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1962 lines (1414 loc) · 50.5 KB

Breaking Changes


Migration Guide

If you aren't sure where to start in upgrading to v4, we recommend reading through our migration guide first.

Migration Linter

Looking for a tool that automatically warns (and sometimes fixes) the breaking changes listed? Check out our migration linter!


A list of the breaking changes introduced to each component in Ionic Angular v4.

Action Sheet

The title, subTitle and enableBackdropDismiss properties have been renamed to header, subHeader and backdropDismiss respectively.

Old Usage Example:

const actionSheet = await actionSheetCtrl.create({
  title: 'This is the title',
  subTitle: 'this is the sub title',
  enableBackdropDismiss: false
await actionSheet.present();

New Usage Example:

const actionSheet = await actionSheetCtrl.create({
  header: 'This is the title',
  subHeader: 'this is the sub title',
  backdropDismiss: false
await actionSheet.present();


The title, subTitle and enableBackdropDismiss properties have been renamed to header, subHeader and backdropDismiss respectively.

Old Usage Example:

const alert = await alertCtrl.create({
  title: 'This is the title',
  subTitle: 'this is the sub title',
  enableBackdropDismiss: false
await alert.present();

New Usage Example:

const alert = await alertCtrl.create({
  header: 'This is the title',
  subHeader: 'this is the sub title',
  backdropDismiss: false
await alert.present();

Back Button

The back button is no longer added by default to a navigation bar. It should be explicitly written in a toolbar:

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-title>Back Button Example</ion-title>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-buttons slot="start">
  <ion-title>Back Button Example</ion-title>

See the back button documentation for more usage examples.


Markup Changed

Button should now be written as an <ion-button> element. Ionic will determine when to render an anchor tag based on the presence of an href attribute.

Old Usage Example:

<button ion-button (click)="doSomething()">
  Default Button

<a ion-button href="#">
  Default Anchor

New Usage Example:

<ion-button (click)="doSomething()">
  Default Button

<ion-button href="#">
  Default Anchor

Attributes Renamed

Previously to style icons inside of a button the following attributes were used: icon-left, icon-right, (and with the added support of RTL) icon-start, icon-end.

These have been renamed to the following, and moved from the button element to the icon itself:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
icon-left, icon-start slot="start" Positions to the left of the button in LTR, and to the right in RTL.
icon-right, icon-end slot="end" Positions to the right of the button in LTR, and to the left in RTL.

In addition, several sets of mutually exclusive boolean attributes have been combined into a single string attribute.

The small and large attributes are now combined under the size attribute. The clear, outline, and solid attributes have been combined under fill. The full and block attributes have been combined under expand. And, lastly, the round attribute is now used under shape.

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
small, large size Sets the button size.
clear, outline, solid fill Sets the button fill style.
full, block             expand Sets the button width.
round             shape Sets the button shape.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-button icon-left>
  <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>
  Icon Left

<ion-button icon-start>
  <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>
  Icon Left on LTR, Right on RTL

<ion-button icon-right>
  Icon Right
  <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>

<ion-button icon-end>
  Icon Right on LTR, Left on RTL
  <ion-icon name="home"></ion-icon>

<ion-button large>
  Large Button

<ion-button outline>
  Outline Button

<ion-button full>
  Full-width Button

<ion-button round>
  Round Button

New Usage Example:

  <ion-icon slot="start" name="home"></ion-icon>
  Icon Left on LTR, Right on RTL

  Icon Right on LTR, Left on RTL
  <ion-icon slot="end" name="home"></ion-icon>

<ion-button size="large">
  Large Button

<ion-button fill="outline">
  Outline Button

<ion-button expand="full">
  Full-width Button

<ion-button shape="round">
  Round Button


The default Ionic theme colors have changed. Previously we had:

primary:         #327eff
secondary:       #32db64
danger:          #f53d3d
light:           #f4f4f4
dark:            #222

Some of their values have changed, and we now include more colors by default:

primary:         #3880ff
secondary:       #0cd1e8
tertiary:        #7044ff
success:         #10dc60
warning:         #ffce00
danger:          #f04141
light:           #f4f5f8
medium:          #989aa2
dark:            #222428

The secondary color saw the largest change. If you were previously using our secondary color we recommend switching to success instead.

