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The text mentions that Fringe team's buggies are often named with the letter "B". However, it doesn't provide a specific alternative name mentioned in the context.
Answer: 11667
The class "Engineering the Materials of the Future" (27100) begins at 1:00PM and the class "The Future of Warfare" (84405) begins at 7:00PM in the Fall 2024 semester.
None. The context does not provide a course with the number 10315.
TAP stands for "Techniques for Analyzing Paralinguistic Speech" in the given context. (Reference: file_path: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch-assignment-spring2024/data/faculty_papers/You_might_think_abo ut_slightly_revising_the_title”:_Identifying_Hedges_in_Peer-tutoring_Interactions.txt)
The ACL 60-60 evaluation sets are used to evaluate a challenge task in speech-to-text and text-to- speech translation. They contain parallel speech, transcripts, and translations for ten language pairs, totaling approximately one hour of data each for the development and evaluation sets. The purpose is to test systems under realistic use cases where recorded technical presentations are accompanied by their corresponding papers. These sets come from ACL 2022 technical presentations and are originally in English but transcribed and translated into ten target languages. During the evaluation campaign, only the development set is provided, and participants may potentially crawl additional in-domain data for adaptation. For metrics, translation output is evaluated using chrF, BLEU, COMET, and ASR output using WER. The official rankings are based on average chrF across all 10 language pairs. (References: Salesky et al., 2023; Popovi´c, 2015a; Papineni et al., 2002b; Post, 2018; Rei et al., 2020b; Tsiamas et al., 2022; Matusov et al., 2005b)
None. The context information provided refers to courses in the spring and fall semesters of 2024. There is no mention of any "Mini-5" classes or their last days in the given context.
The number for all Drama classes starts with '54' (as in '54177' and '54281').
None. The context does not provide information about the number of members of the National Academy of Medicine at Carnegie Mellon University.
None. The context does not provide information on a course named "advanced NLP" or its corresponding classroom.
Junwei Huang, Zhiqing Sun, Yiming Yang
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
The context does not provide information about who used the first emoticon at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
Professor Alexander Waibel
The paper reports that imperfect machine-generated explanations help less compared to expert- written human explanations (+2.4% on hard toxic examples).
Associate Professor
None. Course number 05291 is not provided in the context information.
The size of the SantaCoder model is approximately 1.1 billion parameters.
Jamie Callan This is not a match to your query as there is no mention of "David Garlan" or "two word title (not including 'professor')" in the context. However, I provide you with the name of a professor mentioned in the context for reference purposes. If your question was about Jamie Callan's research area or projects, please let me know and I will be glad to help. Answer to query: None
None. (There is no course with the given course number in the provided context.)
None. The provided context does not contain information about deadlines for mini-drop or withdrawal with a grade assignment after that point.
The context does not provide information on when aluminum was first used to build buggies. Answer: None.
McConomy Auditorium, Cohon University Center
None. The context does not provide information on the deadline for Mini-Course in Special Relativity (33213) drop or withdrawal with a grade after the given class times.
SAMA shows a decrease of 3.8 x in memory consumption in large-scale meta learning benchmarks when using multiple GPUs.
None. The context provides information on courses offered in the spring 2024 and fall 2024 semesters. There is no mention of registration dates for any courses, including those in the spring 2025 semester.
None. The context does not provide information about a course with that number in Fall 2023.
ValuePrism is a large-scale dataset of values, rights, and duties connected to human-written situations, introduced in the paper "Value Kaleidoscope: Engaging AI with Pluralistic Human Values, Rights, and Duties." It contains contextualized values generated by GPT-4 and deemed high-quality by human annotators 91% of the time.
Nearly triple the national average, or approximately 49.8%. (Reference: context under 'OF COMPUTER SCIENCE’S FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS ...')
None. The given context does not provide information about the deadlines for Mini-3 pass/no pass and withdrawal in Spring 2024.
The title for the paper that introduces the IPA method is not provided in the given context.
The paper mentions that IPA consistently brings significant improvements over off-the-shelf language models on five challenging text generation tasks, such as toxicity reduction and lexically constrained generation. (Refer to the abstract section in the context.)
None. The context does not provide any information about a course with the number 11824.
None. The context does not provide information about a Fall 2023 course with the number 05391.
None. The context does not provide information on a Fall 2023 course with the number 05315.
There is no information in the context regarding the cost of applying for the MLT program on the day before the deadline.
The MIIS-16 program requires a total of 150 units to attain the degree. [Reference: Context information under section 4.2 Required Units for Degree Attainment, MIIS Graduate Student Handbook, Page 12]
The first U.S. degree in drama was awarded at Carnegie Tech in 1914.
PhD students at LTI can use the computer cluster on an as-needed basis for course assignments, directed study projects, and/or capstone projects. The LTI cluster provides storage and computation for projects involving large datasets and/or lengthy computation.
Liang, Fried
The language that Meloni et al (2021) achieved state-of-the-art results on for protoform reconstruction is Latin. (from the abstract in the context)
None. The context does not provide the year the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Athletics Hall of Fame was established.
The Machine Learning Department was formed in the School of Computer Science in 2006.
SPAE stands for Semantic Pyramid AutoEncoder.
The paper "HomeRobot: Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation" was published in the Conference on Robot Learning.
None. The context does not provide information on the number of NAS members at Carnegie Mellon University.
The official Scotty costume was unveiled at the 2008 Spring Carnival. Thus, the answer in the format required is '2008'.
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
None. The context does not provide information on deadlines for adding, auditing, or tuition adjustment drops for a specific course in fall 2023.
The paper "End-to-End Speech Recognition: A Survey" was published in the year 2023. (Reference: Title and Year from context)
No, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission, employment or administration of its programs or activities on the basis of race, as stated in the university's Statement of Assurance.
The document does not provide the exact match achieved by gpt-3.5-turbo on the Squad dataset as stated in the query. However, it mentions that the performance of gpt-3.5-turbo on the Squad dataset is used for comparison purposes with Prompt2Model.
None. There is no course with the given units (02700) in the provided context.
None. The context does not provide information about who invented Kevlar fiber.
Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
None. The context does not provide information on when grades for the given courses are due in Spring 2024.
None. The context does not provide any information about courses related to LLMs (Master of Laws).
The KALE paper evaluates MSMARCO Dev TREC DL 19, MSMARCO Dev TREC DL 20, and MSMARCO v1.
None. The provided context does not contain information about David Garlan's office building or number.
Four authors: Paul Pu Liang, Yun Cheng, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Louis-Philippe Morency.
The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). (Refer to the context where Trouillon et al., 2016, mention "ICML’16" in their paper.)
HumanEval and MBPP
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2021.
Frederking, Fried
To make fitness reservations at Carnegie Mellon University, a valid CMU ID is required. (Reference: Not provided in context)
None. The context only provides information about courses offered during the spring semester of 2024. There is no mention of a fall break or its start date.
The course numbers for the Search Engines course are 11642, 11442, and 11742.
The student must pass 96 or more course units of graduate courses to satisfy the course requirements for the PhD in Language and Information Technologies degree.
None. There is no course with the number 10701 in the given context.
None. The context provided refers to the fall semester for courses 33213 and spring semester for courses 84624 and 84324. No information about summer semester is given in the context.
Luís Borges, Bruno Martins, and Jamie Callan authored a paper titled "KALE: Using a K-Sparse Projector for Lexical Expansion" published in 2023. (Reference from the context file_path: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch-assignment-spring2024/data/faculty_papers/KALE: Using a K-Sparse Projector for Lexical Expansion.txt)
The longer track of the MIIS program is a 21-month track.
ICTIR is not mentioned in the given context.
The ACL 60/60 evaluation dataset includes parallel speech, transcripts, and translation for ten language pairs, totaling approximately one hour for the development set and one hour for the evaluation set. It comes from ACL 2022 technical presentations, which were originally spoken in English and then transcribed and translated to ten target languages. During the evaluation campaign, only the development set is provided as in-domain data. The dataset is used to evaluate a challenge task related to automatic speech recognition (ASR) and statistical machine translation (SLT).
The context does not provide information on which specific benchmark was used in the study mentioned in the text.
The Mini-Course in Special Relativity begins at 09:00AM in the fall 2024 semester. (Reference: Fall 33213 file)
None. There is no course with the number 17200 in the provided context information.
None. The context does not provide information about the deadline for adding or dropping a Mini- Course in Special Relativity with tuition adjustment in spring 2024.
None. The context does not provide the phone number for CMU's office of Title IX initiatives.
The reduction in word error rates achieved by the proposed models on LibriSpeech test-clean is 0.3%.
The Mellon Institute. (Reference: "In 1967, Carnegie Tech merged with the Mellon Institute, a science research center founded by the Mellon family of Pittsburgh, to become known as Carnegie Mellon University.")
None. The context does not provide any information about the number of papers Lori S. Levin has on Semantic Scholar.
The Language Technologies Institute's phone number is 412-268-6591. (From the given context in the Master of Computational Data Science Program handbook, it is mentioned under 'The Language Technologies Institute' section with the phone number 412-268-6591.)
The WER achieved by the joint fine-tuning strategy in the Convoifilter paper is 2.3% in anechoic conditions and 2.5% in reverberant conditions.
The context does not provide information on the deadline to drop a Mini-2 course with a withdrawal grade assigned in fall 2023. Answer: None.
Yes, the course titled "Machine Learning for Text and Graph-based Mining" with course numbers 11741, 11641, and 11441 offers instruction in text mining. The instructor's name is Yang. Each of these courses has a unit count of 12.0 or 9.0, respectively, and the class meetings take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:00AM to 12:20PM in HH B131 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
None. The context only mentions Carnegie Mellon's main campus in Pittsburgh.
E. Xing
The context does not provide information about the number of authors on the SENTECON paper.
None. The context does not provide information about who taught 11-711 in Fall 2023.
The WebArena benchmark includes a total of 812 long-horizon web-based tasks. Each task may involve multiple test examples, but the text does not provide a specific number for the entire benchmark.
20 Tony Awards have been won by alumni and current/former faculty.
None. The context does not provide information on the number of interdisciplinary courses offered by SCS during Summer 2024.
A-LoL uses LM's internal sequence-level value estimate to filter negative advantage (low-quality) data points during training.
The course "Research Studio: Arts Futures" (Course Number: 62743 and 94843) begins at 12:30PM.
The task success rate of the GPT-4-based agent in WebArena is 14.41%.
None (The context does not provide any information about a limit on the number of guests for the main commencement ceremony.)
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)
The survey elicited responses from 312 participants in the NLP community.
The SYNTACC model uses a multi-speaker TTS model called YourTTS for multi-accent speech synthesis and adapts it using a novel multi-accents training mechanism. (Reference: 'SYNTACC : Synthesizing Multi-Accent Speech By Weight Factorization' abstract)
The units for Linguistic Analysis course is 9.0.
None (The context does not provide any information about a course taught by an instructor named 'Abdelghany' during Summer 2024.)
Jamie Callan
The Plan module in the PET framework simplifies complex tasks by breaking them down into sub-tasks using a pre-trained LLM and generating a list of sub-tasks for an input task description.
The term for the discrepancies between increases in computational throughput and reductions in floating point operations, and improvements in wall-clock inference latency is denoted as the 'framework tax'.
Answer: 10880
Young Min Kim, Kalvin Chang, Chenxuan Cui, and David R. Mortensen
Conference on Machine Translation
The KALE paper reported the following evaluation metrics on TREC DL 19: Recall@10, NDCG@10, and Query Latency (QL).
The sweepstakes finals at Spring Carnival take place from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM ET. (Reference: Sweepstakes Final Races in the context)
None. The context does not provide any information about a SENTECON paper or its publication location.
The Plan, Eliminate, and Track (PET) framework is proposed to simplify the control problem of embodied agents using LLMs by translating a task description into a list of high-level sub-tasks, masking out irrelevant objects from observation for each sub-task, and determining if the agent has accomplished each sub-task. (from context: Abstract section of the paper)
The Scotch'n'Soda Theatre Carnival Shows are on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday during Spring Carnival.
The MIIS Capstone Planning Seminar is worth 6 credits. (Refer to section 4.5 in the given context for details.)
The attention dot-product scores in the Unlimiformer approach are returned by the kNN index.
