diff --git a/.Rbuildignore b/.Rbuildignore
index aeebe33d..6259d1e6 100644
--- a/.Rbuildignore
+++ b/.Rbuildignore
@@ -19,4 +19,8 @@ data-raw
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5f7f752a..9e8bf49d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,17 +10,13 @@ notes
index a7d38964..74aeb5b2 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: surveydown
Title: Markdown-Based Surveys Using Quarto Shiny Documents
-Version: 0.2.4
+Version: 0.3.0
Authors@R: c(
person(given = "John Paul",
family = "Helveston",
@@ -30,21 +30,22 @@ Suggests:
- bslib,
+ quarto,
+ rsconnect,
- yaml
-url: https://pkg.surveydown.org/
+ xml2
+URL: https://pkg.surveydown.org
BugReports: https://github.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown/issues
index 182c5a8f..acb5866d 100644
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
@@ -16,11 +17,15 @@ export(sd_redirect)
diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index c9662543..5bba8b9d 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -1,6 +1,19 @@
# surveydown (development version)
-- Modified `sd_get_url_pars()` to include `reactive()` with the `()` at the end, so now the function returns an evaluated reactive expression.
+# surveydown 0.3.0
+- Introduced `sd_ui()` function to set placeholders for the shiny app ui.
+- Heavily revised how `skip_if` and `show_if` works, removing `skip_if_custom` and `show_if_custom`. Now they work similar to the `case_when()` function, where you provide the formula `condition ~ target` for each condition in either function. These are also provided globally inside the `server()` function using `sd_skip_if()` and `sd_show_if()`.
+- Require that the survey file be named `"survey.qmd"`.
+- Added `sd_include_folder()` function so users can add a folder to the shiny resource path.
+- Automatically include the `images`, `js`, `css`, and `www` folders as well as folders to quarto files to the shiny resource path when the package loads.
+- Heavily modified how `sd_next()` works to improve page navigation and ensure that each `sd_next()` button has a unique id based on the current page.
+- Removed the quarto extension.
+- `sd_create_survey()` changed to sourcing template directly from the package. Two parameters are provided. The first parameter is `path`, which defines the relative path of the target. If left blank, the path will be the current working directory. The second parameter is `structure`, which defines which structure of the template the user wants to choose, default as `"single"` and can be changed to `"multi"`.
+- `sd_deploy()` as a wrapper function of `rsconnect::deployApp()` to deploy the survey.
+- `sd_update()` as a replacement of `sd_update_surveydown()` to update the package.
+- `sd_version()` as a replacement of `sd_check_versions()` to check for the current version and the latest version.
+- `sd_close()` function to create a close button for the survey.
# surveydown 0.2.4
diff --git a/R/config.R b/R/config.R
index c4e2ad2c..4e9eb4c0 100644
--- a/R/config.R
+++ b/R/config.R
@@ -1,179 +1,153 @@
-#' Configuration Function for surveydown Surveys
-#' This function sets up the configuration for a surveydown survey, including
-#' page and question structures, conditional display settings, and navigation options.
-#' @param skip_if A list of conditions under which certain pages should be skipped. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param skip_if_custom A custom function to handle conditions under which certain pages should be skipped. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param show_if A list of conditions under which certain pages should be shown. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param show_if_custom A custom function to handle conditions under which certain pages should be shown. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param required_questions Vector of character strings. The IDs of questions that must
-#' be answered before the respondent can continue in the survey or survey can be
-#' submitted. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param all_questions_required Logical. If TRUE, all questions in the survey will be required.
-#' This overrides the `required_questions` parameter. Defaults to FALSE.
-#' @param start_page Character string. The ID of the page to start on. Defaults to NULL.
-#' @param show_all_pages Logical. Whether to show all pages initially. Defaults to FALSE.
-#' @param admin_page Logical. Whether to include an admin page for viewing and downloading survey data. Defaults to FALSE.
-#' @details The function retrieves the survey metadata, checks for duplicate page and question IDs,
-#' validates the conditional display settings, and ensures that the specified start page (if any) exists.
-#' It then stores these settings in a configuration list. If `admin_page` is set to TRUE, an admin page
-#' will be included in the survey. This page allows viewing and downloading of survey data upon entering
-#' the correct survey password (set using `sd_set_password()`).
-#' If `all_questions_required` is set to TRUE, it will override the `required_questions` parameter
-#' and set all questions in the survey as required.
-#' @return A list containing the configuration settings for the survey, including:
-#' \item{page_structure}{A list containing the structure of survey pages}
-#' \item{question_structure}{A list containing the structure of survey questions}
-#' \item{page_ids}{A vector of all page IDs}
-#' \item{question_ids}{A vector of all question IDs}
-#' \item{question_values}{A vector of all possible question values}
-#' \item{question_required}{A vector of IDs for required questions}
-#' \item{skip_if_custom}{Custom skip conditions}
-#' \item{skip_if}{Standard skip conditions}
-#' \item{show_if_custom}{Custom show conditions}
-#' \item{show_if}{Standard show conditions}
-#' \item{start_page}{The ID of the starting page}
-#' \item{show_all_pages}{Whether to show all pages initially}
-#' \item{admin_page}{Whether to include an admin page}
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' # These examples assume you have set up a survey with appropriate .qmd files
-#' # Basic configuration
-#' config <- sd_config()
-#' # Configuration with custom settings
-#' config <- sd_config(
-#' start_page = "intro",
-#' all_questions_required = TRUE,
-#' show_all_pages = FALSE,
-#' admin_page = TRUE
-#' )
-#' }
-#' @export
-sd_config <- function(
- skip_if = NULL,
- skip_if_custom = NULL,
- show_if = NULL,
- show_if_custom = NULL,
+run_config <- function(
+ use_html = FALSE,
required_questions = NULL,
all_questions_required = FALSE,
- start_page = NULL,
- show_all_pages = FALSE,
- admin_page = FALSE
+ start_page = NULL,
+ admin_page = FALSE,
+ skip_if = NULL,
+ show_if = NULL
) {
+ # Throw error if "survey.qmd" file missing
+ check_survey_file_exists()
- # Get survey metadata
- page_structure <- get_page_structure()
- question_structure <- get_question_structure()
- page_ids <- attr(page_structure, "all_ids")
- question_ids <- attr(question_structure, "all_ids")
+ survey_file <- "survey.qmd"
+ if (use_html) { survey_file <- "survey.html" }
+ # Get the html content from the qmd file (or html if pre-rendered)
+ html_content <- get_html_content(survey_file)
+ # Extract all divs with class "sd-page"
+ pages <- extract_html_pages(
+ html_content, required_questions, all_questions_required, show_if
+ )
+ # Extract head content (for CSS and JS)
+ head_content <- html_content |>
+ rvest::html_element("head") |>
+ rvest::html_children() |>
+ sapply(as.character) |>
+ paste(collapse = "\n")
+ # Extract page and question structures
+ question_structure <- get_question_structure(html_content)
+ page_ids <- sapply(pages, function(p) p$id)
+ question_ids <- names(question_structure)
# Check for duplicate or overlapping IDs
check_ids(page_ids, question_ids)
- question_values <- unname(unlist(lapply(question_structure, `[[`, "options")))
- question_required <- question_ids
- if (! all_questions_required) {
- question_required <- required_questions
- }
- # Check skip_if and show_if inputs
- check_skip_show(question_ids, question_values, page_ids, skip_if, show_if)
+ question_values <- unname(unlist(lapply(question_structure, `[[`, "options")))
+ question_required <- if (all_questions_required) question_ids else required_questions
# Check that start_page (if used) points to an actual page
- if (!is.null(start_page)) {
- if (! start_page %in% page_ids) {
- stop(
- "The specified start_page does not exist - check that you have ",
- "not mis-spelled the id"
- )
- }
+ if (!is.null(start_page) && !(start_page %in% page_ids)) {
+ stop("The specified start_page does not exist - check that you have not mis-spelled the id")
- # Convert show_if_custom and skip_if_custom to list of lists
- show_if_custom <- convert_to_list_of_lists(show_if_custom)
- skip_if_custom <- convert_to_list_of_lists(skip_if_custom)
+ # Check skip_if and show_if inputs
+ check_skip_show(question_ids, question_values, page_ids, skip_if, show_if)
# Store all config settings
config <- list(
- page_structure = page_structure,
- question_structure = question_structure,
- page_ids = page_ids,
- question_ids = question_ids,
- question_values = question_values,
- question_required = question_required,
- skip_if_custom = skip_if_custom,
- skip_if = skip_if,
- show_if_custom = show_if_custom,
- show_if = show_if,
- start_page = start_page,
- show_all_pages = show_all_pages,
- admin_page = admin_page
+ pages = pages,
+ head_content = head_content,
+ page_ids = page_ids,
+ question_ids = question_ids,
+ question_values = question_values,
+ question_required = question_required,
+ start_page = start_page,
+ admin_page = admin_page
-# Get page structure from HTML
-get_page_structure <- function() {
- # Get all page nodes
- page_nodes <- get_page_nodes()
- all_page_ids <- page_nodes |> rvest::html_attr("id")
- # Initialize a named list to hold the results
- page_structure <- list()
- # Iterate over each page node to get the question_ids
- for (i in seq_along(page_nodes)) {
- page_id <- all_page_ids[i]
- page_node <- page_nodes[i]
- # Extract all question IDs within this page
- question_ids <- page_node |>
- rvest::html_nodes("[data-question-id]") |>
- rvest::html_attr("data-question-id")
- # Store the question IDs for this page in a named list
- page_structure[[page_id]] <- list(
- id = page_id,
- questions = question_ids
- )
+get_html_content <- function(survey_file) {
+ # Check if the file exists
+ if (!file.exists(survey_file)) {
+ stop("The specified survey file does not exist.")