Component Imports

For consistency with other frameworks and the rest of APIs and tooling, the exported Ionic components are now prefixed with Ion:

- import { Input, List, Slides } from 'ionic-angular';
+ import { IonInput, IonList, IonSlides } from '@ionic/angular';


Content is now a drop-in replacement for ion-scroll. This makes ion-content much more flexible. It can be used anywhere, even nested.

Method Removed

The resize method has been removed from Content. In Ionic 4, the ion-content is based on a flex layout. This means the content size will automatically adjust without requiring a call to resize().

Attributes Renamed

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
no-bounce forceOverflow="false" If true and the content does not cause an overflow scroll, the scroll interaction will cause a bounce.


The Datetime classes and interfaces have changed capitalization from DateTime to Datetime. This is more consistent with other components and their tags.

Old Usage Example:

import { DateTime } from 'ionic-angular';

New Usage Example:

import { Datetime } from '@ionic/angular';

Dynamic Mode

Components are no longer able to have their mode changed dynamically. You can change the mode before the first render, but after that it will not style properly because only the initial mode's styles are included.


Events now emit as a CustomEvent interface that extends the Event interface. This interface includes a detail property that holds any data passed when the event is triggered.

This allows you to still get the details of the event. For example, to get the target where the event was dispatched, such as a button that was clicked, you can read in the value of

Old Usage Example:

<ion-select (ionChange)="onSelectChange($event)">
onSelectChange(event) {
  const value = event.value;
  console.log('Select value is', value);

New Usage Example:

onSelectChange(event: CustomEvent) {
  const value = event.detail.value;
  console.log('Select value is', value);


Markup Changed

Buttons inside of an <ion-fab> container should now be written as an <ion-fab-button> element. Ionic will determine when to render an anchor tag based on the presence of an href attribute.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-fab top right edge>
  <button ion-fab>
    <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
    <button ion-fab>
      <ion-icon name="logo-facebook"></ion-icon>
    <button ion-fab>
      <ion-icon name="logo-twitter"></ion-icon>
    <button ion-fab>
      <ion-icon name="logo-vimeo"></ion-icon>
    <button ion-fab>
      <ion-icon name="logo-googleplus"></ion-icon>

New Usage Example:

<ion-fab vertical="top" horizontal="end" edge>
    <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="logo-facebook"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="logo-twitter"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="logo-vimeo"></ion-icon>
      <ion-icon name="logo-googleplus"></ion-icon>

Attributes Renamed

The mutually exclusive boolean attributes to position the fab have been combined into two single string attributes.

The attributes to align the fab horizontally are now combined under the horizontal attribute and the attributes to align the fab vertically are now combined under the vertical attribute:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
left Removed, see start
right Removed, see end
center horizontal="center" Positions to the center of the viewport.
start horizontal="start" Positions to the left of the viewport in LTR, and to the right in RTL.
end horizontal="end" Positions to the right of the viewport in LTR, and to the left in RTL.
top vertical="top" Positions at the top of the viewport.
bottom vertical="bottom" Positions at the bottom of the viewport.
middle vertical="center" Positions at the center of the viewport.

Note that middle has been changed to center for the vertical positioning.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-fab top right edge>
  <!-- fab buttons and lists -->

<ion-fab center middle>
  <!-- fab buttons and lists -->

New Usage Example:

<ion-fab vertical="top" horizontal="end" edge>
  <!-- fab buttons and lists -->

<ion-fab vertical="center" horizontal="center">
  <!-- fab buttons and lists -->

Fixed Content

The <ion-fab> container was previously placed inside of the fixed content by default. Now, any fixed content should use the fixed slot.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-fab top right edge>
    <!-- fab buttons and lists -->
  Scrollable Content

New Usage Example:

<ion-fab vertical="top" horizontal="end" edge slot="fixed">
  <!-- fab buttons and lists -->
  Scrollable Content


Markup Changed

The Grid has been refactored in order to support CSS variables and a dynamic number of columns. The following column attributes have been changed.

In the following examples, {breakpoint} refers to the optional screen breakpoint (xs, sm, md, lg, xl) and {value} refers to the number of columns (auto or a number between 1 and 12).