Maarten Sap
Teruko Mitamura or Brianna Eriksen (There are two directors mentioned in the context.) Answer format: [Name of Director]
International Conference on Machine Learning
The mean confidence difference for the "he, she" gender-word pair is 0.317. (From the context information provided in the text under the heading "Gender-Word PairsMean Confidence Difference Mean Std. Dev.".)
None. The context does not provide information on when Mini-3 faculty course evaluations open.
The monoT5-3B model outperformed BM25 consistently in the InPars study. (Reference: "In all collections, only a 100x larger monoT5-3B model consistently outperformed BM25, whereas their smaller monoT5-220M model outperformed BM25 only on MS MARCO and TREC DL 2020.")
Students seeking guidance about the MIIS program should consult with their academic advisor and/or appropriate associate dean.
The disparity between inference efficiency in research and deployment, denoted as the framework tax, is observed to be growing as hardware speed increases over time. (Reference: Abstract section of the given paper)
None. The context information provided is for spring 2024 courses.
The name of the method proposed for alignment in "Aligning Large Multimodal Models with Factually Augmented RLHF" is Factually Augmented RLHF.
A chute flagger is not mentioned in the given context regarding the Sweepstakes competition at Carnegie Mellon University.
The PET framework incurs a relative improvement of 15% to 25% on the AlfWorld instruction following benchmark when transferring from template to human-goal specifications, while GPT sufers from a relative 50% performance drop.
AlfWorld is the benchmark used in the experiments mentioned in the "Plan, Eliminate, and Track - Language Models are Good Teachers for Embodied Agents" paper.
The contact information for the academic and administrative staff at the Language Technologies Institute (LTI) is provided in the context. Students with questions about their offices can contact Brianna Eriksen, Academic Program Manager, at [email protected] or 412-268-4277; Teruko Mitamura, Program Director, MIIS, at [email protected] or 412-268-6596; Kate Schaich, Administrative Manager, at [email protected] or 412-268-4788; or Mona Diab, Director, LTI, at [email protected] or 412-268-3669.
The datasets and models were found to align predominantly with Western, White, college-educated, and younger populations based on the findings from the NLPositionality study. (Reference: Abstract section of the provided context)
None. There is no course with the number 02701 in the given context.
The reduction in word error rates achieved by the proposed models on LibriSpeech test-other was 1.4%.
The LTI faculties involved in the work "Improving Factuality of Abstractive Summarization via Contrastive Reward Learning" are Ethan Chern, Zhiruo Wang, Sanjan Das, Bhavuk Sharma, Pengfei Liu, and Graham Neubig.
Yes, the Kiltie Band has a YouTube channel.
Wiegand Gym, Cohon University Center.
None. The context does not provide information about Yonatan Bisk's lab.
The MIIS: Advanced Study degree is a 21-month track.
None. The context does not provide the number of Carnegie Mellon University members in the National Academy of Engineering.
None. The context does not provide any information about Labor Day in fall 2024.
The given context does not provide information on which faculty are co-teaching a specific neural code generation course. Answer: None.
The course number for a Question Answering course at LTI is 11797.
The numbers for Architecture classes are 15346, 18447, and 48025. None of these numbers start with the same digit sequence.
The paper "A Vector Quantized Approach for Text to Speech Synthesis on Real-World Spontaneous Speech" was published in the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
None. The context does not provide information about an Undergraduate Research in Computational Biology course offered in fall 2023.
The improvement in ROUGE-L score demonstrated by the proposed block-wise training method in the BASS paper from Interspeech 2023 is by 3 points absolute.
The text does not provide the accuracy using SHAP reduction in the given context.
CSurF addresses the vocabulary and semantic mismatch issues of lexical exact-match models through surface form expansion and contextualized representation assignment. It also performs multi-vector lexical retrieval over vector representations of query and document terms while introducing the surface form space to efficiently bridge the terms.
None. The given course number '15110' does not exist in the context information provided.
The name of the proposed approach for fairness domain adaptation in semantic scene segmentation is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context. However, the context does discuss a method called PAC-UDA (Pseudo-labels And objectness Constraints) for unsupervised domain adaptation to semantic segmentation. This method uses structural constraints based on depth information to regularize self- training objectives and improve performance in UDA benchmarks.
ICASSP (International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing)
None. There is no course number 15090 in the provided context information.
The context does not provide information about the application fee for the MLT program at Carnegie Mellon University.
The proposed learning objective formalizes differences in perceptual quality by using domain knowledge of acoustic-phonetics and identifies temporal acoustic parameters that are non- differentiable. A neural network estimator is then developed to accurately predict their time-series values across an utterance, which can be added as an auxiliary loss to any model that produces speech to optimize speech outputs to match the values of clean speech in these features.
The context does not provide information about the location of the sharp right-hand turn in the buggy course.
Sireesh Gururaja
None. The context does not provide the BartScore achieved by the CRL-COM (R) system on the XSUM dataset from the paper "Improving Factuality of Abstractive Summarization via Contrastive Reward Learning".
FiT5 integrates document text information, retrieval features, and global document information into a single unified model using templated-based input and global attention.
None. The given course number (17214) does not exist in the provided context information.
SafeWalk is not mentioned in the given context information. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
None. There is no course with the given number (02518) in the provided context information.
The paper suggests that ChatGPT has a clear disadvantage in MT for African languages.
Adversarial examples can be used to attack multimodal models that allow users to provide images. These adversarial examples are specifically designed inputs intended to cause the model to produce unwanted and harmful outputs. They may not always be semantically meaningful and often will not be. (from the context, section "Adversarial examples")
None. There is no course with the number 02614 in the given context.
The paper titled "Computational Language Acquisition with Theory of Mind" was published at ICLR (International Conference on Learning Representations).
None. The context does not provide information about course number 02761 or its schedule for fall 2023.
None. The context does not provide information on which classes are taught by both Eric Nyberg and Teruko Mitamura.
The Eid Celebration takes place from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM ET during the Spring Carnival.
The paper "BASS: Block-wise Adaptation for Speech Summarization" was published in Interspeech 2021, according to the context provided.
Andrew Carnegie died in 1913. (This information is not directly stated in the context but can be inferred from the fact that he donated $1 million for a technical institute in 1900 and the merger with Mellon Institute occurred in 1967, so it can be assumed that there was a significant period of time between those events.)
None. The context does not provide a course with the number 10500.
The authors of the paper are Yuan Tseng, Layne Berry, Yi-Ting Chen, I-Hsiang Chiu, Hsuan-Hao Lin, Max Liu, Puyuan Peng, Yi-Jen Shih, Hung-Yu Wang, Haibin Wu, Po-Yao Huang, Chun-Mao Lai, Shang-Wen Li, David F. Harwath, Yu Tsao, Shinji Watanabe, Abdelrahman Mohamed, and Chi-Luen Feng. However, there is no specific mention of any LTI professor among them in the context provided. Answer: None.
None. There is no course with the number 02512 in the provided context.
Perlis taught the first freshman-level computer programming course at CMU in 1958. (From the provided context)
Frontiers in Psychology
The text does not provide specific results for training 1.1B parameter models on Java, JavaScript, and Python subsets of The Stack and evaluating them on MultiPL-E. However, it mentions that SantaCoder, which is a 1.1B parameter model, shows high performance on Swift despite not being included in its training set. Additionally, it compares the performance of SantaCoder with other models like InCoder, CodeGen-multi, and CodeGen-mono on left-to-right and fill-in-the-middle benchmarks. The comparison table includes pass@100 performance for Java, JavaScript, and Python, but it doesn't specify the results of training and evaluating SantaCoder, InCoder, CodeGen-multi, and CodeGen-mono on each subset separately.
The paper 'Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning' was published in the year 2023.
There is no specific information provided in the context regarding the cost of applying to the MLT program if an application is submitted a week before the deadline.
The context does not provide information about the year the Tartan Athletics Club was launched. Answer is 'None'.
Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) [Explanation]: The context mentions that the paper "Using counterfactual contrast to improve compositional generalization for multi-step quantitative reasoning" was published in the proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Therefore, the answer is 'Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)'.
The first U.S. school to award a degree in drama was Carnegie Mellon University. [Reference: cmu.edu/about/awards.html] Query: Who is the instructor for Foundations of Drama I, offered during Spring semester? Answer: Prendergast. [Reference: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch-assignment- spring2024/data/Courses/Spring 54177: Foundations of Drama I.txt]
The WebArena benchmark includes three types of actions: element operations such as clicking, hovering, typing, and key combination pressing; tab-related actions such as opening, closing, and switching between tabs; and URL navigation actions, such as visiting a specific URL or navigating forward and backward in the browsing history. (Reference: Section 2.4 of the context document)
Sweepstakes Final Races
The percentage accuracy for rhymes achieved by the autoencoder model on the evaluation suite is 0.36.
None. The context does not provide the number of units for independent study: breadth for any of the given courses.
Jiatong Shi
The Subword Modeling class starts at 11:00AM in spring 2024.
Amanda Bertsch
The context does not provide information about the requirement of submitting GRE scores for the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems application. Therefore, I cannot answer with certainty whether it is required or optional.
None. The context does not provide information on the application fee for the MLT program.
The nickname for the Sweepstakes competition is 'Buggy Races'.
The first freshman-level computer programming course was offered at CMU in 1958 by Alan Perlis.
Teruko Mitamura or Brianna Eriksen, their contact numbers are provided in the context as well. However, since you asked for the number and not the name, I will answer with Teruko Mitamura's phone number: 412-268-6596.
None. The context does not provide the deadline for Mini-3 pass/no pass and withdrawal in Spring 2025.
None. The context provided only contains information for courses during the spring semester.
The faculty members affiliated with this paper are Shi Yu, Chenghao Fan, Chenyan Xiong, David Jin, Zhiyuan Liu, and Zhenghao Liu.
The pre-trained model that MOSAIC leverages knowledge from is Contrastive Language-Image Pre- training (CLIP).
The authors of the paper "Approach to Learning Generalized Audio Representation Through Batch Embedding Covariance Regularization and Constant-Q Transforms" from LTI are not mentioned explicitly in the context provided. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
Principles of Imperative Computation
ESPnet-ST-v2 offers a variety of models for each task: offline speech-to-text (ST), simultaneous speech-to-text (SST), and offline speech-to-speech (S2ST). These include transducers, hybrid CTC/attention, multi-decoders with searchable intermediates, time-synchronous blockwise CTC/attention, Translatotron models, and direct discrete unit models. (Reference: Line 1-3 of the paper text)
The Convocation in fall 2024 starts at 2:00PM and ends at 2:50PM.
MIIS (Master of Information and Intelligent Systems) has a capstone requirement. The context mentions "capstone requirements" under the section "3.1 Master’s Degree Completion and Certification" for MIIS Graduate Student Handbook.
The instructor, Oberley, is likely involved in the Naval ROTC Commissioning ceremony since the same name appears as the instructor for all three course files provided. However, the context does not directly mention their role in the ceremony or provide a contact method. Therefore, none can be determined from the context information alone.
None. There is no course with the number "02712" in the given context.
The answer is '42101'. This number is shared by both the Fall and Spring versions of the "Introduction to Biomedical Engineering" course in the context information.
ICMI '23 (International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces)
None. The context does not provide information on when semester and mini-6 faculty course evaluations open for the given courses in spring 2024.
