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Development guide

Building Locally

To build and run the images yourself, you'll need a Docker registry that you have push access to and your Kubernetes nodes have pull access from. First clone this git repository to your local disk.

You will need make, docker, go, kustomize, and kubectl installed.

Building Docker Images

make docker-build
make docker-push

The actual build is performed inside Docker and will use the go version in the Dockerfile, but the docker-build target will first run the tests locally which will use your system go.

The DOCKER_REPO environment variable is used by the Makefile.

Deploying the Operator to a cluster

Make sure that your desired cluster is your default context in kubectl, and that DOCKER_REPO from above is still exported.

make deploy

This will leave changes on disk in your config directory, take care not to commit them.

Deploying an etcd cluster

kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml

You can check the status of the cluster by querying for the EtcdCluster resource.

Testing Connectivity inside Kubernetes

If you launch another pod in the same namespace you can dial the cluster yourself using my-cluster as a DNS name.

kubectl run --image --generator run-pod/v1 etcd-shell -- /bin/bash -c "while true; do sleep 30; done;"
kubectl exec etcd-shell -- etcdctl --endpoints "http://my-cluster:2379" member list


You can remove the testing pod with kubectl delete po etcd-shell.

The cluster can be removed with kubectl delete -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml, or by manually specifying the EtcdCluster resource to delete.


Use make test to run the tests. This will download the Kubebuilder binaries for your platform (only x86-64 Linux and x86-64 macOS supported) to bin/kubebuilder and use those to run tests.

Use make e2e-kind to run the Kubernetes in Docker (KIND) end to end tests. You need both the kind and docker binaries installed and available. These tests build the controller Docker Images from the Dockerfile, push it into the KIND cluster, and then ensure that the etcd cluster actually comes up.

Generated code

This repository makes use of a lot of generated code. In particular Protobuf files under api/proxy and Kubebuilder itself. In order to avoid changes caused by different versions of these generators, this repository contains ways to use specific pinned versions via the Makefile.

For consistency, it is recommended that a developer uses these instead of the tools on their local machine to generate code:

  • make protobuf To update Protobuf and gRPC generated Go code.
  • make manifests To update the YAML manifests from Kubebuilder.
  • make generate To update the Kubebuilder generated Go code.


Testing is done using "vanilla" golang testing frameworks, with Testify require for making assertions. Require fails as soon as an assertion fails and so is preferred to Testify assert, although assert may be used where appropriate.

Nested t.Run assertions are preferred, as they lead to clear test names. For example:

func TestFoo(t *testing.T) {

    t.Run("TestClusterController", func(t *testing.T) {
        // Init Controller
        t.Run("OnCreation", func(t *testing.T) {
            // Create cluster
            t.Run("CreatesService", func(t *testing.T) {
                // Assert service exists

Would produce test output like the following:

--- FAIL: TestFoo/TestClusterController/OnCreation/CreatesService (0.00s)

Unit Tests

Generally speaking the controllers will not include unit tests as their behaviour will be verified by the Kubebuilder tests. Sometimes a particular chunk of logic may be non-trivial to test in Kubebuilder tests, and therefore a unit test may be more appropriate. In this case it is preferred to avoid mocking, in particular mocking the Kubernetes Go client, and instead pull the logic to be tested into a pure function.

Other packages within the project which are not controllers (e.g., internal/test/try) should have unit tests in the usual way.

Here are some examples of commands which run the unit tests:

  • make test to run all the unit tests
  • make test ARGS="-v -run TestEtcdCluster_ValidateCreate"to supply "go test" arguments such as -run or -v.

Kubebuilder Tests

The test suite provided by Kubebuilder will execute a local copy of a Kubernetes API Server to test against. These tests should focus on the API as exposed via the Kubernetes API. For example by creating an EtcdPeer resource and asserting that a Service resource is created as a result. Pods in this test mode are never actually created, so the interaction with etcd itself cannot be tested. These tests should additionally not 'reach in' to internal behaviour of the controller, or directly communicate with the controller in any way.

End to End tests

The end-to-end tests are under internal/test/e2e. These tests should be limited in scope and should only focus on externally visible changes to etcd itself. This is to avoid the tests causing the implementation becoming too rigid.

For example an end-to-end test may create an EtcdCluster and assert that it can connect to it from inside the cluster using the expected DNS name. Elements of the Kuberentes API that a user might interact with, such as the status field on an EtcdCluster resource, may also be interacted with.


Here are some examples of commands which run the end-to-end tests:

  • make e2e-kind will create a new Kind cluster, run all the the end-to-end tests.
  • make e2e-kind 'ARGS=-run TestE2E/Parallel/Webhooks' will run a subset of the end-to-end tests.

NB If a Kind cluster with the name "etcd-e2e" already exists, that cluster will be re-used.


You can also run the end-to-end tests in an existing cluster. For example here's how you might run the tests in a minikube cluster:

minikube start --cpus=4 --memory=4000mb
eval $(minikube docker-env)
make docker-build deploy e2e

This will create a minikube cluster with sufficient memory to build the Docker images, and with sufficient CPU to run multiple Etcd clusters in parallel. It will then build the operator Docker images, inside the minikube virtual machine and deploy the operator, using those images. Finally it runs the e2e tests.

The make command can be re-run after any code or configuration changes, to build, push and deploy new Docker images and re-run the end-to-end tests.


To run the end-to-end tests on a GKE cluster, you would authenticate docker to your GCP private registry and push the images to that registry before deploying the operator and running the tests.

gcloud container clusters create e2e --zone europe-west2-b --preemptible --num-nodes 4
gcloud container clusters get-credentials e2e --zone europe-west2-b
gcloud auth configure-docker
make docker-build docker-push deploy e2e

This will create a 4-node GKE cluster and set KUBE_CONFIG to use that cluster. It will also allow docker to authenticate to your GCP private Docker image repository. It will build the Docker images and push them to the GCP private Docker image repository. It will deploy the operator. Finally it runs the end-to-end tests.

The make command can be re-run after any code or configuration changes to build, push and deploy new Docker images and re-run the end-to-end tests.

Static checks

You can run make verify to perform static checks on the code and to ensure that the manifest files are up to date.

Release Process

Releases of the operator occur whenever the team feel there is sufficient new features to produce a release. The version string will be prefixed with v and use semver.

Pre-release tasks

  • Sanity check documentation under docs and
  • Compile and prepare release notes under docs/release-notes/$ For example versions v0.1.X would share a file docs/release-notes/
  • Some of the release steps have been automated. Run make --dry-run release VERSION=0.0.0 to see the steps that will be automatically performed.


  1. Run make release VERSION=0.1.0. This will:
    1. Build Docker images with the supplied VERSION.
    2. Push Docker images to the repo defined in DOCKER_REPO.
    3. Create a release-$VERSION.yaml containing an example deployment for this version.
    4. Create an annotated Git tag for the supplied VERSION.
  2. Push the tag to GitHub.
  3. Mark the tag as a release on GitHub.
  4. Build a Docker Image from the repository at that tag and push it to Docker Hub.
  5. Build a version of the deployment YAML with the image tag, attach it to the GitHub release as a YAML file.