  • col-{breakpoint}-{value} attributes have been renamed to size-{breakpoint}=“{value}”
  • offset-{breakpoint}-{value} attributes have been renamed to offset-{breakpoint}=“{value}”
  • push-{breakpoint}-{value} attributes have been renamed to push-{breakpoint}=“{value}”
  • pull-{breakpoint}-{value} attributes have been renamed to pull-{breakpoint}=“{value}”

Customizing the padding and width of a grid should now be done with CSS variables. For more information, see Grid Layout.


Fonts Removed

Icons have been refactored to use SVGs instead of fonts. Ionic will only fetch the SVG for the icon when it is needed, instead of having a large font file that is always loaded in.

If any CSS is being overridden for an icon it will need to change to override the SVG itself. Below is a usage example of the differences in changing the icon color.

Old Usage Example:

.icon {
  color: #000;

New Usage Example:

ion-icon {
  fill: #000;

Note: we are no longer adding the icon class to an ion-icon, so the element should be targeted instead.

Property Removed

The isActive property has been removed. It only worked for ios icons previously. If you would like to switch between an outline and solid icon you should set it in the name, or ios/md attribute and then change it when needed.

Infinite Scroll

Method Removed

The enable() method has been removed in favor of using the disabled property on the ion-infinite-scroll element.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="doInfinite($event)">
doInfinite(infiniteScroll) {
  console.log('Begin async operation');

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('Async operation has ended');

    // To disable the infinite scroll
  }, 500);

New Usage Example:

<ion-infinite-scroll (ionInfinite)="doInfinite($event)">
doInfinite(event) {
  console.log('Begin async operation');

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('Async operation has ended');;

    // To disable the infinite scroll = true;
  }, 500);


Markup Changed

Item should now be written as an <ion-item> element. Ionic will determine when to render an anchor tag based on the presence of an href attribute, and a button tag based on the presence of an onclick or button attribute. Otherwise, it will render a div.

Old Usage Example:

  Default Item

<button ion-item (click)="doSomething()">
  Button Item

<a ion-item href="#">
  Anchor Item

New Usage Example:

    Default Item

<ion-item button (click)="doSomething()">
    Button Item

<ion-item href="#">
    Anchor Item

Label Required

Previously an ion-label would automatically get added to an ion-item if one wasn't provided. Now an ion-label should always be added in the item component.

    Item Label

Attributes Renamed

Previously to position elements inside of an ion-item the following attributes were used: item-left, item-right, (and with the added support of RTL) item-start, item-end.

These have been renamed to the following:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
item-left, item-start slot="start" Positions to the left of the item in LTR, and to the right in RTL.
item-right, item-end slot="end" Positions to the right of the item in LTR, and to the left in RTL.

Old Usage Example:

  <div item-left>Left</div>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>
  <div item-right>Right</div>

  <div item-start>Left on LTR, Right on RTL</div>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>
  <div item-end>Right on LTR, Left on RTL</div>

New Usage Example:

  <div slot="start">Left on LTR, Right on RTL</div>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>
  <div slot="end">Right on LTR, Left on RTL</div>

Detail Push

The attributes to show/hide the detail arrows on items have been converted to a single property and value. Instead of writing detail-push or detail-none to show/hide the arrow, it should be written detail/detail="true" or detail="false".

Old Usage Example:

<button ion-item detail-none>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>

<ion-item detail-push>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>

New Usage Example:

<ion-item button detail="false">
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>

<ion-item detail>
  <ion-label>Item Label</ion-label>

By default, items that render buttons or anchor tags will show the arrow in ios mode.

Item Divider

Label Required

Previously an ion-label would automatically get added to an ion-item-divider if one wasn't provided. Now an ion-label should always be added around the text.

  <ion-label>Item Divider Label</ion-label>

Item Options

Attributes Renamed

Previously to position the item options inside of an ion-item-sliding the side attribute would be used with one of the following values: "left", "right".

These values have been renamed to "start" and "end" to better align with our support for RTL.

Old Value New Value
side="left" side="start"
side="right" side="end"

Item Sliding

Markup Changed

The option component should now be written as an ion-item-option. Previously it was written as a button with an ion-button directive. The ion-item-option element will render a native button element inside of it.