The paper "Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models" lists several LTI faculty members who have contributed to this research area, including A. Padalkar, Acorn Pooley, Alex Bewley, Alexander Khazatsky, Anant Rai, Anika Singh, Anthony Brohan, A. Raffin, Ayzaan Wahid, Ben Burgess-Limerick, Beomjoon Kim, Bernhard Schölkopf, Brian Ichter, Cewu Lu, Charles Xu, Chelsea Finn, Chenfeng Xu, Cheng Chi, Chenguang Huang, Christine Chan, Chuer Pan, Chuyuan Fu, Coline Devin, Danny Driess, Deepak Pathak, Dhruv Shah, Dieter Büchler, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Dorsa Sadigh, Edward Johns, Federico Ceola, Fei Xia, F. Stulp, Gaoyue Zhou, G. Sukhatme, G. Salhotra, Ge Yan, Giulio Schiavi, Hao Su, Haoshu Fang, Haochen Shi, H. B. Amor, Henrik I Christensen, Hiroki Furuta, Homer Walke, Hongjie Fang, Igor Mordatch, Ilija Radosavovic, Isabel Leal, Jacky Liang, Jaehyung Kim, Jan Schneider, Jasmine Hsu, J. Bohg, Jeff Bingham, Jiajun Wu, Jialin Wu, Jianlan Luo, Jiayuan Gu, Jie Tan, Jihoon Oh, Jitendra Malik, Jonathan Tompson, Jonathan Yang, Joseph J. Lim, João Silvério, Junhyek Han, Kanishka Rao, Karl Pertsch, Karol Hausman, Keegan Go, K. Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, Kendra Byrne, Kenneth Oslund, Kento Kawaharazuka, Kevin Zhang, K. Majd, Krishan Rana, K. Srinivasan, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Lerrel Pinto, Liam Tan, Lionel Ott, Lisa Lee, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Maximilian Du, Michael Ahn, Mingtong Zhang, Mingyu Ding, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Mohit Sharma, Moo Jin Kim, Naoaki Kanazawa, Nicklas Hansen, N. Heess, Nikhil Joshi, Niko Suenderhauf, Norman Di Palo, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Oier Mees, Oliver Kroemer, Pannag R. Sanketi, Paul Wohlhart, Peng Xu, P. Sermanet, Priya Sundaresan, Q. Vuong, Rafael Rafailov, Ran Tian, Ria Doshi, Russell Mendonca, Rutav Shah, Ryan Hoque, Ryan C. Julian, Samuel Bustamante, Sean Kirmani, Sergey Levine, Sherry Moore, Shikhar Bahl, Shivin Dass, Shuran Song, Sichun Xu, Siddhant Haldar, S. Adebola, Simon Guist, Soroush Nasiriany, S. Schaal, Stefan Welker, Stephen Tian, Sudeep Dasari, Suneel Belkhale, Takayuki Osa, Tatsuya Harada, T. Matsushima, Ted Xiao, Tianhe Yu, Tianli Ding, Todor Davchev, Tony Zhao, Travis Armstrong, T. Darrell, Vidhi Jain, Vincent Vanhoucke, W. Zhan, Wenxuan Zhou, Wolfram Burgard, Xi Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Xinghao Zhu, Xuanlin Li, Yao Lu, Yevgen Chebotar, Yifan Zhou, Yifeng Zhu, Ying Xu, Yixuan Wang, Yonatan Bisk, Yoonyoung Cho, Youngwoon Lee, Yuchen Cui, Yueh-hua Wu, Yujin Tang, Yuke Zhu, Yunzhu Li, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Zhuo Xu, and Zichen Jeff Cui. However, without more specific information, it is impossible to determine which one does the most work on robots specifically within LTI.
The context does not provide information about the submission dates for mid-semester and Mini-1 grades in fall 2023.
Margaret Morrison Carnegie College
The study found that for the examples examined, query rewriting using large language models like ChatGPT did not enhance performance compared to the original queries in multilingual, document- grounded question-answering systems. This was due to topic switching in final dialogue turns and irrelevant topics being considered for query rewriting.
None. The context does not provide information about where Graham Neubig obtained his PhD.
None. The context does not provide the information for course evaluations in fall 2023.
Based on the context, there is one StuCo course (Every Day Carry & Community) in Spring 2024. Answer: 98019.
The benefits of FLARE over existing retrieval augmented LMs are that it decides when and what to retrieve during generation based on the intents of future generations, as opposed to directly using the user input as the query for retrieval or generating the complete answer at once. This results in active interleaving of retrieval and generation, improving long-form generation performance across tasks/datasets.
The MCDS handbook does not contain Robert Frederking's phone number in the provided text. Answer: None.
Based on the context provided, there is only one Electrical & Computer Engineering course mentioned for Summer 2024, which is 'Spring 18100: Introduction to Electrical and Computer Engineering'. Therefore, the answer is '1'.
None. (The given context does not contain information about a course with the number 15195.)
The context does not provide specific information on which master's program is being compared to the first two years of the PhD program in LTI at Carnegie Mellon University.
The context does not provide the MOS-Q score achieved by the MQTTS quantizer with a code size of 1024, on the VoxCeleb test set.
Weigand Gym, 1st Floor, CUC. (Reference: "Buggy Showcase // Open to entire CMU community // 12:00 PM-2:00 PM ET // Weigand Gym, 1st Floor, CUC.")
84% of the families were White. (From the context in the given text.)
The context describes two loss functions used in different learning scenarios in the fairness continual learning approach. The first loss function is for learning with incomplete annotations and is given by equation (1) in the text, which includes the logarithm of the marginal likelihood and the cross entropy loss. The second loss function is for knowledge distillation and self-training and is given by equation (3) in the text, which also includes the cross entropy loss but with different probabilities from the last model and the current model.
The title of the paper that proposed the Reasoned Explorer method for outdoor tasks is "Reasoning about the Unseen for Efficient Outdoor Object Navigation" by authors named Jian Wang, Shangui Peng, Yuhao Feng, Yiming Yang, and Qun Wu. However, there's no direct mention of a new task titled "OUTDOOR" in the provided context.
The Pentathlon benchmark focuses on inference, which accounts for a majority of the compute in a model's lifecycle.
The Tartans Got Talent show at the carnival is from 8:30 PM-10:00 PM ET. (Reference: Scotch'n'Soda Theatre Carnival Show: The Little Mermaid section in the context)
Roshan Sharma
SPAE (Semantic Pyramid AutoEncoder)
You can contact Teruko Mitamura ([email protected]) or Brianna Eriksen ([email protected]) for additional information about the MIIS program.
MIIS (Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems) is mentioned several times in the context information, but there is no mention of a specific MS degree in Artificial Intelligence and Innovation with a 5-letter abbreviation. Therefore, I cannot provide an answer based on the given context. Answer: None.
The context does not provide any information on the process of exchanging pushers during a race. Answer: None.
POMDP stands for Partially Observable Markov Decision Process. (From context: P3716 social classifications - social class as recognized in traditional or state law)
Ximing Lu, Jaehun Jung, Khyathi Chandu, Abhilasha Ravichander, Lianhui Qin, Prithviraj Ammanabrolu, Liwei Jiang, Sahana Ramnath, Nouha Dziri, Jillian Fisher, Bill Yuchen Lin, Skyler Hallinan, Xiang Ren, and Seamus Welleck are the authors of the paper titled "Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning". Therefore, any one of them could have been the LTI prof co-author. An answer cannot be definitively given without additional information.
The "Issues of Practice" course starts at 10:00AM in the morning. (Reference: Course information for Spring 48381 in context.)
Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status, or genetic information. (Refer to section 1.5 in the context file)
Yes, Akhila Yerukola from LTI at Carnegie Mellon University worked on the paper.
None. The context does not provide information about a "Democracy Day" in fall 2023 or any associated courses.
According to the context, the three main reasons why kNN-LM performs better than standard LMs are not explicitly stated in the text. However, it is mentioned that kNN-LM improves perplexity for all base LMs tested and has good generalizability on other models. The larger the model is, the less gain can be achieved from adding kNN. Additionally, the adaptive increasing embedding size method does not make a significant difference when given the same number of total embeddings compared to models that use equal number of embeddings for each word type.
The Mini-Course in Special Relativity (Fall 33213) begins at 09:00AM.
The context does not provide information on the MLT application period for Fall 2024 admissions.
SAMA showcases up to 1.7× increase in throughput on single-GPU setups compared to other baseline meta learning algorithms.
Sap, Strubell
The BigCode project is an open-scientific collaboration that focuses on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs). They introduced StarCoder and StarCoderBase, which are 15.5B parameter models with infilling capabilities and fast large-batch inference. StarCoderBase was trained on data from The Stack, a large collection of permissively licensed GitHub repositories, and fine-tuned to create StarCoder. The project performed comprehensive evaluations showing that StarCoderBase outperforms other open Code LLMs and matches or outperforms the OpenAI code- cushman-001 model. Additionally, they made important steps towards safe open-access model release, including an improved PII redaction pipeline and a novel attribution tracing tool.
The paper "Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning" was published at the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
Brain Research
The context does not provide any information about an "ethics" course offered by LTI. Answer: None.
The context does not provide information about the specific score achieved by the global model in the 5K data NER setting for Zhisong Zhang, Emma Strubell, and Eduard Hovy's paper.
None. The context does not provide any information about Martial Herbert or his email address.
The context does not provide information on who specifically taught Natural Language Processing (Course Number 11737) last fall based on the given file paths. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
The Spearman correlation of CodeBERTScore with human preference is 0.662. (From Table 4 in the given context)
The commencement ceremony at CMU takes place on May 12, 2024, from 10-11:30 a.m. (10–11:30 a.m.) in Gesling Stadium.
Flaggers provide signals for buggy drivers to start the right-hand turn from Schenley Drive onto Frew Street. (Reference: context information about flaggers managing the course to let drivers know if it's safe to proceed.)
Yes, there are authors of the paper "From Dogwhistles to Bullhorns: Unveiling Coded Rhetoric with Language Models" who are not from Carnegie Mellon University. The authors Julia Mendelsohn, Ronan Le Bras, Yejin Choi, and Maarten Sap are affiliated with the University of Michigan School of Information, Allen Institute for AI, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, University of Washington, and Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University respectively.
The paper "To Build Our Future, We Must Know Our Past: Contextualizing Paradigm Shifts in Natural Language Processing" was published at the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
HomeRobot is an affordable compliant robot that navigates homes and manipulates a wide range of objects in order to complete everyday tasks. It is introduced with the Open-Vocabulary Mobile Manipulation (OVMM) benchmark, where an agent navigates household environments to grasp novel objects and place them on target receptacles. The HomeRobot library is open-sourced to facilitate research on these challenges.
None. Course number 17422 is not present in the given context.
The analysis in the paper is conducted on 22 typologically diverse languages.
The main goal of event grounding is to link mention references in text corpora to events from a knowledge base (KB).
Independence Day falls outside the given academic calendar information in the context. The university policy regarding classes during holidays is not specified in the provided text.
Jeremy Olisar
Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
The LTI director's phone number is 412-268-3669.
11711 or 18781 (either one is valid) Explanation: The query asks for the course numbers related to Natural Language Processing. The context information provides two courses, "Advanced Natural Language Processing" and "Speech Recognition and Understanding," which both have 12 units. While there are instances of "Natural Language Processing" in both titles, only one is required to answer the query. I randomly selected course number 11711 to provide an answer. However, if you were to ask this question again, I might select 18781 instead, as both answers are valid based on the context information provided.
Shijian Lu
My heart is in the work.
Rita Singh, Siddhant Arora, Shinji Watanabe, Kenneth Zheng, and Roshan Sharma.
The context does not provide specific information about the benefits of using a hybrid model approach for identifying hedges. However, it mentions the importance of generating hedges at the right time in peer-tutoring environments (RQ1) and investigating the features that contribute to accurate predictions of hedge placement (RQ2). It also discusses different types of hedges and their functions in conversation, as well as various methods for automatic hedge detection and generation. The context emphasizes the need for further research on effective hedge strategy generation and the challenges of generating hedges in real-time conversations with large language models like ChatGPT. Therefore, it is not explicitly stated that a hybrid model approach has benefits for identifying hedges, but it does suggest that multiple approaches are being explored to address this challenge.
The human performance on the proposed benchmark in the paper titled "WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents" was 78.24%.
An incomplete grade is denoted by the letter 'I'. However, it is important to note that an incomplete grade does not represent a final grade and instead signifies that a student has been unable to complete the work of a course during the academic semester. The requirements for completing the work and the default letter grade must be specified by the instructor.
The Language Technologies Institute's fax number, as mentioned in the provided context, is 412-268-6298.
Disney's The Little Mermaid
None. The context does not provide information on Mini-5 deadlines for pass/no pass and withdrawal in summer 2024.
None. The context only provides information about courses offered in Fall 2024.
The Institute for Software Research, or SCS, was officially formed on Dec. 13, 1988.
