In the ansible folder we’ve supplied a hosts.example. Copy this to ansible/hosts and customise based on the hostname of your buildah/ImageBuilder VM.
cd ansible
cp hosts.example hosts
nano hosts
cd -
NOTE If you’re running using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux based VM you’ll need to make sure this is registered correctly to pull packages from Red Hat’s CDN service. The supplied ansible playbook will automate the registration providing you’ve got a valid secrets.yaml. A sample secrets.yaml.example has been provided which you’ll need to update with a valid activation key and organisation id.
cd ansible
cp secrets.yaml.example secrets.yaml
nano secrets.yaml
cd -
You can then simply run the following to complete the setup of a demo environment.
cd ansible
ansible-playbook -i hosts demo_setup.yaml
There currently appears to be an issue where cockpit doesn’t start correctly. This can be resolved by restarting the virtual machine, or manually running the following on your VM Host
systemctl enable --now cockpit.socket
If you don’t want to use the supplied Ansible playbook you can run the following to install/configure Image Builder’s components
dnf -y install podman buildah
yum -y install osbuild-composer composer-cli cockpit-composer bash-completion
yum -y install firewalld
systemctl enable --now firewalld
systemctl enable firewalld
systemctl enable --now osbuild-composer.socket
systemctl enable cockpit.socket
firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit && firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
And for buildah you can run
dnf -y install podman buildah
We recommend copying our git repository onto your Demo VM so you have access to the associated build files and scripts.
dnf -y install git
cd /opt
git clone