This guide provides instructions aimed at Kubernetes cluster administrators who wish to manage etcd clusters. It does not cover initial setup or installation of the operator, and instead assumes that it is already present and working correctly. Please see the project README for installation instructions.
The etcd cluster controller uses the Kubernetes API, via
Custom Resources, to drive
administration of etcd clusters. You can administer your cluster manually using kubectl
, or through any other
mechanism capable of modifying and viewing Kubernetes resources.
To create a new cluster, create an EtcdCluster
resource in the namespace you want the cluster's pods to run in. The
field of the resource is used to configure the desired properties of the cluster.
The spec.replicas
field determines the number of pods that are run in the etcd cluster.
For availability reasons it is strongly suggested that this be an odd number, and an etcd cluster with an even number of replicas is actually worse for availability than a cluster one smaller to be odd. Note also that adding more replicas will degrade write performance.
This can be 1
for a testing environment, but for durability it is suggested that this is at least 3
. In most
situations 5
is the highest sensible setting, although neither etcd nor this operator impose a limit.
The spec.version
field determines the version of Etcd that will be used for the cluster.
This is a required field.
The version value must be a valid Semantic Version and must correspond to a tag of an Official Etcd Docker Image.
The operator only supports Etcd major version 3.
The repository used by the operator can be overridden to pull images from other repositories.
This can be achieved by setting the etcd-repository
flag on the manager, for example
The etcd-cluster-operator
will use the supplied version
value to compute a Docker image name
which is then used by the Pods for each Etcd peer.
field determines the storage options that will be used on the etcd pods. This configuration is highly
dependant on your environment but should be durable. For production use the at least 80GiB of
storage on each member is suggested.
Note that properties of the storage volumes, including size, cannot be amended after the cluster has been created.
There is a sample configuration file for a three pod etcd cluster at config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml
In this example each pod has 50Mi storage and uses a
Storage Class called
The spec.podTemplate
field can be optionally used to specify annotations and resource requirements that should be applied to the underlying pods
running etcd. This can be used to configure annotations for Prometheous metrics, or any other requirement. Note that
annotation names prefixed with
are reserved, and cannot be applied with this feature.
Note that the pod template cannot be changed once the cluster has been created.
The etcd pods expose metrics in Prometheus' standard format. If you use annotation-based metrics discovery in your
cluster, you can apply the following to the EtcdCluster
"": "/metrics",
"": "true",
"": "http",
"": "2379",
You can set resource requests and limits for the etcd container which runs inside each EtcdPeer
In the sample configuration file, the resource requests are set as follows:
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
In a production cluster you should set these requests higher; refer to the Etcd Hardware Recommendations.
If you supply a CPU limit, the etcd-cluster-operator
will also set an environment variable named GOMAXPROCS
which governs the number of threads used by the Golang runtime running the Etcd process.
The minimum value is 1 and if the CPU limit is greater than 1 core, the value will be the rounded down to the nearest integer.
Alternatively, you can omit the resource requirements altogether and rely on Limit Ranges to set default requests and limits to the containers that are created by the operator.
You can set pod affinity and anti-affinity for the underlying etcd pods. In the sample configuration file, the pod anti-affinity is set as follows to attempt to schedule pods across nodes:
- weight: 100
- key:
operator: In
- my-cluster
The status
field of the EtcdCluster
resource contains information about the running etcd cluster. This information
is 'best effort', and may be out of date in the case of a non-quorate etcd cluster or network disruption between the
operator pod and the etcd cluster.
This is an example status field
- id: 51938e7f648adbc2
name: my-cluster-2
- id: 8eca1236bfa86a0a
name: my-cluster-0
- id: c1586ccb976e37c7
name: my-cluster-1
- id: c3080818d3bbf60b
name: my-cluster-3
- id: e1d0e0e643b65168
name: my-cluster-4
replicas: 5
This shows a five member etcd cluster. Showing not only the number of replicas but all of their names and internal IDs.
The status.members
list shows the number of members as seen by etcd itself. In the case of early bootstrapping this
list may be blank (as the operator may have not established communication with the cluster yet). If the operator looses
contact with the cluster (e.g., due to network disruption) then this list will not be updated and therefore may be
The replicas list is the count of EtcdPeer
resources managed by this cluster. See the design
documentation for deeper discussion of peer resources and how the operator creates new peers. As a
result, during some operations (e.g., scale up, scale down, bootstrapping, etc.) this replicas count may be different
from the number of entries in the status.members
and from the number of etcd pods currently running.
When you delete an EtcdCluster
resource, the etcd
data will not be deleted.
The etcd-cluster-operator
does not set an OwnerReference
on the PersistentVolumeClaim
that it creates,
and this prevents PersistentVolumeClaim
and the PersistentVolume
resources being automatically garbage collected.
