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Leroux Romain edited this page Apr 18, 2019 · 31 revisions


About Streamroot.

Problem at hand / Data pipeline WHY

Raw data -> group by something (stream, isp, ...) -> aggregate over 5-minute windows

Solution with Flink

Data pipeline HOW.

Detail Flink mechanisms for resilient sinks.

Detail code organisation (available on github, maven deps, testable with local docker compose).

Basic implementation - InfluxSinkV1

First of all let's write a simple implementation of a sink writing data point to InfluxDB.

public class InfluxSinkV1 extends RichSinkFunction<Point> {

    private static final String RETENTION_POLICY = "";

    private transient InfluxDB influx;

    private final String connUrl;
    private final String user;
    private final String password;
    private final String database;

    public InfluxSinkV1(String connUrl, String user, String password, String database) {
        this.connUrl = connUrl;
        this.user = user;
        this.password = password;
        this.database = database;

    public void open(Configuration parameters) {
        influx = InfluxDBFactory.connect(connUrl, user, password);

    public void invoke(Point point, Context context) {
        influx.write(database, RETENTION_POLICY, point);

    public void close() {

A sink class must implement SinkFunction<IN>, however here we choose to extend RichSinkFunction<IN>, the reason is that the rich version provides a public void open(...) method that can be used to initialize any kind of complex/non-serializable state. In this case the transient InfluxDB client is not Serializable which is why we have to create it through this open method.

The main sink method invoke is quite simple, it takes a Point and uses influx client to send it.

Let's check that everything is alright with a quick unit test:

public void testWritingData() {
    // create an InfluxSink
    InfluxSinkV1 sink = new InfluxSinkV1("http://localhost:" + INFLUX_PORT, USER, PASSWORD, DB_DATA);; // initialize without any special config

    // create a data point and send it through the sink
            .time(, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .addField("temperature", 42)
            .tag("location", "Paris")
            .build(), null);

    // query influxdb to select all telemetry data
    QueryResult res = influx.query(new Query("SELECT * FROM telemetry", DB_DATA));
    QueryResult.Series series = res.getResults()
            .filter(s -> s.getName().equals("telemetry"))
            .orElseThrow(() -> new AssertionError("No telemetry series"));

    Map<String, Object> data = zip(series.getColumns(), series.getValues().get(0));

    // check that the data point is existing and correct
    assertEquals("Paris", data.get("location"));
    assertEquals(42.0, data.get("temperature"));


Assuming that you have docker-compose running, as mentioned in the introduction, run this test with:

mvn clean test -Dtest=InfluxSinkV1Test

[INFO] Running io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV1Test
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.58 s - in io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV1Test
[INFO] Results:
[INFO] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  4.244 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-04-15T16:43:49+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Everything looks good! However there's an issue, writing data points one by one, at each call of invoke, is quite inefficient for InfluxDB so let's see what we can do about that.

Adding batching support - InfluxSinkV2

It turns out that the influx client has built-in support for batching ! So to use it we just need to call enableBatch as follows:

public void open(Configuration parameters) {
    influx = InfluxDBFactory.connect(connUrl, user, password);
    influx.enableBatch(BatchOptions.DEFAULTS.flushDuration(100)); // flush batch every 100 ms

As for the unit test we need to change it a bit to take into account the batching duration:

// ... same as before ...

Thread.sleep(150); // before querying influx, wait 100ms for flushDuration + 50ms for safety
QueryResult res = influx.query(new Query("SELECT * FROM telemetry", DB_DATA));

// ... same as before ...

You can test it with:

mvn clean test -Dtest=InfluxSinkV2Test

However is it really that simple to handle batching properly ? What happens if a failure occurs between two batches ? Well it's very likely that data points will get lost as Flink has no idea that we are actually batching them. So let's see how we can handle a stateful sink properly with Flink.

Fully resilient implementation - InfluxSinkV3

To achieve resiliency we need to have the following mechanisms in place:

  1. Explicitly handle buffered points (leverage Flink's checkpoints)
  2. Control batches of data points sent to InfluxDB
  3. Retry in case of failure (don't process anymore data until recovery)

Explicitly handle buffered points

Flink's documentation mentions managed operator states. This mechanism requires us to implement CheckpointedFunction in order to leverage Flink's checkpoints and thus being able to snapshot/recover our data points that are being buffered and batch sent.

