkForDeletion to graylist scene, also add tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion. + "graylistTagging" : True, + # If enabled, the Clear Tags task clears scenes of all tags (DuplicateMarkForDeletion, _DuplicateWhite..., _ExcludeDup..., _Graylist..., _LongerDur...) + "clearAllDupfileManagerTags" : True, + # If enabled, append dup tag name with match duplicate distance number. I.E. (DuplicateMarkForDeletion_0) or (DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1) + "appendMatchDupDistance" : True, + # If enabled, start dup tag name with an underscore. I.E. (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion). Places tag at the end of tag list. + "underscoreDupFileTag" : True, + + # Favor setings ********************************************* + # If enabled, favor longer file name over shorter. If disabled, favor shorter file name. + "favorLongerFileName" : True, + # If enabled, favor larger file size over smaller. If disabled, favor smaller file size. + "favorLargerFileSize" : True, + # If enabled, favor videos with a different bit rate value. If favorHighBitRate is true, favor higher rate. If favorHighBitRate is false, favor lower rate + "favorBitRateChange" : True, + # If enabled, favor videos with higher bit rate. Used with either favorBitRateChange option or UI [Swap Bit Rate Change] option. + "favorHighBitRate" : True, + # If enabled, favor videos with a different frame rate value. If favorHigherFrameRate is true, favor higher rate. If favorHigherFrameRate is false, favor lower rate + "favorFrameRateChange" : True, + # If enabled, favor videos with higher frame rate. Used with either favorFrameRateChange option or UI [Swap Better Frame Rate] option. + "favorHigherFrameRate" : True, + # If enabled, favor videos with better codec according to codecRanking + "favorCodecRanking" : True, + # Codec Ranking in order of preference (default (codecRankingSet1) is order of ranking based on maximum potential efficiency) + "codecRankingSet1" : ["h266", "vvc", "av1", "vvdec", "shvc", "h265", "hevc", "xvc", "vp9", "h264", "avc", "mvc", "msmpeg4v10", "vp8", "vcb", "msmpeg4v3", "h263", "h263i", "msmpeg4v2", "msmpeg4v1", "mpeg4", "mpeg-4", "mpeg4video", "theora", "vc3", "vc-3", "vp7", "vp6f", "vp6", "vc1", "vc-1", "mpeg2", "mpeg-2", "mpeg2video", "h262", "h222", "h261", "vp5", "vp4", "vp3", "wmv3", "mpeg1", "mpeg-1", "mpeg1video", "vp3", "wmv2", "wmv1", "wmv", "flv1", "png", "gif", "jpeg", "m-jpeg", "mjpeg"], + # codecRankingSet2 is in order of least potential efficiency + "codecRankingSet2" : ["gif", "png", "flv1", "mpeg1video", "mpeg1", "wmv1", "wmv2", "wmv3", "mpeg2video", "mpeg2", "AVC", "vc1", "vc-1", "msmpeg4v1", "msmpeg4v2", "msmpeg4v3", "mpeg4", "vp6f", "vp8", "h263i", "h263", "h264", "h265", "av1", "vp9", "h266"], + # codecRankingSet3 is in order of quality + "codecRankingSet3" : ["h266", "vp9", "av1", "h265", "h264", "h263", "h263i", "vp8", "vp6f", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4v3", "msmpeg4v2", "msmpeg4v1", "vc-1", "vc1", "AVC", "mpeg2", "mpeg2video", "wmv3", "wmv2", "wmv1", "mpeg1", "mpeg1video", "flv1", "png", "gif"], + # codecRankingSet4 is in order of compatibility + "codecRankingSet4" : ["h264", "vp8", "mpeg4", "msmpeg4v3", "msmpeg4v2", "msmpeg4v1", "h266", "vp9", "av1", "h265", "h263", "h263i", "vp6f", "vc-1", "vc1", "AVC", "mpeg2", "mpeg2video", "wmv3", "wmv2", "wmv1", "mpeg1", "mpeg1video", "flv1", "png", "gif"], + # Determines which codecRankingSet to use when ranking codec. Default is 1 for codecRankingSet1 + "codecRankingSetToUse" : 1, # The following fields are ONLY used when running DupFileManager in script mode "endpoint_Scheme" : "http", # Define endpoint to use when contacting the Stash server "endpoint_Host" : "", # Define endpoint to use when contacting the Stash server "endpoint_Port" : 9999, # Define endpoint to use when contacting the Stash server } + +# Codec ranking research source: + # https://imagekit.io/blog/video-encoding/ + # https://support.spinetix.com/wiki/Video_decoding + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_video_codecs + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_open-source_codecs + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_codecs + # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_video_container_formats diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_report_config.py b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_report_config.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..81151229 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager_report_config.py @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +# Description: This is a Stash plugin which manages duplicate files. +# By David Maisonave (aka Axter) Jul-2024 (https://www.axter.com/) +# Get the latest developers version from following link: +# https://github.com/David-Maisonave/Axter-Stash/tree/main/plugins/DupFileManager + +# HTML Report Options ************************************************** +report_config = { + # Paginate HTML report. Maximum number of results to display on one page, before adding (paginating) an additional page. + "htmlReportPaginate" : 100, + # Name of the HTML file to create + "htmlReportName" : "DuplicateTagScenes.html", + # If enabled, report displays an image preview similar to sceneDuplicateChecker + "htmlIncludeImagePreview" : False, + "htmlImagePreviewPopupSize" : 600, + # HTML report prefix, before table listing + "htmlReportPrefix" : """ + + +Stash Duplicate Report + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
Report InfoReport Options
+ + +
Found (QtyPlaceHolder) duplice setsDate Created: (DateCreatedPlaceHolder)
+ + + +


Stash Duplicate Scenes Report (MatchTypePlaceHolder)

\n""", + # HTML report postfiox, after table listing + "htmlReportPostfix" : "\n", + # HTML report table + "htmlReportTable" : "", + # HTML report table row + "htmlReportTableRow" : "", + # HTML report table header + "htmlReportTableHeader" : "
", + # HTML report table data + "htmlReportTableData" : "", + # HTML report video preview + "htmlReportVideoPreview" : "width='160' height='120' controls", # Alternative option "autoplay loop controls" or "autoplay controls" + # The number off seconds in time difference for supper highlight on htmlReport + "htmlHighlightTimeDiff" : 3, + # Supper highlight for details with higher resolution or duration + "htmlSupperHighlight" : "yellow", + # Lower highlight for details with slightly higher duration + "htmlLowerHighlight" : "nyanza", + # Text color for details with different resolution, duration, size, bitrate,codec, or framerate + "htmlDetailDiffTextColor" : "red", + # If enabled, create an HTML report when tagging duplicate files + "createHtmlReport" : True, + # If enabled, report displays stream instead of preview for video + "streamOverPreview" : False, # This option works in Chrome, but does not work very well on firefox. +} diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/ModulesValidate.py b/plugins/DupFileManager/ModulesValidate.py new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4de2f3a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/ModulesValidate.py @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +# ModulesValidate (By David Maisonave aka Axter) +# Description: +# Checks if packages are installed, and optionally install packages if missing. +# The below example usage code should be plave at the very top of the scource code before any other imports. +# Example Usage: +# import ModulesValidate +# ModulesValidate.modulesInstalled(["watchdog", "schedule", "requests"]) +# Testing: +# To test, uninstall packages via command line: pip uninstall -y watchdog schedule requests +import sys, os, pathlib, platform, traceback +# ToDo: Add logic to optionally pull package requirements from requirements.txt file. + +def modulesInstalled(moduleNames, install=True, silent=False): + retrnValue = True + for moduleName in moduleNames: + try: # Try Python 3.3 > way + import importlib + import importlib.util + if moduleName in sys.modules: + if not silent: print(f"{moduleName!r} already in sys.modules") + elif isModuleInstalled(moduleName): + if not silent: print(f"Module {moduleName!r} is available.") + else: + if install and (results:=installModule(moduleName)) > 0: + if results == 1: + print(f"Module {moduleName!r} has been installed") + else: + if not silent: print(f"Module {moduleName!r} is already installed") + continue + else: + if install: + print(f"Can't find the {moduleName!r} module") + retrnValue = False + except Exception as e: + try: + i = importlib.import_module(moduleName) + except ImportError as e: + if install and (results:=installModule(moduleName)) > 0: + if results == 1: + print(f"Module {moduleName!r} has been installed") + else: + if not silent: print(f"Module {moduleName!r} is already installed") + continue + else: + if install: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + print(f"Can't find the {moduleName!r} module! Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") + retrnValue = False + return retrnValue + +def isModuleInstalled(moduleName): + try: + __import__(moduleName) + return True + except Exception as e: + pass + return False + +def installModule(moduleName): + try: + if isLinux(): + # Note: Linux may first need : sudo apt install python3-pip + # if error starts with "Command 'pip' not found" + # or includes "No module named pip" + results = os.popen(f"pip --disable-pip-version-check --version").read() + if results.find("Command 'pip' not found") != -1 or results.find("No module named pip") != -1: + results = os.popen(f"sudo apt install python3-pip").read() + results = os.popen(f"pip --disable-pip-version-check --version").read() + if results.find("Command 'pip' not found") != -1 or results.find("No module named pip") != -1: + return -1 + if isFreeBSD(): + print("Warning: installModule may NOT work on freebsd") + pipArg = " --disable-pip-version-check" + if isDocker(): + pipArg += " --break-system-packages" + results = os.popen(f"{sys.executable} -m pip install {moduleName}{pipArg}").read() # May need to be f"{sys.executable} -m pip install {moduleName}" + results = results.strip("\n") + if results.find("Requirement already satisfied:") > -1: + return 2 + elif results.find("Successfully installed") > -1: + return 1 + elif modulesInstalled(moduleNames=[moduleName], install=False): + return 1 + except Exception as e: + pass + return 0 + +def installPackage(package): # Should delete this. It doesn't work consistently + try: + import pip + if hasattr(pip, 'main'): + pip.main(['install', package]) + else: + pip._internal.main(['install', package]) + except Exception as e: + return False + return True + +def isDocker(): + cgroup = pathlib.Path('/proc/self/cgroup') + return pathlib.Path('/.dockerenv').is_file() or cgroup.is_file() and 'docker' in cgroup.read_text() + +def isWindows(): + if any(platform.win32_ver()): + return True + return False + +def isLinux(): + if platform.system().lower().startswith("linux"): + return True + return False + +def isFreeBSD(): + if platform.system().lower().startswith("freebsd"): + return True + return False + +def isMacOS(): + if sys.platform == "darwin": + return True + return False + +def isWindows(): + if any(platform.win32_ver()): + return True + return False diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/README.md b/plugins/DupFileManager/README.md index 7d0cf052..0a90703c 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/README.md +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/README.md @@ -1,11 +1,40 @@ -# DupFileManager: Ver 0.1.2 (By David Maisonave) +# DupFileManager: Ver 0.1.9 (By David Maisonave) -DupFileManager is a [Stash](https://github.com/stashapp/stash) plugin which manages duplicate file in the Stash system. +DupFileManager is a [Stash](https://github.com/stashapp/stash) plugin which manages duplicate files in the Stash system. +It has both **task** and **tools-UI** components. ### Features +- Creates a duplicate file report which can be accessed from the settings->tools menu options.The report is created as an HTML file and stored in local path under plugins\DupFileManager\report\DuplicateTagScenes.html. + - See screenshot at the bottom of this page for example report. + - Items on the left side of the report are the primary duplicates designated for deletion. By default, these duplicates are given a special \_duplicate tag. + - Items on the right side of the report are designated as primary duplicates to keep. They usually have higher resolution, duration and/or preferred paths. + - The report has the following options: + - Delete: Delete file and remove from Stash library. + - Remove: Remove from Stash library. + - Rename: Rename file. + - Copy: Copy file from left (source) to right (to-keep). + - Move: Copy file and metadata left to right. + - Cpy-Name: Copy file name left to right. + - Add-Exclude: Add exclude tag to scene,so that scene is excluded from deletion. + - Remove-Tag: Remove duplicate tag from scene. + - Flag-Scene: Flag (mark) scene in report as reviewed (or as requiring further review). Optional flags (yellow, green, orange, cyan, pink, red, strike-through, & disable-scene) + - Merge: Copy Metadata (tags, performers,& studios) from left to right. - Can merge potential source in the duplicate file names for tag names, performers, and studios. - Normally when Stash searches the file name for tag names, performers, and studios, it only does so using the primary file. +- Advance menu (for specially tagged duplicates) + ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145139](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/d76646f0-c5a8-4069-ad0f-a6e5e96e7ed0) + - Delete only specially tagged duplicates in blacklist path. + - Delete duplicates with specified file path. + - Delete duplicates with specific string in File name. + - Delete duplicates with specified file size range. + - Delete with specified duration range. + - Delete with resolution range. + - Delete duplicates having specified tags. + - Delete duplicates with specified rating. + - Delete duplicates with any of the above combinations. +- Bottom extended portion of the Advanced Menu screen. + - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 232005](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/9a0d2e9d-783b-4ea2-8fa5-3805b40af4eb) - Delete duplicate file task with the following options: - Tasks (Settings->Task->[Plugin Tasks]->DupFileManager) - **Tag Duplicates** - Set tag DuplicateMarkForDeletion to the duplicates with lower resolution, duration, file name length, and/or black list path. @@ -13,11 +42,11 @@ DupFileManager is a [Stash](https://github.com/stashapp/stash) plugin which mana - **Delete Duplicates** - Deletes duplicate files. Performs deletion without first tagging. - Plugin UI options (Settings->Plugins->Plugins->[DupFileManager]) - Has a 3 tier path selection to determine which duplicates to keep, and which should be candidates for deletions. - - **Whitelist** - List of paths NOT to be deleted. + - **Whitelist** - List of paths NOT to be deleted. - E.g. C:\Favorite\,E:\MustKeep\ - - **Gray-List** - List of preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be the primary. + - **Gray-List** - List of preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be the primary. - E.g. C:\2nd_Favorite\,H:\ShouldKeep\ - - **Blacklist** - List of LEAST preferential paths to determine primary candidates for deletion. + - **Blacklist** - List of LEAST preferential paths to determine primary candidates for deletion. - E.g. C:\Downloads\,F:\DeleteMeFirst\ - **Permanent Delete** - Enable to permanently delete files, instead of moving files to trash can. - **Max Dup Process** - Use to limit the maximum files to process. Can be used to do a limited test run. @@ -28,12 +57,15 @@ DupFileManager is a [Stash](https://github.com/stashapp/stash) plugin which mana - **dup_path** - Alternate path to move deleted files to. Example: "C:\TempDeleteFolder" - **toRecycleBeforeSwap** - When enabled, moves destination file to recycle bin before swapping files. - **addPrimaryDupPathToDetails** - If enabled, adds the primary duplicate path to the scene detail. +- Tools UI Menu + ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/03e166eb-ddaa-4eb8-8160-4c9180ca1323) + - Can access either **Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)** or **DupFileManager Tools and Utilities** menu options. ### Requirements -`pip install --upgrade stashapp-tools` -`pip install pyYAML` -`pip install Send2Trash` +- `pip install --upgrade stashapp-tools` +- `pip install requests` +- `pip install Send2Trash` ### Installation @@ -48,3 +80,31 @@ That's it!!! - Options are accessible in the GUI via Settings->Plugins->Plugins->[DupFileManager]. - More options available in DupFileManager_config.py. + +### Screenshots + +- Example DupFileManager duplicate report. (file names have been edited to PG). + - The report displays preview videos that are playable. Will play a few seconds sample of the video. This requires scan setting **[Generate animated image previews]** to be enabled when scanning all files. + - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 225359](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/dc705b24-e2d7-4663-92fd-1516aa7aacf5) + - If there's a scene on the left side that has a higher resolution or duration, it gets a yellow highlight on the report. + - There's an optional setting that allows both preview videos and preview images to be displayed on the report. See settings **htmlIncludeImagePreview** in the **DupFileManager_report_config.py** file. + - There are many more options available for how the report is created. These options are targeted for more advanced users. The options are all available in the **DupFileManager_report_config.py** file, and the settings have commented descriptions preceeding them. See the **DupFileManager_report_config.py** file in the DupFileManager plugin folder for more details. +- Tools UI Menu + ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/03e166eb-ddaa-4eb8-8160-4c9180ca1323) + - Can access either **Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)** or **DupFileManager Tools and Utilities** menu options. +- DupFileManager Report Menu + - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 151630](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/834ee60f-1a4a-4a3e-bbf7-23aeca2bda1f) +- DupFileManager Tools and Utilities + - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 152023](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/4daaea9e-f603-4619-b536-e6609135bab1) +- Full bottom extended portion of the Advanced Menu screen. + - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 232208](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/bf1f3021-3a8c-4875-9737-60ee3d7fe675) + +### Future Planned Features + +- Currently, the report and advanced menu do not work with Stash settings requiring a password. Additional logic will be added to have them use the API Key. Planned for 1.0.0 Version. +- Add an advanced menu that will work with non-tagged reports. It will iterated through the existing report file(s) to aplly deletions, instead of searching Stash DB for tagged files. Planned for 1.1.0 Version. +- Greylist deletion option will be added to the advanced menu. Planned for 1.0.5 Version. +- Add advanced menu directly to the Settings->Tools menu. Planned for 1.5.0 Version. +- Add report directly to the Settings->Tools menu. Planned for 1.5.0 Version. +- Remove all flags from all scenes option. Planned for 1.0.5 Version. +- Transfer option settings **[Disable Complete Confirmation]** and **[Disable Delete Confirmation]** when paginating. Planned for 1.0.5 Version. diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/StashPluginHelper.py b/plugins/DupFileManager/StashPluginHelper.py index 6f0d3d15..a9be414e 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/StashPluginHelper.py +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/StashPluginHelper.py @@ -1,12 +1,3 @@ -from stashapi.stashapp import StashInterface -from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler -import re, inspect, sys, os, pathlib, logging, json -import concurrent.futures -from stashapi.stash_types import PhashDistance -import __main__ - -_ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED_ = "_ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED_" - # StashPluginHelper (By David Maisonave aka Axter) # See end of this file for example usage # Log Features: @@ -24,6 +15,14 @@ # Gets DEBUG_TRACING value from command line argument and/or from UI and/or from config file # Sets RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE to True if detects multiple arguments # Sets CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN to True if it's able to read from STDIN_READ +from stashapi.stashapp import StashInterface +from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler +import re, inspect, sys, os, pathlib, logging, json, platform, subprocess, traceback, time +import concurrent.futures +from stashapi.stash_types import PhashDistance +from enum import Enum, IntEnum +import __main__ + class StashPluginHelper(StashInterface): # Primary Members for external reference PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = None @@ -45,15 +44,44 @@ class StashPluginHelper(StashInterface): API_KEY = None excludeMergeTags = None + # class EnumInt(IntEnum): + # def __repr__(self) -> str: + # return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}" + # def __str__(self) -> str: + # return str(self.value) + # def serialize(self): + # return self.value + + class EnumValue(Enum): + def __repr__(self) -> str: + return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}" + def __str__(self) -> str: + return str(self.value) + def __add__(self, other): + return self.value + other.value + def serialize(self): + return self.value + # printTo argument - LOG_TO_FILE = 1 - LOG_TO_CONSOLE = 2 # Note: Only see output when running in command line mode. In plugin mode, this output is lost. - LOG_TO_STDERR = 4 # Note: In plugin mode, output to StdErr ALWAYS gets sent to stash logging as an error. - LOG_TO_STASH = 8 - LOG_TO_WARN = 16 - LOG_TO_ERROR = 32 - LOG_TO_CRITICAL = 64 - LOG_TO_ALL = LOG_TO_FILE + LOG_TO_CONSOLE + LOG_TO_STDERR + LOG_TO_STASH + class LogTo(IntEnum): + FILE = 1 + CONSOLE = 2 # Note: Only see output when running in command line mode. In plugin mode, this output is lost. + STDERR = 4 # Note: In plugin mode, output to StdErr ALWAYS gets sent to stash logging as an error. + STASH = 8 + WARN = 16 + ERROR = 32 + CRITICAL = 64 + ALL = FILE + CONSOLE + STDERR + STASH + + class DbgLevel(IntEnum): + TRACE = 1 + DBG = 2 + INF = 3 + WRN = 4 + ERR = 5 + CRITICAL = 6 + + DBG_LEVEL = DbgLevel.INF # Misc class variables MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME = None @@ -61,6 +89,25 @@ class StashPluginHelper(StashInterface): LOG_FILE_DIR = None LOG_FILE_NAME = None STDIN_READ = None + stopProcessBarSpin = True + updateProgressbarOnIter = 0 + currentProgressbarIteration = 0 + + class OS_Type(IntEnum): + WINDOWS = 1 + LINUX = 2 + MAC_OS = 3 + FREEBSD = 4 + UNKNOWN_OS = 5 + + OS_TYPE = OS_Type.UNKNOWN_OS + + IS_DOCKER = False + IS_WINDOWS = False + IS_LINUX = False + IS_FREEBSD = False + IS_MAC_OS = False + pluginLog = None logLinePreviousHits = [] thredPool = None @@ -68,45 +115,76 @@ class StashPluginHelper(StashInterface): _mergeMetadata = None encodeToUtf8 = False convertToAscii = False # If set True, it takes precedence over encodeToUtf8 + progressBarIsEnabled = True # Prefix message value - LEV_TRACE = "TRACE: " - LEV_DBG = "DBG: " - LEV_INF = "INF: " - LEV_WRN = "WRN: " - LEV_ERR = "ERR: " - LEV_CRITICAL = "CRITICAL: " - - # Default format - LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] %(message)s" + class Level(EnumValue): + TRACE = "TRACE: " + DBG = "DBG: " + INF = "INF: " + WRN = "WRN: " + ERR = "ERR: " + CRITICAL = "CRITICAL: " + class Constant(EnumValue): + # Default format + LOG_FORMAT = "[%(asctime)s] %(message)s" + ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED = "_ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED_" + NOT_IN_LIST = 2147483646 + # Externally modifiable variables - log_to_err_set = LOG_TO_FILE + LOG_TO_STDERR # This can be changed by the calling source in order to customize what targets get error messages - log_to_norm = LOG_TO_FILE + LOG_TO_CONSOLE # Can be change so-as to set target output for normal logging + log_to_err_set = LogTo.FILE + LogTo.STDERR # This can be changed by the calling source in order to customize what targets get error messages + log_to_norm = LogTo.FILE + LogTo.CONSOLE # Can be change so-as to set target output for normal logging # Warn message goes to both plugin log file and stash when sent to Stash log file. - log_to_wrn_set = LOG_TO_STASH # This can be changed by the calling source in order to customize what targets get warning messages + log_to_wrn_set = LogTo.STASH # This can be changed by the calling source in order to customize what targets get warning messages def __init__(self, - debugTracing = None, # Set debugTracing to True so as to output debug and trace logging - logFormat = LOG_FORMAT, # Plugin log line format - dateFmt = "%y%m%d %H:%M:%S", # Date format when logging to plugin log file - maxbytes = 8*1024*1024, # Max size of plugin log file - backupcount = 2, # Backup counts when log file size reaches max size - logToWrnSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get warning logging - logToErrSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get error logging - logToNormSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get normal logging - logFilePath = "", # Plugin log file. If empty, the log file name will be set based on current python file name and path - mainScriptName = "", # The main plugin script file name (full path) - pluginID = "", - settings = None, # Default settings for UI fields - config = None, # From pluginName_config.py or pluginName_setting.py - fragmentServer = None, - stash_url = None, # Stash URL (endpoint URL) Example: http://localhost:9999 - apiKey = None, # API Key only needed when username and password set while running script via