- attr(page_structure, "all_ids") <- all_page_ids
- return(page_structure)
-# Get page nodes from HTML
-get_page_nodes <- function() {
- # Get the list of .qmd files in the current working directory
- qmd_files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.qmd$", full.names = TRUE)
+ # Get the file extension
+ file_ext <- tools::file_ext(survey_file)
- # Check if there is exactly one .qmd file
- if (length(qmd_files) == 1) {
- qmd_file_name <- qmd_files[1]
- html_file_name <- sub("\\.qmd$", ".html", qmd_file_name)
- # Use the derived HTML file name to read the document with rvest
- pages <- rvest::read_html(html_file_name) |>
- rvest::html_nodes(".sd-page")
- return(pages)
+ # Process based on file type
+ if (file_ext == "qmd") {
+ temp_html <- quarto_render_temp(survey_file)
+ html_content <- rvest::read_html(temp_html)
+ unlink(temp_html)
+ } else if (file_ext == "html") {
+ html_content <- rvest::read_html(survey_file)
+ } else {
+ stop("Invalid file type. Please provide either a .qmd or .html file.")
+ return(html_content)
- stop("Error: {surveydown} requires that only one .qmd file in the directory.")
+extract_html_pages <- function(
+ html_content, required_questions, all_questions_required, show_if
+) {
+ pages <- html_content |>
+ rvest::html_elements(".sd-page") |>
+ lapply(function(x) {
+ page_id <- rvest::html_attr(x, "id")
+ question_containers <- rvest::html_elements(x, ".question-container")
+ question_ids <- character(0)
+ required_question_ids <- character(0)
+ for (i in seq_along(question_containers)) {
+ container <- question_containers[[i]]
+ question_id <- rvest::html_attr(container, "data-question-id")
+ question_ids <- c(question_ids, question_id)
+ is_required <- all_questions_required | (question_id %in% required_questions)
+ if (is_required) {
+ required_question_ids <- c(required_question_ids, question_id)
+ asterisk <- rvest::html_element(container, ".required-asterisk")
+ xml2::xml_attr(asterisk, "style") <- "display:inline; color: red; font-size: 1.5em; vertical-align: middle; position: relative; top: 0.1em;"
+ }
+ if (!is.null(show_if)) {
+ if (question_id %in% show_if$targets) {
+ current_style <- xml2::xml_attr(container, "style")
+ current_style <- if (is.na(current_style)) "" else current_style
+ new_style <- paste(current_style, "display: none;", sep = " ")
+ xml2::xml_attr(container, "style") <- new_style
+ }
+ }
+ question_containers[[i]] <- container
+ }
+ # Update the 'Next' button ID and extract the next_page_id
+ next_button_id <- make_next_button_id(page_id)
+ next_button <- rvest::html_element(x, "#page_id_next")
+ if (is.na(next_button)) {
+ # No next button on this page
+ next_page_id <- NULL
+ } else {
+ xml2::xml_attr(next_button, "id") <- next_button_id
+ next_page_id <- rvest::html_attr(
+ xml2::xml_parent(next_button), "data-next-page"
+ )
+ }
+ list(
+ id = page_id,
+ questions = question_ids,
+ required_questions = required_question_ids,
+ next_button_id = next_button_id,
+ next_page_id = next_page_id,
+ content = as.character(x)
+ )
+ })
+ return(pages)
# Get question structure from HTML
-get_question_structure <- function() {
- question_nodes <- get_question_nodes()
+get_question_structure <- function(html_content) {
+ question_nodes <- rvest::html_nodes(html_content, "[data-question-id]")
# Initialize a named list to hold the results
question_structure <- list()
@@ -205,79 +179,32 @@ get_question_structure <- function() {
-# Get question nodes from HTML
-get_question_nodes <- function() {
- # Get the list of .qmd files in the current working directory
- qmd_files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.qmd$", full.names = TRUE)
- # Check if there is exactly one .qmd file
- if (length(qmd_files) == 1) {
- qmd_file_name <- qmd_files[1]
- html_file_name <- sub("\\.qmd$", ".html", qmd_file_name)
- # Use the derived HTML file name to read the document with rvest
- questions <- rvest::read_html(html_file_name) |>
- rvest::html_nodes("[data-question-id]")
- return(questions)
- }
- stop("Error: {surveydown} requires that only one .qmd file in the directory.")
check_skip_show <- function(
question_ids, question_values, page_ids, skip_if, show_if
) {
- required_names <- c("question_id", "question_value", "target")
if (!is.null(skip_if)) {
- if (!is.data.frame(skip_if)) {
- stop("skip_if must be a data frame or tibble.")
- }
- if (!all(required_names %in% names(skip_if))) {
- stop("skip_if must contain the columns: question_id, question_value, and target.")
- }
- if (!all(skip_if$question_id %in% question_ids)) {
- stop("All question_id values in skip_if must be valid question IDs.")
- }
- if (!all(skip_if$target %in% page_ids)) {
- stop("All target values in skip_if must be valid page IDs.")
- }
- if (!all(skip_if$question_value %in% question_values)) {
- stop("All question_value values in skip_if must be valid question values.")
+ invalid_skip_targets <- setdiff(skip_if$targets, page_ids)
+ if (length(invalid_skip_targets) > 0) {
+ stop(sprintf(
+ "Invalid skip_if targets: %s. These must be valid page IDs.",
+ paste(invalid_skip_targets, collapse = ", "))
+ )
if (!is.null(show_if)) {
- if (!is.data.frame(show_if)) {
- stop("show_if must be a data frame or tibble.")
- }
- if (!all(required_names %in% names(show_if))) {
- stop("show_if must contain the columns: question_id, question_value, and target.")
- }
- if (!all(show_if$question_id %in% question_ids)) {
- stop("All question_id values in show_if must be valid question IDs.")
- }
- if (!all(show_if$target %in% question_ids)) {
- stop("All target values in show_if must be valid question IDs.")
- }
- if (!all(show_if$question_value %in% question_values)) {
- stop("All question_value values in show_if must be valid question values.")
+ invalid_show_targets <- setdiff(show_if$targets, question_ids)
+ if (length(invalid_show_targets) > 0) {
+ stop(sprintf(
+ "Invalid show_if targets: %s. These must be question IDs defined in the survey.qmd file.",
+ paste(invalid_show_targets, collapse = ", "))
+ )
-convert_to_list_of_lists <- function(tbl) {
- if (is.data.frame(tbl)) {
- return(tibble_to_list_of_lists(tbl))
- } else {
- return(tbl)
- }
check_ids <- function(page_ids, question_ids) {
# Check for duplicate page IDs
duplicate_page_ids <- page_ids[duplicated(page_ids)]
diff --git a/R/server.R b/R/server.R
index 3e71c262..66775bab 100644
--- a/R/server.R
+++ b/R/server.R
@@ -3,34 +3,24 @@
#' @description
#' This function defines the server-side logic for a Shiny application used in surveydown.
#' It handles various operations such as conditional display, progress tracking,
-#' page navigation, database updates for survey responses, and admin functionality.
+#' page navigation, and database updates for survey responses.
-#' @param input The Shiny input object.
-#' @param output The Shiny output object.
