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About stdlib...

We believe in a future in which the web is a preferred environment for numerical computation. To help realize this future, we've built stdlib. stdlib is a standard library, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computation, written in JavaScript (and C) for execution in browsers and in Node.js.

The library is fully decomposable, being architected in such a way that you can swap out and mix and match APIs and functionality to cater to your exact preferences and use cases.

When you use stdlib, you can be absolutely certain that you are using the most thorough, rigorous, well-written, studied, documented, tested, measured, and high-quality code out there.

To join us in bringing numerical computing to the web, get started by checking us out on GitHub, and please consider financially supporting stdlib. We greatly appreciate your continued support!

Disposable HTTP Server

NPM version Build Status Coverage Status

Create a disposable HTTP server.


npm install @stdlib/net-disposable-http-server


var httpServer = require( '@stdlib/net-disposable-http-server' );

httpServer( options[, clbk] )

Creates a disposable HTTP server; i.e., the server closes immediately after serving provided content.

var opts = {
    'html': '<script src="/bundle.js"></script>',
    'javascript': 'console.log( "Boop" );'

httpServer( opts );

The function accepts the following options:

  • html: buffer or string to serve as HTML content.
  • javascript: buffer or string to serve as JavaScript.
  • port: server port. Default: 0 (i.e., randomly assigned).
  • maxport: max server port (used when port hunting). Default: =port.
  • hostname: server hostname.
  • address: server address. Default: "".
  • open: boolean indicating whether to launch a web browser. Default: false.

To serve HTML content, set the html option. Once the content is requested, the server will close.

var opts = {
    'html': '<h1>Beep</h1>'

httpServer( opts );

To serve JavaScript, set the javascript option. If no HTML is provided, an HTML boilerplate is served and the JavaScript is served as /bundle.js. Once the content is requested, the server will close.

var opts = {
    'javascript': 'console.log( "Boop" );'

httpServer( opts );

If HTML and JavaScript are provided, in order for the JavaScript to be served, the HTML content should request the file /bundle.js.

var opts = {
    'html': '<script src="/bundle.js"></script>',
    'javascript': 'console.log( "Boop" );'

httpServer( opts );

To obtain the server handle, provide a callback.

var nextTick = require( '@stdlib/utils-next-tick' );

function onReady( error, server ) {
    if ( error ) {
        throw error;
    nextTick( close );
    function close() {

var opts = {
    'html': html,
    'javascript': 'console.log( "Boop" );'

httpServer( opts, onReady );


  • If neither the html or javascript option is set, the server serves an HTML boilerplate and then closes.


var join = require( 'path' ).join;
var readFileSync = require( '@stdlib/fs-read-file' ).sync;
var httpServer = require( '@stdlib/net-disposable-http-server' );

var html = join( __dirname, 'examples', 'fixtures', 'index.html' );
var js = join( __dirname, 'examples', 'fixtures', 'script.js' );

var opts = {
    'html': readFileSync( html ),
    'javascript': readFileSync( js ),
    'port': 7331,
    'hostname': 'localhost',
    'open': false

httpServer( opts, clbk );

function clbk( error, server ) {
    if ( error ) {
        throw error;
    // Give the user a few seconds to open her web browser before closing the server...
    setTimeout( onTimeout, 5000 );

    function onTimeout() {



To use as a general utility, install the CLI package globally

npm install -g @stdlib/net-disposable-http-server-cli


Usage: temp-http-server [options] (--html path | --js path | --stdin type)


  -h,    --help                Print this message.
  -V,    --version             Print the package version.
         --html path           Serve HTML.
  --js,  --javascript path     Serve JavaScript.
         --stdin type          Type of content: html or javascript.
  -p,    --port port           Server port. Default: 0.
         --maxport maxport     Max server port. Default: `port`.
         --hostname hostname   Server hostname.
         --address address     Server address. Default:
         --open                Launch a browser once server is ready.

The application recognizes the following environment variables:

  • DEBUG: enable verbose logging.
  • PORT: server port.
  • MAXPORT: max server port.
  • HOSTNAME: server hostname.
  • ADDRESS: server address.


  • Command-line arguments always take precedence over environment variables.
  • If either the --html or --javascript command-line flag is set, stdin is assumed to be of the other type. Accordingly, the --stdin flag may be omitted.


To serve an HTML file,

$ DEBUG=* temp-http-server --html ./examples/fixtures/index.html

To serve a JavaScript file (and a default HTML boilerplate),

$ DEBUG=* temp-http-server --javascript ./examples/fixtures/script.js

In addition to file input, the application accepts standard input. To pipe HTML,

$ cat ./examples/fixtures/index.html | DEBUG=* temp-http-server --port 7331 --stdin html

To pipe HTML and load a JavaScript file,

$ cat ./examples/fixtures/index.html | DEBUG=* temp-http-server --port 7331 --javascript ./examples/fixtures/script.js

To pipe JavaScript (and serve a default HTML boilerplate),

$ cat ./examples/fixtures/script.js | DEBUG=* temp-http-server --address '' --stdin javascript

To pipe JavaScript and serve custom HTML content which requests a /bundle.js file,

$ cat ./examples/fixtures/script.js | DEBUG=* temp-http-server --html ./examples/fixtures/index.html


This package is part of stdlib, a standard library for JavaScript and Node.js, with an emphasis on numerical and scientific computing. The library provides a collection of robust, high performance libraries for mathematics, statistics, streams, utilities, and more.

For more information on the project, filing bug reports and feature requests, and guidance on how to develop stdlib, see the main project repository.






Copyright © 2016-2025. The Stdlib Authors.