Old Usage Example:

    Item 1
  <ion-item-options side="right">
    <button ion-button expandable>
      <ion-icon name="star"></ion-icon>

New Usage Example:

    <ion-label>Item 1</ion-label>
  <ion-item-options side="end">
    <ion-item-option expandable>
      <ion-icon name="star"></ion-icon>

Method Renamed

The getSlidingPercent method has been renamed to getSlidingRatio since the function is returning a ratio of the open amount of the item compared to the width of the options.

Arguments Changed

The ionDrag event no longer gets the sliding item as an argument. It now takes an event with a property details which contains two properties amount and ratio reflecting the absolute and ratio values of the sliding action respectively.

Old Usage Example:

dragged(item: ItemSliding) {

New Usage Example:

dragged(ev: { details: { amount: number, ratio: number } }) {


Attributes Renamed

The attributes to set label position in an item are now combined under the position attribute:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
fixed position="fixed" A persistent label that sits next the input.
floating position="floating" A label that will float above the input if the input is empty or loses focus.
stacked position="stacked" A stacked label will always appear on top of the input.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-label floating>Floating Label</ion-label>
  <!-- input -->

  <ion-label fixed>Fixed Label</ion-label>
  <!-- input -->

New Usage Example:

  <ion-label position="floating">Floating Label</ion-label>
  <!-- input -->

  <ion-label position="fixed">Fixed Label</ion-label>
  <!-- input -->

List Header

Label Required

Previously an ion-label would automatically get added to an ion-list-header if one wasn't provided. Now an ion-label should always be added around the text.

  <ion-label>List Header Label</ion-label>


See Overlays.


Properties Renamed

  • The swipeEnabled property has been renamed to swipeGesture.
  • The content prop has been renamed to contentId and it points to the DOM id of the content.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-menu swipeEnabled="false" content="nav"> </ion-menu>

<ion-nav #nav></ion-nav>

New Usage Example:

<ion-menu swipeGesture="false" contentId="nav"> </ion-menu>

<ion-nav id="nav"></ion-nav>

Events Renamed

  • ionClose was renamed to ionDidClose
  • ionOpen was renamed to ionDidOpen

Menu Toggle

Markup Changed

The menuToggle attribute should not be added to an element anymore. Elements that should toggle a menu should be wrapped in an ion-menu-toggle element.

Old Usage Example:

<button ion-button menuToggle>
  Toggle Menu

New Usage Example:

    Toggle Menu


Arguments Changed

The component is no longer the first argument in the create method. Instead, a single argument of type ModalOptions is passed in with a component property and the value is the component as part of the passed object.

Old Usage Example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ModalController } from 'ionic-angular';

import { ModalPage } from './modal-page';

export class MyPage {

  constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalController) { }

  presentModal() {
    const modal = this.modalCtrl.create(ModalPage);

New Usage Example:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ModalController } from '@ionic/angular';

import { ModalPage } from './modal-page';

export class MyPage {

  constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalController) { }

  async presentModal() {
    const modal = await this.modalCtrl.create({
      component: ModalPage
    return await modal.present();


Method Renamed

  • The remove method has been renamed to removeIndex to avoid conflicts with HTML and be more descriptive as to what it does.
  • The getActiveChildNavs method has been renamed to getChildNavs.

Prop Renamed

  • The swipeBackEnabled prop has been renamed to swipeGesture.


The <ion-navbar> component has been removed in favor of always using an <ion-toolbar> with an explicit back button:

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-title>My Navigation Bar</ion-title>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-buttons slot="start">
  <ion-title>My Navigation Bar</ion-title>

See the back button changes for more information.


Markup Changed

Select's option element should now be written as <ion-select-option>. This makes it more obvious that the element should only be used with a Select.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-option>Option 1</ion-option>
  <ion-option>Option 2</ion-option>
  <ion-option>Option 3</ion-option>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-select-option>Option 1</ion-select-option>
  <ion-select-option>Option 2</ion-select-option>
  <ion-select-option>Option 3</ion-select-option>

Class Renamed

The class has been renamed from Option to SelectOption to keep it consistent with the element tag name.


Markup Changed

All overlays should now use async/await. This includes Action Sheet, Alert, Loading, Modal, Popover, and Toast. In addition, the enableBackdropDismiss property has been renamed to backdropDismiss.