-#' @param session The Shiny session object.
-#' @param config A list containing configuration settings for the application.
#' @param db A list containing database connection information created using
-#' \code{\link{sd_database}} function. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
+#' \code{\link{sd_database}} function. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
+#' @param use_html Logical. By default, the `"survey.qmd"` file will be
+#' rendered when the app launches, which can be slow. Users can render it
+#' first into a html file and set `use_html = TRUE` to use the pre-rendered
+#' file, which is faster when the app loads. Defaults to `FALSE`.
+#' @param required_questions Vector of character strings. The IDs of questions that must be answered. Defaults to NULL.
+#' @param all_questions_required Logical. If TRUE, all questions in the survey will be required. Defaults to FALSE.
+#' @param start_page Character string. The ID of the page to start on. Defaults to NULL.
+#' @param admin_page Logical. Whether to include an admin page for viewing and downloading survey data. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @import shiny
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom shiny reactiveValuesToList observeEvent renderText
#' @details
-#' The \code{config} list should include the following elements:
-#' \itemize{
-#' \item \code{page_structure}: A list defining the structure of survey pages.
-#' \item \code{page_ids}: A vector of page identifiers.
-#' \item \code{question_ids}: A vector of question identifiers.
-#' \item \code{show_if}: A data frame defining conditions for showing questions.
-#' \item \code{skip_if}: A data frame defining conditions for skipping pages.
-#' \item \code{skip_if_custom}: A list of custom skip conditions.
-#' \item \code{show_if_custom}: A list of custom show conditions.
-#' \item \code{start_page}: The identifier of the starting page.
-#' \item \code{question_required}: A vector of required question identifiers.
-#' \item \code{all_questions_required}: A logical indicating if all questions are required.
-#' \item \code{admin_page}: A logical indicating if an admin page should be included.
-#' }
#' The function performs the following tasks:
#' \itemize{
@@ -51,35 +41,83 @@
#' @section Database Operations:
#' If \code{db} is provided, the function will update the database with survey responses.
-#' If \code{db} is \code{NULL} (pause mode), responses will be saved to a local CSV file.
+#' If \code{db} is \code{NULL} (ignore mode), responses will be saved to a local CSV file.
#' @return
#' This function does not return a value; it sets up the server-side logic for the Shiny application.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
-#' shinyApp(
-#' ui = sd_ui(),
-#' server = function(input, output, session) {
-#' sd_server(input, output, session, config = my_config, db = my_db)
-#' }
-#' )
+#' library(surveydown)
+#' db <- sd_database()
-#' # With admin page enabled
-#' my_config <- sd_config(admin_page = TRUE)
#' shinyApp(
#' ui = sd_ui(),
#' server = function(input, output, session) {
-#' sd_server(input, output, session, config = my_config, db = my_db)
+#' sd_server(db = db)
#' }
#' )
#' }
#' @seealso
-#' \code{\link{sd_database}}, \code{\link{sd_question}}
+#' \code{\link{sd_database}}
#' @export
-sd_server <- function(input, output, session, config, db = NULL) {
+sd_server <- function(
+ db = NULL,
+ use_html = FALSE,
+ required_questions = NULL,
+ all_questions_required = FALSE,
+ start_page = NULL,
+ admin_page = FALSE
+) {
+ # Get input, output, and session from the parent environment
+ parent_env <- parent.frame()
+ input <- get("input", envir = parent_env)
+ output <- get("output", envir = parent_env)
+ session <- get("session", envir = parent_env)
+ # Tag start time and unique session_id
+ time_start <- get_utc_timestamp()
+ session_id <- session$token
+ # Get any skip or show conditions
+ show_if <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()$userData$show_if
+ skip_if <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()$userData$skip_if
+ # Run the configuration settings
+ config <- run_config(
+ use_html,
+ required_questions,
+ all_questions_required,
+ start_page,
+ admin_page,
+ skip_if,
+ show_if
+ )
+ # Set up show_if conditions
+ if (!is.null(show_if)) { set_show_if_conditions(show_if) }
+ # Initialize local variables ----
+ # Check if db is NULL (either left blank or specified with ignore = TRUE)
+ ignore_mode <- is.null(db)
+ # Create local objects from config file
+ pages <- config$pages
+ head_content <- config$head_content
+ page_ids <- config$page_ids
+ question_ids <- config$question_ids
+ start_page <- config$start_page
+ admin_page <- config$admin_page
+ question_required <- config$question_required
+ # Pre-compute timestamp IDs
+ page_ts_ids <- paste0("time_p_", page_ids)
+ question_ts_ids <- paste0("time_q_", question_ids)
+ all_ts_ids <- c(page_ts_ids, question_ts_ids)
# Initialize local functions ----
@@ -116,65 +154,13 @@ sd_server <- function(input, output, session, config, db = NULL) {
- # Initialize local variables ----
- # Tag start time and unique session_id
- time_start <- get_utc_timestamp()
- session_id <- session$token
- # Check if db is NULL (either left blank or specified with ignore = TRUE)
- ignore_mode <- is.null(db)
- # Create local objects from config file
- page_structure <- config$page_structure
- page_ids <- config$page_ids
- question_ids <- config$question_ids
- skip_if <- config$skip_if
- skip_if_custom <- config$skip_if_custom
- show_if <- config$show_if
- show_if_custom <- config$show_if_custom
- start_page <- config$start_page
- show_all_pages <- config$show_all_pages
- admin_page <- config$admin_page
- question_required <- config$question_required
- # Pre-compute timestamp IDs
- page_ts_ids <- paste0("time_p_", page_ids)
- question_ts_ids <- paste0("time_q_", question_ids)
- all_ts_ids <- c(page_ts_ids, question_ts_ids)
- # Initial page settings ----
- # Start from start_page (if specified)
- if (!is.null(start_page)) {
- shinyjs::show(start_page)
- } else {
- shinyjs::runjs("showFirstPage();")
- }
- # Show all pages if show_all_pages is TRUE
- if (show_all_pages) lapply(page_ids, shinyjs::show)
- # Conditional display (show_if conditions)
- if (!is.null(show_if)) { basic_show_if_logic(input, show_if) }
- if (!is.null(show_if_custom)) { custom_show_if_logic(input, show_if_custom) }
- # Other initial settings ----
+ # Initial settings ----
# Keep-alive observer - this will be triggered every 60 seconds
shiny::observeEvent(input$keepAlive, {
cat("Session keep-alive at", format(Sys.time(), "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"), "\n")
- # Show asterisks for required questions
- session$onFlush(function() {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf(
- "console.log('Shiny initialized'); window.initializeRequiredQuestions(%s);",
- # jsonlite::toJSON(question_required) # Requires dependency
- vector_to_json_array(question_required)
- ))
- }, once = TRUE)
# Create admin page if admin_page is TRUE
if (isTRUE(config$admin_page)) admin_enable(input, output, session, db)
@@ -259,50 +245,247 @@ sd_server <- function(input, output, session, config, db = NULL) {
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE, ignoreInit = TRUE)
- # Main page observer ----
+ # Page rendering ----
- shiny::observe({
- lapply(2:length(page_structure), function(i) {
- current_page <- page_ids[i-1]
- next_page <- page_ids[i]
- current_ts_id <- page_ts_ids[i-1]
- next_ts_id <- page_ts_ids[i]
- shiny::observeEvent(input[[make_next_button_id(next_page)]], {
- # Update next page based on skip logic
- next_page <- handle_skip_logic(input, skip_if, skip_if_custom, current_page, next_page)
- # Find the correct timestamp ID after skip logic
- next_ts_id <- page_ts_ids[which(page_ids == next_page)]
- # Update timestamp for the next page
- timestamps[[next_ts_id]] <- get_utc_timestamp()
- # Check if all required questions are answered
- current_page_questions <- page_structure[[current_page]]$questions
- all_required_answered <- check_all_required(
- current_page_questions, question_required, input, show_if, show_if_custom
+ # Create reactive values for the current page ID
+ current_page_id <- shiny::reactiveVal(page_ids[1])
+ # Start from start_page (if specified)
+ if (!is.null(start_page)) {
+ current_page_id(start_page)
+ }
+ get_current_page <- reactive({
+ pages[[which(sapply(pages, function(p) p$id == current_page_id()))]]
+ })
+ # Render the current page
+ output$main <- shiny::renderUI({
+ current_page <- get_current_page()
+ shiny::tagList(
+ shiny::tags$head(shiny::HTML(head_content)),
+ shiny::tags$div(
+ class = "content",
+ shiny::tags$div(
+ class = "page-columns page-rows-contents page-layout-article",
+ shiny::tags$div(
+ id = "quarto-content",
+ role = "main",
+ shiny::HTML(current_page$content)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ })
+ # Page navigation ----
+ # Determine which page is next, then update current_page_id() to it
+ shiny::observe({
+ lapply(pages, function(page) {
+ shiny::observeEvent(input[[page$next_button_id]], {
- if (all_required_answered) {
- shinyjs::runjs("hideAllPages();")
- shinyjs::show(next_page)
+ # Get current and next pages
+ current_page_id <- page$id
+ next_page_id <- get_default_next_page(page, page_ids)
- # Update data after page change
- update_data()
- } else {
- shinyjs::alert("Please answer all required questions before proceeding.")