command line + debugTracing = None, # Set debugTracing to True so as to output debug and trace logging + logFormat = Constant.LOG_FORMAT.value, # Plugin log line format + dateFmt = "%y%m%d %H:%M:%S", # Date format when logging to plugin log file + maxbytes = 8*1024*1024, # Max size of plugin log file + backupcount = 2, # Backup counts when log file size reaches max size + logToWrnSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get warning logging + logToErrSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get error logging + logToNormSet = 0, # Customize the target output set which will get normal logging + logFilePath = "", # Plugin log file. If empty, the log file name will be set based on current python file name and path + mainScriptName = "", # The main plugin script file name (full path) + pluginID = "", + settings = None, # Default settings for UI fields + config = None, # From pluginName_config.py or pluginName_setting.py + fragmentServer = None, + stash_url = None, # Stash URL (endpoint URL) Example: http://localhost:9999 + apiKey = None, # API Key only needed when username and password set while running script via command line DebugTraceFieldName = "zzdebugTracing", + DebugFieldName = "zzDebug", DryRunFieldName = "zzdryRun", - setStashLoggerAsPluginLogger = False): + setStashLoggerAsPluginLogger = False, + DBG_LEVEL = DbgLevel.INF): + if DBG_LEVEL in list(self.DbgLevel): + self.DBG_LEVEL = DBG_LEVEL + if debugTracing: + self.DEBUG_TRACING = debugTracing + if self.DBG_LEVEL > self.DbgLevel.DBG: + self.DBG_LEVEL = self.DbgLevel.TRACE + elif self.DBG_LEVEL < self.DbgLevel.INF: + self.DEBUG_TRACING = True self.thredPool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) + if self.isWindows(): + self.IS_WINDOWS = True + self.OS_TYPE = self.OS_Type.WINDOWS + elif self.isLinux(): + self.IS_LINUX = True + self.OS_TYPE = self.OS_Type.LINUX + if self.isDocker(): + self.IS_DOCKER = True + elif self.isFreeBSD(): + self.IS_FREEBSD = True + self.OS_TYPE = self.OS_Type.FREEBSD + if self.isDocker(): + self.IS_DOCKER = True + elif self.isMacOS(): + self.IS_MAC_OS = True + self.OS_TYPE = self.OS_Type.MAC_OS if logToWrnSet: self.log_to_wrn_set = logToWrnSet if logToErrSet: self.log_to_err_set = logToErrSet if logToNormSet: self.log_to_norm = logToNormSet @@ -129,7 +207,6 @@ def __init__(self, else: self.FRAGMENT_SERVER = {'Scheme': 'http', 'Host': '', 'Port': '9999', 'SessionCookie': {'Name': 'session', 'Value': '', 'Path': '', 'Domain': '', 'Expires': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z', 'RawExpires': '', 'MaxAge': 0, 'Secure': False, 'HttpOnly': False, 'SameSite': 0, 'Raw': '', 'Unparsed': None}, 'Dir': os.path.dirname(pathlib.Path(self.MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME).resolve().parent), 'PluginDir': pathlib.Path(self.MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME).resolve().parent} - if debugTracing: self.DEBUG_TRACING = debugTracing if config: self.pluginConfig = config if self.Setting('apiKey', "") != "": @@ -191,8 +268,14 @@ def __init__(self, self.API_KEY = self.STASH_CONFIGURATION['apiKey'] self.DRY_RUN = self.Setting(DryRunFieldName, self.DRY_RUN) - self.DEBUG_TRACING = self.Setting(DebugTraceFieldName, self.DEBUG_TRACING) - if self.DEBUG_TRACING: self.LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG + if self.Setting(DebugTraceFieldName, self.DEBUG_TRACING): + self.DEBUG_TRACING = True + self.LOG_LEVEL = logging.TRACE + self.DBG_LEVEL = self.DbgLevel.TRACE + elif self.Setting(DebugFieldName, self.DEBUG_TRACING): + self.DEBUG_TRACING = True + self.LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG + self.DBG_LEVEL = self.DbgLevel.DBG logging.basicConfig(level=self.LOG_LEVEL, format=logFormat, datefmt=dateFmt, handlers=[RFH]) self.pluginLog = logging.getLogger(pathlib.Path(self.MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME).stem) @@ -202,74 +285,104 @@ def __init__(self, def __del__(self): self.thredPool.shutdown(wait=False) - def Setting(self, name, default=_ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED_, raiseEx=True, notEmpty=False): + def Setting(self, name, default=Constant.ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED.value, raiseEx=True, notEmpty=False): if self.pluginSettings != None and name in self.pluginSettings: if notEmpty == False or self.pluginSettings[name] != "": return self.pluginSettings[name] if self.pluginConfig != None and name in self.pluginConfig: if notEmpty == False or self.pluginConfig[name] != "": return self.pluginConfig[name] - if default == _ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED_ and raiseEx: + if default == self.Constant.ARGUMENT_UNSPECIFIED.value and raiseEx: raise Exception(f"Missing {name} from both UI settings and config file settings.") return default - def Log(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, logLevel = logging.INFO, lineNo = -1, levelStr = "", logAlways = False, toAscii = None): - if toAscii or (toAscii == None and (self.encodeToUtf8 or self.convertToAscii)): - logMsg = self.asc2(logMsg) - else: - logMsg = logMsg - if printTo == 0: - printTo = self.log_to_norm - elif printTo == self.LOG_TO_ERROR and logLevel == logging.INFO: - logLevel = logging.ERROR - printTo = self.log_to_err_set - elif printTo == self.LOG_TO_CRITICAL and logLevel == logging.INFO: - logLevel = logging.CRITICAL - printTo = self.log_to_err_set - elif printTo == self.LOG_TO_WARN and logLevel == logging.INFO: - logLevel = logging.WARN - printTo = self.log_to_wrn_set + def Log(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, logLevel = logging.INFO, lineNo = -1, levelStr = "", logAlways = False, toAscii = None, printLogException = False): + try: + if toAscii or (toAscii == None and (self.encodeToUtf8 or self.convertToAscii)): + logMsg = self.asc2(logMsg) + else: + logMsg = logMsg + if printTo == 0: + printTo = self.log_to_norm + elif printTo == self.LogTo.ERROR and logLevel == logging.INFO: + logLevel = logging.ERROR + printTo = self.log_to_err_set + elif printTo == self.LogTo.CRITICAL and logLevel == logging.INFO: + logLevel = logging.CRITICAL + printTo = self.log_to_err_set + elif printTo == self.LogTo.WARN and logLevel == logging.INFO: + logLevel = logging.WARN + printTo = self.log_to_wrn_set + if lineNo == -1: + lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno + LN_Str = f"[LN:{lineNo}]" + # print(f"{LN_Str}, {logAlways}, {self.LOG_LEVEL}, {logging.DEBUG}, {levelStr}, {logMsg}") + if logLevel == logging.TRACE and (logAlways == False or self.LOG_LEVEL == logging.TRACE): + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.DBG + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.trace(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.trace(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + elif logLevel == logging.DEBUG and (logAlways == False or self.LOG_LEVEL == logging.DEBUG or self.LOG_LEVEL == logging.TRACE): + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.DBG + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.debug(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.debug(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + elif logLevel == logging.INFO or logLevel == logging.DEBUG: + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.INF if logLevel == logging.INFO else self.Level.DBG + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.info(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.info(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + elif logLevel == logging.WARN: + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.WRN + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.warning(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.warning(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + elif logLevel == logging.ERROR: + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.ERR + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + elif logLevel == logging.CRITICAL: + if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.Level.CRITICAL + if printTo & self.LogTo.FILE: self.pluginLog.critical(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if printTo & self.LogTo.STASH: self.log.