Old Usage Example:

presentPopover(ev: any) {
  const popover = this.popoverController.create({
    component: PopoverComponent,
    event: event,
    translucent: true,
    enableBackdropDismiss: false

New Usage Example:

async presentPopover(ev: any) {
  const popover = await this.popoverController.create({
    component: PopoverComponent,
    event: event,
    translucent: true,
    backdropDismiss: false
  return await popover.present();

Property Removed

The dismissOnPageChange property of the create was removed from Loading & Toast. All of the navigation API is promise based and there are global events (ionNavWillChange, ionNavDidChange) that you can listen to in order to detect when navigation occurs.

Old Usage Example:

openLoading() {
  let loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
    content: 'Loading...',
    dismissOnPageChange: true

New Usage Example:

async openLoading() {
  let loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({
    message: 'Loading...'

  await loading.present();

  const { role, data } = await loading.onDidDismiss();

  console.log('Loading dismissed!');


See Overlays.


Slot Required

Previously radio was positioned inside of an item automatically or by using item-left/item-right. It is now required to have a slot to be positioned properly in an item.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-radio value="apple"></ion-radio>

  <ion-label>Grape, checked, disabled</ion-label>
  <ion-radio item-left value="grape" checked disabled></ion-radio>

  <ion-radio item-right color="danger" value="cherry"></ion-radio>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-radio slot="start" value="apple"></ion-radio>

  <ion-label>Grape, checked, disabled</ion-label>
  <ion-radio slot="start" value="grape" checked disabled></ion-radio>

  <ion-radio slot="end" color="danger" value="cherry"></ion-radio>

Radio Group

Radio group has been changed to an element. It should now be wrapped around any <ion-radio> elements as <ion-radio-group>.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-list radio-group>
    <ion-radio value="apple"></ion-radio>

    <ion-label>Grape, checked, disabled</ion-label>
    <ion-radio value="grape" checked disabled></ion-radio>

    <ion-radio color="danger" value="cherry"></ion-radio>

New Usage Example:

      <ion-radio slot="start" value="apple"></ion-radio>

      <ion-label>Grape, checked, disabled</ion-label>
      <ion-radio slot="start" value="grape" checked disabled></ion-radio>

      <ion-radio slot="start" color="danger" value="cherry"></ion-radio>


Attributes Renamed

Previously to place content inside of a range the following attributes were used: range-left, range-right, (and with the added support of RTL) range-start, range-end.

These have been renamed to the following:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
range-left, range-start slot="start" Positions to the left of the range in LTR, and to the right in RTL.
range-right, range-end slot="end" Positions to the right of the range in LTR, and to the left in RTL.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-icon name="sunny" range-left></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="sunny" range-right></ion-icon>

  <ion-icon name="sunny" range-start></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="sunny" range-end></ion-icon>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-icon name="sunny" slot="start"></ion-icon>
  <ion-icon name="sunny" slot="end"></ion-icon>


The enabled property (with a default value of true) has been renamed to disabled (with a default value of false).

Old Usage Example:

<ion-refresher enabled="false">

New Usage Example:

<ion-refresher disabled="true">


ion-scroll has been removed in favor of using ion-content:

- <ion-scroll scrollX="true">
+ <ion-content scrollX="true">

Another very good option is to style a div to become scrollable using CSS:

div.scrollable {
  overflow: scroll

Segment Button

Segment Button text is now required to be wrapped in an ion-label.

Old usage:

  Item One

New usage:

  <ion-label>Item One</ion-label>


The selectOptions property was renamed to interfaceOptions since it directly correlates with the interface property.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-select [selectOptions]="customOptions">
this.customOptions = {
  title: 'Pizza Toppings',
  subTitle: 'Select your toppings'

New Usage Example:

<ion-select [interfaceOptions]="customOptions">
this.customOptions = {
  title: 'Pizza Toppings',
  subTitle: 'Select your toppings'

Show When / Hide When

The showWhen and hideWhen directives (ion-show-when and ion-hide-when components) have been removed in v4 in favor of using CSS and media queries to accomplish the desired look.