+ # Determine next page based on the current page and skip logic
+ next_page_id <- handle_skip_logic(
+ input, skip_if, current_page_id, next_page_id
+ )
+ if (!is.null(next_page_id)) {
+ # Check if all required questions are answered
+ required_answered <- check_required(page, input, show_if)
+ if (required_answered) {
+ # Update the current page ID, then update the data
+ current_page_id(next_page_id)
+ # Update timestamp for the next page
+ next_ts_id <- page_ts_ids[which(page_ids == next_page_id)]
+ timestamps[[next_ts_id]] <- get_utc_timestamp()
+ update_data()
+ } else {
+ shiny::showNotification(
+ "Please answer all required questions before proceeding.",
+ type = "error"
+ )
+ }
- # Add observer to ensure final update on session end
+ shiny::observe({
+ page <- get_current_page()
+ if (is.null(page$next_page_id)) {
+ update_progress_bar(length(question_ids))
+ }
+ })
+ # Ensure final update on session end
shiny::onSessionEnded(function() {
+#' Define skip conditions for survey pages
+#' @description
+#' This function is used to define conditions under which certain pages in the survey should be skipped.
+#' It takes one or more formulas where the left-hand side is the condition and the right-hand side is the target page ID.
+#' @param ... One or more formulas defining skip conditions.
+#' The left-hand side of each formula should be a condition based on input values,
+#' and the right-hand side should be the ID of the page to skip to if the condition is met.
+#' @return A list of parsed conditions, where each element contains the condition and the target page ID.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' sd_skip_if(
+#' as.numeric(input$age < 18) ~ "underage_page",
+#' input$country != "USA" ~ "international_page"
+#' )
+#' @seealso \code{\link{sd_show_if}}
+#' @export
+sd_skip_if <- function(...) {
+ conditions <- parse_conditions(...)
+ # Create a list in userData to store the skip_if targets
+ shiny::isolate({
+ session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
+ if (is.null(session)) {
+ stop("sd_skip_if must be called within a Shiny reactive context")
+ }
+ if (is.null(session$userData$skip_if)) {
+ session$userData$skip_if <- list()
+ }
+ session$userData$skip_if$conditions <- conditions
+ session$userData$skip_if$targets <- get_unique_targets(conditions)
+ })
+#' Define show conditions for survey questions
+#' @description
+#' This function is used to define conditions under which certain questions in the survey should be shown.
+#' It takes one or more formulas where the left-hand side is the condition and the right-hand side is the target question ID.
+#' If called with no arguments, it will return NULL and set no conditions.
+#' @param ... One or more formulas defining show conditions.
+#' The left-hand side of each formula should be a condition based on input values,
+#' and the right-hand side should be the ID of the question to show if the condition is met.
+#' @return A list of parsed conditions, where each element contains the condition and the target question ID.
+#' Returns NULL if no conditions are provided.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' sd_show_if(
+#' input$has_pets == "yes" ~ "pet_details",
+#' input$employment == "employed" ~ "job_questions"
+#' )
+#' }
+#' @seealso \code{\link{sd_skip_if}}
+#' @export
+sd_show_if <- function(...) {
+ conditions <- parse_conditions(...)
+ # Create a list in userData to store the show_if targets
+ shiny::isolate({
+ session <- shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()
+ if (is.null(session)) {
+ stop("sd_show_if must be called within a Shiny reactive context")
+ }
+ if (is.null(session$userData$show_if)) {
+ session$userData$show_if <- list()
+ }
+ session$userData$show_if$conditions <- conditions
+ session$userData$show_if$targets <- get_unique_targets(conditions)
+ })
+set_show_if_conditions <- function(show_if) {
+ conditions <- show_if$conditions
+ # Check if conditions is empty
+ if (length(conditions) == 0) {
+ return()
+ }
+ # Group conditions by target
+ grouped_conditions <- split(conditions, sapply(conditions, function(rule) rule$target))
+ # Create a reactive expression for each group of conditions
+ condition_reactives <- lapply(grouped_conditions, function(group) {
+ shiny::reactive({
+ results <- lapply(group, function(rule) {
+ tryCatch({
+ evaluate_condition(rule)
+ }, error = function(e) {
+ warning(sprintf(
+ "Error in show_if condition for target '%s', condition '%s': %s",
+ rule$target,
+ deparse(rule$condition),
+ conditionMessage(e)
+ ))
+ })
+ })
+ any(unlist(results))
+ })
+ })
+ # Create a single observer to handle all condition groups
+ shiny::observe({
+ for (target in names(grouped_conditions)) {
+ condition_met <- condition_reactives[[target]]()
+ if (condition_met) {
+ shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
+ $('#%s').closest('.question-container').show();
+ $('#%s').show();
+ ", target, target))
+ } else {
+ shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
+ $('#%s').closest('.question-container').hide();
+ $('#%s').hide();
+ ", target, target))
+ }
+ }
+ })
+get_unique_targets <- function(a) {
+ return(unique(sapply(a, function(x) x$target)))
+parse_conditions <- function(...) {
+ conditions <- list(...)
+ lapply(conditions, function(cond) {
+ if (!inherits(cond, "formula")) {
+ stop("Each condition must be a formula (condition ~ target)")
+ }
+ list(
+ condition = cond[[2]], # Left-hand side of the formula
+ target = eval(cond[[3]]) # Right-hand side of the formula
+ )
+ })
+evaluate_condition <- function(rule) {
+ isTRUE(eval(
+ rule$condition,
+ envir = list(input = shiny::getDefaultReactiveDomain()$input)
+ ))
# Function to get all stored values
@@ -367,153 +550,86 @@ format_question_value <- function(val) {
-# Handle basic show-if logic
-basic_show_if_logic <- function(input, show_if) {
- # Ensure show_if is a tibble or data frame
- if (!is.data.frame(show_if)) {
- stop("show_if must be a data frame or tibble.")