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if (printTo & self.LogTo.CONSOLE) and (logLevel != logging.DEBUG or self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways): + print(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") + if (printTo & self.LogTo.STDERR) and (logLevel != logging.DEBUG or self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways): + print(f"StdErr: {LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}", file=sys.stderr) + except Exception as e: + if printLogException: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + print(f"Exception calling [Log]; Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}") + pass + + def Trace(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, lineNo = -1, toAscii = None): + if printTo == 0: printTo = self.LogTo.FILE if lineNo == -1: lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno - LN_Str = f"[LN:{lineNo}]" - # print(f"{LN_Str}, {logAlways}, {self.LOG_LEVEL}, {logging.DEBUG}, {levelStr}, {logMsg}") - if logLevel == logging.DEBUG and (logAlways == False or self.LOG_LEVEL == logging.DEBUG): - if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.LEV_DBG - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_FILE: self.pluginLog.debug(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_STASH: self.log.debug(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - elif logLevel == logging.INFO or logLevel == logging.DEBUG: - if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.LEV_INF if logLevel == logging.INFO else self.LEV_DBG - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_FILE: self.pluginLog.info(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_STASH: self.log.info(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - elif logLevel == logging.WARN: - if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.LEV_WRN - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_FILE: self.pluginLog.warning(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_STASH: self.log.warning(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - elif logLevel == logging.ERROR: - if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.LEV_ERR - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_FILE: self.pluginLog.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_STASH: self.log.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - elif logLevel == logging.CRITICAL: - if levelStr == "": levelStr = self.LEV_CRITICAL - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_FILE: self.pluginLog.critical(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if printTo & self.LOG_TO_STASH: self.log.error(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if (printTo & self.LOG_TO_CONSOLE) and (logLevel != logging.DEBUG or self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways): - print(f"{LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}") - if (printTo & self.LOG_TO_STDERR) and (logLevel != logging.DEBUG or self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways): - print(f"StdErr: {LN_Str} {levelStr}{logMsg}", file=sys.stderr) + logLev = logging.INFO if logAlways else logging.TRACE + if self.DBG_LEVEL == self.DbgLevel.TRACE or logAlways: + if logMsg == "": + logMsg = f"Line number {lineNo}..." + self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logLev, lineNo, self.Level.TRACE, logAlways, toAscii=toAscii) - def Trace(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, lineNo = -1, toAscii = None): - if printTo == 0: printTo = self.LOG_TO_FILE + # Log once per session. Only logs the first time called from a particular line number in the code. + def TraceOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, toAscii = None): + lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno + if self.DBG_LEVEL == self.DbgLevel.TRACE or logAlways: + FuncAndLineNo = f"{inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name}:{lineNo}" + if FuncAndLineNo in self.logLinePreviousHits: + return + self.logLinePreviousHits.append(FuncAndLineNo) + self.Trace(logMsg, printTo, logAlways, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) + + def Debug(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, lineNo = -1, toAscii = None): + if printTo == 0: printTo = self.LogTo.FILE if lineNo == -1: lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno logLev = logging.INFO if logAlways else logging.DEBUG if self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways: if logMsg == "": logMsg = f"Line number {lineNo}..." - self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logLev, lineNo, self.LEV_TRACE, logAlways, toAscii=toAscii) + self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logLev, lineNo, self.Level.DBG, logAlways, toAscii=toAscii) # Log once per session. Only logs the first time called from a particular line number in the code. - def TraceOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, toAscii = None): + def DebugOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, toAscii = None): lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno if self.DEBUG_TRACING or logAlways: FuncAndLineNo = f"{inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name}:{lineNo}" @@ -279,8 +392,8 @@ def TraceOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, toAscii = None) self.Trace(logMsg, printTo, logAlways, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) # Log INFO on first call, then do Trace on remaining calls. - def LogOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, traceOnRemainingCalls = True, toAscii = None): - if printTo == 0: printTo = self.LOG_TO_FILE + def LogOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, traceOnRemainingCalls = True, toAscii = None, printLogException = False): + if printTo == 0: printTo = self.LogTo.FILE lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno FuncAndLineNo = f"{inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_code.co_name}:{lineNo}" if FuncAndLineNo in self.logLinePreviousHits: @@ -288,49 +401,97 @@ def LogOnce(self, logMsg = "", printTo = 0, logAlways = False, traceOnRemainingC self.Trace(logMsg, printTo, logAlways, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) else: self.logLinePreviousHits.append(FuncAndLineNo) - self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.INFO, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) + self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.INFO, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii, printLogException=printLogException) - def Warn(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, toAscii = None): + def Warn(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, toAscii = None, printLogException = False): if printTo == 0: printTo = self.log_to_wrn_set lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno - self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.WARN, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) + self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.WARN, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii, printLogException=printLogException) - def Error(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, toAscii = None): + def Error(self, logMsg, printTo = 0, toAscii = None, printLogException = False): if printTo == 0: printTo = self.log_to_err_set lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno - self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.ERROR, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii) + self.Log(logMsg, printTo, logging.ERROR, lineNo, toAscii=toAscii, printLogException=printLogException) - def Status(self, printTo = 0, logLevel = logging.INFO, lineNo = -1): + # Above logging functions all use UpperCamelCase naming convention to avoid conflict with parent class logging function names. + # The below non-loggging functions use (lower) camelCase naming convention. + def status(self, printTo = 0, logLevel = logging.INFO, lineNo = -1): if printTo == 0: printTo = self.log_to_norm if lineNo == -1: lineNo = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_lineno self.Log(f"StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN={self.CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN}), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE={self.RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE}), (DEBUG_TRACING={self.DEBUG_TRACING}), (DRY_RUN={self.DRY_RUN}), (PLUGIN_ID={self.PLUGIN_ID}), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME={self.PLUGIN_TASK_NAME}), (STASH_URL={self.STASH_URL}), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME={self.MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME})", printTo, logLevel, lineNo) - def ExecuteProcess(self, args, ExecDetach=False): - import platform, subprocess - is_windows = any(platform.win32_ver()) + # Replaces obsolete UI settings variable with new name. Only use this with strings and numbers. + # Example usage: + # obsoleteSettingsToConvert = {"OldVariableName" : "NewVariableName", "AnotherOldVarName" : "NewName2"} + # stash.replaceObsoleteSettings(obsoleteSettingsToConvert, "ObsoleteSettingsCheckVer2") + def replaceObsoleteSettings(self, settingSet:dict, SettingToCheckFirst="", init_defaults=False): + if SettingToCheckFirst == "" or self.Setting(SettingToCheckFirst) == False: + for key in settingSet: + obsoleteVar = self.Setting(key) + if isinstance(obsoleteVar, bool): + if obsoleteVar: + if self.Setting(settingSet[key]) == False: + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (bool) settings ({key}). Moving obsolete settings to new setting name {settingSet[key]}.