Here are the two new methods of interest that we will have to implement:

 * This method is called when a snapshot for a checkpoint is requested. This acts as a hook to the function to
 * ensure that all state is exposed by means previously offered through {@link FunctionInitializationContext} when
 * the Function was initialized, or offered now by {@link FunctionSnapshotContext} itself.
 * @param context the context for drawing a snapshot of the operator
 * @throws Exception
void snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext context) throws Exception;

 * This method is called when the parallel function instance is created during distributed
 * execution. Functions typically set up their state storing data structures in this method.
 * @param context the context for initializing the operator
 * @throws Exception
void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context) throws Exception;

So we have to buffer points within our sink implementation, let's simply do that with a List<Point>:

// Let's buffer data points ourselves now (instead of relying on the influx client built-in mechanism)
private final List<Point> bufferedPoints = new ArrayList<>();
private final int batchSize;

// Let's also add an internal checkpointedState that will be used by Flink
private transient ListState<Point> checkpointedState;
private final String descriptorId;

In this new version our sink main method invoke is now simply buffering points up to batchSize:

public void invoke(Point point, Context context) throws Exception {
    if (bufferedPoints.size() == batchSize) {
        // This will be detailed just after,
        // but as the name suggests it sends data points to InfluxDB

Let's implement snapshotState(...) and initializeState(...) to respectively backup and restore bufferedPoints through checkpointedState:

public void snapshotState(FunctionSnapshotContext context) throws Exception {
    for (Point point : bufferedPoints) {

public void initializeState(FunctionInitializationContext context) throws Exception {
    ListStateDescriptor<Point> descriptor = new ListStateDescriptor<>(descriptorId, TypeInformation.of(Point.class));
    checkpointedState = context.getOperatorStateStore().getListState(descriptor);
    if (context.isRestored()) {
        for (Point point : checkpointedState.get()) {

Control batches of data points sent to InfluxDB

Since we stopped relying on influx client built-in batching feature, we will have to roll our own. Luckily we can leverage OkHttpClient, on top of which influx client is built, to achieve batching.

To this end we'll start by defining a custom InfluxBatchService as follows:

// A helper for http requests
private static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE_STRING = MediaType.parse("text/plain");

// Our new batching service
private transient InfluxBatchService influx;

public void open(Configuration parameters) {
    // Create our batching service here
    influx = makeBatchService(connUrl);

// Batching service creation using OkHttpClient
private static InfluxBatchService makeBatchService(String url) {
    return new Retrofit.Builder()
            .client(new OkHttpClient.Builder().build())

// Batching service definition, this is InfluxDB http requests format
public interface InfluxBatchService {
    String U = "u";
    String P = "p";
    String DB = "db";
    String RP = "rp";
    String PRECISION = "precision";
    String CONSISTENCY = "consistency";

    Call<ResponseBody> writePoints(
            @Query(U) String username,
            @Query(P) String password,
            @Query(DB) String database,
            @Query(RP) String retentionPolicy,
            @Query(PRECISION) String precision,
            @Query(CONSISTENCY) String consistency,
            @Body RequestBody batchPoints);

Now let's come back to the mysterious batchWrite(bufferedPoints) that we skipped earlier in the sink's new invoke method and let's see how it uses our new InfluxBatchService:

private Response<ResponseBody> batchWrite(Iterable<Point> points) throws IOException {
    return influx.writePoints(
                user, password, database,
              , false)

It simply iterates through the data points and call lineProtocol to format them to the InfluxDB protocol before batch sending them with a POST request.

There has been a lot of changes since InfluxSinkV1 already, but are we done? Not yet! With our new batching approach we're flushing data points only when our buffer is full. What if we buffer points that are the result of 10-minute windowed aggregation and that our buffer isn't full ? Well they won't be flushed until the next 10-minute window ... Not very nice.

So let's add a final piece to our custom batching: a time limit. The idea is that we want to flush our buffered point as soon as one of the two following condition is met: either the batchSize is reached, or batchFreqMs has elapsed.