- }
- # Initially hide all conditional questions and their containers
- unique_targets <- unique(show_if$target)
- for (target in unique_targets) {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').hide();
- $('#%s').hide();
- ", target, target))
- }
- # Group show_if rules by question_id and target
- show_if_grouped <- split(show_if, list(show_if$question_id, show_if$target))
- # Iterate over each group of show_if rules
- for (group in show_if_grouped) {
- question_id <- group$question_id[1]
- target <- group$target[1]
- question_values <- group$question_value
- shiny::observeEvent(input[[question_id]], {
- # Check if the condition is met to show/hide the question
- val <- input[[question_id]]
- if (!is.null(val) && val %in% question_values) {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').show();
- $('#%s').show();
- ", target, target))
- } else {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').hide();
- $('#%s').hide();
- ", target, target))
- }
- }, ignoreNULL = TRUE)
- }
-# Handle custom show-if logic
-custom_show_if_logic <- function(input, show_if_custom) {
- # Initially hide all conditional questions and their containers
- lapply(show_if_custom, function(x) {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').hide();
- $('#%s').hide();
- ", x$target, x$target))
- })
- # Create a reactive expression for each condition
- condition_reactives <- lapply(show_if_custom, function(rule) {
- shiny::reactive({ rule$condition(input) })
- })
- # Create a single observer to handle all conditions
- shiny::observe({
- for (i in seq_along(show_if_custom)) {
- condition_result <- condition_reactives[[i]]()
- condition_met <- isTRUE(condition_result)
- target <- show_if_custom[[i]]$target
- if (condition_met) {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').show();
- $('#%s').show();
- ", target, target))
- } else {
- shinyjs::runjs(sprintf("
- $('#%s').closest('.question-container').hide();
- $('#%s').hide();
- ", target, target))
- }
- }
- })
-# Handle overall skip logic
-handle_skip_logic <- function(input, skip_if, skip_if_custom, current_page, next_page) {
- if (!is.null(skip_if)) {
- next_page <- basic_skip_logic(input, skip_if, current_page, next_page)
- }
- if (!is.null(skip_if_custom)) {
- next_page <- custom_skip_logic(input, skip_if_custom, current_page, next_page)
- }
- return(next_page)
-# Handle basic skip logic
-basic_skip_logic <- function(
- input, skip_if, current_page, next_page
-) {
- for (i in 1:nrow(skip_if)) {
- rule <- skip_if[i,]
- val <- input[[rule$question_id]]
- if (!is.null(val)) {
- if ((val == rule$question_value) & (current_page != rule$target)) {
- return(rule$target)
- }
+get_default_next_page <- function(page, page_ids) {
+ if (is.null(page$next_page_id)) { return(NULL) }
+ next_page_id <- page$next_page_id
+ if (next_page_id == "") {
+ # No next page specified, so just go to the next one
+ index <- which(page_ids == page$id) + 1
+ if (index <= length(page_ids)) {
+ return(page_ids[index])
+ } else {
+ return(NULL) # No next page if we're on the last page
- return(next_page)
+ return(next_page_id)
-# Handle custom skip logic
-custom_skip_logic <- function(
- input, skip_if_custom, current_page, next_page
-) {
+handle_skip_logic <- function(input, skip_if, current_page_id, next_page_id) {
+ if (is.null(next_page_id) | is.null(skip_if)) { return(next_page_id) }
# Loop through each skip logic condition
- for (j in 1:length(skip_if_custom)) {
- rule <- skip_if_custom[[j]]
+ conditions <- skip_if$conditions
+ for (i in seq_along(conditions)) {
+ rule <- conditions[[i]]
# Evaluate the condition
- condition_result <- rule$condition(input)
+ condition_result <- tryCatch({
+ evaluate_condition(rule)
+ }, error = function(e) {
+ warning(sprintf(
+ "Error in skip_if condition for target '%s': %s",
+ rule$target, conditionMessage(e))
+ )
+ })
# Check if the condition is met
- if (isTRUE(condition_result) & (current_page != rule$target)) {
+ if (condition_result & (current_page_id != rule$target)) {
- return(next_page)
+ return(next_page_id)
-# Check if all required questions are answered
-check_all_required <- function(
- questions, questions_required, input, show_if, show_if_custom
-) {
- results <- vapply(questions, function(q) {
- is_required <- q %in% questions_required
- is_visible <- is_question_visible(q, show_if, show_if_custom, input)
- is_answered <- check_answer(q, input)
- if (!is_required) return(TRUE)
+check_required <- function(page, input, show_if) {
+ results <- vapply(page$questions, function(q) {
+ if (!q %in% page$required_questions) return(TRUE)
+ is_visible <- is_question_visible(q, show_if, input)
if (!is_visible) return(TRUE)
- return(is_answered)
+ return(check_answer(q, input))
}, logical(1))
+ return(all(results))
+is_question_visible <- function(q, show_if, input) {
+ if (is.null(show_if)) return(TRUE)
+ # Get all conditions for this question
+ question_conditions <- get_conditions_for_question(show_if$conditions, q)
+ # If there are no conditions, the question is always visible
+ if (length(question_conditions) == 0) return(TRUE)
+ # Check if any of the conditions are met
+ is_visible <- any(sapply(question_conditions, function(rule) {
+ tryCatch({
+ evaluate_condition(rule)
+ }, error = function(e) {
+ warning(sprintf(
+ "Error evaluating condition for question '%s': %s",
+ q, conditionMessage(e)
+ ))
+ })
+ }))
+ return(is_visible)
- all_required_answered <- all(results)
- return(all_required_answered)
+# Helper function to get conditions for a specific question
+get_conditions_for_question <- function(conditions, q) {
+ Filter(function(rule) rule$target == q, conditions)
# Check if a single question is answered
@@ -527,31 +643,6 @@ check_answer <- function(q, input) {
return(TRUE) # Default to true for unknown types
-# Check if a question is visible
-is_question_visible <- function(q, show_if, show_if_custom, input) {
- # Check basic show_if conditions
- basic_visible <- if (is.null(show_if) || nrow(show_if) == 0) TRUE else {
- rules <- show_if[show_if$target == q, ]
- nrow(rules) == 0 || any(sapply(1:nrow(rules), function(i) {
- input_value <- input[[rules$question_id[i]]]
- expected_value <- rules$question_value[i]
- if (is.null(input_value)) FALSE
- else if (is.list(input_value)) expected_value %in% unlist(input_value)
- else input_value == expected_value
- }))
- }
- # Check custom show_if conditions
- custom_visible <- if (is.null(show_if_custom)) TRUE else {
- !any(sapply(show_if_custom, function(rule) {
- rule$target == q && !isTRUE(rule$condition(input))
- }))
- }
- # Return TRUE if the question is visible according to both conditions
- basic_visible && custom_visible
admin_enable <- function(input, output, session, db) {
#not fun to figure out, do not render the admin page at the start if you are
#using an outright hide_pages js file
@@ -647,7 +738,7 @@ admin_enable <- function(input, output, session, db) {
#Read table value in, change it from true to false
- #Add in Sd_server if(survey_paused == TRUE)
+ #Add in sd_server if(survey_paused == TRUE)
#Create and display a blank page that says the survey is pause
diff --git a/R/templates.R b/R/templates.R
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fcffa9d..00000000
--- a/R/templates.R
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#' Create a Survey Template
-#' This function creates a survey template in a specified directory. It can use
-#' different templates, with `"simple"` being the default. The function prompts
-#' the user to confirm the use of the current working directory if no path is
-#' specified.
-#' @param path A character string specifying the directory in which to create
-#' the survey template. Defaults to the current working directory.
-#' @param template A character string specifying the survey template to use.
-#' Defaults to `"simple"`. Currently, only the "simple" template is available.
-#' @return Invisibly returns TRUE if the survey template was successfully created.
-#' @export
-#' @details
-#' This function downloads the latest version of the surveydown extension from GitHub,
-#' and uses it to create a new survey project. It copies all necessary files and
-#' directories to the specified path, excluding some files like README.md and .gitignore.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' sd_create_survey()
-#' sd_create_survey(path = "path/to/survey", template = "simple")
-#' }
-sd_create_survey <- function(path = getwd(), template = "simple") {
- using_current_dir <- path == getwd()
- if (using_current_dir && !usethis::ui_yeah(paste("Do you want to use the current working directory (", path, ") as the path?"))) {
- stop("Operation aborted by the user.")
- }
- temp_dir <- tempfile()
- dir.create(temp_dir)
- unzipped_dir <- download_extension(temp_dir)
- dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
- if (using_current_dir) {
- existing_rproj <- list.files(path, pattern = "\\.Rproj$", full.names = TRUE)
- if (length(existing_rproj) > 0) {
- example_rproj <- file.path(unzipped_dir, "example.Rproj")
- if (file.exists(example_rproj)) {
- file.remove(example_rproj)
- }
- }
- }
- target_surveydown_path <- file.path(path, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev", "surveydown")
- if (dir.exists(target_surveydown_path)) {
- unlink(target_surveydown_path, recursive = TRUE)
- }
- target_surveydown_dev_path <- file.path(path, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev")
- dir.create(target_surveydown_dev_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
- source_surveydown_path <- file.path(unzipped_dir, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev", "surveydown")
- file.copy(source_surveydown_path, target_surveydown_dev_path, recursive = TRUE)
- items_to_move <- list.files(unzipped_dir, all.files = TRUE, full.names = TRUE, no.. = TRUE)
- items_to_move <- items_to_move[!grepl("_extensions", items_to_move)]
- # Exclude README.md and .gitignore
- exclude_files <- c("README.md", ".gitignore")
- items_to_move <- items_to_move[!basename(items_to_move) %in% exclude_files]
- for (item in items_to_move) {
- if (dir.exists(item)) {
- file.copy(item, path, recursive = TRUE)
- } else {
- file.copy(item, file.path(path, basename(item)), overwrite = TRUE)
- }
- }
- unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
- usethis::ui_done(paste("Survey template created at", path))
-#' Update Survey Extension
-#' This function updates or creates the _extensions/surveydown-dev/surveydown folder
-#' with the latest contents from the surveydown-ext repository.
-#' @param path A character string specifying the directory in which to update
-#' or create the extension. Defaults to the current working directory.