The paper "Hierarchical Event Grounding" by Jiefu Ou, Adithya Pratapa, Rishubh Gupta, and Teruko Mitamura is published at the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (Reference from context: Abstract states "Publication Venue: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence")
None. The context does not provide information on the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
The context does not provide information about a "Douse-a-Dean" event during this year's Spring Carnival.
None. The context does not provide information about a course named "Leading in a Lean and Six Sigma World" in the given format for Summer 2024.
The context does not provide information about the location of CMU LTI on a specific street.
The given context does not provide information about a MIIS Capstone Project with course number 11927. Answer: None.
None. The context does not provide information on which fraternity won the first race in 1920.
None. The context does not provide information about the minimum GPA requirement for the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems (MSAII) program.
StarCoderBase and StarCoder
FLARE stands for Forward-Looking Active Retrieval Augmented Generation.
StyleRF performs style transformation within the feature space of a radiance field to resolve the three-way dilemma in 3D style transfer, achieving superior 3D stylization quality with precise geometry reconstruction and generalizability to new styles.
The text does not provide information about the location of the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion ceremony on May 11, 2024.
Associate Professor (From the provided context in Fernando Diaz\_personal\_page.txt)
None. The context does not provide a course titled "Spring 15150".
Senior Leadership Recognition Ceremony from 4-5:30 p.m. at Wiegand Gym, Cohon University Center. This ceremony recognizes nominated seniors who have reflected upon their specific leadership contributions during their time at CMU. It is an invitation-only event.
DexWrist (refer to file_path: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch-assignment- spring2024/data/faculty_papers/HomeRobot:_Open-Vocabulary_Mobile_Manipulation.txt) is attached to a buggy for manipulation and propelling it forward. However, the context does not explicitly mention 'DexWrist' while describing how a person pushes a buggy forward in the CMU carnival context. Thus, an answer directly referencing the context may not be possible for this query.
None. The context does not provide information about the cost of applying to both the MIIS and MSAII programs.
Alexander Hauptmann has 462 papers on Semantic Scholar according to the given context.
The given context does not provide information on the course drop and withdrawal grade assignment timeline for a Mini-3 course in Spring 2025.
The context states that there are 65 members of NAE (National Academy of Engineering) among the alumni and current/former faculty at CMU, and 146 members of NAS (National Academy of Sciences), 6 members of NAM (National Academy of Medicine), 20 Turing Awards, and 58 Nobel Laureates. However, it does not explicitly mention how many Academy Awards have been won by alumni and current/former faculty. Therefore, the answer is: None.
GlobalBench currently covers 190 languages.
TASTE uses modeling longer user-item interaction sequences to better characterize user behaviors. (Reference: "When the sequences are separated into different numbers of subsequences, TASTE reduces the GPU memory usage and achieves even slightly better recommendation performance. Our attention sparsity method has the ability to reduce the self-attention computations and potentially break the boundary of existing pretrained language models to model long user-item interactions, which is important in more realistic scenarios that have sufficient product purchase history and restaurant visiting history.")
The HomeRobot OVMM benchmarks include a simulation component and a real-world component.
Cervesato, Kohlbrenner
None. The context information provided is for the spring semester of the academic year 2024.
None. The context does not provide the deadline for Mini-1 Pass/No Pass and withdrawal in Fall 2023.
Portugal. (Reference: LTI Academics section in the context information)
U.S. News & World Report, 2022
None. The given context only provides information about courses offered during the spring semester of 2024.
Self-Refine uses the same language model M for both providing feedback and refining the initial output.
Susan Bassett
SAMA shows a decrease of 3.8 x in memory consumption in large-scale meta learning benchmarks using single GPU setup.
The context does not provide information on how much of XLS-R's performance a vanilla HuBERT Base model can maintain with only 3% of the data, 4 GPUs, and limited trials.
The Buggy Showcase takes place from noon to 2 p.m. in Weigand Gymnasium in the Cohon University Center during the Spring Carnival.
I cannot directly answer that question as the provided context only contains information for courses offered in the spring semester of 2024. There is no information about a "Mini-6" course, its deadline, or when summer 2024 takes place. Therefore, my answer is: None.
None. The context does not provide information on the closing dates for semester and mini-faculty course evaluations in fall 2023.
None. The context does not provide information about Labor Day classes for fall 2023.
None. The context provides information for courses offered in the Fall semesters, not the Summer semester.
The given context does not provide information on the ending time for "SafeWalk." Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
None. The query refers to Fall 2023 while the provided context is for Fall 2024.
None. The context does not provide information on when the two-wheeled buggy was eliminated.
Yes, Yonatan Bisk is one of the authors on the Plan, Eliminate, and Track paper.
The paper "Neural Mixed Effects for Nonlinear Personalized Predictions" was published in the year 2023. (From the context: Year: 2023)
NAACL 2022 - North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Conference (4 2022)
The context does not provide information on which specific dataset and ontology were used in the paper "An Approach to Ontological Learning from Weak Labels". However, it mentions the use of a large corpus of scientific papers, S2ORC, for extracting abstracts and simulating annotations. It also mentions the application of rule-based procedures to identify datasets used in papers based on their body text. Therefore, it is possible that the paper under discussion uses one or more of these datasets, but without further information, it cannot be determined which specific dataset was employed. Similarly, the context does not mention any specific ontology used in the investigation.
None. There is no course in the context with an instructor named "Martial Herbert".
None (The context does not provide any specific information about which LTI faculty were involved in the SPAE paper.)
None. The context information provided is for spring semester courses only.
Stacey Young
The authors of the paper are Zhenghao Liu, Sen Mei, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaohua Li, Shi Yu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yu Gu, and Ge Yu.
The zero shot top-100 accuracy achieved by the chain-of-skills model on the dev set of HotpotQA is 81.8. (Reference: Table 6 in the context file)
The paper investigated concerns about PLMs regarding environmental impact, equity, and impact on peer reviewing.
Sang Keun Choe and Willie Neiswanger (Note: The answer is based on the given context, which lists the authors of the paper in order of their appearance in the first author list.)
None. The context does not provide any information about a previous name for the Language Technology Institute.
None. There is no course number 10735 in the given context information.
None. The context does not provide information on a specific "Independent Study: Research" course in Spring 2024.
None (The context does not provide information on which specific 11-6XX courses were not taught by LTI faculty in Spring 2024.)
The last author on "Deriving Vocal Fond Oscillation Information from Recorded Voice Signals Using Models of Phonation" is Paaploss.
Mao Yisheng was the first person to receive a doctorate at Carnegie Tech in 1919, and he earned his degree in the field of bridge construction.
The proposed models reduced word error rates on Switchboard by 5.0%. (from the text: 'reduced word error rates from ordinary CTC by 2.9% and 5.0% on Switchboard and CallHome, respectively')
Xuhui Zhou, Thomas Davidson
The two NLP tasks that were applied with the NLPositionality framework in the study are social acceptability and hate speech detection.
The number of units for course 11797 is 12.0.
The approach used for effective adaptation in the absence of training data from the target domain in "KIT’s Multilingual Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023" was a retrieval-based approach called kNN-MT.
Fusion-in-T5: Unifying Document Ranking Signals for Improved Information Retrieval
Jared Fernandez and Strubell were the professors from Carnegie Mellon University who contributed to the "Efficiency Pentathlon: A Standardized Arena for Efficiency Evaluation" paper.
The context does not provide information on specific deadlines for withdrawing from a semester course with a withdrawal grade assigned in spring 2024. Please refer to the academic calendar available at <https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/course-changes/index.html> for detailed information.
The SCS CMU classes use a 4.3 grading standard for calculating maximum GPA. [Reference: 3.3.16 in the context information.]
None. The context does not provide information about the application fee for the MLT program at Carnegie Mellon University.
The Paaploss method showed improvement in both time-domain and time-frequency domain for speech enhancement, as mentioned in the text. (Refer to lines containing 'experimentally we show that it improves speech enhancement workflows in both time-domain and time-frequency domain'.)
Paul Liang and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. (From the context under the subsection "Teaching" of Louis Philippe Morency's personal webpage.)
Zhenghao Liu, Sen Mei, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaohua Li, Shi Yu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yu Gu, and Ge Yu introduced the TASTE algorithm in the paper "Text Matching Improves Sequential Recommendation by Reducing Popularity Biases" published in the International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management in 2023.
None. The given context does not provide information about an instructor named "Scupelli" or a course numbered "17313".
None. The context does not provide information about the PhD program or its application deadlines.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The TASTE algorithm was introduced in the paper titled "Text Matching Improves Sequential Recommendation by Reducing Popularity Biases" published in 2023 by Zhenghao Liu, Sen Mei, Chenyan Xiong, Xiaohua Li, Shi Yu, Zhiyuan Liu, Yu Gu, and Ge Yu.
The context does not provide information on when the first three-wheeled buggy was introduced. Answer: None.
Neither of the given courses have a specified application date mentioned in the context. Answer: 'None'.
The authors of "Towards Open-Domain Twitter User Profile Inference" collect their public user profiles from WikiData.
You should contact the Language Technologies Institute at [email protected].
The four stages of the MultiViz method are: (1) unimodal importance, (2) cross-modal interactions, (3) multimodal representations, and (4) multimodal prediction.
The last class day for Mini-Course in Special Relativity (33213) in spring 2024 is at 09:50AM.
Acar, Sleator or Garrod, Blelloch. (One of these two names is randomly selected from the context.)
None. The context does not provide information on a Fall 2023 course with the number 05410.
Six authors contributed to the paper: David R. Mortensen, Ela Gulsen, Taiqi He, Nathaniel Robinson, Jonathan D. Amith, and Lindia Tjuatja.
None. The given context does not provide information about a course with the number 15112.
Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL)
GlobalBench currently covers 966 datasets.
GPT-3 text-davinci-003 performed extremely well across all experiments, outperforming all other models tested by far.
Yes, Wiegand Gymnasium is located in the Jared L. Cohon University Center. (Reference: 6.17 Athletic/Fitness Facilities, line 35)
The text does not provide information about the cost of a master's degree in Language Technologies if one submits before the early deadline.
None. The context does not provide information about the deadlines for semester add, audit, and tuition adjustment drops for fall 2024.
The paper "Pragmatic Inference with a CLIP Listener for Contrastive Captioning" has three authors: Jiefu Ou, Benno Krojer, and Daniel Fried.
None. The context does not provide a course with the number 15195.
GPT-4 generates ValuePrism's contextualized values.
None. The context provides information only for spring 2024 courses.
None. The context does not provide any information on a course taught by an instructor named Lanni during Spring 2023.
None. The context does not provide information about the registration week for Spring 2024.
Crawford. (Reference: Spring 94843 and Spring 62743 files in the context.)
+1 (412) 268-7130
The Robotics Institute, which includes the Human-Computer Interaction research, was formed in 1979. [Reference: Context information about the Robotics Institute formation and its relationship with Human-Computer Interaction.]
None. The context does not provide information about which professors at LTI are currently on leave.
Zhiqing Sun, Sheng Shen, Shengcao Cao, Haotian Liu, Chunyuan Li, Yikang Shen, Chuang Gan, Liangyan Gui, Yu-Xiong Wang, Yiming Yang, K. Keutzer, Trevor Darrell Explanation: The authors of the paper "Aligning Large Multimodal Models with Factually Augmented RLHF" are listed in the provided context under the 'Authors' section. The names of all the authors have been mentioned in the text.
CodeBERTScore encodes the natural language input preceding the generated code.
The Mascot Identity Task Force was formed in November 2006. (from the context in the 'Scotty.txt' file)
None. The context does not provide any information about a URL for the code and data of InPars- light.
Yes, a current Carnegie Mellon ID is required to use the tennis court. (Reference: MLT Graduate Student Handbook, Page 35)
The context does not provide information on when independent organizations other than fraternities entered Buggy for the first time.
Mona Diab's phone number according to the provided context is '412-268-3669'.
The Computer Science Department (CSD) was established at Carnegie Mellon University in 1965.
None. The context does not provide information about an instructor named "Risch" teaching course number "10403".
One of the main challenges of navigating in outdoor environments compared to indoor environments, as mentioned in the OUTDOOR paper, is the lack of clear spatial delineations and semantic ambiguities. Outdoor environments are visually larger and more complex, with visually identical spaces that could be a soccer field, a picnic area, or the pit of an outdoor orchestra depending on the time of day. Additionally, outdoor navigation tasks demand that robotic agents engage in roles with more granular goal specifications.
None. The context provided refers to a course titled "The Last Emperors: Chinese History and Society, 1600-1900" and does not mention any book named "The Last Lecture".
A. Padalkar, Acorn Pooley, Alex Bewley, Alexander Khazatsky, Anant Rai, Anika Singh, Anthony Brohan, A. Raffin, Ayzaan Wahid, Ben Burgess-Limerick, Beomjoon Kim, Bernhard Schölkopf, Brian Ichter, Cewu Lu, Charles Xu, Chelsea Finn, Chenfeng Xu, Cheng Chi, Chenguang Huang, Christine Chan, Chuer Pan, Chuyuan Fu, Coline Devin, Danny Driess, Deepak Pathak, Dhruv Shah, Dieter Büchler, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Dorsa Sadigh, Edward Johns, Federico Ceola, Fei Xia, F. Stulp, Gaoyue Zhou, G. Sukhatme, G. Salhotra, Ge Yan, Giulio Schiavi, Hao Su, Haoshu Fang, Haochen Shi, H. B. Amor, Henrik I Christensen, Hiroki Furuta, Homer Walke, Hongjie Fang, Igor Mordatch, Ilija Radosavovic, Isabel Leal, Jacky Liang, Jaehyung Kim, Jan Schneider, Jasmine Hsu, J. Bohg, Jeff Bingham, Jiajun Wu, Jialin Wu, Jianlan Luo, Jiayuan Gu, Jie Tan, Jihoon Oh, Jitendra Malik, Jonathan Tompson, Jonathan Yang, Joseph J. Lim, João Silvério, Junhyek Han, Kanishka Rao, Karl Pertsch, Karol Hausman, Keegan Go, K. Gopalakrishnan, Ken Goldberg, Kendra Byrne, Kenneth Oslund, Kento Kawaharazuka, Kevin Zhang, K. Majd, Krishan Rana, K. Srinivasan, Lawrence Yunliang Chen, Lerrel Pinto, Liam Tan, Lionel Ott, Lisa Lee, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Maximilian Du, Michael Ahn, Mingtong Zhang, Mingyu Ding, Mohan Kumar Srirama, Mohit Sharma, Moo Jin Kim, Naoaki Kanazawa, Nicklas Hansen, N. Heess, Nikhil Joshi, Niko Suenderhauf, Norman Di Palo, Nur Muhammad Mahi Shafiullah, Oier Mees, Oliver Kroemer, Pannag R. Sanketi, Paul Wohlhart, Peng Xu, P. Sermanet, Priya Sundaresan, Q. Vuong, Rafael Rafailov, Ran Tian, Ria Doshi, Russell Mendonca, Rutav Shah, Ryan Hoque, Ryan C. Julian, Samuel Bustamante, Sean Kirmani, Sergey Levine, Sherry Moore, Shikhar Bahl, Shivin Dass, Shuran Song, Sichun Xu, Siddhant Haldar, S. Adebola, Simon Guist, Soroush Nasiriany, S. Schaal, Stefan Welker, Stephen Tian, Sudeep Dasari, Suneel Belkhale, Takayuki Osa, Tatsuya Harada, T. Matsushima, Ted Xiao, Tianhe Yu, Tianli Ding, Todor Davchev, Tony Zhao, Travis Armstrong, T. Darrell, Vidhi Jain, Vincent Vanhoucke, W. Zhan, Wenxuan Zhou, Wolfram Burgard, Xi Chen, Xiaolong Wang, Xinghao Zhu, Xuanlin Li, Yao Lu, Yevgen Chebotar, Yifan Zhou, Yifeng Zhu, Ying Xu, Yixuan Wang, Yonatan Bisk, Yoonyoung Cho, Youngwoon Lee, Yuchen Cui, Yueh-hua Wu, Yujin Tang, Yuke Zhu, Yunzhu Li, Yusuke Iwasawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Zhuo Xu, Zichen Jeff Cui From the context provided, multiple LTI faculty members focus on embodiment based on the title and authors of the research paper 'Open X-Embodiment: Robotic Learning Datasets and RT-X Models'. The names of these faculty members are listed above.
Special Interest Group on Computational Morphology and Phonology Workshop
The context does not provide information on the specific prerequisite courses for the LT concentration at Carnegie Mellon University. However, it does mention that Mathematical Studies Analysis I (21235) and Mathematical Studies Analysis II (21236) are 12-unit courses taught by instructor Tice. These courses may or may not be prerequisites for the LT concentration; to confirm, please refer to the relevant academic department or program handbook.
Taylor, Kosbie
None. The context does not provide information about Mini-Course in Special Relativity's final exam schedule during summer 2024.
Robots should exist anywhere humans do: indoors, outdoors, and even unmapped environments. (From the abstract of the OUTDOOR paper)
The number for all Chemical Engineering classes starts with '061' in this context.
None. The given context only provides information about courses in the spring semester of 2024.
University of Washington and Carnegie Mellon University
Four people co-authored the paper. (Diogo Tavares, David Semedo, Alexander Rudnicky, Joao Magalhaes)
MCDS students must complete 144 units of study to graduate.
Tepper Building Atrium
The context states that there are 20 members of the Emmys Awards among the faculty and alumni at Carnegie Mellon University. Therefore, the answer is '20'.
The three concentrations in the MCDS program are Analytics, Systems, and Human-Centered Data Science.
The paper shows that by fine-tuning a pre-trained model on only 10 debiased (intervened) training examples, the tendency to favor any gender is significantly reduced.
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (From the context: Publication Venue: Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics)
None. The context does not provide an office number for Joan Axelson.
To use an LTI printer, MS students are required to have a CS user ID. This ID is necessary to access university resources and complete course assignments. Therefore, having a valid CS user ID is the main credential required for printing at LTI. (Refer to the context in the file: /workspace/nlp- from-scratch-assignment-spring2024/data/Academics/Master of Language Technologies.txt)
I cannot directly answer that question as there is no information provided in the context about which LTI faculty are involved in the "framework tax paper."
SQuAD EM (Exact Match)
The paper "Difference-Masking: Choosing What to Mask in Continued Pretraining" by Alex Wilf et al. was published in the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing.
TASTE (Text Atching based SequenTial rEcommenda-tion model)
None. The context does not provide a course with the number 17416.
Raj Reddy, mentioned in the context, is a Turing Award recipient. Therefore, one Turing Award has been awarded to Carnegie Mellon University.
The context does not provide information about the deadline for withdrawing from a Mini-5 course and receiving a withdrawal grade during the summer semester. According to the given text, students must follow the procedures and deadlines for adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses as identified on the academic calendar which can be found at <https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/course- changes/index.html>. However, there is no specific mention of a deadline for receiving a withdrawal grade for a Mini-5 course during the summer semester in the provided context.
SenteCon encodes a given passage of text as a layer of interpretable categories where each dimension corresponds to the relevance of a specific category.
The paper 'Exploration on HuBERT with Multiple Resolutions' was published in the year 2023.
Based on the context, there is only one Chemical Engineering course provided, which is Spring 06464: Chemical Engineering Process Control. Therefore, the answer is: 1.
None. The context provided does not mention anything about the application deadlines for the MLT program.
None. The context provides no information about classes scheduled on specific holidays including Martin Luther King Day.
Aman Madaan
InPars-light re-ranked only 100 candidate documents compared to 1000 used by InPars (Bonifacio et al., 2022).
TEP 1403
SAMA showcases up to 4.8 × increase in throughput on multi-GPU setups compared to other baseline meta learning algorithms.
None. The context provides information for instructors Chin, Safak, and Banko, but no instructor named Affara is mentioned.
All guests in stadium must be seated by 9:15 a.m.
The Kiltie Band began in 1908.
The merger between Carnegie Tech and the Mellon Institute to form Carnegie Mellon University occurred in 1967. (Reference: context - "In 1967, Carnegie Tech merged with the Mellon Institute, a science research center founded by the Mellon family of Pittsburgh, to become known as Carnegie Mellon University.")
The four common domains of websites in the WebArena environment are online shopping, discussion forums, collaborative development, and business content management.
Two variants of SPAE were trained for validation, named SPAE PaLM and SPAE GPT. SPAE PaLM uses a codebook from the input embedding layer of a PaLM 2-S checkpoint with a 65k vocabulary of sentence pieces, while SPAE GPT employs a byte-pair encoding vocabulary with 99k UTF-8 tokens and obtains contextual token embeddings from OpenAI text-embedding-ada-002. For a fair comparison with prior works, SPAE GPT was used with the GPT 3.5 text-davinci-003 API.
The KALE vocabulary semantic concepts perform better than the original English vocabulary in terms of accuracy and efficiency as shown in the experiments described in the context. They also complement other types of learned sparse representations, leading to accuracy boosts at relatively small efficiency costs (as shown in Table 3).
The context does not provide information about the semester drop deadline or the withdrawal grade assignment after that date for any specific course. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
SHAP stands for Shapley Additive exPlanations, a method used for feature selection and explanation in machine learning models.
The context does not provide information about when "amusing buggies like Delta Upsilon's 'Fish' and Printing Management's Bathtub" disappeared.
Aligned text models are supposed to avoid answering requests that could cause harm, either directly or indirectly.
Assistent Professor. (Refer to the given context where it says "Assistant Professor" next to Yonatan Bisk's name.)
None. The context does not provide any information about a Human Language for Artificial Intelligence course being offered in the fall of 2023 with instructor "Levin".
CSurF addresses sparse lexicon-based retrieval by using a sparse retrieval framework that learns sparse matching signals without degradation in model capacity. It maintains high model capacity with a relatively small bag-of-CSFs size and significantly outperforms current multivector retainers while requiring comparable or fewer retrieval time matching operations. Additionally, CSurF performs hybrid retrieval with dense and lexical components and separately evaluates and compares systems trained without and with knowledge distillation and hard negative mining.
An image into a token pyramid for further processing. (Reference: "We encode a 128 ×128 image into a token pyramid of 6 layers where each layer has 2k×2ktokens and k= [0,1,2,3,4,4].")
The context does not provide information on the number of target languages included in the speech translation dataset for the IWSLT 2023 paper titled "Evaluating Multilingual Speech Translation Under Realistic Conditions with Resegmentation and Terminology."
The text states that GlobalBench has 1,128 system submissions.
The Center for Machine Translation was founded in 1979 at CMU.
The text does not provide the success rate of the best performing GPT-3.5 model in the paper titled "WebArena: A Realistic Web Environment for Building Autonomous Agents".
None (The given paper title is not mentioned in the context information provided.)
None. The context does not provide any information about a code URL related to the case studies presented in the Taxes and Business Strategy course or the framework tax paper mentioned in the other file paths.
Lexicographic Precision
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing
None. The context does not provide a course with the number 17437.
The context does not provide a specific number for CFA Interdisciplinary classes as there is only one instance mentioned in the text with the number '57818' and '57418'. So, I cannot directly reference the context to answer this query. Answer: None.
Melanie Walsh, Maarten Sap.
The document demonstrates MOSAIC's versatility in object categorization and object-fetching tasks.
None. The context does not provide information about an Office Manager for LTI mentioned in the handbook.
None. The given context does not include a course with the number 17445-A.
SYNTACC stands for Synthesizing speech with accents in Alexander Waibel's paper.
Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms (Reference: The line starting with "Title:" in the first context file.)
FACTOR CL is a new multimodal representation learning method proposed in the paper titled "Factorized Contrastive Learning: Going Beyond Multi-view Redundancy" by Pu Liang, Zihao Deng, Martin Q. Ma, James Y. Zou, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Ruslan Salakhutdinov. It is a method to learn self-supervised multimodal representations that capture both shared and unique information relevant to downstream tasks.
None. There is no course titled "11737" in the given context.
There is no direct answer to that query in the given context information. The context does not provide information on when mid-semester and mini-1 grades are due for any of the courses.
The paper "StyleRF: Zero-Shot 3D Style Transfer of Neural Radiance Fields" by Kunhao Liu et al., proposed the use of style radiance fields for 3D style transfer. (Reference [1] in the context)
Emma Strubell
Duolingo (CS 2003, 2005)
None. The context does not provide information on the semester drop deadline for any course.
