- The structure of files and folders has been refactored.
- Added mason.
- The localization setting has been fixed.
- The flutter version has been raised.
- A guide on using SurfGen has been written.
- An example of a basic API call has been implemented.
- Outdated CI/CD scripts have been removed.
- The basic UI kit is implemented.
- Updated package versions.
- The assets directory has been refactored.
- Exports have been removed.
- The basic application icon and splash have been changed.
- elementary_helper has been removed.
- The features directory has been refactored.
- Added an entry point to the feature.
- The navigation structure has been refactored.
- A diagram of the recommended architecture has been added to the documentation.
- The folders "Shared", "shared" and "core" are allocated.
- Added a pattern for catching errors.
- LocalizationMixin added.
- The basic Converter class has been added.
- Info, dash, temp features have been removed.
- Updated line length by 120 characters.
- Added instructions for setting the app name.
- Added a common error handler.
- All lines are translated into English.
- Added dcm presets to the template project.
- Updated templates for SurfGen.
- Application initialization has been updated.
- Replaced ThemeService with InheritedWidget.
- Actualized flavors and build types.
- The Debug screen has been refactored.
- Updated instructions for using flutterfire.
- Added the union_state package.
- JIRA-124 feat: Change application icons.
- no-task-doc: Change README.md.