-#' @return Invisibly returns TRUE if the extension was successfully updated.
-#' @export
-#' @details
-#' This function downloads the latest version of the surveydown extension from GitHub,
-#' and updates the local copy in the specified path. If the extension directory
-#' doesn't exist, it will be created.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' sd_update_extension()
-#' sd_update_extension(path = "path/to/survey")
-#' }
-sd_update_extension <- function(path = getwd()) {
- temp_dir <- tempfile()
- dir.create(temp_dir)
- unzipped_dir <- download_extension(temp_dir)
- source_path <- file.path(unzipped_dir, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev", "surveydown")
- target_path <- file.path(path, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev", "surveydown")
- if (dir.exists(target_path)) {
- unlink(list.files(target_path, full.names = TRUE), recursive = TRUE)
- } else {
- dir.create(target_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
- }
- file.copy(list.files(source_path, full.names = TRUE), target_path, recursive = TRUE)
- unlink(temp_dir, recursive = TRUE)
- usethis::ui_done(paste("Survey extension updated at", target_path))
-# Download and Extract Survey Extension
-download_extension <- function(temp_dir) {
- repo_url <- "https://github.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown-ext/archive/refs/heads/main.zip"
- temp_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
- utils::download.file(repo_url, temp_file, mode = "wb")
- utils::unzip(temp_file, exdir = temp_dir)
- unzipped_dir <- file.path(temp_dir, "surveydown-ext-main")
- unlink(temp_file)
- return(unzipped_dir)
diff --git a/R/ui.R b/R/ui.R
index f18aee1e..057e8c8a 100644
--- a/R/ui.R
+++ b/R/ui.R
@@ -1,3 +1,118 @@
+# Load resource file from the surveydown package (CSS or JS)
+load_resource <- function(files, type = c("css", "js"), package = "surveydown") {
+ type <- match.arg(type)
+ sapply(files, function(file) {
+ path <- system.file(paste0(type, "/", file), package = package)
+ if (type == "css") {
+ shiny::includeCSS(path)
+ } else {
+ shiny::includeScript(path)
+ }
+ }, simplify = FALSE, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
+#' Create the UI for a surveydown survey
+#' This function creates the user interface for a surveydown survey,
+#' including necessary CSS and JavaScript files, and applies custom styling.
+#' It retrieves theme and progress bar settings from the survey.qmd file.
+#' @return A Shiny UI object
+#' @export
+#' @details
+#' The function reads the following settings from the survey.qmd YAML header:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item \code{theme}: The theme to be applied to the survey.
+#' \item \code{barcolor}: The color of the progress bar (should be a valid hex color).
+#' \item \code{barposition}: The position of the progress bar ('top', 'bottom', or 'none').
+#' }
+#' If \code{barcolor} is not specified or is NULL, the default theme color will be used.
+#' If \code{barposition} is not specified, it defaults to 'top'.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # In your app.R or ui.R file:
+#' ui <- sd_ui()
+#' }
+sd_ui <- function() {
+ # Throw error if "survey.qmd" file missing
+ check_survey_file_exists()
+ # Get the theme from the survey.qmd file
+ metadata <- quarto::quarto_inspect("survey.qmd")
+ theme <- get_theme(metadata)
+ default_theme_css <- ""
+ if (theme == "default") {
+ default_theme_css <- "
+ body, button, input, select, textarea {
+ font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
+ }
+ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
+ font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
+ font-weight: 800;
+ }
+ "
+ }
+ # Get progress bar settings from the survey.qmd file
+ barcolor <- get_barcolor(metadata)
+ barposition <- get_barposition(metadata)
+ shiny::fluidPage(
+ shinyjs::useShinyjs(),
+ shiny::tags$style(HTML(default_theme_css)),
+ load_resource("surveydown.css", type = "css"),
+ load_resource("keep_alive.js", type = "js"),
+ if (!is.null(barcolor)) {
+ shiny::tags$style(HTML(sprintf("
+ :root {
+ --progress-color: %s;
+ }
+ ", barcolor)))
+ },
+ if (barposition != "none") {
+ shiny::tags$div(
+ id = "progressbar",
+ class = barposition,
+ shiny::tags$div(id = "progress")
+ )
+ },
+ shiny::tags$div(
+ class = "content",
+ shiny::uiOutput("main")
+ )
+ )
+get_theme <- function(metadata) {
+ x <- "survey.qmd"
+ theme <- metadata$formats$html$metadata$theme
+ if (is.null(theme)) {
+ return("default")
+ }
+ return(theme)
+get_barcolor <- function(metadata) {
+ barcolor <- metadata$formats$html$metadata$barcolor
+ if (!is.null(barcolor)) {
+ if (!grepl("^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}){1,2}$", barcolor)) {
+ stop("Invalid barcolor in YAML. Use a valid hex color.")
+ }
+ }
+ return(barcolor)
+get_barposition <- function(metadata) {
+ barposition <- metadata$formats$html$metadata$barposition
+ if (is.null(barposition)) {
+ return("top")
+ }
+ return(barposition)
#' Create a survey question
#' This function creates various types of survey questions for use in a Surveydown survey.
@@ -116,6 +231,12 @@ sd_question <- function(
status = status
+ output <- shiny::tagAppendChild(output, shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(sprintf("
+ $(document).on('click', '#%s .btn', function() {
+ %s
+ });
+ ", id, js_interaction))))
} else if (type == "mc_multiple_buttons") {
output <- shinyWidgets::checkboxGroupButtons(
@@ -128,6 +249,12 @@ sd_question <- function(
width = width
+ output <- shiny::tagAppendChild(output, shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(sprintf("
+ $(document).on('click', '#%s .btn', function() {
+ %s
+ });
+ ", id, js_interaction))))
} else if (type == "text") {
output <- shiny::textInput(
@@ -227,7 +354,7 @@ sd_question <- function(
# Wrap the output in a div with custom data attributes
output_div <- shiny::tags$div(
- id = paste("container-", id),
+ id = paste0("container-", id),
`data-question-id` = id,
class = "question-container",
oninput = js_interaction,
@@ -277,20 +404,16 @@ date_interaction <- function(output, id) {
#' @export
sd_next <- function(next_page = NULL, label = "Next") {
- if (is.null(next_page)) {
- stop("You must specify the current_page for the 'Next' button.")
- }
- button_id <- make_next_button_id(next_page)
+ button_id <- "page_id_next" # Placeholder ID
+ `data-next-page` = if (!is.null(next_page)) next_page else "",
style = "margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem;",
inputId = button_id,
label = label,
style = "display: block; margin: auto;",
- onclick = sprintf("Shiny.setInputValue('next_page', '%s');", next_page)
+ onclick = "Shiny.setInputValue('next_page', this.parentElement.getAttribute('data-next-page'));"
@@ -298,8 +421,44 @@ sd_next <- function(next_page = NULL, label = "Next") {
# Generate Next Button ID
-make_next_button_id <- function(next_page) {
- return(paste0("next-", next_page))
+make_next_button_id <- function(page_id) {
+ return(paste0(page_id, "_next"))
+#' Create a 'Close' Button to Exit the Survey
+#' This function creates a 'Close' button that, when clicked, will close the current browser tab or window.
+#' The button can be activated by clicking or by pressing the Enter key.
+#' @param label Character string. The label of the 'Close' button. Defaults to "Exit Survey".
+#' @details The function generates a Shiny action button that, when clicked or when the Enter key is pressed,
+#' will attempt to close the current browser tab or window. Note that for security reasons,
+#' some browsers may not allow JavaScript to close windows that were not opened by JavaScript.
+#' In such cases, the button will prompt the user to close the tab manually.
+#' @return A Shiny action button UI element with associated JavaScript for closing the page and Enter key functionality.
+#' @examples
+#' sd_close()
+#' sd_close("Exit Survey")
+#' @export
+sd_close <- function(label = "Exit Survey") {
+ button_id <- "close-survey-button"
+ shiny::tagList(
+ shiny::div(
+ style = "margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem;",
+ shiny::actionButton(
+ inputId = button_id,
+ label = label,
+ style = "display: block; margin: auto;",
+ onclick = "window.close(); if (!window.closed) { alert('Please close this tab manually to exit the survey.'); }"
+ )
+ ),
+ shiny::tags$script(shiny::HTML(enter_key_js(button_id)))
+ )
#' Create a Redirect Element for Shiny Applications
@@ -546,8 +705,7 @@ sd_get_url_pars <- function(...) {
#' Create a placeholder for a reactive survey question
-#' This function creates a placeholder div for a reactive survey question in a Surveydown survey.