The number for Biological Sciences classes starts with '03' as seen in courses '03701', '03442', and '03702'.
The percentage accuracy for analogies achieved by the count-based model on the evaluation suite is 0.36.
Robert Frederking's phone number is 412-268-6656.
Yes, according to the context, there are events taking place on April 11th, 2024 as part of the Spring Carnival schedule. However, no specific class information was provided in the context.
The MLT program is similar to the first two years of a PhD program in Language Technologies at Carnegie Mellon University.
None. The context provided refers to courses in spring 2024.
None. The context does not provide information about the "PaintSeg painting process" or its steps.
None. There is no course with the number "03128" in the provided context.
The text does not provide the name of the Employment Processes Manager for LTI.
None. The given context does not include a course with the number 17413.
Shinji Watanabe
The theme for the booths at Spring Carnival this year is "Arcade: Let the Games Begin."
The text does not mention specific preprocessing methods that were experimented with for audio data in the paper "Improving Perceptual Quality, Intelligibility, and Acoustics on VoIP Platforms".
StarCoder is fine-tuned on an additional 35B Python tokens after being initially trained on 1 trillion tokens sourced from a curated dataset.
The course "Environmental Psychology" taught by Instructor Bruder has the number 85364 and is offered on Wednesdays and Fridays from 11:30AM to 12:45PM in room CMB 2049.
The reduction in word error rates achieved by the proposed models on CallHome was 5.0%. (From context: "The experimental comparison using LibriSpeech and Switchboard shows that our proposed models with text augmentation training reduced word error rates from ordinary CTC by 2.9% and 5.0% on Switchboard and CallHome, respectively.")
The Douse-a-Dean event mentioned in the context takes place between 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM ET. However, the query specifically asks for the MOBOT race, which is not explicitly stated in the context to be the same as the Douse-a-Dean event. Since there is no clear answer for the MOBOT race from the provided context, the answer would be 'None'.
None. The context provides information about specific courses for masters students in the fall and spring semesters, but it doesn't mention when course registration starts.
A comparative study is performed on how humans annotate two categorizations of multimodal interactions, partial labels and counterfactual labels, and a method to automatically convert annotations of these labels to information decomposition is proposed. This method yields an accurate and efficient way for quantifying multimodal interactions.
Carnegie Mellon University (from the given context of the faculty website of Michael Shamos)
The answer is "B". According to the context in the given file_path, Fringe vehicles often start with the letter "B".
WMT (Seventh Conference on Machine Translation)
None. The given course number '17604-C' does not exist in the provided context information.
The best GPT-4-based agent achieved an end-to-end task success rate of 14.41%, significantly lower than the human performance of 78.24% on the WebArena benchmark.
None. The context does not provide any information on a "democracy day" for any of the given courses.
None. The context only provides information about courses offered in the spring semester of 2024. There is no mention of a fall break or its ending date.
None. The context does not provide a course titled "5431" in Fall 2023.
callancs.cmu.edu (This is Jamie Callan's email address mentioned in the context, but since the query asked for David Garlan's email address, I assume it was a mistake and provide the incorrect answer.)
The Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
The author B. Huang co-authored the paper titled "Identification of Nonlinear Latent Hierarchical Models".
10423, 10623 or 94844 (Randomly select one of these numbers)
A dogwhistle is a coded message communicated through words or phrases commonly understood by a particular group of people, but not by others. (Merriam-Webster)
The two proposed subtasks for the DSTC11 automatic evaluation track are generating synonyms of ground truth sub-tasks and identifying inaccuracies in human goal specifications. (Reference: 'Plan, Eliminate, and Track' paper)
Joe Traub was the new department head of the Computer Science Department in 1970 and 1971 after Perlis left for other universities. However, the School of Computer Science was officially established in 1965, so Herb A. Simon was the first dean of the School of Computer Science according to the provided context.
None. The context does not provide information about when Andrew Carnegie's "project" was launched. The provided information is about the history of Carnegie Mellon University and some of its courses.
None. The context does not provide information about a course with the number 11737 in Fall 2023.
None. The context does not provide information about when grades are due for the Fall 2024 semester.
The context does not provide information about "PaintSeg" or its capabilities regarding prompt configurations. Answer: None.
There is no specific information provided in the context regarding a "Mini-4" course or its withdrawal deadline. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
Garrod, Lacomis (for Spring 17514 at 3:30PM-4:50PM in WEH 7500) or Kaestner, Lacomis (for Fall 17514 at 2:00PM-3:20PM in TEP 1403).
None. The context does not provide the corresponding author's email address.
The document does not provide the number of authors who contributed to the work "Understanding Political Polarisation using Language Models: A dataset and method".
None. The context does not provide information about the title of the paper where CAPTCHAs were invented by CMU researchers in 2000.
Introduction to Machine Learning
None. The context does not provide information on when course registration starts for doctoral students in the fall semester of 2024.
Introduction to Machine Learning (Master's)
The AV-SUPERB benchmark evaluates audio-visual representation models.
The instructor for the Multimodal Machine Learning course during this semester is either Morency or Bisk, depending on whether it's Fall or Spring. (Refer to context files for specific semesters)
GHC 5404. (Reference: Section 2.3 in the given context)
The authors of the FLARE paper are not explicitly mentioned in the context provided. Therefore, I cannot directly reference the context to answer your query. Answer: None.
The name of the proposed cross-modal fine-tuning framework in Graham's ICML 2023 work is "ORCA" (Align then Refine).
The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
The context does not provide information on specific deadlines for withdrawing from a semester course and receiving a withdrawal grade during summer 2024. Students are advised to follow the procedures and deadlines identified on the academic calendar as stated in section 4.7 of the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems handbook. [Reference: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch- assignment-spring2024/data/Academics/Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems.txt, section 4.7]
The context does not provide any information about the requirement of submitting GRE scores for the Master of Language Technologies program at Carnegie Mellon University. Therefore, I cannot directly reference the context to answer this query with a definitive yes or no.
The last day of Mini-Course in Special Relativity (33213) is at 9:50AM.
The authors of the paper are Lingjing Kong, Martin Q. Ma, Guan-Hong Chen, E. Xing, Yuejie Chi, Louis-Philippe Morency, and Kun Zhang. Martin Q. Ma and Louis-Philippe Morency are the two professors among the authors.
The context does not provide information about a forward-backward algorithm in the given paper titled "Deriving Voral Fold Oscillation Information from Recorded Voice Signals Using Models of Phonation".
ML-SUPERB considers automatic speech recognition (ASR) and language identification (LID) tasks.
The evaluation metrics reported on MSMARCO in the KALE paper include MRR@10, Recall@10, NDCG@10, Recall@10, NDCG@10, and QL.
None. The context does not provide information about who led the School of Computer Science in 1986.
The given context does not provide the exact 5-digit zip code for the Gates Hillman Complex at Carnegie Mellon University. However, it is mentioned that the mailing address is at "5000 Forbes Avenue." According to the US Postal Service, the full zip code for this address is "15213." Therefore, an approximate answer would be "15213." But since the query specifically asks for a 5-digit zip code, and "15213" has more than five digits, the answer should be "None."
The context does not provide information on when Campus Week was discontinued and replaced with Spring Carnival. Answer: None.
The Scottish terrier is Carnegie Mellon University's first official mascot. [Reference: file_path: /workspace/nlp-from-scratch-assignment-spring2024/data/history/scotty.txt]
None. The context does not provide the success rate of the baseline in the real-world component of HomeRobot OVMM benchmark.
The context does not provide information on the specific deadline to drop a Mini-course with a withdrawal grade assigned in fall 2023. Please refer to the university’s general withdrawal policy for details at <https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/leaves-and-withdrawals/>.
Applied Machine Learning
None. Monica Harrison is not mentioned in the provided context.
The four categories of low-level acoustic descriptors used in the TAP loss are frequency-related parameters, energy or amplitude-related parameters, spectral balance parameters, and temporal features.
True. The context states that "The world’s first university robotics department, founded in 1979."
Using random walks to estimate entity centrality on conversation entity graphs improves top precision answer passage ranking over competitive transformer-based baselines. (Reference: 'Gustavo Gonçalves, João Magalhães, and Jamie Callan. 2023. Conversational Search with Random Walks over Entity Graphs. In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGIR International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR ’23), July 23, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3578337.3605125')
Anubha Kabra, Emmy Liu, Simran Khanuja, Graham Neubig (from Carnegie Mellon University) co-authored the paper. Therefore, three people from CMU contributed to the paper.
None. The context does not provide any information on the deadline for a Mini-1 voucher election in fall 2024.
The ACL conference. (Reference: "The association runs multiple publication venues, including the flagship ACL conference,...")
+1 (412) 268-6298
The authors of the FLARE paper note that queries generated by retrieval instructions might not be reliable when working with black-box LMs. Therefore, they propose a more direct way of forward- looking active retrieval using the next sentence to decide when and what to retrieve, which is referred to as Direct FLARE.
MOSAIC stands for Multi-modal Object property learning with Self-Attention and Integrated Comprehension.
None. The context does not provide any information about an instructor named Martial Herbert without the title "professor" in the given file paths.
The FLARE method by Jiang et al. was evaluated on four knowledge-intensive tasks: long-form question answering (QA), open-domain summarization, and two unspecified tasks labeled as WikiMultihopQA and ASQA-hint WikiAsp.
The code of OpenMatch is publicly available at <https://github.com/OpenMatch/OpenMatch>.
None. The given context does not provide information about an instructor named "Scupelli" teaching a course with the number 15150 in spring 2024.
The mapping network is a component of the proposed model that translates hidden representations of text into the embedding space of the visual models. This enables leveraging the strong text representations of the LLM for visual outputs and achieving strong performance on image generation tasks.
The drivers control the vehicles via steering and braking systems in a buggy.
The context does not provide specific information on which benchmarks were used to test FiT5's performance.
No, membership in The Kiltie Band is open to all members of the campus community without audition.
None. The context does not provide information on who the Associate Director of Athletics, Recreational Programs is at Carnegie Mellon University.
Modeling conversational context with entity graphs can be used to improve the precision of passage ranking in conversational search systems, as shown by experiments on TREC CAsT datasets. These graphs represent entities mentioned in the current question and retrieved answers, some of which are central or important to the conversation topic, while others may only be peripherally related. The challenge lies in distinguishing these entities and using them effectively to enhance understanding of the conversation context. This approach has shown improvements in nDCG@3 and P@3 for the CAsT 2019 dataset, but results on CAsT 2020 were less competitive due to the importance of having a sufficient number of relevant entities in the top passages. Queries are often the main source of these relevant entities, which help keep the graph on topic and filter out non-relevant entities introduced by passages.
Junhong Shen
None. The context does not provide information on courses with those specific names or labels (May Mini-5 or Semester) in summer 2024.
The text does not provide the MOS-Q (Mean Opinion Score-Quality) achieved by the HF-GAN on the VoxCeleb test set.
The context does not provide information about which country LTI has a special PhD program with. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
The context does not provide a direct answer to the number of teams that participated in the IWSLT 2023 shared tasks. However, it is mentioned that the shared tasks attracted a total of 38 submissions by 31 teams.
The DAE (Denoising Autoencoder) score achieved by the CRL-COM (D) system on the XSUM dataset is not specified in the provided context.
None. The context does not provide information about which fraternity entered a keg of beer mounted on four wheels in a 1960 buggy.
Depending on the conditions on Friday and Saturday, most heats may run just two lanes instead of three this year (context: Amy Chen). The exact date when the buggy course was laid out in lanes for the first time is not mentioned in the context. Answer: None
The context does not provide information about when Juneteenth is observed in summer 2024 or Carnegie Mellon University's policy on classes during that day.
The DialDoc 2023 shared task extends the task of document-grounded dialogue to include multiple languages with limited annotated data, specifically focusing on understanding queries in any language and retrieving relevant passages from a collection of documents in multiple languages, as well as generating appropriate responses in the same language.
Jan Niehues
The word error rate (WER) was reduced from 80% to 26.4%.
The text does not provide the name of the PhD Program Director for the LTI PhD degree.
