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Find SDK methods and fields of an object available

This tutorial covers how to find SDK methods and fields of an object.

Object examples can be instances of a pipeline or SCH job or a stage under the pipeline.

Though this tutorial shows examples with StreamSets Control Hub pipeline and a stage under it, the process is the same for any other object available via SDK for Python.

SDK documentation has a section with details for this Configuring stages


Make sure to complete Prerequisites for the SCH pipelines tutorial.

Tutorial environment details

While creating this tutorial following was used:

  • Python 3.6
  • StreamSets for SDK 3.8.0
  • All StreamSets Data Collector with version 3.17.1


In Prerequisites for the SCH pipelines tutorial, one pipeline was created with name 'SCH Hello World pipeline'.

This tutorial shows:

  1. how to see which methods and fields are available for that SCH pipeline
  2. How to see value of a field for that pipeline
  3. how to see which methods and fields are available for a stage of that pipeline
  4. how to see help for a method for that stage


On a terminal, type the following command to open a Python 3 interpreter.

$ python3
Python 3.6.6 (v3.6.6:4cf1f54eb7, Jun 26 2018, 19:50:54)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.0 (clang-600.0.57)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Step 1 — Connect to StreamSets Control Hub instance

Let’s assume the StreamSets Control Hub is running at Create an object called control_hub which is connected to the above.

from streamsets.sdk import ControlHub

# Replace the argument values according to your setup
control_hub = ControlHub(server_url='',

Step 2 — Fetch the pipeline created in preparation

sch_pipeline = control_hub.pipelines.get(name='SCH Hello World pipeline')

This shows us the output like following:

>>> sch_pipeline
<Pipeline (pipeline_id=388f306c-f8da-4c5f-9387-8fb605306ca0:engproductivity, 
name=SCH Hello World pipeline, version=3)>

Step 3 — See methods and fields available for the pipeline using dir()

Directly inspect in a Python interpreter using the dir() built-in function on the pipeline instance.

# Loop over duplicated pipelines and add label to each
>>> dir(sch_pipeline)
['_Pipeline__pipeline_definition', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', 
'__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__lt__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', 
'__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '_attributes_to_ignore', '_attributes_to_remap', '_builder', '_control_hub', 
'_data', '_parameters', '_repr_metadata', '_rules_definition', 'ci_config', 'commit_id', 'commit_message', 'commit_time', 'committer', 
'current_external_ci_status', 'current_rules', 'definition_remove_message', 'definition_remove_time', 'definition_remover', 'description', 
'draft', 'execution_mode', 'executor_type', 'external_ci_statuses', 'fragment', 'fragment_commit_ids', 'last_modified_by', 'last_modified_on', 
'library_definitions', 'name', 'organization', 'parent_version', 'pipeline_definition', 'pipeline_id', 'pipeline_labels', 'provenance_meta_data', 
'sdc_id', 'sdc_version', 'system', 'version']

As convention in Python, any methods or fields starting with '_' (underscore) character are private and let's not use them.

So now, one can see value of a field like:

>>> sch_pipeline.version

Step 4 — See methods and fields available for the pipeline using help()

This displays the actual help available for the object.


The above code produces output like following (cut for brevity):

Help on Pipeline in module streamsets.sdk.sch_models object:

class Pipeline(BaseModel)
 |  Model for Pipeline.
 |  Args:
 |      pipeline (:obj:`dict`): Pipeline in JSON format.
 |      builder (:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.sch_models.PipelineBuilder`): Pipeline Builder object.
 |      pipeline_definition (:obj:`dict`): Pipeline Definition in JSON format.
 |      rules_definition (:obj:`dict`): Rules Definition in JSON format.
 |      control_hub (:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.sch.ControlHub`): ControlHub object.
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      Pipeline
 |      BaseModel
 |      builtins.objectHelp on Pipeline in module streamsets.sdk.sch_models object:
                       class Pipeline(BaseModel)
                        |  Model for Pipeline.
                        |  Args:
                        |      pipeline (:obj:`dict`): Pipeline in JSON format.
                        |      builder (:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.sch_models.PipelineBuilder`): Pipeline Builder object.
                        |      pipeline_definition (:obj:`dict`): Pipeline Definition in JSON format.
                        |      rules_definition (:obj:`dict`): Rules Definition in JSON format.
                        |      control_hub (:py:class:`streamsets.sdk.sch.ControlHub`): ControlHub object.
                        |  Method resolution order:
                        |      Pipeline
                        |      BaseModel
                        |      builtins.object

Step 5 — See methods and fields available for the pipeline using TAB key

Another way is when one types two times TAB key after sch_pipline. (Note the '.' in the end)

e.g. here is a sample output with this pipeline_introspection

Step 6 — See help for a pipeline method

Now from above step, it is known that sch_pipeline pipeline object has a method called add_label. Reason is above output showed us ( for add_label.

Let's see how can we use it. For that we need to see help of that method in the following manner.


and it shows output like following:

Help on method add_label in module streamsets.sdk.sch_models:

add_label(*labels) method of streamsets.sdk.sch_models.Pipeline instance
    Add a label

        *labels: One or more instances of :obj:`str`

Step 7 — See methods and fields available for a stage

SDK documentation has a great section with details for this Configuring stages

Exactly the same ways are available:

  1. dir()
  2. help()
  3. TAB key usage

Here is sample output for a stage of that pipeline by using 2 times TAB key after dev_data_genertor.

>>> dev_data_generator = sch_pipeline.stages[0]
>>> dev_data_generator.
dev_data_generator.add_output(                dev_data_generator.on_record_error
dev_data_generator.batch_size                 dev_data_generator.output_lanes
dev_data_generator.configuration              dev_data_generator.output_lanes_idx
dev_data_generator.delay_between_batches      dev_data_generator.root_field_type
dev_data_generator.event_lanes                dev_data_generator.set_attributes(
dev_data_generator.event_name                 dev_data_generator.stage_name
dev_data_generator.fields_to_generate         dev_data_generator.stage_on_record_error
dev_data_generator.header_attributes          dev_data_generator.stage_record_preconditions
dev_data_generator.instance_name              dev_data_generator.stage_required_fields
dev_data_generator.label                      dev_data_generator.stage_type
dev_data_generator.library                    dev_data_generator.stage_version

So now, one can see value of a field like:

>>> dev_data_generator.batch_size
>>> dev_data_generator.label
'Dev Data Generator 1'

Note The dev_data_generator.label here. This is very helpful while creating a pipeline. Reason is, this is what is used for the add_stage call. Same can be seen in UI too. e.g.

# Create a pipeline
builder = control_hub.get_pipeline_builder()
dev_data_generator = builder.add_stage('Dev Data Generator')

Step 8 — See help for a stage method

Now from above step, it is known that dev_data_generator stage object has a method called set_attributes. Reason is above output showed us ( for set_attributes.

Let's see how can we use it. For that we need to see help of that method in the following manner.


and it shows output like following:

Help on method set_attributes in module streamsets.sdk.sdc_models:

set_attributes(**attributes) method of streamsets.sdk.sdc_models.com_streamsets_pipeline_stage_devtest_RandomDataGeneratorSource instance
    Set one or more stage attributes.

        **attributes: Attributes to set.

        This stage as an instance of :py:class:`streamsets.sdk.sdc_models.Stage`.


To get to know more details about SDK for Python, check the SDK documentation.

If you encounter any problems with this tutorial, please file an issue in the tutorials project.