-#' It's used in conjunction with sd_question to allow for dynamic question rendering.
+#' This function is depreciated - use `sd_output()` instead.
#' @param id A unique identifier for the question.
#' @return A Shiny UI element that serves as a placeholder for the reactive question.
@@ -569,6 +727,7 @@ sd_display_question <- function(id) {
#' Display the value of a survey question
+#' This function is depreciated - use `sd_output()` instead.
#' @param id The ID of the question to display
#' @param display_type The type of display. Can be "inline" (default), "text", "verbatim", or "ui".
#' @param wrapper A function to wrap the output
diff --git a/R/util.R b/R/util.R
index 4640a6b3..d1329ae9 100644
--- a/R/util.R
+++ b/R/util.R
@@ -1,30 +1,3 @@
-#' Required Set Up Function
-#' This function is required for any surveydown survey. It sets up a Shiny application with Bootstrap 5 and initializes Shinyjs for JavaScript functionalities.
-#' @details The function configures the Shiny application to use Bootstrap 5 for styling and enables
-#' Shinyjs for JavaScript functionalities within the application.
-#' @return This function does not return a value. It is called for its side effects of setting up the Shiny application.
-#' @examples
-#' \dontrun{
-#' ui <- fluidPage(
-#' sd_setup(),
-#' # Your UI elements here
-#' )
-#' server <- function(input, output, session) {
-#' # Your server logic here
-#' }
-#' shinyApp(ui, server)
-#' }
-#' @export
-sd_setup <- function() {
- shiny::shinyOptions(bootstrapTheme = bslib::bs_theme(version = 5L))
- shinyjs::useShinyjs(rmd = TRUE)
# Convert Markdown to HTML
markdown_to_html <- function(text) {
if (is.null(text)) { return(text) }
@@ -53,6 +26,17 @@ list_name_md_to_html <- function(list) {
#' @noRd
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
+ # Add special folders to resource path
+ folders <- c('images', 'css', 'js', 'www')
+ for (folder in folders) { include_folder(folder) }
+ # Add survey_files folder to resource path
+ # (if survey.qmd exists and it's not self contained)
+ folder <- get_survey_file_folder()
+ if (!is.null(folder)) { include_folder(folder, create = TRUE) }
+ # Print package data
desc <- utils::packageDescription(pkgname, libname)
"Version: ", desc$Version, "\n",
@@ -63,6 +47,80 @@ list_name_md_to_html <- function(list) {
+get_survey_file_folder <- function() {
+ if (!survey_file_exists()) { return(NULL) }
+ if (!is_self_contained("survey.qmd")) {
+ return("survey_files")
+ }
+ return(NULL)
+survey_file_exists <- function() {
+ files <- basename(list.files(full.names = TRUE))
+ if ("survey.qmd" %in% files) { return(TRUE) }
+ return(FALSE)
+is_self_contained <- function(x) {
+ result <- quarto::quarto_inspect(x)$formats$html$pandoc$`self-contained`
+ if (is.null(result)) { return(FALSE) }
+ return(result)
+include_folder <- function(folder, create = FALSE) {
+ folder_exists <- dir.exists(folder)
+ if (folder_exists) {
+ shiny::addResourcePath(folder, folder)
+ } else if (create) {
+ dir.create(folder)
+ shiny::addResourcePath(folder, folder)
+ }
+check_survey_file_exists <- function() {
+ if (!survey_file_exists()) {
+ stop('Missing "survey.qmd" file. Your survey file must be named "survey.qmd"')
+ }
+#' Include a folder to Shiny's resource path
+#' This function includes a specified folder to Shiny's resource path,
+#' making it accessible for serving static files in a Shiny application.
+#' It checks for pre-existing resource paths to avoid conflicts with
+#' folders already included by the package.
+#' @param folder A character string specifying the name of the folder to include.
+#' This folder should exist in the root directory of your Shiny app.
+#' @return `NULL` invisibly. The function is called for its side effect of
+#' adding a resource path to Shiny.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' sd_include_folder("custom_images")
+#' }
+sd_include_folder <- function(folder) {
+ # List of folders pre-included by the package
+ pre_included_folders <- names(shiny::resourcePaths())
+ if (folder %in% pre_included_folders) {
+ message(paste("The folder", folder, "is already included by the package. No action needed."))
+ return(invisible(NULL))
+ }
+ if (!dir.exists(folder)) {
+ stop(paste("The folder", folder, "does not exist in the current directory."))
+ }
+ shiny::addResourcePath(folder, folder)
+ message(paste("Successfully added", folder, "to Shiny's resource path."))
+ invisible(NULL)
# Convert Vector to JSON Array
vector_to_json_array <- function(vec) {
if (length(vec) == 0) return("[]")
@@ -103,3 +161,170 @@ tibble_to_list_of_lists <- function(tbl) {
+# Function to render Quarto document to a temporary file
+quarto_render_temp <- function(input) {
+ # Create a temporary directory
+ temp_dir <- tempdir()
+ # Get the output file path in the original directory
+ x <- quarto::quarto_inspect(input)
+ output_format <- names(x$formats)
+ original_output <- x$formats[[output_format]]$pandoc$`output-file`
+ original_output_path <- file.path(dirname(input), original_output)
+ # Render the Quarto document
+ quarto::quarto_render(input)
+ # Define the path for the temporary file
+ temp_output_path <- file.path(temp_dir, "temp_output.html")
+ # Copy the rendered file to the temporary location and delete the original
+ file.copy(from = original_output_path, to = temp_output_path, overwrite = TRUE)
+ file.remove(original_output_path)
+ # Return the path to the temporary file
+ return(temp_output_path)
+#' Create a new survey template
+#' This function creates a new survey template by copying files from the package's
+#' template directory to a specified path. It handles file conflicts and provides
+#' appropriate warnings and feedback.
+#' @param path A character string specifying the directory where the survey template
+#' should be created. Defaults to the current working directory.
+#' @param structure A character string specifying the template structure to use.
+#' Must be either "single" or "multi". Defaults to "single".
+#' @return Invisible NULL. The function is called for its side effects of creating
+#' files and providing user feedback.
+#' @details
+#' The function performs the following steps:
+#' \itemize{
+#' \item If the specified path is the current working directory, it asks for user confirmation.
+#' \item Validates the specified structure ("single" or "multi").
+#' \item Creates the target directory if it doesn't exist.
+#' \item Copies all files from the package's template directory (based on the specified structure) to the target path.
+#' \item Preserves the directory structure of the template.
+#' \item Skips existing files and provides warnings for each skipped file.
+#' \item Handles .Rproj files specially, skipping if any .Rproj file already exists in the target directory.
+#' \item Provides feedback on whether files were copied or if all files already existed.
+#' }
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # Create a multi-page survey template in the current working directory
+#' sd_create_survey()
+#' # Create a single-page survey template in a specific directory
+#' sd_create_survey("path/to/my/survey", structure = "single")
+#' # Create a multi-page survey template in a specific directory
+#' sd_create_survey("path/to/my/survey", structure = "multi")
+#' }
+sd_create_survey <- function(path = getwd(), structure = "single") {
+ # Check if using current directory and confirm with user
+ if (path == getwd() && !usethis::ui_yeah(paste("Use the current directory (", path, ") as the path?"))) {
+ stop("Operation aborted by the user.")
+ }
+ # Validate the structure parameter
+ if (!structure %in% c("single", "multi")) {
+ stop("Invalid structure. Choose either 'single' or 'multi'.")
+ }
+ # Create the directory if it doesn't exist
+ dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
+ # Get the path to the template folder and list files
+ template_path <- system.file(file.path("templates", structure), package = "surveydown")
+ if (!dir.exists(template_path)) {
+ stop(paste("Template directory for", structure, "structure does not exist."))
+ }
+ template_files <- list.files(template_path, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
+ # Copy files, checking for conflicts
+ files_copied <- sapply(template_files, function(file) {
+ relative_path <- sub(template_path, "", file)
+ target_file <- file.path(path, relative_path)
+ # Ensure target directory exists
+ dir.create(dirname(target_file), recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
+ file_name <- basename(file)
+ if (grepl("\\.Rproj$", file_name) && length(list.files(path, pattern = "\\.Rproj$"))) {
+ warning("Skipping the .Rproj file since one already exists.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
+ return(FALSE)
+ } else if (file.exists(target_file)) {
+ warning(paste("Skipping", file_name, "since it already exists."), call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
+ return(FALSE)
+ } else {
+ file.copy(from = file, to = target_file, overwrite = FALSE)
+ return(TRUE)
+ }
+ })
+ # Provide feedback to the user
+ if (any(files_copied)) {
+ usethis::ui_done(paste(structure, "version of template created at", path))
+ } else {
+ usethis::ui_done("Since all files exist, no file was added.")
