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Releases: stripe/stripe-react-native

0.30.0 - 2023-08-04

04 Aug 22:09
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  • Added the handleNextActionForSetup method. This can be used exactly like handleNextAction, except with SetupIntents. #1440
  • canAddCardToWallet now returns the fpanLastFour and dpanLastFour in the GooglePayCardToken type. The cardLastFour field (which is now superseded by fpanLastFour) is deprecated.


  • Fixed an error on Android where AddressSheet would throw an error if submitted with the keyboard open. #1462
  • Fixed an issue where state was not included in the returned PaymentIntent's shippingDetails on iOS. #1465
  • Fixed an error where usePaymentSheet could cause infinite reloads. #1439'

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.29.0 - 2023-07-13

13 Jul 21:02
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Breaking changes

  • The Apple Pay and Google Pay APIs, which are deprecated and were replaced with the Platform Pay API last year, have been removed. #1424



  • Fixes handleURLCallback to only take action on iOS, no-op on Android. #1423

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.28.0 - 2023-06-16

16 Jun 18:41
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  • Added a disabled prop to CardField and CardForm which applies a disabled state such that user input is not accepted. #1403


  • Fixed an instance on Android where collectBankAccountToken or collectFinancialConnectionsAccounts could result in a fatal error. #1401
  • Resolve with better error objects on iOS in confirmPaymentSheetPayment, createTokenForCVCUpdate, createPaymentMethod, retrievePaymentIntent, and retrieveSetupIntent #1399

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.2 - 2023-05-15

15 May 20:42
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  • Updated stripe-android from 20.24.0 to 20.25.+ #1384
  • Updated stripe-ios from 23.7.+ to 23.8.+ #1384

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.1 - 2023-05-03

03 May 19:08
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Note: Xcode 13 is no longer supported by Apple. Please upgrade to Xcode 14.1 or later.


  • Fixed the type of created on Token.Result on Android (was a number, should be a string). #1369
  • Fixed AddToWalletButton not properly resolving the androidAssetSource in release mode. #1373
  • Fixed isPlatformPaySupported not respecting existingPaymentMethodRequired or testEnv on Android. #1374

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.27.0 - 2023-04-21

21 Apr 18:05
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  • Added billingDetailsCollectionConfiguration to initPaymentSheet parameters. Use this to configure the collection of email, phone, name, or address in the Payment Sheet. #1361


  • Updated Google Pay button asset to match Google's most recent branding guidelines. #1343
  • Fixed type for ApplePay.ShippingContact.phoneNumber. #1349
  • Fixed CardResult type to include threeDSecureUsage. #1347

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.26.0 - 2023-03-16

16 Mar 22:02
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New Features

  • Added support for PayPal and CashApp to PaymentSheet, confirmPayment, and confirmSetupIntent. #1331


  • Compatible with v0.1.4 of @stripe/stripe-identity-react-native. 8fa8a7a

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.25.0 - 2023-02-27

27 Feb 18:03
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New Features

  • Added the supportsTapToPay option to canAddCardToWallet. #1308


  • Fixed an issue on iOS where canAddCardToWallet would always return a details.status of UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE on iPads. #1305
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where canAddCardToWallet would always return a {canAddCard: false} if the card in question had been provsioned on the current device, but had not yet been provisioned on a paired Watch. #1305
  • Fixed an issue on iOS where the deprecated onDidSetShippingMethod & onDidSetShippingContact events wouldn't be triggered if you were using the useApplePay hook without using the ApplePayButton component. #1298
  • Fixed an issue on Android where canAddCardToWallet could result in a null pointer exception on devices without NFC compatibility. #1308

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.24.0 - 2023-02-17

17 Feb 19:31
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Breaking changes

  • #1248 Renamed the paymentSummaryItems field in initPaymentSheet()'s applePay params to cartItems. So your change will look like this:
   applePay: {
-    paymentSummaryItems: [
+    cartItems: [

New Features

  • Added the setOrderTracking property to the PlatformPayButton component and the initPaymentSheet method. Use this callback for setting the order details to give users the ability to track and manage their purchases in Wallet. To learn more about order tracking, see Apple’s Wallet Orders documentation. #1248
  • Added the buttonType field to initPaymentSheet()'s applePay params. Use this to set the text displayed by the call to action button in the Apple Pay sheet.#1248
  • Added the request field to initPaymentSheet()'s, confirmPlatformPayPayment()'s, and confirmPlatformPaySetupIntent's applePay params. Use this to support different types of payment requests, like RecurringPaymentRequest, AutomaticReloadPaymentRequest, and MultiMerchantRequest.#1248
  • Added an options argument to presentPaymentSheet which includes a timeout property. #1287

Please see the changelog for additional details.

0.23.3 - 2023-02-07

07 Feb 23:28
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  • Fixes a build failure on Android when using stripe-android v20.19.2. #1289

Please see the changelog for additional details.