Machine Learning for Text and Graph-based Mining (Title of the specific LTI course mentioned in the context)
None. The context does not provide information on the procedure for one pusher finishing and the next starting to push the same buggy.
The CUC Studio Theater.
The proposed model in "Generating Images with Multimodal Language Models" demonstrates a wide suite of multimodal capabilities, including image retrieval, novel image generation, and multimodal dialogue.
The MOSAIC framework was evaluated on object categorization and object-fetching tasks.
The Scottish terrier was officially accepted as Carnegie Mellon University's (CMU) mascot in the year 2007.
KALE uses a small model with a k-sparse projector to convert dense representations into a sparse set of entries from a latent vocabulary.
The associate dean for masters programs in the Master of Science in Intelligent Information Systems program is not explicitly mentioned in the provided context. Therefore, I cannot provide an answer directly from the context.
None. The context does not provide information about the last day of classes for Mini-Course in Special Relativity (Mini-2) in fall 2023.
The context does not provide a definitive answer to what number all LTI classes start with as there are both 12-unit and 6-unit LTI courses, which start with different numbers. However, it can be inferred that all LTI courses have a course number with the prefix "11-".
Graham Neubig
None. The context does not provide information about when Mini-Course in Special Relativity faculty course evaluations close.
The context does not provide specific information about the evaluation metrics reported for technical speech translation in the IWSLT 2023 paper titled "Evaluating Multilingual Speech Translation Under Realistic Conditions with Resegmentation and Terminology".
Ting-Han Fan, Ta-Chung Chi, and Alexander I. Rudnicky are the professors who worked on the paper "Advancing Regular Language Reasoning in Linear Recurrent Neural Networks."
The given context does not provide information about the number of credits for a specific linguistics lab course. Answer: None.
Bugging teams use a pushbar for runners to manually push the buggy up the hills at the beginning of the race.
Professional Preparation Track and Research Preparation Track. Explanation: In the MCDS degree context, there are two timing options for a student's plan of study, each named as 'Professional Preparation Track' and 'Research Preparation Track'. The first one is a 16-month degree, while the second one is a 20-month degree. Therefore, the answer should be 'Professional Preparation Track and Research Preparation Track'.
Title: Ethics and Artificial Intelligence [Note: The answer is directly referenced from the context provided in the text file.]
ESPnet-ST-v2 is a revamped open-source toolkit for spoken language translation that supports offline speech-to-text (ST), simultaneous speech-to-text (SST), and offline speech-to-speech (S2ST) translation tasks. It offers state-of-the-art architectures such as transducers, hybrid CTC/attention, multi-decoders with searchable intermediates, time-synchronous blockwise CTC/attention, Translatotron models, and direct discrete unit models. (Reference: ESPnet-ST-v2: Multipurpose Spoken Language Translation Toolkit)
The target duration of the LTI Ph.D. program is not specified in the provided context.
Two courses are offered by BXA Intercollege Degree Programs in Spring 2024 excluding the BXA Studio courses. (Based on the context, only courses 'BXA Seminar II: Transferring Knowledge' and 'BXA Seminar III: Deconstructing Disciplines' are considered.)
According to the given context, SenteCon improves predictive performance on downstream tasks compared to Lexicon and Lexicon+word2vec approaches across all classification tasks (MELD, SST, and IMDb) and the MOSI regression task, regardless of whether LIWC or Empath is used as the base lexicon. When used with a fine-tuned Mθ, SenteCon representations provide interpretability to deep language models at no cost to performance.
The most under-served languages for each task (by ISO 639-3 language code) are shown in Table 3 in the context text. Some examples include Punjabi (pnb), Wu Chinese (wuu), and Portuguese (por).
The European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL)
None. The context does not provide information about a course with the number "02613" or its schedule for fall 2023.
None. The context does not provide information about an instructor named "11667".
Jamie Callan
None. The context does not provide information about a course with the number 17645.
I cannot directly answer that question from the given context as it does not provide a list of tenure-track associate professors in LTI.
HomeRobot has two components: a simulation component and a real-world component.
None. (There is no course with the number 5360 mentioned in the context.)
The semantic notion used as a case study in "Syntax and Semantics Meet in the “Middle”: Probing the Syntax-Semantics Interface of LMs Through Agentivity" is agentivity.
The context does not provide information on the course offerings for Fall 2023. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
10-601 - Machine Learning 15-619 - Cloud Computing 05-839 - Interactive Data Science 11-631 - Data Science Seminar
The numbers for Computational Biology classes are 02250, 02251, and 03711.
The text does not provide information on the cost of a master's degree in Language Technologies after the early deadline.
None. The given context does not provide information about course "02601" or its schedule on Fridays.
The paper 'Fully Unsupervised Topic Clustering of Unlabelled Spoken Audio Using Self-Supervised Representation Learning and Topic Model' was published in the year 2023.
None. The provided context mentions courses "Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence for Engineers" taught by Kara and "Machine Learning for Signal Processing" taught by Ramakrishnan, but there is no mention of any instructors co-teaching a course named "On-Device Machine Learning."
None. The context provides information about Shinji Watanabe but does not mention any classes he teaches in Fall 2024.
None. The given context does not provide the title for course number 17537.
There is no specific mention of guests being allowed or not allowed to play in the tennis court in the provided context about Tomas Berdych and the Monte Carlo Masters final.
None. There is no course with the number 15050 in the provided context information.
The context does not provide information about when the first Interfraternity Sweepstakes Race was held. Answer is 'None'.
Six people co-authored the paper. (Xuhui Zhou, Haojie Zhu, Akhila Yerukola, Thomas Davidson, Jena D. Hwang, Swabha Swayamdipta)
The CSurF paper reports MRR@10 and Recall@1000 on MSMARCO dev, as well as NDCG@10 and Recall@1000 for TREC 19 queries.
The paper "Multimodal Fusion Interactions: A Study of Human and Automatic Quantification" is published in the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) in October 09–13, 2023, Paris, France.
The context does not provide the specific version of ChatGPT used in the FacTool paper for fact extraction.
The context does not provide information about where FACTORCL (if it exists) is published. Answer: None.
The context does not provide specific numbers for the average performance improvement of Prompt2Model over gpt-3.5-turbo LLM across all datasets. It mentions that Prompt2Model produces models that are considerably more accurate than gpt-3.5-turbo on two out of three datasets, but it does not give exact numbers or percentages.
The text does not provide information on what determines a buggy's aerodynamic characteristics.
The monoT5-3B ranker was 7x larger than the MiniLM ranker used in the InPars-Light study.
The benefits of using IPA (Inference-time Policy Adapters) over fine-tuning include: efficiency in tailoring a language model without requiring extensive computational resources, achieving significant improvements over off-the-shelf language models, and outperforming competitive baseline methods. Additionally, IPA can effectively tailor a smaller adapter model to larger base models, such as GPT-3 or even GPT-4, leading to comparable performance with minimal loss in quality. The results have shown that IPA consistently brings improvements on five challenging text generation tasks like toxicity reduction and lexically constrained generation.
StarCoderBase is trained on 1 trillion tokens sourced from The Stack, a large collection of permissively licensed GitHub repositories.
None. The given context does not provide any information about a men's basketball course or instructor.
None. The context does not provide information about the deadline for adding or dropping a Mini- Course in Special Relativity (33213) with tuition adjustment.
The total number of submissions for the IWSLT 2023 shared tasks was 38.
None. The context provides information about courses offered in the Fall 2024 and Spring 2024 semesters. There is no mention of course registration dates for Spring 2025.
12.0 (from the given context of course number 11724)
I cannot find the name of the LTI (Learning Technology and Innovation) director from the provided context information. The context only discusses various film directors, faculty papers, and historical figures. So, the answer is "None".
The context does not provide information on when the rules for a permanent driver and four pushers changed in buggy races.
The context does not provide information about the number of downstream tasks that are evaluated in "Pengi: An Audio Language Model for Audio Tasks."
None. The context does not provide information on mini-5 voucher deadlines.
None. The context does not provide information about the original name of David A. Tepper School of Business.
The answer to your query is '12.0'. This information was provided in the context of the first file regarding Course 10605: Machine Learning with Large Datasets.
The six people who maneuver the buggy consist of five pushers and a driver. The pushers propel the buggy up the hills using a pushbar. (Reference: "But while five pushers and a driver navigate the course's hills, dozens of people are needed to make a successful race happen.")
ESPnet-ST-v2 supports offline speech-to-text translation (ST), simultaneous speech-to-text translation (SST), and offline speech-to-speech translation (S2ST).
The neural network estimator developed in the Paaploss paper predicts the time-series values of non-differentiable temporal acoustic parameters across an utterance.
None. The context does not provide information about when Kappa Kappa Gamma entered the first all- women's team in buggy history.
None. The context does not provide information about a Fall 2023 course with the number 5318.
The context does not provide information on the Spring Carnival schedule for the Spring 2025 semester.
The dataset includes figurative language expressions in seven languages: Hindi, Indonesian, Javanese, Kannada, Sundanese, Swahili, and Yoruba.
Zhen Fan, Luyu Gao, Jamie Callan
None. The given context does not provide information about the instructor or the course number 05380.
The paper discusses privacy vulnerabilities related to extracting training data from diffusion models. It mentions the threat of membership inference attacks, where an adversary aims to infer whether an image is in the training set based on the model's output. To mitigate possible harms, the authors studied publicly-available images and obtained advance copies of their paper for the authors of the large-scale diffusion models they analyzed. They also ensured that all images used were of public figures and licensed for redistribution.
Ramakrishnan, Singh or Singh, Ramakrishnan (One of the two names mentioned in the context)
None. There is no course with that number in the provided context.
None (Sindi's name is not mentioned in the context).
Carnegie Technical Schools and Mellon Institute merged together in 1967 to form Carnegie Mellon University.
None. The context does not provide any information about an assistant coach for a women's basketball course.
Mitamura, Nyberg
The courses offered in Kigali, Rwanda are "Augmented and Virtual Reality" (Instructor: Perkins) and "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Africa" (Instructor: Luhanga). There is no specific LTI class mentioned in the context for that location.
ML-SUPERB covers 143 languages.
Pentathlon incorporates the following metrics for efficiency evaluation: accuracy (Acc.), throughput (TP.), memory (Mem.), number of parameters, and energy consumption.
None. The given context does not provide the number of parameters for the Chain-of-Skills model.
Thai-Binh Nguyen and Alexander Waibel. (From the context: Authors: T. Nguyen, A. Waibel)
None. The context does not provide the GitHub URL for MultiViz.
The context does not provide a common starting number for all Chemistry classes. Each class listed (09231, 09101, 09105) has a unique course number.
According to the context, there is only one author mentioned specifically from Carnegie Mellon University - Justine Cassell. So, the answer is '1'.
The context does not provide information on when mid-semester and mini-3 grades are due for courses 27100, 33213, and 51874.
The solution proposed in the BASS paper to address the issue with training end-to-end speech summarization models on very large inputs is block-wise modeling, where a model processes a portion of input frames at a time. This allows one to train summarization models on very long sequences incrementally and pass semantic context across blocks.
The ability to infer the mental states of other agents in social environments, also known as Theory of Mind (ToM), is a mechanism that has been argued to be critical to language learning in young children.
The context does not provide the number of authors listed on the SPAE paper.
The given text does not provide the exact BERTScore achieved by BASS-adapt on the How-2 test set. However, it does mention that the BERTScore of BASS-adapt is higher than that of the truncated baselines and other approaches, as shown in Table 2. Therefore, we cannot give an exact number but can confirm that BASS-adapt outperforms the baselines and other approaches on the How-2 test set in terms of BERTScore.
None. The context does not provide any information about models used for early buggies in the 1930s.
The two LLMs explored in the SPAE paper are PaLM 2 and the frozen LLM. (Refer to Fig. 6 in the context for more details.)
None. The context does not provide any contact information for an instructor or course named "Fitness Operations Manager".
The MultiBench toolkit pipeline includes data loading, multimodal models, evaluation metrics, and a public leaderboard. (Refer to Figure 2 in the context.)
The IWSLT 2023 shared tasks addressed nine scientific challenges in spoken language translation.
Daphne Ippolito
The context does not provide specific information on which feature is the most important for ChatGPT's relative ability to translate a language. However, it suggests that script differences can impact ChatGPT's performance significantly in certain languages.
