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File metadata and controls

60 lines (38 loc) · 3.51 KB



The desk currently has the minimum amount of files necessary to distribute an application and should be distributable immediately. Any further Hoon development should happen here.

TODO: Add further documentation on beginning Hoon development


albums is built primarily using React, JavaScript, and Tailwind CSS. Vite ensures that all code and assets are loaded appropriately, bundles the application for distribution and provides a functional dev environment.

Getting Started

To get started using albums first you need to run npm install inside the ui directory.

To develop you'll need a running ship to point to. To do so you first need to add a .env.local file to the ui directory. This file will not be committed. Adding VITE_SHIP_URL={URL} where {URL} is the URL of the ship you would like to point to, will allow you to run npm run dev. This will proxy all requests to the ship except for those powering the interface, allowing you to see live data.

Your browser may require CORS requests to be enabled for the use of @urbit/http-api. The following commands will add http://localhost:3000 to the CORS registry of your ship

~zod:dojo> +cors-registry

[requests={~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.localhost ~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.localhost~3a.3000} approved={} rejected={}]

~zod:dojo> |cors-approve ~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.localhost~3a.3000 

~zod:dojo> +cors-registry

[requests={~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.localhost} approved={~~http~3a.~2f.~2f.localhost~3a.3000} rejected={}]


Regardless of what you run to develop, Vite will hot-reload code changes as you work so you don't have to constantly refresh.


To deploy, run npm run build in the ui directory which will bundle all the code and assets into the dist/ folder. This can then be made into a glob by doing the following:

  1. Create or launch an urbit using the -F flag
  2. On that urbit, if you don't already have a desk to run from, run |merge %work our %base to create a new desk and mount it with |mount %work.
  3. Now the %work desk is accessible through the host OS's filesystem as a directory of that urbit's pier ie ~/zod/work.
  4. From the ui directory you can run rsync -avL --delete dist/ ~/zod/work/albums where ~/zod is your fake urbit's pier.
  5. Once completed you can then run |commit %work on your urbit and you should see your files logged back out from the dojo.
  6. Now run =dir /=garden to switch to the garden desk directory
  7. You can now run -make-glob %work /albums which will take the folder where you just added files and create a glob which can be thought of as a sort of bundle. It will be output to ~/zod/.urb/put.
  8. If you navigate to ~/zod/.urb/put you should see a file that looks like this glob-0v5.fdf99.nph65.qecq3.ncpjn.q13mb.glob. The characters between glob- and .glob are a hash of the glob's contents.
  9. Now that we have the glob it can be uploaded to any publicly available HTTP endpoint that can serve files. This allows the glob to distributed over HTTP.
  10. Once you've uploaded the glob, you should then update the corresponding entry in the docket file at desk/desk.docket-0. Both the full URL and the hash should be updated to match the glob we just created, on the line that looks like this:
    glob-http+['' 0v5.fdf99.nph65.qecq3.ncpjn.q13mb]
  1. This can now be safely committed and deployed.