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {settingSet[key]:self.Setting(key), key : False}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + else: + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (bool) settings ({key}), and deleting it's content because new setting name ({settingSet[key]}) is already populated.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {key : False}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + elif isinstance(obsoleteVar, int): # Both int and bool type returns true here + if obsoleteVar > 0: + if self.Setting(settingSet[key]) > 0: + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (int) settings ({key}), and deleting it's content because new setting name ({settingSet[key]}) is already populated.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {key : 0}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + else: + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (int) settings ({key}). Moving obsolete settings to new setting name {settingSet[key]}.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {settingSet[key]:self.Setting(key), key : 0}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + elif obsoleteVar != "": + if self.Setting(settingSet[key]) == "": + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (str) settings ({key}). Moving obsolete settings to new setting name {settingSet[key]}.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {settingSet[key]:self.Setting(key), key : ""}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + else: + self.Log(f"Detected obsolete (str) settings ({key}), and deleting it's content because new setting name ({settingSet[key]}) is already populated.") + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {key : ""}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + if SettingToCheckFirst != "": + results = self.configure_plugin(self.PLUGIN_ID, {SettingToCheckFirst : True}, init_defaults) + self.Debug(f"configure_plugin = {results}") + + + def executeProcess(self, args, ExecDetach=False): pid = None - self.Trace(f"is_windows={is_windows} args={args}") - if is_windows: + self.Trace(f"self.IS_WINDOWS={self.IS_WINDOWS} args={args}") + if self.IS_WINDOWS: if ExecDetach: - self.Trace("Executing process using Windows DETACHED_PROCESS") + self.Trace(f"Executing process using Windows DETACHED_PROCESS; args=({args})") DETACHED_PROCESS = 0x00000008 pid = subprocess.Popen(args,creationflags=DETACHED_PROCESS, shell=True).pid else: pid = subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True).pid else: - self.Trace("Executing process using normal Popen") - pid = subprocess.Popen(args).pid + if ExecDetach: + # For linux detached, use nohup. I.E. subprocess.Popen(["nohup", "python", "test.py"]) + if self.IS_LINUX: + args = ["nohup"] + args + self.Trace(f"Executing detached process using Popen({args})") + else: + self.Trace(f"Executing process using normal Popen({args})") + pid = subprocess.Popen(args).pid # On detach, may need the following for MAC OS subprocess.Popen(args, shell=True, start_new_session=True) self.Trace(f"pid={pid}") return pid - def ExecutePythonScript(self, args, ExecDetach=True): + def executePythonScript(self, args, ExecDetach=True): PythonExe = f"{sys.executable}" argsWithPython = [f"{PythonExe}"] + args - return self.ExecuteProcess(argsWithPython,ExecDetach=ExecDetach) + return self.executeProcess(argsWithPython,ExecDetach=ExecDetach) - def Submit(self, *args, **kwargs): + def submit(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.thredPool.submit(*args, **kwargs) def asc2(self, data, convertToAscii=None): @@ -340,24 +501,282 @@ def asc2(self, data, convertToAscii=None): # data = str(data).encode('ascii','ignore') # This works better for logging than ascii function # return str(data)[2:-1] # strip out b'str' - def init_mergeMetadata(self, excludeMergeTags=None): + def initMergeMetadata(self, excludeMergeTags=None): self.excludeMergeTags = excludeMergeTags self._mergeMetadata = mergeMetadata(self, self.excludeMergeTags) - # Must call init_mergeMetadata, before calling merge_metadata - def merge_metadata(self, SrcData, DestData): # Input arguments can be scene ID or scene metadata - if type(SrcData) is int: - SrcData = self.find_scene(SrcData) - DestData = self.find_scene(DestData) - return self._mergeMetadata.merge(SrcData, DestData) + def mergeMetadata(self, SrcData, DestData, retryCount = 12, sleepSecondsBetweenRetry = 5, excludeMergeTags=None): # Input arguments can be scene ID or scene metadata + import requests + if self._mergeMetadata == None: + self.initMergeMetadata(excludeMergeTags) + errMsg = None + for i in range(0, retryCount): + try: + if errMsg != None: + self.Warn(errMsg) + if type(SrcData) is int: + SrcData = self.find_scene(SrcData) + DestData = self.find_scene(DestData) + return self._mergeMetadata.merge(SrcData, DestData) + except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ConnectionResetError): + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [mergeMetadata]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [mergeMetadata]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + time.sleep(sleepSecondsBetweenRetry) + + def getUpdateProgressBarIter(self, qtyResults): + if qtyResults > 40000: + return 100 + if qtyResults > 20000: + return 80 + if qtyResults > 10000: + return 40 + if qtyResults > 5000: + return 20 + if qtyResults > 2000: + return 10 + if qtyResults > 1000: + return 5 + if qtyResults > 500: + return 3 + if qtyResults > 200: + return 2 + return 1 + + def enableProgressBar(self, enable=True): + self.progressBarIsEnabled = enable + + # Use setProgressBarIter to reduce traffic to the server by only updating the progressBar every X(updateProgressbarOnIter) iteration. + def setProgressBarIter(self, qtyResults): + if self.progressBarIsEnabled: + self.updateProgressbarOnIter = self.getUpdateProgressBarIter(qtyResults) + self.currentProgressbarIteration = 0 + + def progressBar(self, currentIndex, maxCount): + if self.progressBarIsEnabled: + if self.updateProgressbarOnIter > 0: + self.currentProgressbarIteration+=1 + if self.currentProgressbarIteration > self.updateProgressbarOnIter: + self.currentProgressbarIteration = 0 + else: + return + progress = (currentIndex / maxCount) if currentIndex < maxCount else (maxCount / currentIndex) + try: + self.log.progress(progress) + except Exception as e: + pass + + def isDocker(self): + cgroup = pathlib.Path('/proc/self/cgroup') + return pathlib.Path('/.dockerenv').is_file() or cgroup.is_file() and 'docker' in cgroup.read_text() + + def isWindows(self): + if any(platform.win32_ver()): + return True + return False + + def isLinux(self): + if platform.system().lower().startswith("linux"): + return True + return False + + def isFreeBSD(self): + if platform.system().lower().startswith("freebsd"): + return True + return False + + def isMacOS(self): + if sys.platform == "darwin": + return True + return False - def Progress(self, currentIndex, maxCount): - progress = (currentIndex / maxCount) if currentIndex < maxCount else (maxCount / currentIndex) - self.log.progress(progress) + def isWindows(self): + if any(platform.win32_ver()): + return True + return False + + def spinProcessBar(self, sleepSeconds = 1, maxPos = 30, trace = False): + if trace: + self.Trace(f"Starting spinProcessBar loop; sleepSeconds={sleepSeconds}, maxPos={maxPos}") + pos = 1 + while self.stopProcessBarSpin == False: + if trace: + self.Trace(f"progressBar({pos}, {maxPos})") + self.progressBar(pos, maxPos) + pos +=1 + if pos > maxPos: + pos = 1 + time.sleep(sleepSeconds) + + def startSpinningProcessBar(self, sleepSeconds = 1, maxPos = 30, trace = False): + self.stopProcessBarSpin = False + if trace: + self.Trace(f"submitting spinProcessBar; sleepSeconds={sleepSeconds}, maxPos={maxPos}, trace={trace}") + self.submit(self.spinProcessBar, sleepSeconds, maxPos, trace) + + def stopSpinningProcessBar(self, sleepSeconds = 1): + self.stopProcessBarSpin = True + time.sleep(sleepSeconds) + + def startsWithInList(self, listToCk, itemToCk): + itemToCk = itemToCk.lower() + for listItem in listToCk: + if itemToCk.startswith(listItem.lower()): + return True + return False + + def indexStartsWithInList(self, listToCk, itemToCk): + itemToCk = itemToCk.lower() + index = -1 + lenItemMatch = 0 + returnValue = self.Constant.NOT_IN_LIST.value + for listItem in listToCk: + index += 1 + if itemToCk.startswith(listItem.lower()): + if len(listItem) > lenItemMatch: # Make sure the best match is selected by getting match with longest string. + lenItemMatch = len(listItem) + returnValue = index + return returnValue + + def checkIfTagInlist(self, somelist, tagName, trace=False): + tagId = self.find_tags(q=tagName) + if len(tagId) > 0 and 'id' in tagId[0]: + tagId = tagId[0]['id'] + else: + self.Warn(f"Could not find tag ID for tag '{tagName}'.") + return + somelist = somelist.split(",") + if trace: + self.Trace("#########################################################################") + scenes = self.find_scenes(f={"tags": {"value":tagId, "modifier":"INCLUDES"}}, fragment='id tags {id name} files {path width height duration size video_codec bit_rate frame_rate} details') + qtyResults = len(scenes) + self.Log(f"Found {qtyResults} scenes with tag ({tagName})") + Qty = 0 + for scene in scenes: + Qty+=1 + if self.startsWithInList(somelist, scene['files'][0]['path']): + self.Log(f"Found scene part of list; {scene['files'][0]['path']}") + elif trace: + self.Trace(f"Not part of list; {scene['files'][0]['path']}") - def run_plugin(self, plugin_id, task_mode=None, args:dict={}, asyn=False): + def createTagId(self, tagName, tagName_descp = "", deleteIfExist = False, ignoreAutoTag = False): + tagId = self.find_tags(q=tagName) + if len(tagId): + tagId = tagId[0] + if deleteIfExist: + self.destroy_tag(int(tagId['id'])) + else: + return tagId['id'] + tagId = self.create_tag({"name":tagName, "description":tagName_descp, "ignore_auto_tag": ignoreAutoTag}) + self.Log(f"Dup-tagId={tagId['id']}") + return tagId['id'] + + def removeTag(self, scene, tagName): # scene can be scene ID or scene metadata + scene_details = scene + if isinstance(scene, int) or 'id' not in scene: + scene_details = self.find_scene(scene) + tagIds = [] + doesHaveTagName = False + for tag in scene_details['tags']: + if tag['name'] != tagName: + tagIds += [tag['id']] + else: + doesHaveTagName = True + if doesHaveTagName: + dataDict = {'id' : scene_details['id']} + dataDict.update({'tag_ids' : tagIds}) + self.update_scene(dataDict) + return doesHaveTagName + + def addTag(self, scene, tagName, tagName_descp = "", ignoreAutoTag=False, retryCount = 12, sleepSecondsBetweenRetry = 5): # scene can be scene ID or scene metadata + errMsg = None + for i in range(0, retryCount): + try: + if errMsg != None: + self.Warn(errMsg) + scene_details = scene + if isinstance(scene, int) or 'id' not in scene: + scene_details = self.find_scene(scene) + tagIds = [self.createTagId(tagName, tagName_descp=tagName_descp, ignoreAutoTag=ignoreAutoTag)] + for tag in scene_details['tags']: + if tag['name'] == tagName: + return False + else: + tagIds += [tag['id']] + dataDict = {'id' : scene_details['id']} + dataDict.update({'tag_ids' : tagIds}) + self.update_scene(dataDict) + return True + except (ConnectionResetError): + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [addTag]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [addTag]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + time.sleep(sleepSecondsBetweenRetry) + + def copyFields(self, srcData, fieldsToCpy): + destData = {} + for key in srcData: + if key in fieldsToCpy: + destData.update({key : srcData[key]}) + return destData + + def renameTag(self,oldTagName, newTagName): + tagMetadata = self.find_tags(q=oldTagName) + if len(tagMetadata) > 0 and 'id' in tagMetadata[0]: + if tagMetadata[0]['name'] == newTagName: + return False + tagMetadata[0]['name'] = newTagName + fieldsToCpy = ["id", "name", "description", "aliases", "ignore_auto_tag", "favorite", "image", "parent_ids", "child_ids"] + tagUpdateInput = self.copyFields(tagMetadata[0], fieldsToCpy) + self.Trace(f"Renaming tag using tagUpdateInput = {tagUpdateInput}") + self.update_tag(tagUpdateInput) + return True + return False + + def updateScene(self, update_input, create=False, retryCount = 24, sleepSecondsBetweenRetry = 5): + errMsg = None + for i in range(0, retryCount): + try: + if errMsg != None: + self.Warn(errMsg) + return self.update_scene(update_input, create) + except (ConnectionResetError): + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [updateScene]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [updateScene]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + time.sleep(sleepSecondsBetweenRetry) + + def destroyScene(self, scene_id, delete_file=False, retryCount = 12, sleepSecondsBetweenRetry = 5): + errMsg = None + for i in range(0, retryCount): + try: + if errMsg != None: + self.Warn(errMsg) + if i > 0: + # Check if file still exist + scene = self.find_scene(scene_id) + if scene == None or len(scene) == 0: + self.Warn(f"Scene {scene_id} not found in Stash.") + return False + return self.destroy_scene(scene_id, delete_file) + except (ConnectionResetError): + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [updateScene]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + except Exception as e: + tb = traceback.format_exc() + errMsg = f"Exception calling [updateScene]. Will retry; count({i}); Error: {e}\nTraceBack={tb}" + time.sleep(sleepSecondsBetweenRetry) + + def runPlugin(self, plugin_id, task_mode=None, args:dict={}, asyn=False): """Runs a plugin operation. The operation is run immediately and does not use the job queue. + This is a blocking call, and does not return until plugin completes. Args: plugin_id (ID): plugin_id task_name (str, optional): Plugin task to perform @@ -375,30 +794,73 @@ def run_plugin(self, plugin_id, task_mode=None, args:dict={}, asyn=False): "args": args, } if asyn: - self.Submit(self.call_GQL, query, variables) + self.submit(self.call_GQL, query, variables) return f"Made asynchronous call for plugin {plugin_id}" else: return self.call_GQL(query, variables) - - def find_duplicate_scenes_diff(self, distance: PhashDistance=PhashDistance.EXACT, fragment='id', duration_diff: float=10.00 ): - query = """ - query FindDuplicateScenes($distance: Int, $duration_diff: Float) { - findDuplicateScenes(distance: $distance, duration_diff: $duration_diff) { - ...SceneSlim - } - } - """ - if fragment: - query = re.sub(r'\.\.\.SceneSlim', fragment, query) - else: - query += "fragment SceneSlim on Scene { id }" - - variables = { "distance": distance, "duration_diff": duration_diff } - result = self.call_GQL(query, variables) - return result['findDuplicateScenes'] - # ################################################################################################# - # The below functions extends class StashInterface with functions which are not yet in the class + def stopJobs(self, startPos = 0, startsWith = ""): + taskQue = self.job_queue() + if taskQue != None: + count = 0 + for jobDetails in taskQue: + count+=1 + if count > startPos: + if startsWith == "" or jobDetails['description'].startswith(startsWith): + self.Log(f"Killing Job ID({jobDetails['id']}); description={jobDetails['description']}") + self.stop_job(jobDetails['id']) + else: + self.Log(f"Excluding Job ID({jobDetails['id']}); description={jobDetails['description']}; {jobDetails})") + else: + self.Log(f"Skipping Job ID({jobDetails['id']}); description={jobDetails['description']}; {jobDetails})") + + def toJson(self, data, replaceSingleQuote=False): + if replaceSingleQuote: + data = data.replace("'", '"') + data = data.replace("\\", "\\\\") + data = data.replace("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\") + return json.loads(data) + + def isCorrectDbVersion(self, verNumber = 68): + results = self.sql_query("select version from schema_migrations") + # self.Log(results) + if len(results['rows']) == 0 or len(results['rows'][0]) == 0: + return False + return int(results['rows'][0][0]) == verNumber + + def renameFileNameInDB(self, fileId, oldName, newName, UpdateUsingIdOnly = False): + if self.isCorrectDbVersion(): + query = f'update files set basename = "{newName}" where basename = "{oldName}" and id = {fileId};' + if UpdateUsingIdOnly: + query = f'update files set basename = "{newName}" where id = {fileId};' + self.Trace(f"Executing query ({query})") + results = self.sql_commit(query) + if 'rows_affected' in results and results['rows_affected'] == 1: + return True + return False + + def getFileNameFromDB(self, id): + results = self.sql_query(f'select basename from files where id = {id};') + self.Trace(f"results = ({results})") + if len(results['rows']) == 0 or len(results['rows'][0]) == 0: + return None + return results['rows'][0][0] + + # ############################################################################################################ + # Functions which are candidates to be added to parent class use snake_case naming convention. + # ############################################################################################################ + # The below functions extends class StashInterface with functions which are not yet in the class or + # fixes for functions which have not yet made it into official class. + def metadata_scan(self, paths:list=[], flags={}): # ToDo: Add option to add path to library if path not included when calling metadata_scan + query = "mutation MetadataScan($input:ScanMetadataInput!) { metadataScan(input: $input) }" + scan_metadata_input = {"paths": paths} + if flags: + scan_metadata_input.update(flags) + elif scan_config := self.get_configuration_defaults("scan { ...ScanMetadataOptions }").get("scan"): + scan_metadata_input.update(scan_config) + result = self.call_GQL(query, {"input": scan_metadata_input}) + return result["metadataScan"] + def get_all_scenes(self): query_all_scenes = """ query AllScenes { @@ -451,6 +913,43 @@ def metadata_clean_generated(self, blobFiles=True, dryRun=False, imageThumbnails def rename_generated_files(self): return self.call_GQL("mutation MigrateHashNaming {migrateHashNaming}") + + def find_duplicate_scenes_diff(self, distance: PhashDistance=PhashDistance.EXACT, fragment='id', duration_diff: float=10.00 ): + query = """ + query FindDuplicateScenes($distance: Int, $duration_diff: Float) { + findDuplicateScenes(distance: $distance, duration_diff: $duration_diff) { + ...SceneSlim + } + } + """ + if fragment: + query = re.sub(r'\.