AWS F1 supports hardware emulation as well as FPGA accelerated execution.
The typical workflow involves two types of hosts. You will most likely have to submit a request for an instance limit increase. This process is described in the error message if you try to instantiate one of these hosts and your limit is insufficient.
- Development, using a z1d.2xlarge with no attached FPGA
- Accelerated, using a f1.2xlarge with attached FPGA
AWS provides general information for using F1 (
A distilled down set of instructions specific to this design follows.
Note that you can also enable AWS F1 hardware emulation and synthesis on-premise. See SDAccel On-Premise
We assume some familiarity with the AWS environment. To instantiate a new AWS host for working with the FPGA follow these steps:
- Login to the AWS page, go to the EC2 service portal
- Click on Launch Instance
- For AMI, go to AWS Marketplace, then search for FPGA
- Choose FPGA Developer AMI
- For instance type choose z1d.2xlarge for development, f1.2xlarge for FPGA enabled, then Review and Launch
- For configuration of the host we recommend:
- Increase root disk space by about 20GB for an f1.2xlarge, 60GB for a z1d.2xlarge.
- Add a descriptive tag to help track instances and volumes
- Launch the instance
- In the EC2 Instances page, select the instance and choose Actions->Connect. This will tell you the instance hostname that you can ssh to.
- Note that for the FPGA Developer AMI the username will be 'centos'
- Log in with
ssh centos@HOST
You may find it convenient to install additional ssh keys for github, etc.
Some initial setup is required for new F1 hosts. See for more detail.
We've encapsulated a typical setup that includes vnc:
You can then optionally start a vncserver if you prefer to work in an X-windows environment:
# Start a vncserver
Connect using ssh to tunnel the vnc port:
ssh -L 5908:localhost:5901 centos@HOST
And view it locally:
vncviewer :8
Once you have vnc up run vncconfig to enable copy/paste:
vncconfig &
You can run Vivado on either the simple or Ozturk multipliers using the pre-installed tools.
Choose your target:
# Simple
cd msu/rtl/vivado_simple
# Ozturk
cd msu/rtl/vivado_ozturk
Update the target part. The AWS FPGA AMI does not have the basic initial part installed so change the msu.tcl file to use the vu9p target part.
sed 's/xc7s100fgga676-2/xcvu9p-flga2104-1-e/g' msu.tcl > msu2.tcl
mv msu2.tcl msu.tcl
Launch Vivado:
To build and run a test in hardware emulation:
source ./msu/scripts/
cd msu
make clean
make hw_emu
Rerunning without cleaning the build will retain the hardware emulation (hardware) portion while rebuilding and executing the host (software) portion.
Tracing is enabled by default in the hw_emu run. To view the resulting waveforms run:
vivado -source open_waves.tcl
Synthesis and Place&Route compile the design from RTL into a bitstream that can be loaded on the FPGA. This step takes 1-3 hours depending on complexity of the design, host speed, synthesis targets, etc.
You can enable a faster run by relaxing the kernel frequency (search for kernel_frequency in the Makefile) or building a smaller multiplier (comment out 1024b, uncomment 128b in the Makefile). This is often convenient when trying things out.
source ./msu/scripts/
cd msu
make clean
make hw
Once synthesis successfully completes you can register the new image to process it for running on FPGA hardware. Follow the instructions in to setup an S3 bucket. This only needs to be done once. We assume a bucket name 'vdfsn' but you will need to change this to match your bucket name. Once that is done run the following:
# Configure AWS credentials. You should only need to do this once on a given
# host
# AWS Access Key ID [None]: XXXXXX
# AWS Secret Access Key [None]: XXXXXX
# Default region name [None]: us-east-1
# Default output format [None]: json
aws configure
# Register the new bitstream
# Update S3_BUCKET in Makefile.sdaccel to reflect the name of your bucket.
cd msu/rtl/sdaccel
make to_f1
# Check status using the afi_id from the last step. It should say
# pending for about 30 minutes, then available.
cat *afi_id.txt
aws ec2 describe-fpga-images --fpga-image-ids afi-XXXXXXXXXXXX
# Copy the required files to an FPGA enabled host for execution:
HOST=xxxx # Your F1 hostname here
scp obj/to_f1.tar.gz centos@$HOST:.
Once you have synthesized a bitstream, registered it using
, describe-fpga-image reports available, and copied the necessary files to an f1 machine you are ready to execute on the FPGA.
Currently debug mode is required due to a known AWS issue. Create an sdaccel.ini
file in the same directory you will be running from:
cat <<EOF > sdaccel.ini
Execute the host driver code. This will automatically load the image referenced by the awsxclbin file onto the FPGA.
tar xf to_f1.tar.gz
sudo su
# Run a short test and verify the result in software
./host -e -f 100
# Run a billion iterations starting with an input of 2
./host -s 0x2 -f 1073741824
The expected result of 2^2^2^30 using the default 1k (64 coefficient) modulus in the Makefile is: