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2021-05-14 |
IBM Cloud CLI, manual, manual install, tools, components, developer tools, ibmcloud cli, ibmcloud, ibmcloud dev, cli, command line, command-line, developer tools, kubernetes, kubectl, git |
cli |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:note: .deprecated} {:external: target="_blank" .external}
{: #install-devtools-manually}
You can manually install the {{}} Command Line Interface if you prefer more granular control for installing the components. Otherwise, all prerequisites are automatically installed for most users by using the platform installers. {: shortdesc}
{: #cli-before-you-begin}
- Install the stand-alone {{}} CLI to get support for installing command-line plug-ins for {{}}.
- Install the curl{: external} command for downloading packages through the command line.
{: #install-devtools-docker}
For running and debugging apps locally, install Docker{: external}.
{: #idt-install-kube}
To view a local version of the Kubernetes dashboard, and to deploy apps into your clusters, install the Kubernetes command-line tool{: external} for your platform:
curl --progress-bar -LO$(curl -s
{: codeblock}
curl --progress-bar -LO$(curl -s
{: codeblock}
curl -LO
{: codeblock}
The prefix for running commands by using the Kubernetes command-line tool is kubectl
. For more information, see Setting up the CLI and API.
The {{}} plug-in extends the {{}} command-line interface (CLI) with an API wrapper for working with Object Storage resources.
- To install the {{}} plug-in, run the following command:
{: codeblock}
ibmcloud plugin install cloud-object-storage
For more information, see the {{}} command reference.
{: #idt-install-container-registry-cli-plugin}
You can use the container-registry
CLI plug-in to set up your own image namespace in an IBM-hosted, and managed, private registry. Where you can store and share Docker images with all users in your {{}} account.
- To install the {{}} plug-in, run the following command:
{: codeblock}
ibmcloud plugin install container-registry
For more information, see the {{}} command reference.
{: #idt-install-kubernetes-cli-plugin}
To create and manage Kubernetes clusters in {{}}:
- To install the {{}} plug-in, run the following command:
{: codeblock}
ibmcloud plugin install container-service
For more information, see the {{}} command reference.
{: #idt-install-helm}
Install Helm{: external}, which is a Kubernetes-based package manager.
Mac and Linux™ users, run the following commands:
curl -sL | bash
{: codeblock}
Windows™ users can download and install the Helm binary{: external}.
{: #idt-install-functions}
You can use the {{}} CLI plug-in to manage your code snippets in actions, bundle actions into packages, and create triggers and rules to enable your actions to respond to events.
To install the {{}} CLI plug-in, run the following command:
ibmcloud plugin install cloud-functions
{: codeblock}
For more information, see Installing the {{}} CLI plug-in.
{: #idt-install-schematics-cli-plugin}
To create and manage {{}} in {{}} service:
- To install the {{}} plug-in, run the following command:
{: codeblock}
ibmcloud plugin install schematics
For more information, see the {{}} command reference.
{: #idt-install-git}
You can download and install Git for macOS, Linux, and Windows. For more information, see Git downloads{: external}.