Media Query Examples

Examples of media queries in CSS:

/* targeting only portrait orientation */
@media (orientation: portrait) {
  /* CSS to apply when orientation is portrait goes here */

/* targeting only landscape orientation */
@media (orientation: landscape) {
  /* CSS to apply when orientation is landscape goes here */

/* targeting minimum width */
@media (min-width: 300px) {
  /* CSS to apply when the minimum width is 300px goes here */

/* targeting both minimum width and maximum width */
@media (min-width: 300px) and (max-width: 600px) {
  /* CSS to apply when the minimum width is 300px and maximum width is 600px goes here */

Showing and Hiding by Breakpoint

The default breakpoints used by Ionic can be used internally if desired:

Breakpoint Screen Width
xs 0
sm 576px
md 768px
lg 992px
xl 1200px

For example, to hide all h3 elements when the minimum breakpoint is sm, the following CSS can be used:

/* Hide all h3 elements when the minimum width is 576px (sm breakpoint) */
@media (min-width: 576px) {
  h3 {
    display: none;

You can even create your own reusable classes for this, such as the following:

/* Hide all elements with the .hide-xs-up class when the minimum width is 0px (xs breakpoint) */
@media (min-width: 0px) {
  .hide-xs-up {
    display: none;

/* Hide all elements with the .hide-sm-up class when the minimum width is 576px (sm breakpoint) */
@media (min-width: 576px) {
  .hide-sm-up {
    display: none;

/* Repeat above for the other breakpoints */

This can also be combined to only show specific elements when there is a min width:

@media (min-width: 0px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-xs-up class when the minimum width is 0px (xs breakpoint) */
  .hide-xs-up {
    display: none;

  /* Show all elements with the .show-xs-up class when the minimum width is 0px (xs breakpoint) */
  .show-xs-up {
    display: block;

@media (min-width: 576px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-sm-up class when the minimum width is 576px (sm breakpoint) */
  .hide-sm-up {
    display: none;

  /* Show all elements with the .show-sm-up class when the minimum width is 576px (sm breakpoint) */
  .show-sm-up {
    display: block;

/* Repeat above for the other breakpoints */

If you'd only like to show the element when it is in that specific breakpoint, but don't want to add multiple classes to achieve it, you can combine min-width and max-width to target specific breakpoints:

@media (min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 575px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-xs-only class when the minimum width is 0px (xs breakpoint) and the maximum width is 575px (right before sm breakpoint) */
  .show-xs-only {
    display: block;

@media (min-width: 576px) and (max-width: 767px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-sm-only class when the minimum width is 576px (sm breakpoint) and the maximum width is 767px (right before md breakpoint) */
  .show-sm-only {
    display: block;

@media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 991px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-md-only class when the minimum width is 768px (md breakpoint) and the maximum width is 991px (right before lg breakpoint) */
  .show-md-only {
    display: block;

@media (min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px) {
  /* Hide all elements with the .hide-lg-only class when the minimum width is 992px (lg breakpoint) and the maximum width is 1199px (right before xl breakpoint) */
  .show-lg-only {
    display: block;

/* Not necessary for xl since there isn't a larger breakpoint, can use the show-xl-up */

Showing and Hiding by Mode

Styling based on the mode can be achieved by targeting an element with the mode class as the parent.

For example, to hide all h3 elements when the mode is md, the following CSS can be used:

/* Hide all h3 elements when the mode is md */
.md h3 {
  display: none;

Similar to breakpoints, a class can be created to make this easier. For example, to hide all elements with the .hide-ios class in ios mode:

/* Hide all elements when the mode is ios and they have the .hide-ios class */
.ios .hide-ios {
  display: none;

Showing and Hiding by Platform

Styling based on the platform is similar to styling by mode and can be achieved by targeting an element with the class plt-{PLATFORM} where {PLATFORM} is the name of the platform to be styled, from the following list:


For example, to hide all h3 elements when the platform is desktop, the following CSS can be used:

/* Hide all h3 elements when the platform is desktop */
.plt-desktop h3 {
  display: none;


Name Changed

The ios and ios-small spinner's have been renamed to lines and lines-small, respectively. This also applies to any components that use spinner: ion-loading, ion-infinite-scroll, ion-refresher.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-spinner name="ios"></ion-spinner>

<ion-spinner name="ios-small"></ion-spinner>

New Usage Example:

<ion-spinner name="lines"></ion-spinner>

<ion-spinner name="lines-small"></ion-spinner>


Tabs has been completely refactored for Ionic 4. In Ionic 3 there was a lot of magic going on behind the scenes to style and generate the tab bar and buttons. While this made it easy to get up and running using tabs in Ionic, it made it more difficult to customize the tabs.