\.\.SceneSlim', fragment, query) + else: + query += "fragment SceneSlim on Scene { id }" + + variables = { "distance": distance, "duration_diff": duration_diff } + result = self.call_GQL(query, variables) + return result['findDuplicateScenes'] + + # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + # Direct SQL associated functions + def get_file_metadata(self, data, raw_data = False): # data is either file ID or scene metadata + results = None + if data == None: + return results + if 'files' in data and len(data['files']) > 0 and 'id' in data['files'][0]: + results = self.sql_query(f"select * from files where id = {data['files'][0]['id']}") + else: + results = self.sql_query(f"select * from files where id = {data}") + if raw_data: + return results + if 'rows' in results: + return results['rows'][0] + self.Error(f"Unknown error while SQL query with data='{data}'; Results='{results}'.") + return None + + def set_file_basename(self, id, basename): + return self.sql_commit(f"update files set basename = '{basename}' where id = {id}") class mergeMetadata: # A class to merge scene metadata from source scene to destination scene srcData = None @@ -471,7 +970,8 @@ def merge(self, SrcData, DestData): self.mergeItems('tags', 'tag_ids', [], excludeName=self.excludeMergeTags) self.mergeItems('performers', 'performer_ids', []) self.mergeItems('galleries', 'gallery_ids', []) - self.mergeItems('movies', 'movies', []) + # Looks like movies has been removed from new Stash version + # self.mergeItems('movies', 'movies', []) self.mergeItems('urls', listToAdd=self.destData['urls'], NotStartWith=self.stash.STASH_URL) self.mergeItem('studio', 'studio_id', 'id') self.mergeItem('title') @@ -524,3 +1024,54 @@ def mergeItems(self, fieldName, updateFieldName=None, listToAdd=[], NotStartWith listToAdd += [item['id']] self.dataDict.update({ updateFieldName : listToAdd}) # self.stash.Trace(f"Added {fieldName} ({dataAdded}) to scene ID({self.destData['id']})", toAscii=True) + +class taskQueue: + taskqueue = None + def __init__(self, taskqueue): + self.taskqueue = taskqueue + + def tooManyScanOnTaskQueue(self, tooManyQty = 5): + count = 0 + if self.taskqueue == None: + return False + for jobDetails in self.taskqueue: + if jobDetails['description'] == "Scanning...": + count += 1 + if count < tooManyQty: + return False + return True + + def cleanJobOnTaskQueue(self): + for jobDetails in self.taskqueue: + if jobDetails['description'] == "Cleaning...": + return True + return False + + def cleanGeneratedJobOnTaskQueue(self): + for jobDetails in self.taskqueue: + if jobDetails['description'] == "Cleaning generated files...": + return True + return False + + def isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue(self, taskName): + for jobDetails in self.taskqueue: + if jobDetails['description'] == "Running plugin task: {taskName}": + return True + return False + + def tagDuplicatesJobOnTaskQueue(self): + return self.isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue("Tag Duplicates") + + def clearDupTagsJobOnTaskQueue(self): + return self.isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue("Clear Tags") + + def generatePhashMatchingJobOnTaskQueue(self): + return self.isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue("Generate PHASH Matching") + + def deleteDuplicatesJobOnTaskQueue(self): + return self.isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue("Delete Duplicates") + + def deleteTaggedScenesJobOnTaskQueue(self): + return self.isRunningPluginTaskJobOnTaskQueue("Delete Tagged Scenes") + + diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/advance_options.html b/plugins/DupFileManager/advance_options.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f5e5135 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/advance_options.html @@ -0,0 +1,2708 @@ + + + + DupFileManager Advance Menus + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ DupFileManager Advance + _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_? Tagged Files + Menu + Apply Multiple Options
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Create report with different + [Match Duplicate Distance] options
+ Overrides user [Match Duplicate Distance] and + [significantTimeDiff] settings +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Create Report with Tagging +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ Create Report without Tagging +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ Details: +
  1. Match Duplicate Distance Number Details
  2. +
    1. Exact Match
    2. +
      1. Safest and most reliable option
      2. +
      3. Uses tag name _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_0
      4. +
      5. + Has the fewest results, and it's very rare to have false + matches. +
      6. +
    3. High Match
    4. +
      1. Recommended Setting
      2. +
      3. Safe and usually reliable
      4. +
      5. Uses tag name _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1
      6. +
      7. + Scenes tagged by Exact Match will have both tags + (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion_0 and + _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1) +
      8. +
    5. Medium Match
    6. +
      1. Not so safe. Some false matches
      2. +
      3. + To reduce false matches use a time difference of .96 or + higher. +
      4. +
      5. Uses tag name _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_2
      6. +
      7. Scenes tagged by 0 and 1 will have three tags.
      8. +
    7. Low Match
    8. +
      1. Unsafe, and many false matches
      2. +
      3. + To reduce false matches use a time difference of .98 or + higher. +
      4. +
      5. Uses tag name _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_3
      6. +
      7. Scenes tagged by 0, 1, and 2 will have four tags.
      8. +
      9. Has the most results, but with many false matches.
      10. +
  3. Time Difference
  4. +
    1. + Significant time difference setting, where 1 equals 100% and + (.9) equals 90%. +
    2. +
    3. + This setting overrides the setting in + DupFileManager_config.py. +
    4. +
      1. + See setting significantTimeDiff in + DupFileManager_config.py +
      2. +
    5. + This setting is generally not useful for + [Exact Match] reports. +
    6. +
    7. + This is an important setting when creating Low or Medium match + reports. It will reduce false matches. +
    8. +
  5. Report with tagging
  6. +
    1. + Reports with tagging will work with above + DupFileManager Advance Menu. +
    2. +
    3. The report can take serveral minutes to complete.
    4. +
    5. + It takes much more time to produce a report with tagging + compare to creating a report without tagging. +
    6. +
  7. Report WITHOUT tagging
  8. +
    1. + Reports with no tagging can NOT be + used with above DupFileManager Advance Menu. +
    2. +
    3. + The report is created much faster. It usually takes a few + seconds to complete. +
    4. +
    5. + This is the recommended report type to create if the + DupFileManager Advance Menu is not needed or desired. +
    6. +
+ + diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/requirements.txt b/plugins/DupFileManager/requirements.txt index d503550d..19069845 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/requirements.txt +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/requirements.txt @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ stashapp-tools >= 0.2.50 -pyYAML -watchdog +requests Send2Trash \ No newline at end of file