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Quarkus and Che


The goal of this demo is to provide a developer environment to get started in coding with Quarkus.

Let's say you would like to start the Quarkus helloworld microservice app tutorial from and have generated the project. You would like to setup your environment environment for that project.

  • You need mvn, GraalVM and so on to build the project.
  • You need a IDE to have the Java intellisence (code completion)
  • You would like to be able to test the devmode
  • You would like to perform the native compilation of the app
  • You would like to test the native app in the real container that would be used in production.

This devfile (to be used with Che) will provide you all the element to generate a working ready to use devspace :

  • the che-theia IDE with a front end to code
  • the project to clone:
  • a container for running the devmode, compiling the classic java app and compiling the native app
  • a JDT LS VScode extension to have the java intellisence
  • a container where to run the native app
  • all the ready to use commands to perform the previous action on the right containers (devmode, package native, run native)
  • a git container (to be accessed from the terminal) in case you would like to commit/push your changes somewhere.


  1. Create minishift/minikube VM

    • Demo is tested with minikube VM with 10GB memory allocated
    • Started on linux VM with the commnand:
      minikube start --vm-driver=kvm2 --extra-config=apiserver.authorization-mode=RBAC --cpus 4 --memory 10240 --docker-opt userland-proxy=false
  2. Deploy Che Server to local cluster

  3. Download the devfile from locally (either by cloning or downloading just the raw file)

  4. Create a workspace from this Devfile:

    chectl workspace:start --devfile=devfile.yaml
  5. Run the workspace.

The devfile will clone this project

It is a simple helloworld quarkus project created from the Quarkus getting started guide

The devfile will also setup few container images:

  • quarkus-builder: based on It will provides all the dependencies to run quarkus in devmode and package a quarkus app:
    1. Start the quarkus app in devmode. With the right command compile quarkus:dev.
    2. Running it should popup windows to access to the exposed port of the app.
    3. Open the link into another tab and access to the /hello. It should display hello.
    4. Make a change on the Java file hello-quarkus/src/main/java/com/example/, use the code completion to perform a "hello".toUpperCase();. BEWARE, autosave may not be activated by default (File > Auto Save)
    5. Don't forget to update the test hello-quarkus/src/test/java/com/example/
    6. Refreshing the app tab page, it should display HELLO
    7. Stop it : Ctrl-C
    8. Package the app into a classic java app (optional)
    9. Package the app into a tiny executable by running the native compilation package -Pnative, it will take a while ....
  • quarkus-runner: which is based on
    1. It is used to run the result of the native compilation. Show that it is very tiny 16M !!!
    2. Once native compilation is perform you can run the command start native

In quarkus, we want to run the classic build with a hotspot JVM for developping. But at some point, we also would like to be able to perform the native compilation and run the app like it would be in production .... BEFORE PUSHING TO GIT !!!!

This devfile is providing a environment to code the Quarkus app hello world that could be used out of the box. Developers won't have to install the right JVM and GraalVM and change their default settings.

You can talk about the fact that this environment is very close to the production but also to your CI and take the example of a CI build based on the multistage docker and

Latest slide deck:

How did I create this demo up

In this section I will describe the way I have created this demo.

how to generate this:

Generate a empty devfile to run quarkus build

chectl devfile:generate --name=quarkus-che-demo --language=java --editor=theia-next >

Run the devfile

chectl workspace:start --devfile=quarkus.devfile

That will run a che workspace with quarkus and maven ... let's generate the project and push it.

From the theia-ide container terminal ...

cd /projects && git init che-quarkus-demo

From the quay-io-quarkus-cent terminal ....

cd /projects/che-quarkus-demo
mvn io.quarkus:quarkus-maven-plugin:0.14.0:create -DprojectGroupId=com.example -DprojectArtifactId=hello-quarkus -DclassName="com.example.QuarkusDemoResource" -Dpath="/hello"

You can try to run from the terminal

mvn compile quarkus:dev

It will compile the project and start quarkus:dev

Back to the theia-ide container terminal to push everything

cd /projects/che-quarkus-demo
git remote add sunix
git checkout master
git add hello-quarkus/
git add
git commit -s -m "quarkus java project skeleton"
git push sunix master

For this part I got information from and Also the learning portal helped me to learn a bit of Quarkus