+ }
+#' Deploy a Surveydown App
+#' This function is a wrapper for `rsconnect::deployApp()` specifically designed
+#' for deploying Surveydown applications. It simplifies the deployment process
+#' by allowing you to specify just the app name.
+#' @param name A character string specifying the name of the app. Default is "survey".
+#' @return This function doesn't return a value; it deploys the app to Shiny Server.
+#' @export
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' # Deploy with default name "survey"
+#' sd_deploy()
+#' # Deploy with a custom name
+#' sd_deploy("my_custom_survey")
+#' }
+#' @seealso \code{\link[rsconnect]{deployApp}}
+#' @importFrom rsconnect deployApp
+sd_deploy <- function(name = "survey") {
+ rsconnect::deployApp(appName = name)
+#' Required Set Up Function
+#' This function is depreciated and no longer needed.
+#' @details The function configures the Shiny application to use Bootstrap 5 for styling and enables
+#' Shinyjs for JavaScript functionalities within the application.
+#' @return This function does not return a value. It is called for its side effects of setting up the Shiny application.
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' ui <- fluidPage(
+#' sd_setup(),
+#' # Your UI elements here
+#' )
+#' }
+#' @export
+sd_setup <- function() {
+ # v0.3.0
+ .Deprecated("")
diff --git a/R/version.R b/R/version.R
index dcdd1632..03aa2027 100644
--- a/R/version.R
+++ b/R/version.R
@@ -1,106 +1,86 @@
-#' Update Surveydown Package and Extension
+#' Update Surveydown Package
-#' This function checks and updates both the surveydown R package and its
-#' associated Quarto extension. It ensures that both components are up-to-date
-#' and their versions match.
+#' This function checks and updates surveydown.
+#' It ensures that the package is up-to-date.
-#' @param force Logical; if TRUE, forces an update regardless of current versions.
+#' @param force Logical; if TRUE, forces an update regardless of current version.
#' Defaults to FALSE.
-#' @param ... Optional arguments to pass on to `sd_update_extension()`
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
-#' sd_update_surveydown()
-#' sd_update_surveydown(force = TRUE)
+#' sd_update()
+#' sd_update(force = TRUE)
#' }
-sd_update_surveydown <- function(force = FALSE, ...) {
- # Check R package version
- pkg_version <- utils::packageVersion("surveydown")
+sd_update <- function(force = FALSE) {
+ # Check surveydown version
+ surveydown_version <- utils::packageVersion("surveydown")
- # Check Quarto extension version
- ext_version <- get_extension_version()
+ # Check latest version
+ latest_version <- get_latest_version("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown/main/DESCRIPTION", "Version: ")
- if (is.null(ext_version)) {
- message("Quarto extension not found. Installing both package and extension.")
- force <- TRUE
- } else if (pkg_version != ext_version) {
- message("Version mismatch detected. Updating both package and extension.")
- force <- TRUE
+ if (is.null(latest_version)) {
+ message("Unable to fetch the latest version. Please check your internet connection.")
+ return(invisible())
- if (force) {
- message("Updating surveydown R package and all dependencies...")
+ if (force || surveydown_version < latest_version) {
+ message("Updating surveydown and all dependencies...")
force = TRUE,
dependencies = TRUE,
upgrade = "always"
- message("Updating surveydown Quarto extension...")
- surveydown::sd_update_extension(...)
message("Update complete.")
} else {
- message("Both R package and Quarto extension are up-to-date.")
+ message("surveydown is up-to-date.")
-#' Check Surveydown Versions
+#' Check Surveydown Version
-#' This function checks if the local surveydown R package and Quarto extension
-#' are up-to-date with the latest online version. It compares local versions
-#' with the latest versions available on GitHub and provides information about
-#' whether updates are needed.
+#' This function checks if the local surveydown package is up-to-date with
+#' the latest online version. It compares the local version with the latest
+#' version available on GitHub and provides information about whether an update
+#' is needed.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects (prints version information
#' and update status to the console).
#' @export
#' @examples
-#' sd_check_versions()
-sd_check_versions <- function() {
- # Get local versions
- local_pkg_version <- utils::packageVersion("surveydown")
- local_ext_version <- get_extension_version()
+#' sd_version()
+sd_version <- function() {
+ # Get local version
+ local_surveydown_version <- utils::packageVersion("surveydown")
- # Get latest online versions
- latest_pkg_version <- get_latest_version_from_url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown/main/DESCRIPTION", "Version: ")
- latest_ext_version <- get_latest_version_from_url("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown-ext/main/_extensions/surveydown-dev/surveydown/_extension.yml", "version: ")
+ # Get latest online version
+ latest_surveydown_version <- get_latest_version("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/surveydown-dev/surveydown/main/DESCRIPTION", "Version: ")
# Display version information
- message("surveydown R package (local): ", local_pkg_version)
- message("surveydown R package (latest): ",
- if(is.null(latest_pkg_version)) "Unable to fetch" else latest_pkg_version)
- if (is.null(local_ext_version)) {
- message("surveydown Quarto ext (local): Not found")
- } else {
- message("surveydown Quarto ext (local): ", local_ext_version)
- }
- message("surveydown Quarto ext (latest): ",
- if(is.null(latest_ext_version)) "Unable to fetch" else latest_ext_version)
+ message("surveydown (local): ", local_surveydown_version)
+ message("surveydown (latest): ",
+ if(is.null(latest_surveydown_version)) "Unable to fetch" else latest_surveydown_version)
- # Check if updates are needed
- if (is.null(latest_pkg_version) || is.null(latest_ext_version)) {
- message("\nUnable to determine if updates are available.")
+ # Check if update is needed
+ if (is.null(latest_surveydown_version)) {
+ message("\nUnable to determine if an update is available.")
message("Please ensure you have an active internet connection and try again later.")
} else {
- pkg_needs_update <- local_pkg_version < latest_pkg_version
- ext_needs_update <- is.null(local_ext_version) || local_ext_version < latest_ext_version
+ pkg_needs_update <- local_surveydown_version < latest_surveydown_version
- if (pkg_needs_update || ext_needs_update) {
- message("\nUpdates are available. To update both the package and extension to the latest version, run: surveydown::sd_update_surveydown()")
+ if (pkg_needs_update) {
+ message("\nAn update is available. To update surveydown to the latest version, run: surveydown::sd_update()")
} else {
- message("\nBoth the R package and Quarto extension are up to date.")
+ message("\nsurveydown is up to date.")
-get_latest_version_from_url <- function(url, pattern) {
+get_latest_version <- function(url, pattern) {
content <- readLines(url)
version_line <- grep(pattern, content, value = TRUE)
@@ -116,12 +96,3 @@ get_latest_version_from_url <- function(url, pattern) {
-get_extension_version <- function(path = getwd()) {
- ext_yaml <- file.path(path, "_extensions", "surveydown-dev", "surveydown", "_extension.yml")
- if (!file.exists(ext_yaml)) {
- return(NULL)
- }
- yaml_content <- yaml::read_yaml(ext_yaml)
- return(yaml_content$version)
diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd
index f4f69ae3..9b621a82 100644
--- a/README.Rmd
+++ b/README.Rmd
@@ -17,11 +17,9 @@ knitr::opts_chunk$set(
# surveydown
-### Visit our main site [surveydown.org](https://surveydown.org) for more information!
+> Note: This site only documents the {surveydown} R package - visit our main site at [surveydown.org](https://surveydown.org) for more information!
-> Note: This is still an early-stage project. Use with caution, and please give us feedback!
-This package helps you create markdown-based surveys with [Quarto Shiny Documents](https://quarto.org/docs/dashboards/interactivity/shiny-r.html). It brings together three open source technologies ([Quarto](https://quarto.org/), [shiny](https://shiny.posit.co/), and [supabase](https://supabase.com/)) to create dynamic, markdown-based surveys. Here's the basic concept:
+**surveydown** is a flexible, open-source platform for making surveys with [R](https://www.r-project.org/), [Quarto](https://quarto.org/), [Shiny](https://shiny.posit.co/), and [Supabase](https://supabase.com/).