This is done deliberately, to avoid the risk of data loss if you accidentally delete an EtcdCluster
When you delete an EtcdCluster
, the EtcdPeer
, ReplicaSet
, Pod
, and Service
API objects will be deleted.
They are garbage collected because the etcd-cluster-operator does set an OwnerReference
on these API objects.
You can recreate the deleted etcd cluster and restore its original data
by recreating an identical EtcdCluster
The etcd-cluster-operator will recreate the EtcdPeer
, ReplicaSet
and Service
and it will re-use the original PersistentVolumeClaim
You can locate the data for a deleted EtcdCluster
by using a label selector to locate all the the
$ kubectl get pvc --selector
cluster1-0 Bound pvc-71543b02-54ac-49d2-ad7d-35601ab5d48f 1Mi RWO standard 3m34s
You can then examine the PersistentVolume
and find out where its data is stored.
$ kubectl describe pv pvc-71543b02-54ac-49d2-ad7d-35601ab5d48f
Name: pvc-71543b02-54ac-49d2-ad7d-35601ab5d48f
Labels: <none>
Annotations: hostpath-dynamic-provisioner yes
Finalizers: []
StorageClass: standard
Status: Bound
Claim: teste2e-parallel-persistence/cluster1-0
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
VolumeMode: Filesystem
Capacity: 1Mi
Node Affinity: <none>
Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
Path: /tmp/hostpath_pv/1026efed-5405-4112-82e2-c06951f64017
Events: <none>
If you are sure that you no longer need the data for a deleted EtcdCluster
you can delete the PersistentVolumeClaim
resources, which will allow the PersistentVolume
resources to be automatically deleted, recycled or retained for
manual inspection and deletion later.
$ kubectl delete pvc --selector
persistentvolumeclaim "cluster1-0" deleted
The exact behaviour depends on the "Reclaim Policy" of the PersistentVolume
and on the capabilities of the volume
provisioners which are being used in the cluster. You can read more about this in the Kubernetes documentation:
Lifecycle of a volume and
To increase the number of pods running etcd (a.k.a. "Scale Up") use kubectl scale
. For example to scale the cluster
in namespace my-cluster-namespace
to five nodes:
$ kubectl --namespace my-cluster-namespace scale EtcdCluster my-cluster --replicas 5
The operator will automatically create new pods and begin data replication.
Any standard way of changing the underlying resource to declare more replicas will also work. For example by editing a
local YAML file for the cluster resource and running kubectl apply -f my-cluster.yaml
To scale down a cluster you update the EtcdCluster
setting a lower .Spec.Replicas
field value. For example, you
might reduce the size of the sample cluster (used in the examples above) from 3-nodes to 1-node, by editing the
manifest file, as follows:
replicas: 1
And then applying it:
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml
You could also use kubectl scale
to do this, e.g.,
$ kubectl scale etcdcluster my-cluster --replicas 1
The etcd-cluster-operator
will first connect to the etcd API and remove one etcd member by runtime configuration of
The member with the name containing largest ordinal will be removed first. So in the example above, "my-cluster-2" will
be removed first.
If "my-cluster-2" was the etcd leader, a leader election will take place and the cluster will briefly Leader Failure during which the cluster will not be able to process write requests.
The etcd process running in Pod "my-cluster-2" will exit with exit-code 0, and the Pod will be marked as "Complete".
Next, the operator will remove the EtcdPeer
resource for the removed etcd
This will trigger the deletion of the ReplicaSet
and the Pod
and the PersistentVolumeClaim
for "my-cluster-2".
The PersistentVolume
(and the data) for the removed etcd
node may be deleted
depending on the "Reclaim Policy" of the StorageClass
associated with the PersistentVolume
When all these operations are complete the EtcdCluster.Status
will be updated to show the new number of replicas
and the new list of etcd
Additionally, the etcd-cluster-operator
will generate an Event
for each operation it successfully performs,
which allows you to track the progress of the scale down operations.
The operator includes two controllers to help taking scheduled backups of etcd data, responding to EtcdBackup
and EtcdBackupSchedule
A backup can be taken at any time by deploying an EtcdBackup
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdbackup.yaml
When the operator detects this resource has been applied, it will take a snapshot of the etcd state from the supplied source.clusterURL
which should be the URL of a single node in the Etcd cluster.
This snapshot is then uploaded to the destination given in the destination.objectURLTemplate
Currently the only supported destination is objectURLTemplate
which writes the file to Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3.
The destination.objectURLTemplate
field should have a scheme to indicate which destination is being used.
Storage Type | Bucket URL Scheme |
Google Cloud Storage | gs:// |
Amazon S3 | s3:// |
You can use MinIO, or similar storage with an S3-compatible API, by setting the S3 endpoint using query parameters.