Enhance the devfile for the developer

Add to the devfile the project to clone and a default quarkus dev command to execute:

chectl devfile:generate \
    --name=quarkus-che-demo \
    --language=java \
    --editor=theia-next \ \
    --git-repo= \
    --command="mvn compile quarkus:dev" \
 > quarkus.devfile

generates that:

specVersion: 0.0.1
name: quarkus-che-demo
  - source:
      type: git
      location: ''
    name: che-quarkus-demo
  - alias: quay-io-quarkus-cent
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 512M
    mountSources: true
      - tail
      - '-f'
      - /dev/null
  - type: chePlugin
    alias: java-ls
    id: redhat/java/0.38.0
  - type: cheEditor
    alias: theia-editor
    id: eclipse/che-theia/next
  - name: 'mvn compile quarkus:dev'
      - type: exec
        command: 'mvn compile quarkus:dev'
        component: quay-io-quarkus-cent
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo

Let's give more memory to the java language server:

  - type: chePlugin
    alias: java-ls
    id: redhat/java/0.43.0
    memoryLimit: 1536M

And add a git dockerimage because it is so conveniant to do git add -p :) and use tig

    alias: git-devtools
    type: dockerimage
    image: sunix/git-devtools
    mountSources: true
    memoryLimit: 256M
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']

Last change: share the .m2 repo for the volume to both builder and the java plugin so they share the same repo

beware, this may not work yet eclipse-che/che#13318

  - alias: quay-io-quarkus-cent
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 512M
    mountSources: true
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']
      - name: mavenrepo
        containerPath: /root/.m2
  - type: chePlugin
    alias: java-ls
    id: redhat/java/0.43.0
    memoryLimit: 2Gi
      - name: mavenrepo
        containerPath: /root/.m2

Creating a workspace from that devfile, you should be able to get commands from the My workspace view and start the quarkus dev mode. Changing the quarkusdemoresource. accessing to the application. Openning should openned the editor with the fully functional editor and java intellisence.

Packaging ...

Let's continue improving our devfile, we want to be able to package the app and run the native build.

I have renamed the component quay-io-quarkus-cent to quarkus-builder, gave it a bit more memory (native compilation needs more). Also renamed the command to compile quarkus:dev

  - alias: quarkus-builder
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 2Gi
    mountSources: true
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']
      - name: mavenrepo
        containerPath: /root/.m2

and component reference in the command. I have also change the folder where the command is going to be executed:

  - name: compile quarkus:dev
      - type: exec
        command: pkill java; mvn compile quarkus:dev
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

Let's add a new command to perform mvn package and mvn package -Pnative (for native compilation optimized with GraalVM) and the command to kill the quarkus devmode:

  - name: pkill java
      - type: exec
        command: pkill java
        component: quarkus-builder

  - name: package
      - type: exec
        command: mvn package
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

  - name: package -Pnative
      - type: exec
        command: mvn package -Pnative
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

Relaunching a new workspace from it, we should be able to to run the native Quarkus compilation and produce the executable. Basically followed

To recap, my devfile looks like:

specVersion: 0.0.1
name: quarkus-che-demo


  - source:
      type: git
      location: ''
    name: che-quarkus-demo


  - alias: quarkus-builder
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 2Gi
    mountSources: true
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']
      - name: mavenrepo
        containerPath: /root/.m2

  - alias: quarkus-runner
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 56M
    mountSources: true
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']

  - type: chePlugin
    alias: java-ls
    id: redhat/java/0.43.0
    memoryLimit: 1536M

  - alias: git-devtools
    type: dockerimage
    image: sunix/git-devtools
    mountSources: true
    memoryLimit: 256M
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']

  - type: cheEditor
    alias: theia-editor
    id: eclipse/che-theia/next

  - name: compile quarkus:dev
      - type: exec
        command: pkill java; mvn compile quarkus:dev
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

  - name: pkill java
      - type: exec
        command: pkill java
        component: quarkus-builder

  - name: package
      - type: exec
        command: mvn package
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

  - name: package -Pnative
      - type: exec
        command: mvn package -Pnative
        component: quarkus-builder
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus

Run the native build in an appropriate runner

Let's add to our devfile a subatomic container where we are going to run our freshly built subatomic Java app

    alias: quarkus-runner
    type: dockerimage
    memoryLimit: 128M
    mountSources: true
    command: ['tail']
    args: ['-f', '/dev/null']

and create the appropriate command

    name: run native
      - type: exec
        command: ./hello-quarkus-1.0-SNAPSHOT-runner
        component: quarkus-runner
        workdir: /projects/che-quarkus-demo/hello-quarkus/target

Quarkus runner che workspace screenshot