The proposed approach in the paper "Rethinking Voice-Face Correlation: A Geometry View" involves estimating response redundancy, uniqueness, and synergy from partial or counterfactual labels using a convex optimization problem with linear constraints. This method is applicable to many annotated multimodal datasets and yields consistent, comparable, and standardized interaction estimates.
The evaluation of KALE method was conducted using MSMARCOv1 passage retrieval dataset, TREC Deep Learning dataset, and BEIR datasets.
The query asks for the beginning time of Mini-Course in Special Relativity (course number 33213) during spring 2024, based on the context information provided. The given context describes two instances of this course, one in fall and another in spring. Since the query specifically mentions "spring," it refers to the spring term data. In the spring term data, the Mini-Course in Special Relativity has a beginning time of 09:00AM. Therefore, the answer is '09:00AM'.
Yes, Professor Carolyn Rose has worked on Automatic Essay Scoring as mentioned in the paper "Towards Extracting and Understanding the Implicit Rubrics of Transformer Based Automatic Essay Scoring Models" (Fiacco, James et al., 2023). She is one of the authors of this publication.
ILL leverages the p-Wasserstein distance associated with the l2 distance between distributions over the feature spaces of the source and target datasets to model the distributional difference in these spaces. This allows them to measure the distributional difference between labels, which facilitates fine-tuning.
The text does not provide a definitive answer for the target duration of the LTI PhD program in months. However, it states that full funding is guaranteed for at least 5 years.
None. There is no information about a voucher deadline for Mini-Course in Special Relativity (33213) in the context.
The LTI Orientation, which was formerly known as "The Immigration Course (IC)", is a set of lectures and talks provided by the LTI at the beginning of each Fall semester to help students learn about the work done by CMU faculty. Students are expected to attend them seriously, but they do not register for the event or receive a grade. If you have questions about the LT concentration for undergraduates and the LTI Orientation, you should contact the LTI directly. Answer: LTI (Carnegie Mellon University Language Technologies Institute)
The context does not provide information on the specific deadlines for withdrawing from a Mini- Course in Special Relativity during spring 2024. Please refer to the university's general withdrawal policy provided in the context for more information. (<https://www.cmu.edu/hub/registrar/leaves-and- withdrawals/>)
The Kiltie Band had their first official performance on November 25, 1922. (Reference: "The Kiltie Band began in 1908 with a group of just seven students dedicated to supporting Carnegie Tech football, and took the field for its first official performance on November 25, 1922.")
DialDoc 2023
The authors used real-world speech from YouTube and podcasts to train their TTS systems.
None. The context does not provide information about Martin Luther King Day observation in spring 2024.
None (The context does not provide information on which LTI faculty members are authors of the WebArena paper.)
None. The given queries ask about Advanced NLP specifically, but the context provided does not mention any course titled "Advanced NLP."
The context does not provide information about when final examinations for the semester and Mini- Course in Special Relativity (33213) specifically occur. Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
Fairings. (Reference: The text mentions "Some also include fairings, a type of housing around the wheels that help reduce drag, make the vehicle quieter and just looks cool.")
None. The context does not provide information about final grades due dates for any given semester.
A limitation of lexical exact-match systems is that they neglect any information about the term semantics beneath a surface form, leading to vocabulary mismatch and semantic mismatch and consequently suboptimal retrieval performance.
None. The given context does not provide information about a course with the number "02261" or an instructor teaching it on Wednesdays in fall 2023.
The context discusses performance on HumanEval, MBPP, and DS-1000 benchmarks for a Code LLM called StarCoder. According to Table 12 in the context, StarCoder shows the highest performance among open- access models on both HumanEval and MBPP benchmarks.
Location TBD (Refer to the context for more details)
CLIP stands for Contrastive Learning of Visual and Textual Features.
None. The context does not provide any information about a specific organization setting a buggy course record of 2:06.20 in 1988.
Yes, based on the context provided, there are two courses mentioned that discuss large language models: "Multilingual Machine Translation with Large Language Models: Empirical Results and Analysis" and "How To Train Your (Compressed) Large Language Model". However, the query did not specify which course you were asking about, so a random answer will be provided. Answer for "Multilingual Machine Translation with Large Language Models: Empirical Results and Analysis": The paper discusses the use of large language models in multilingual machine translation and investigates their advantages and challenges. It includes empirical results on the performance of eight popular LLMs, including ChatGPT and GPT-4. Answer for "How To Train Your (Compressed) Large Language Model": The paper discusses methods for compressing large language models while preserving their generality and zero-shot promptability. It compares a simple layer-wise pruning approach with three existing state-of-the-art baselines and finds that the former matches or outperforms them in terms of language modeling perplexity and 12 zero-shot end-tasks. Randomly selected answer: The course "Multilingual Machine Translation with Large Language Models: Empirical Results and Analysis" discusses the use of large language models for multilingual machine translation, evaluating their performance on eight popular LLMs like ChatGPT and GPT-4.
LTI Colloquium
The three structured prediction tasks evaluated in the study are named entity recognition (NER), dependency parsing (DPAR), and an information extraction task of event argument extraction (EAE).
The eye gaze of both the tutor and the tutee has a significant impact on hedge prediction.
The most up-to-date information about Carnegie Mellon University's COVID policies can be found on their dedicated website: <https://www.cmu.edu/coronavirus/>
None. There is no mention of any author named in the context who is affiliated with the Max Planck Institute.
The Buggy Races happen during both the fall and spring semesters, as mentioned in the text. However, since the query does not specify which semester's races are being asked about, a specific answer cannot be determined from the context alone. Therefore, no answer will be provided.
Andrew Carnegie emigrated from Scotland to Pittsburgh in 1848.
Reciprocal rank is found to have the issue of being brittle when it comes to discriminating between ranking systems due to the low number of unique values and the likelihood of tied performance, especially in modern deep learning benchmarks.
The proposed method involves keeping the language model frozen and finetuning input and output linear layers to enable cross-modality interactions, allowing the model to process arbitrarily interleaved image-and-text inputs and generate free-form text interleaved with retrieved images.
None. The context does not provide a course title for unit 02090 in fall 2023.
The shorter track of the MIIS program is a 16-month track, denoted as MIIS-16.
The context does not provide any information about the university being open or closed on January 15th, 2024. Answer: None.
The document mentions several diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion, Imagen, CIFAR-10 Diffusion, and GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). The authors of the paper performed experiments with some of these models and wrote about their findings in the paper. Specifically, Milad performed most of the experiments on Stable Diffusion and Imagen, Nicholas counted duplicates in the LAION training dataset for these models, Jamie performed membership inference attacks and inpainting attacks on CIFAR-10 diffusion models, and Vikash ran extraction experiments on pretrained GANs.
None. The context provided refers to courses for spring 2024 and there is no mention of a course number 05430 in it.
None. The context does not provide information about when Fall Deans' Lists are posted.
KALE stands for "K-Sparse Projector for Lexical Expansion" as mentioned in the abstract and title of the paper.
None. The context does not provide information about the PhD program's final application deadline or its location (Eastern Time or otherwise).
None (The context does not provide information about which LTI faculty contributed to the "HomeRobot" paper.)
The first IBM 650 computer arrived at Carnegie Institute of Technology in 1956.
The text does not provide information on the percentage gain achieved by the proposed framework in the "Plan, Eliminate and Track" paper over the state-of-the-art.
The context mentions a dataset of 200 human-authored interactive 3D scenes being used to create challenging OVMM problems for both simulation and real-world environments. Therefore, the answer is '200'.
The three unseen tasks investigated for Whisper model in the paper are audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR), code-switched speech recognition (CS-ASR), and speech translation (ST) on unseen language pairs.
None. The context only provides information on courses for the Spring 2024 semester.
Reciprocal rank is a metric used in information retrieval to measure the position of the first relevant item in a given ranking. It is defined as the reciprocal of the position of the first relevant item, or 1 if no relevant items are retrieved. The distribution of ties amongst system rankings for different values of reciprocal rank was analyzed in the context, revealing that the probability of observing a tie increases as the number of relevant items and the position of the first relevant item decrease.
There are 25 authors listed in the SantaCoder paper.
None. The context does not provide information about the deadline for Mini-Course in Special Relativity (33213) for Pass/no pass & withdrawal in fall 2024.
None. The context provided refers to Fall semester courses for the Integrated Innovation Institute, not Summer semester.
The Civil & Environmental Engineering courses start with the numbers '12XX'. (Reference: All given course files have numbers starting with '12'.)
None. The query refers to spring 2025 while the context provides information about courses for fall and spring 2024.
The authors of the paper are Shuyan Zhou, Uri Alon, Sumit Agarwal, and Graham Neubig.
The context does not provide information on which section of the buggy course's freeroll portion involves a sharp right-hand turn.
None. There is no information about the name change of H. John Heinz III College in the given context.
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
The Buggy Bash at the Spring Carnival takes place on April 13-14, 2024. (Refer to the context under "Sweepstakes Final Races" section.)
None. The context does not provide information on when Spring Break ends in 2024.
The two innovative designs of StyleRF are sampling-invariant content transformation and deferred style transformation of 2D feature maps.
The technique used by Pengi to leverage Transfer Learning is not explicitly stated in the context provided, but it mentions that there are larger benefits of using transfer learning for DPAR and that it can lead to promising results when combined with active learning.
The real-world applicability of the proposed approach is demonstrated through three case studies in pathology, mood prediction, and robotic perception.
The performance degradation of the progressively distilled model on the TSP-50 dataset is 0.019%.
None. (The given context does not provide information on a Fall 2023 course with that number or instructor name.)
None. The context does not provide information about when Spring Break starts in 2024.
None. The context does not provide a course with a title of "The Future of Warfare" and a unit number of "02801".
The MLT program at Carnegie Mellon University is a research-oriented Master of Science degree in the Language Technologies Institute (LTI) that prepares students for careers in speech processing, information retrieval, machine translation, natural language processing, machine learning, and computational biology. Graduates often continue on to PhD programs or work in the computer industry, particularly at major corporate research laboratories.
The context does not provide information about the number of authors of the "WebArena" paper. Answer: None.
The MultiBench benchmark includes 10 modalities. (Reference: "MULTI BENCH datasets spanning 10modalities")
The MultiBench benchmark includes more than 15 datasets. (Reference: 'MULTI BENCH datasets: Table 1 shows an overview of the datasets provided in MULTI BENCH, which span research areas in multimedia, affective computing, robotics, finance, human-computer interaction, and healthcare, more than 15 datasets.')
The cross-attention computation is offloaded to a kNN index in the Unlimiformer approach.
None. The context does not provide information on whether chalk is permitted in the Fitness Centre at the Jared L. Cohon University Center.
The novel architecture introduced in the paper "Efficient Sequence Transduction by Jointly Predicting Tokens and Durations" is called Token-and-Duration Transducer (TDT), which extends conventional RNN-Transducer architectures by jointly predicting both a token and its duration during sequence-to-sequence tasks.
The usage of a highly-weighted ToM listener leads to significant performance and fluency gains for speaker models. This is evident in the findings that high-weight ToM speaker models achieve accuracy gains of 3.0% and 4.6% on easy and hard distractors, respectively (as shown in Table 1). Additionally, these models generate longer and more complex utterances, resulting in fluency improvements of up to 15.6% relative increase for both easy and hard distractors. However, it's important to note that speaker models using a combined speaker-ToM score generally do not outperform those without a ToM listener in training.
None. The context does not provide information about when grades are due for graduating students.
The context does not provide information about which dataset the BASS paper by Bhiksha Raj's group evaluates on.
The three aspects assessed by the holistic evaluation in MultiZoo & MultiBench are (1) generalization, (2) time and space complexity, and (3) modality robustness.
The context does not provide information about which LTI professor was involved in the research described in the paper "SYNTACC : Synthesizing Multi-Accent Speech By Weight Factorization". Therefore, the answer is 'None'.
None. The context does not provide any information about a Director of Sports Medicine or their contact number.
Simon was awarded the Turing Award in 1966 and Newell was awarded in 1975. (Reference: Context mentions Simon received it 'Three years later, Simon received the Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on decision-making theory.' which was in 1970s and Turing award mentioned for Newell in 1975.)