To achieve that we can make use of a SingleThreadScheduledExecutor that will regularly flush the buffered points. In order to make sure that everything is thread-safe we can simply add synchronized to all methods interacting with bufferedPoints.

private transient ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExec;

public void open(Configuration parameters) {
    influx = makeBatchService(connUrl);

    // Simple flushPoints at batchFreqMs interval
    scheduledExec = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
    scheduledExec.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::flushPoints, 0, batchFreqMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

Let's not forget to cleanup the scheduled executor when the sink is being stopped:

public void close() {
    boolean isStopped = false;
    try {
        isStopped = scheduledExec.awaitTermination(batchFreqMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // slurp timeout
    } finally {
        if(!isStopped) {

With this new mechanism, invoke will also have to make use of flushPoints():

public synchronized void invoke(Point point, Context context) {
    if (bufferedPoints.size() == batchSize) {
        flushPoints(); // delegates flushing

And now flushPoints() is responsible for triggering batchWrite(bufferedPoints) and clearing the buffer:

private synchronized void flushPoints()  {
    if (bufferedPoints.size() > 0) {
        try {
            batchWrite(bufferedPoints); // May throw IOException ...
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOG.error("We will handle that correctly in the next section ...");

Finally we have a complete batching mechanism in place! But as you can see from the last line of flushPoints(), we're not doing much when an exceptions occurs... This brings us to our last feature, that is proper error handling and retries.

Retry in case of failure

The last piece of this InfluxSinkV3 is the retry mechanism that will make use of the Failsafe library. What we want is to stop processing when an InfluxDB related error occurs, and have a retry policy to help recovering the situation.

Let's define a retry policy that will just keep on retrying sending the current batch of data at regular intervals:

private transient RetryPolicy<Response<ResponseBody>> retryPolicy;
private final int retryFreqMs;
private final AtomicLong retrying = new AtomicLong(0);

public void open(Configuration parameters) {
    // ... same as before ...

    retryPolicy = new RetryPolicy<Response<ResponseBody>>()
            .withMaxRetries(-1) // inifinite retries
            .handleResultIf((Response<ResponseBody> r) -> {
                if (!r.isSuccessful()) {
                    String errMessage = "";
                    try (ResponseBody errorBody = r.errorBody()) {
                        if (null != errorBody) errMessage = errorBody.string();
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        LOG.error("Couldn't read response errorBody: ", e.getMessage());
                    LOG.error("Error {} from Influx: {}", r.code(), errMessage);
                    return true; // will retry
                } else {
                    return false; // don't retry

Now we wrap our call to batchWrite(bufferedPoints) with a Failsafe.with(retryPolicy) call. It will handle IOExceptions and errors returned by InfluxDB and retry infinitely.

private synchronized void flushPoints()  {
    if (bufferedPoints.size() > 0) {
        Failsafe.with(retryPolicy).get(batchWrite(bufferedPoints)); // blocks until success
        if (retrying.get() > 1) {
  "Batch successfully recovered");

Last but not least, let's modify batchWrite(...) so that it can be used from Failsafe. Let's also keep track of the number of retries.

private CheckedSupplier<Response<ResponseBody>> batchWrite(Iterable<Point> points) {
    // Wraps the call to influx.writePoints(...) in a CheckedSupplier for Failsafe
    return () -> {
        long retryNb = retrying.getAndIncrement();
        if (retryNb > 0) {
            LOG.warn("Retrying batch (" + retryNb + ")");
        return influx.writePoints(
                user, password, database,
              , false)

And at last we're all done! For completeness sake here is final version of InfluxSinkV3.

Testing resiliency

Let's summarize all the features we implemented:

  • Backup and restore state with bufferedPoints / checkpointedState
  • Custom InfluxBatchService with configurable flushing of batchSize / batchFreqMs
  • Errors handling and retries with Failsafe

Our shinny features look good and all, now ideally we'd like to verify them with some unit tests. At least let's check that our retry mechanism is working well.

For that we'll used a library called TcpCrusher that can simulate a network failure. Let's modify our tests setup and proxy connections to our local InfluxDB through a TcpCrusher so that we can stop and restart TCP traffic at will.

public static void setup() throws Exception {
    influx = makeInfluxConn();

    reactor = new NioReactor(10); // tick im ms
    tcpCrusher = TcpCrusherBuilder.builder()
            .withBindAddress("localhost", PROXIED_PORT)
            .withConnectAddress("localhost", INFLUX_PORT)

Our new resiliency tests looks like that:

public void testResilience() throws Exception {
    // Now connect to InfluxDB through the TcpCrusher proxy
    InfluxSinkV3 sink = new InfluxSinkV3("http://localhost:" + PROXIED_PORT, USER, PASSWORD, DB_DATA);;