We decided to rethink the tabs implementation to make it more flexible and easier to theme for your application. In order to accomplish this, there had to be some changes to the markup.


The general usage of the ion-tabs element hasn't changed too drastically. Its purpose is still mostly the same - it wraps the entire layout.

Properties Removed

The attributes to position the tabs, change the tab layout, enable the tab highlight and hide the tabs have been removed. Instead customize this content in the ion-tab-button.

Old Usage Example:

<ion-tabs tabsLayout="icon-top" tabsPlacement="bottom" tabsHighlight="true" hidden>

New Usage Example:



The ion-tab has been removed in the Angular version of Ionic 4. You should use the Angular router with an ion-tab-button that has a tab property.

import { RouterModule, Routes } from '@angular/router';

import { TabsPage } from './';

const routes: Routes = [
    path: 'tabs',
    component: TabsPage,
    children: [
        path: 'tab1',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: '../tab1/tab1.module#Tab1PageModule'
        path: 'tab2',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: '../tab2/tab2.module#Tab2PageModule'
        path: 'tab3',
        children: [
            path: '',
            loadChildren: '../tab3/tab3.module#Tab3PageModule'
        path: '',
        redirectTo: '/tabs/tab1',
        pathMatch: 'full'
    path: '',
    redirectTo: '/tabs/tab1',
    pathMatch: 'full'
  <ion-tab-bar slot="bottom">
    <ion-tab-button tab="tab1">
      <ion-icon name="flash"></ion-icon>
      <ion-label>Tab One</ion-label>

    <ion-tab-button tab="tab2">
      <ion-icon name="apps"></ion-icon>
      <ion-label>Tab Two</ion-label>

    <ion-tab-button tab="tab3">
      <ion-icon name="send"></ion-icon>
      <ion-label>Tab Three</ion-label>


A new element, ion-tab-bar, creates the tab bar that will contain the tab buttons and allow for full customization. It requires slot to be placed properly above or below the content.


A new element, ion-tab-button, is used to create each button in the tab bar. These could be static links to different routes, buttons with click handlers on them, or link to whole tab views.

You can add <ion-label> and <ion-icon> inside of an <ion-tab-button>. An <ion-tab-button> should be wrapped by an <ion-tab-bar>.

The tab attribute defines the route to be shown upon clicking on this tab.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-tab tabTitle="Map" tabIcon="map" tabBadge="2" tabBadgeStyle="danger" enabled="false"></ion-tab>

New Usage Example:

    <!-- A route to <current-route>/map must exist -->
    <ion-tab-button tab="map" disabled="true">
      <ion-icon name="map"></ion-icon>
      <ion-badge color="danger">2</ion-badge>

See more usage examples in the Tabs documentation.

Text / Typography

Markup Changed

Typography should now be written as an <ion-text> element. Previously the ion-text attribute could be added to any HTML element to set its color. It should now be used as a wrapper around the HTML elements to style.

Old Usage Example:

<h1 ion-text color="secondary">H1: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h1>

<h2 ion-text color="primary">H2: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h2>

<h3 ion-text color="light">H3: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h3>

  I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand.
  Walking through the <sub ion-text color="danger">streets</sub> of Soho in the rain.
  He <i ion-text color="primary">was</i> looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's.
  Gonna get a <a ion-text color="secondary">big dish of beef chow mein.</a>

New Usage Example:

<ion-text color="secondary">
  <h1>H1: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h1>

<ion-text color="primary">
  <h2>H2: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h2>

<ion-text color="light">
  <h3>H3: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog</h3>

  I saw a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand.
  Walking through the <ion-text color="danger"><sub>streets</sub></ion-text> of Soho in the rain.
  He <ion-text color="primary"><i>was</i></ion-text> looking for a place called Lee Ho Fook's.
  Gonna get a <ion-text color="secondary"><a>big dish of beef chow mein.</a></ion-text>


Global CSS

Many of the components in Ionic 4 have self-contained styles thanks to shadow DOM.

