Adds support for missing PostgreSQL data types to ActiveRecord.
If it is a bug please open an issue on
Github. If you need help using
the gem please ask the question on
Stack Overflow. Be sure to tag the
question with DockYard
so we can find it.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'postgres_ext'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install postgres_ext
Just require 'postgres_ext'
and use ActiveRecord as you normally would! postgres_ext extends
ActiveRecord's data type handling.
Avoid the use of in place operators (ie Array#<<
). These changes are
not tracked by Rails (this issue)
explains why). In place modifications also modify the default object.
Assuming we have the following model:
create_table :items do |t|
t.string :names, :array => true, :default => []
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
The following will modify the default value of the names attribute.
a =
a.names << 'foo'
b =
puts b.names
# => ['foo']
The supported way of modifying a.names
a =
a.names += ['foo']
b =
puts b.names
# => []
As a result, in place operators are discouraged and will not be supported in postgres_ext at this time.