    // stop proxying to influx

    // try writing point
    Instant now =;
            .time(now.toEpochMilli(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
            .addField("warnings", 12)
            .tag("datacenter", "abc")
            .build(), null);
    Thread.sleep(150); // wait for batch to complete (a bit more than batchFreqMs)

    // simulate influx/network failure

    Thread.sleep(200); // wait for retry to complete (a bit more than batchFreqMs + retryFreqMs)
    QueryResult res = influx.query(new Query("SELECT * FROM monitoring", DB_DATA));
    QueryResult.Series series = res.getResults()
            .filter(s -> s.getName().equals("monitoring"))
            .orElseThrow(() -> new AssertionError("No monitoring series"));

    Map<String, Object> data = zip(series.getColumns(), series.getValues().get(0));

    assertEquals("abc", data.get("datacenter"));
    assertEquals(12.0, data.get("warnings"));
    assertEquals(now, Instant.parse((String) data.get("time")));


Again assuming that you have docker-compose running, run this test with:

mvn clean test -Dtest=InfluxSinkV3Test

The test should pass and we can see in the output that it has been retrying many times before successfully recovering the current batch:

[INFO] Running io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3Test
18:36:19,286 INFO  org.netcrusher.tcp.TcpCrusher   - TcpCrusher <localhost/>-<localhost/> is open
18:36:19,784 INFO  org.netcrusher.tcp.TcpCrusher   - TcpCrusher <localhost/>-<localhost/> is closed
18:36:19,811 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (1)
18:36:19,840 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (2)
18:36:19,869 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (3)
18:36:19,902 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (4)
18:36:19,934 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (5)
18:36:19,966 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (6)
18:36:19,994 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (7)
18:36:20,024 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (8)
18:36:20,054 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (9)
18:36:20,081 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (10)
18:36:20,085 INFO  org.netcrusher.tcp.TcpCrusher   - TcpCrusher <localhost/>-<localhost/> is open
18:36:20,110 WARN  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Retrying batch (11)
18:36:20,199 INFO  io.streamroot.InfluxSinkV3      - Batch successfully recovered
18:36:20,431 INFO  org.netcrusher.tcp.TcpCrusher   - TcpCrusher <localhost/>-<localhost/> is closed

Improving usability with a builder - InfluxSinkV4

We ended up with a lot of parameters for our InfluxSink which make it a bit cumbersome to use. A simple solution for that is to use a builder to setup all parameters in a clean and fluent fashion.

public static class Builder implements Serializable {
    private String descriptorId;
    private String connUrl;
    private String user;
    private String password;
    private String database;
    private int batchSize;
    private int batchFreqMs;
    private int retryFreqMs;

    private Builder() {}

    public Builder connUrl(String connUrl) {
        this.connUrl = connUrl;
        return this;

    // Similar methods setting some field and returning this

    public InfluxSinkV4 build() {
        return new InfluxSinkV4(this);

// Factory method for the Builder
public static Builder builder() {
    return new Builder();

// Now InfluxSinkV4 contructor is private and uses a Builder
private InfluxSinkV4(Builder b) {
    this.connUrl = b.connUrl;
    this.user = b.user;
    this.password = b.password;
    this.database = b.database;
    this.descriptorId = b.descriptorId;
    this.batchSize = b.batchSize;
    this.batchFreqMs = b.batchFreqMs;
    this.retryFreqMs = b.retryFreqMs;

Let's see it in action with a complete job that will:

  • Read data from a local socket and keep just integers
  • Sum data over 10-second windows
  • Send the result to a local InfluxDB (running in docker)

Complete instructions to run this job can be found on Github.

final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();

env.socketTextStream("netcat", Integer.parseInt(args[0]))
    .reduce((d1, d2) -> d1 + d2,
            (AllWindowFunction<Integer, Tuple2<Long, Integer>, TimeWindow>)
            (window, res, out) -> out.collect(
                    Tuple2.of(window.getEnd(), res.iterator().next())))
    .map(d -> Point.measurement("records")
            .time(d.f0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // d.f0 = window.getEnd()
            .addField("sum", d.f1)             // d.f1 = sum(data) within 10 sec
            .tag("window", "10-sec")
            .batchSize(100)      // batch send every 100 points
            .batchFreqMs(1000)   // or when 1 second has elapsed
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