However, there are still global styles that need to be included in order for an Ionic app to look and behave properly. The global styles include normalizing elements, typography, colors, and more.

Basic CSS Files

The basic set of CSS files should be included to ensure the Ionic application behaves natively.

  • core.css Contains styles for the font, structure, and the color property for all Ionic components.

  • normalize.css Normalizes the CSS differences between browsers, it's based on

  • structure.css Applies styles to the <html> element and defaults box-sizing to border-box. It's used to ensure scrolling behaves natively on mobile devices.

  • typography.css Changes the font-family of the whole page based on the mode selected (iOS or Material Design). It also applies global styles to native HTML elements.

Additional CSS Files

The following set of CSS files are optional and can safely be commented out if the application is not using any of the features.

  • padding.css Adds utility attributes that allow adding padding and margin attributes to any element. See content space for what this includes.

  • float-elements.css Adds utility attributes that allow adding float attributes to any element. See element placement for what this includes.

  • text-alignment.css Adds utility attributes that allow adding text alignment attributes to any element. See text alignment for what this includes.

  • text-transformation.css Adds utility attributes that allow adding text transformation attributes to any element. See text transformation for what this includes.

  • flex-utils.css Adds utility attributes that allow adding flex container and item attributes to any element. See flex properties for what this includes.

Including the CSS Files

Official Ionic starters are already properly configured so the following steps are not needed.


To include the stylesheet for testing such as in a Plunker, Codepen, or anywhere else:

<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>


To use the CSS in production, we recommend importing it into a global file, such as app/global.scss:

/** Basic CSS for Ionic Apps */
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/core.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/normalize.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/structure.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/typography.css";

/** Optional CSS utilities that can be commented out */
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/padding.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/float-elements.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/text-alignment.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/text-transformation.css";
@import "~@ionic/angular/css/flex-utils.css";

CSS Utilities


Previously to add padding to the left and right side of elements, the padding-left and padding-right attributes, respectively, would be added to the element.

These attributes have been renamed to padding-start and padding-end to better align with our support for RTL.


Previously to add margin to the left and right side of elements, the margin-left and margin-right attributes, respectively, would be added to the element.

These attributes have been removed in favor of using the margin-start and margin-end attributes to better align with our support for RTL.

Including Sass

Previously all scss files in the src directory were imported. Now each scss file should be included for the component via Angular's styleUrls metadata. View Angular's Component Styles for more information.

This means that any styles wrapped with a page should now be removed since they will automatically be scoped to the component.

Old Usage Example:

page-schedule {
  p {
    color: red;

New Usage Example:

p {
  color: red;

Sass Variables

Sass variables should no longer be used to change Ionic components. We have built Ionic to be customizable using CSS variables, instead.

For more information on theming, check out the theming documentation.


See Overlays.


Menu Toggle

Previously if a menuToggle directive was added to an Ionic button in a toolbar, it would be positioned outside of the ion-buttons element. Since menu toggle is simply a wrapper to a button now, it should be placed inside of the ion-buttons element.

Old Usage Example:

  <button ion-button menuToggle>
    <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>
  <ion-title>Left side menu toggle</ion-title>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-buttons slot="start">
        <ion-icon slot="icon-only" name="menu"></ion-icon>
  <ion-title>Left side menu toggle</ion-title>

Attributes Renamed

Previously to positions buttons inside of a toolbar the following attributes were used: start, left, right, end.

These have been renamed to the following:

Old Property New Property Property Behavior
start slot="secondary" Positions element to the left of the content in ios mode, and directly to the right in md mode.
end slot="primary" Positions element to the right of the content in ios mode, and to the far right in md mode.
left slot="start" Positions to the left of the content in LTR, and to the right in RTL.
right slot="end" Positions to the right of the content in LTR, and to the left in RTL.

Old Usage Example:

  <ion-buttons left>
    <button ion-button>Left</button>
  <ion-buttons start>
    <button ion-button>Secondary</button>


  <ion-buttons end>
    <button ion-button>Primary</button>
  <ion-buttons right>
    <button ion-button>Right</button>

New Usage Example:

  <ion-buttons slot="start">
  <ion-buttons slot="secondary">


  <ion-buttons slot="primary">
  <ion-buttons slot="end">