For example to use MinIO hosted at
objectURLTemplate: s3://bucket-name/snapshot.db?endpoint=®ion=eu-west-2
The MinIO endpoint should be resolvable and accessible by the proxy, and you may need to pass MinIO credentials as AWS credentials to the proxy.
Backups can be scheduled to be taken at given intervals:
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdbackupschedule.yaml
The resource specifies a crontab-style schedule defining how often the backup should be taken.
It includes a spec similar to the EtcdBackup
resource to define how the backup should be taken, and where it should be placed.
The .destination.objectURLTemplate
should contain a template field {{ .UID }}
which will be replaced by the UID of the EtcdBackup resource that gets created.
This ensures that backup files all have unique names.
To upgrade a cluster you update the EtcdCluster
, setting a higher .spec.version
field value.
For example, you might upgrade the sample cluster (used in the examples above) to a newer patch version (from v3.2.27 to v3.2.28), by editing the
manifest file, as follows:
version: 3.2.28
And then applying it:
$ kubectl apply -f config/samples/etcd_v1alpha1_etcdcluster.yaml
You can also upgrade to a higher minor version but you should first consult the Upgrading etcd clusters and applications documentation for documentation of the upgrade from your current minor version to the new version.
NOTE: You should always perform minor upgrades incrementally. For example, to upgrade from v3.2 to v3.4, you must first upgrade to v3.3.
When it detects a version change the etcd-cluster-operator
will first check that the cluster is healthy.
The operator will only perform upgrade operators if the Etcd cluster API is responding and if it reports that all Etcd members are healthy.
The operator will now delete the EtcdPeer
resources one by one and then recreate them with the new Etcd version.
It waits for each recreated EtcdPeer
to report its new version before deleting the next.
It deletes and recreates the peers in reverse name order, starting with the peer that has the highest ordinal name.
In the 3-node cluster example cluster, this will be my-cluster-2
As each EtcdPeer
is deleted the associated Pod
is also deleted.
NOTE: The PVC, PV and data for that EtcdPeer
will not be deleted.
When the operator recreates the EtcdPeer
a new Pod
will be started with a newer Docker image and the new Etcd process will update the existing data (if necessary)
and rejoin the cluster.
NOTE: If "my-cluster-2" was the etcd leader, a leader election will take place and the cluster will briefly Leader Failure during which the cluster will not be able to process write requests.
Once the operator detects that all cluster members are joined and health it will delete the next EtcdPeer, and so on,
until all the EtcPeers
have been recreated with the newer version.
You can view the version of each EtcdPeer
by checking the value of .status.serverVersion
You can view the EtcdCluster
version by checking the value of .status.clusterVersion
Once the upgrade is complete, all the EtcdPeers
should report the new version.
Additionally, the etcd-cluster-operator
will generate an Event
for each operation it successfully performs,
which allows you to track the progress of the upgrade operations.
A restore is represented by an EtcdRestore
resource. To restore from a backup, a new cluster must be created. It is
not possible to restore a backup into an existing, already running cluster. An existing cluster should be deleted,
including the Persistent Volume Claims, before restoring a new one with the same name.
An example of a restore resource is below:
kind: EtcdRestore
name: etcdrestore-sample
# See for details on how this query string works.
# And
objectURL: s3://foo-bucket/
clusterName: my-cluster
replicas: 3
version: 3.2.28
storageClassName: standard
storage: 1Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 200Mi
- weight: 100
- key:
operator: In
- my-cluster
The spec.source
field is used to define the source of the backup .db
file. Currently the only supported option is
which can pull a restore file from Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3. The objectURL
field should have a
scheme to indicate which source is being used.
Storage Type | Bucket URL Scheme |
Google Cloud Storage | gs:// |
Amazon S3 | s3:// |
You can use MinIO, or similar storage with an S3-compatible API, by setting the S3 endpoint using query parameters.
For example to use MinIO hosted at
objectURL: s3://bucket-name/snapshot.db?endpoint=®ion=eu-west-2
The MinIO endpoint should be resolvable and accessible by the proxy, and you may need to pass MinIO credentials as AWS credentials to the proxy.
The spec.clusterTemplate
field describes the spec
of the cluster we will create, and supports exactly the same
options as the spec
field on a EtcdCluster
Etcd exits with an non-zero exit status if it encounters unrecoverable errors or if it fails to join the cluster. And we do not know of any Etcd deadlock conditions. So the Liveness Probe seems unnecessary.
And furthermore Liveness Probes may cause more problems than they solve. In our experiments, using the a Liveness Probe based on the Etcd health endpoint, as configured by Kubeadm, the Liveness Probe regularly failed: during scaling operations due to cluster leader elections, and at times of high network latency between Etcd peers. This caused Etcd containers to be restarted, which made the situation even worse.
If you disagree with this or if you find a valid use-case for Liveness Probes, please create an issue.